Ww - the coming storm

Quieting herself, Leslie apologized, cheeks flaming up. "Nothing...just nothing." She muttered, before pointing at the contrusction that had torn the road up a little ways in frotn of them.
:: Marco rolled his eyes, before turning back into the highway ::

Marco: "i think we're getting far enough from nightrise to use out magic now... leslie... i noticed the spirit in that giard is unstable... if you want, i could teach you how to "control" it, as i do with my scythe, drusilla"
"I don't want to control my friend." Leslie said simply. "And it's not very unstable, it's just protective." She laughed a bit, "Kind of like that ex boyfriend that had a temper enough to make the devil wary but always with good intentions." Looking at the thing really quick, she laughed a bit. "Pull into that parking lot up there, in the covered parking section. I have something I want to give you as a thank you."
:: Marco sighed, pulling into the parking lot, he knew that people can be stubourn if they really want to give you something, and he has learned not to resist it :::

:: he parked the car on the 3rd floor of the parking complex, in a random spot ::

Marco: "good call, we should change cars anyway... now..."

:: he got out of the car ::

Marco: "whats this you wanna give?"
Grinning, Leslie grabbed his hand. "You know, I wandered a lot as a kid, and you get to know places." She started walking down the thing towards a stair case that lead to a building connected to it. "And well, you said something and I figured you would like this place..."

Opening the door, the familair sound of lazors and beats, clangs and clashes, and odd music with no words that was contantly changing. Letting go of his hand, she held the door open for him and smiled. It was an odd place you wouldn't expect to find, but those who did got it lucky, those who found it found the treasure trove of video game testing of full games not released yet. Why it was hidden? They didn't want a lot of people, and on any given day there was maybe one or two people in there who had just stumbled into it.
Marco: "well i'll be..."

:: he looked at the games, even the net "Elder scrolls" game that was rumoured to still be in development, and "duke nukem forever" ::

Marco: "Leslie... how did you find this place?..."
Smiling a bit sheepishly, she rubbed the back of her head, "Owner helped me out of a scrap with the police a few years back when I came through, and he was nice enough to let me pay him back by cleaning this place for a few days and helping with pre order sales...As it turns out, girls are rare in stores like this."

She laughed a little before smiling at Marco and nundging him with her elbow. "Go, play, we have time, don't we?" Leslie asked innocently.
:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco: "oh god..."

:: his nerdy side was about to come out in force, but un-luckily he remembered that he was in the presance of a girl, he tried to keep his cool ::

Marco: "Leslie, this is great, it really is but..."

:: he had to think about a reason to escape, his nerdy side was itching to escape ::

Marco: "but we have more important things to do than play games, don't we!?"
"No..." Leslie said calmly as she moved towards a section labled RPG. "COmpletely honest here, Hope is busy...I can sense it, Borghen is as well, the other's seem to be stable and ear by them. Which means their going to but heads. As far as their concerned, I'm dealing with you right now. As for the other thing....we're well about five towns away, and no one finds this place unless it's complete accident or fate." She laughed a bit, "So they aren't going to find us here, even if they did, the owner keeps a gun behind the counter and can shoot faster than you can curse."
:: Marco chuckled, he then noticed something, they were alone... completely alone... ::

:: Marco's eyes shot open, making a startling realization... he was really getting to "like" Leslie ::

:: his eyes traced around the room, his heart began to beat heavily... all that time of hiding emotions was coming back to haunt him ::
Tossing a glance over her shoulder towards Marco, Leslie held up a game. Something on it read Insomnia: The Mortal Fear.

"Bet you I could beat your survival rate." She said, challenging him but not naming the stakes.
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "alright, you're on... winner decides the stakes"

:: it was kinda ironic, Marco could'nt handle virtual horror yet he could handle any real horrific situation the best out of everyone ::
Nodding her head, she moved out of the isle towards the various row of gaming stations set up. Choosing on in the middle that had two controllers, she put in the game and settled down on the floor, watching the warning for the game come up.

