Ww - the coming storm

Leslie, suddenly very very wary and very vvery afraid, did as she was told. Keeping her mouth shut and looking at else where but Hope. She just had the feeling, she had done something wrong. And his way of doing this made her uneasy, especially given how personalized this room seemed, not like everything else here it made her wonder why exactly, he had to talk to her here.


Alec narrowed her eye. "That isn't cool man."
Hope sighed.

"..... You haven't done anything wrong. I gave you a task, and a fulfilled it. Wasn't how I expected you to go about doing it, but nonetheless, not having that moron Marco around definitely helped my plan. So...... You're free to go." He said suddenly.

"..... Any debt you owe me is paid in full." He added, nodding a bit before falling back onto the bed. "..... Pity though. You were getting quite a bit stronger."


Vent perked up.

"Joseph? Is Alec with him?!?" He asked, spurring on, trying to go faster without falling by using Val as a human crutch.
When Steven gave the okay go from up above, that was all Valentina needed and she shifted her weight,crouching

"Hold on" she noted, ignoring his movement

Then the ground beneath them shook a little before the panel of earth they were standing on raised rapidly, stopping the mass at a level a little bit higher then the floor that still remained. Looking at the two people at the door one which was Alec, the other they referred to as 'Joseph' she made sure to step on the ground, just in case the lovers...friends wanted to reunite.
Steven looked rapidly between the mummy,and Vent. By the time Valentina came up with Vent,Joseph had disissed the shotgun,and Steven said to Vent, "I...Think so?"
Leslie gave a sigh of relief, and leaned back into her seat a little. "You know, I don't feel like it is. But I suppose I must accept that fact." Hearing his last comment, she grinned a bit more of her real nature coming through. "Though you know...I can still help you...After all, an informant on the inside is always a good thing...And I'm sure a smart boy like yourself could under stand that logic."

Once a Street Rat, Always a Street Rat.


Alec raised an eyebrow as she heard Vent ask for her and then Steven's response. Shaking her head, she grinned a bit as the woman from earlier brought him up there. Raising a hand as her blades faded into shadows then nothing-ness, she silently was looking him over as best as she could.
Hope chuckled.

"I suppose. It doesn't matter to me, if I ever need to know their intentions, I'll ask them. Vent's not the brightest......" He stated, shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter......" He repeated, staring at the ceiling.

He sat back up, and almost looked kinda somber.

"..... Well, you can go." He said finally, expecting her to run away as fast as she could.


Vent looked over the person wrapped up, and decided that he couldn't tell.

"Joseph, is that Alec? I can't tell by looking at her, and my sensory magic's all screwy!" He stated, letting go of Val, and slowly making his way over to who he thought was Alec.
Valentina found it silly that she could recognize him when he couldn't, judging by her stature, voice and overall feeling..this was an extremely good copy cat or the real thing. She would take the chance,

"I'm pretty sure it is" she noted.
"Yes...but weaknesses, I wonder...Sure you know he's not smart, but you do realize that Alec drives him mad when he thinks she's in danger? And she's more defenisve than anything...and to 'kind'" She scoffed, "To kill anything. Those two are perfect weapons agaisnt each other. In fact, I'm pretty sure if you told Vent the only way to Save Alec from a permanent death was to kill himself, he'd do it."

Leslie stood up, "But, if you don't want that type of help...I suppose I might as well just bug Borghen to see if he wants an underling in his command."

She started heading for the door at a normal pace, much like a person would leaving a good business meeting


Alec felt a bit hurt by Vent not knowing it was her, which made her wonder how much bandages she had on her person. Moving towards Vent, she put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Vent sighed. His vision was getting blurrier by the second, and he could barely stand, even with help. But he grinned when he heard Alec's voice.

"..... No, not really." He said in response, falling off Val and onto Alec. "I used this one new technique a bit too much today, and I'm feeling the after-effects."


Hope grinned.

".... That's fairly devious. Since when were you so ready to take advantage of others?" He asked, getting up and stretching.

"And I'd like to ask you a question now......." He added, before she could get out the door.
Alec blinked a few times before pulling out one of her magic pills and pressing it into Vent's hand. "I'm not sure if that will help or not" She said while catching him and holding him in half of a hug and half a way to keep him up.


"I've always been. I just have a person I feel like it could be of use to." Turning her head back towards Hope, her hand on the doorknob, "Shoot."
Vent looked at the pill, barely seeing it or registering it was there.

"...... What's it do?" He asked sheepishly, chuckling a bit.


Hope's face went from his grin to a more relaxed, almost calm state, as he moved and sat on the couch.

"..... What did Marco have to say about me?" He asked.
"Replenishes magic." Alec responded with a small laugh. "Something my mom made, so you know it works."


Leslie took her hand off the knob and looked back at Hope. "He talked about how your untrstworthy. How your evil, corrupting, and only look out for yourself, in a nut shull. He even said you sent out your sister and he hospitalized her."
Vent nodded, hearing the mention of Yumi, and stuck the pill in his mouth, swallowing.

"..... You know, I think she's the one person who's healed me more times than you." He said with a chuckle.


"Untrustworthy, evil, corrupting....." Hope repeated, shaking his head.

"..... Maybe." He added with a sigh. "Do you think so?" He asked, thinking of his sister. It's true he had once used her like that, and swore vengeance on Marco for harming her, but he couldn't take vengeance knowing he's sent her to face that danger.

He shook his head. His sister was fine now, and understood that Hope wasn't the same Hope as back then.
"Untrustworthy, you've never proven to be that way. Evil, maybe just a little. Corrupting, Well, you drew me out, and I think that's a good enough answer for that." Leslie said.


Alec laughed lightly, "Yeah...and you know, she'd beat us all seeing us like this." And, as if on cue, that out force had come back, and every single on of them, even Valntina got smacked upside the head by something that wasn't there.
Vent felt the smack, and his jaw hung open for a second.

"..... Wha? N-No way...." He spilled out, looking around, but everything was blurred. "Who hit me?" He asked in disbelief.


Hope raised an eyebrow.

"2 outta 3, huh? That's a pass, right?" He asked with a chuckle, looking Leslie in the eye.

"I'll take your help, if you still wish to aid me. A voice on the inside would be appreciated." He said after a pause.
:: Just as hope dissapeared, a clenched fist flew through were his head was a milisecond age ::

Marco: "... you gotta be f***ing kidding me!"

Guard: "hey! who's there!?"

:: marco rolled his eyes, as the guard came in, he pulled down a shelf, as it fell, marco was seen, but as it passed his body he dissapeared. ::

:: i few seconds later, he re-materialised in his father's ney-york penthouse, Artemis was still in chicago ::

Marco: "god f**king damnit...."

:: he opened another warp, he was going to face hope, but soon closed it again, it was suicide to face hope as he is now. ::

:: He turned to Drusilla, his scythe in staff form ::

:: he went and grabbed his scythe, and he held it as he lay down on the couch ::

Marco: "drusilla... sometimes it feels like you're the only woman in my life..."

:: a female voice came from the scythe ::

Drusilla: "i feel the same... man, it sucks how that cute blonde was snatched away, eh?"

Marco: "huh... tell me 'bout it..."

:: he lay his head back, tapping drusilla on the ground ::

Marco: "i better go find Vent"

Drusilla: "before you do that..."

:: drusilla glew, there was a blinding flash of light, and soon 3 blocks out from the area had a total Power-Out for 6.8 Seconds ::
Leslie laughed lightly. "You know, your not as bad as I thought you were." Opening the door, she shook her head. "I'll see when something of interest comes up..." Pausing for a second, she tapped the gourd for a second before a a tiny shard of glass came out of it, "In case you need me before then."

Walking out, she moved outside of the mansion, off the street, and out of that city and just kept walking.


Alec blinked a few times before shaking her head. "I...don't know..." She turned her head t owards the right, to see if a person on her blind side had done something...but...nothing.
Joseph nodded to Vent's inqiry about Alec's identity,and was about to add something else when he recieved a swift smack upside the head. He whipped around and saw nothing. Unnerved,Joseph slowly backed into a corner,and kept on shifting his eyes around the room.