Rated Mature for Realistic Violence, Language, And Loss Of Sleep. Play at your own Risk
Borghen nodded,and proceeded to the cellar. He needed to recover.


Steven swayed slightly,but stayed on his own two feet. "I'm fine,Valentina. Thanks,though."


Joseph closed his eyes,and tried to feel magic. When he opened his eyes,he had bad news for Alec. "There's only one signature."
:: it took 15 minutes, by the end Leslie was shaking, but marco was just laying back ::

Marco: "ha! i score 38 you score 12 i win..."

:: he leant forward, a slight grin betrayed his intent ::

Marco: "now that i won... close your eyes.."
Alec's eye widdened in panic. "What?" Looking at Joseph seriously, her whole body tensed as fear over took her, could it be possible that...?


Leslie nodded her head, a bit freaked out by the game itself still. As her eyes slid closed, she sat there.
Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Val rounded him just in case then sighed.

"Did you want to try to make it back to the top floor, to meet your friends?" she asked, looking up again

"I could help you?" she offered Steven, holding out her arm.
Steven shook his head. "No,help Vent. He can't even move. I'm telekenetic."


Joseph nodded grimly,and taken off in a flat run,trying to get to the lone signal he was feeling.
Following behind Joseph, Alec was trying hard not to freak out. But...if what her mind kept saying had happened....she silently cursed hope, swearing on her life if anythign was wrong with either Steven or Vent, she was going to become his personal demon.
Valentina quickly glanced at Vent, then back at Steven, from her view point it was him that need the most help, but she wanted to comply as he had been through some trauma today. Quickly enveloping him in her arms, she gave a quick squeeze trying to offer him a little bit of magic for the taking, unsure if he'd accept it or not.

Backing away from him, she stepped away and looked around the hospital,

"I guess this floor's as good as any" she supplied.
Steven used his telekenisis to float himself upstairs. As he did so,he called down,"Joseph's likely to be up here. I'll let you know if he comes barrelling in!"


Joseph came to a door. It was closed,and he heard voices on the other side. He summoned a shotgun and taken a position on the knob side of the door. He signaled for Alec to stack up on the opposite side.
Nodding her head, she moved to the door, on the other side, and kept careful to keep her head turned just right as both daggers of hers appeared in her hands.
Vent sighed. He took a couple shaky steps, and flopped back down. He could sense Alec was still in the building, but his sensory magic was a bit wonky. He couldn't pinpoint an exact location.

"Val, Steven's right, come and help me....." He said, getting up to his feet along a wall, waiting for help of some sort.


Just as Marco told Leslie to close her eyes, Hope appeared beside her. He chuckled.

"..... Were you going to try and kiss her, Marco? You foolish romantic." He spat, a smirk on his face the whole while. He placed a hand on Leslie's shoulder, and warped away.

At the mansion, in Hope's personal room, Hope and Leslie appeared.

This was his sleeping room. Not even his closest subordinates had seen this room.

Hope sighed, motioning to a couch across from the bed. He took his jacket and tie off, and undid his cuffs, sitting on the bed, looking quite tired, but not exhausted.

"Do you have any questions before I start talking?" Hope asked, hoping she wouldn't.
Even if it was mean to him, Valentina couldn't help but smile at the trouble Vent was having,

"Okay" she agreed making her way over.

Grabbing him around the waist, with an arm over her shoulder she eyed him from her peripheral vision, not wanting to turn smack into his head.

"Since help is arriving like he says, do you really wanna head up there?" she asks, adjusting into a more comfy position
Joseph nodded to Alec,and then booted the door open,pointing it into the room. "WHERE'S--" Joseph saw Steven hovering above the hole in the floor. "Oh...Sorry...Wait..." Joseph closed his eyes,and focused on magical presences. The only one he could feel was coming from below him. "I can't sense you."

Steven quirked an eyebrow. "You can't? Odd." Steven called down to below, "Valentina! Vent! Joseph's up here! And he brought a stiched up mummy!"

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