Steven was also smacked. The force of the smack sent him into a perpetual frontflip,because he was still floating. With a yelp,he shouted out, "Somebody mind!?"


Borghen was in the cellar. He sat in the middle of his ritual circle,with a spark of golden light orbiting him,with his wounds slowly closing.
:: as the light faded, Marco's eyes were wide open ::

Marco: "well.. i uhh... i never thought you felt that way about me..."

Drusilla: "well now you know... i may be a weapon spirit, but i still have feelings and after al this time... well"

:: Marco gulped ::

Drusilla: "don't worry, relationships between spirit and mortal is entirely different than relationships between humans, you can still go after thet blonde girl"

:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "are you still on my side.... even if i do?"

Drusilla: "till the end"

:: MArco smiled, and teleported away ::
About half way through a town four towns over, Leslie stopped under a street light before looking over her shoulder. She had been tailed since she entered with place and it was starting to get annoying. As she went to start walking again, her prey stepped out in a circle around her.

Well, wasn't that a surprise? She had only registered two...but ten? Denying the sand the right to protect, and the demon to the right to move, she told herself she was going to do this herself. Without help. Unless, it came to the point where it was use her companions or die.

As the first one, the one who was the leader came forward, he flicked out a blade. "Hey there sweetie. You seem a bit lost. Didnt your mummy teach you it's not safe here after dark?" As he got closer, she heard the uniform click and flick of the others pulling out their knifes as well.

The leader took his hand and pulled her chin up, "So, you want to hand over everything you got and leave here half alive, or shall we just kill you now and take what we want after?" As his knife drew close to her throat, her eyes narrowed her eyes.

"How about neither?" The man doubled over on the ground, holding his groin region. As Leslie took the blade he dropped, the others moved forward, no one could attack their boss and get away with it, especially not a little girl.

20 minutes later, all the men were in a pile, and Leslie, cut up but alive, stood there, explaining to an old couple that lived across the street what had happened. As the old woman fawned over her, trying to get her to come in as her husband called the cops so she could get her wounds taken care of, she found it difficult to tell them no.
unluckily for leslie, the old man was an old ex-mage, and he recognised Leslie as one of Hope's operatives, instead of calling the cops, he mad a call to a private number ::

:: in the new york penthouse, the phone rang ::

Marco: "speak to me...."

:: he was told the situation ::

Marco: "hang on, i'm on the way..."

:: he emerged in a runic circle in the basement of the old couple ::

Old man: "excuse me, little lady, my back is acting up, would you mind going to the basement and finding some soothing cream?"
Leslie blinked a few times, the request was odd, but they were so nice. Kind of like what she pictured a nice happy family to be like. Nodding her head, the old lady showed her where the door was, and patted her on the shoulder. "Thanks deary. These stairs get hard to go down with every day it seems. Lights at the bottom of the steps to the right."

Nodding her head, she started down them carefully, while poking at a cut on her forehead from one of the gang members knives. At the bottom of the stairs, she attempted finding the switch but couldn't find it. The old lady had purposly told her the wrong side to help stall the girl.
:: the door slammed shut, the door glew, clearly enchanted ::

:: Marco's voice came from down the stairs ::

Marco: "now, that interuption was.... inconvenient"

:: down stairs, he was sitting on top of a pole of boxes, with his hand on a cord that turned the light on, there was no switch ::

Marco: "those were the Reberdons... they've worked for by dad for.. ooh... about 15 years now... i think this deserves a raise for them"
As the door slammed, and a voice spoke, Leslie knew she had fallen into a trick. Pulling back into her normal dispostion, she gave a jump and flinched back away from him.

"M-marco?" She asked nervously, as she went down the rest of the stairs, face a pale white as her hands shook a bit. Seeing him, a look of relief washed over her and a bit of colour came back to her face.
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "the very same"

:: he jumped down, landing just in front of Leslie ::

marco: "i was told that one of hope's operatives was here... i was expecting an agent but this is... better"

:: he smiled a bit and blushed ::

Marco: "shall we continue from were we were before?"

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