Ww - the coming storm

The group of friends all seemed to be having a reunion and it made Val feel a little bit left out, so she tried to stay invisible. When the smack to the back of the head came though, she looked around for a perpetrator, still unsure of things. Her guard only fell when she noticed that everyone else had got hit by the unknown force, too.
:: he threw up the brick that he picked up, the same way that someone does during conversttion with a ball ::

Marco: "really now?... what about the changing hair colour?... or that aura you're giving out..."

he used his left hand and waved Leslie over a bit ::

Maqrco: {so, it seems her magic is controlled by emotion, not will, so if i threw this brick at her head while imobalising her... her magic will kick in and deflect it... if not, then i just have her healed, a brick to the head won't kill a mage}

Marco: "leslie... move"
:: he threw up the brick, casting a bold of magic into it, breaking it into red dust ::

Marco: "because you are going to destroy the next one... when it's flying at you..."

:: another brick began floating ::

Marco: "at 600 miles per hour..."

:: the brick began spinning, the ground began so suck Katie in, so that she could'nt run ::
"No." Leslie said, folding arms over her chest. She had met enough people on the street to know that when they did that catch thing, they wanted to throw it at you. Looking at the girl behind her, her hand tapped slightly on her arm. "I Would run now girl, I really would."
:: Marco launched the brick, going straight at Katie's pretty face even though she was behind Marco, but he had an idea ::

:: in less than a second, the brick flew past Leslie's face, and then darted at the same speed straight at Katie until suddenly, everything stopped, and Marco's voice came through inside Katie's face, with the brick seemingly hovering there ::

Marco: *telepathy* "think.... concentrate on the brick... don't be scared... focus on stopping it... just do it..."
:: marco growld, and suddenly, the brick goes flying off, smashing off into the wall, like an artillery shell ::

Marco: "well, i guess not everyone is cut out for my training methods..."

:: his method consisted of forcing his student(s) to improve their skills by putting them into practice, forcing them to use their wits and their magic for their verry survival ::

:: he held out his hand, and drusilla came flying into his hand ::

Marco: "you... cat-girl or whatever you are... i got a proposition for ya"
Marco: "simple... learn to control your power, get a real place to sleep, and somewhere you belong.... join us"

:: he kept it simple ::

Marco: "if not, i can't let you get away... its that simple"
:: Marco smiled and nodded ::

Marco: "good..."

:: he moved his hands, and the rubble moved back into the roof, it was soon good as new ::

Marco:"heh, good thing you joined up, i'll teach you how to make something like what i just did seem like childs play..."

:: he walked over to the intercom ::

Marco "if you had to choose one, what would your element be?"
Vent growled.

"..... Did we all just get hit?" He grumbled, alert and able to stand. Going a bit red, he got off of Alec, and brushed himself off, looking around.

Definitely unable to fight at the moment, his sensory magic seemed to be working at least, as his winds scanned the area. He felt the four presenses of his group (unable to feel his own), and a strange fifth presense, almost like a pressure.

"What are you?" He asked suddenly, but not with any real emotion. He couldn't feel any killing intent, almost more like a slight annoyance......


When Leslie left, Hope shook his head.

"Good time to leave." He said to himself, feeling the presenses of three horrific fighters on his property.

Walking into his study, he grinned at Borghen.

"Looks like we have a fight on our hands. A couple people are here to see us. Some sort of very powerful dark mage, on par with me, and two others, lower in power. About the level you and Vent occupy." He explained.

"..... Ready partner?" He asked with actual excitement in his voice, a bit restrained, but evident enough.
As Steven was sent spinning, the force caught him mid air before forcing him onto the ground as if in a way to say, stop goofing off. As Vent spoke, the force circled them all before hovering above Alec and staying there. Alec, unaware completely, just looked at Vent like he was crazy, "Dude...we all just got ninja'd okay? Nothings there..."


Leslie shook her head, and moved over towards the island in the kitchen area and sat up on a stool, on arm propping her head up on a counter, the other resting in her lap. Her eyes followed Marco every time he moved.
:: Dono walked up to the front door of the mansion, instead of knocking on the door, he simply blew it open, right off the hinges ::

Lich: "and as stealthy as sneaky mice we entered"


:: Marco sat back into the sofa ::

Marco: "Leslie... Katie... i wont lie to you here... being on my side could very well mean your death... you can back out now if you want... i won't hold it against you... but if you wanna stay, i'll be happy to have you"
As Steven was dragged down,he muttered a thanks,and began to look around the room. "Aenor...Can you tell what's in here?"

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...And the same goes for her ghost." As Aenor spoke,his words in his voice came from Steven's mouth.


Borghen nodded,and summoned his sword. He healed himself by absorbing some energy from his Ward of Light,and heard a man shout. "Impudent vermin,aren't they,sir?"
"Completely honest here, I don't really care. Better survival rate with you than anyone else in my life.." Leslie muttered....
katie thinks to herself "why is he asking me this question." while looking at marco.

"i guess i would choose fire" she said wile tilting her head at him
:: Marco sighed a bit ::

Marco: "well then... i wonder what our next move shall be... any suggestions?"

:: there was a large globe in the corner, Marco walked over to it ::

Marco: "when Nightrise was last beaten, they all retreated to east africa... i think we can assume that this is where they are based.... but now they aren't the primary threat anymore..."
Gabriel flicked his lighter closed, inhaling the sweet serenity of tobacco and feeling the ease take effect to his psyche. Pocketing the small device, he continued his stride across the pathway eying the bushes annoyingly, he had nothing to do. This usually happened on his daily travels, but he usually found something that piqued his interest. It was unusual that he had walked for miles and had yet to find anything to calm his nerves either, like a stray animal or human…


With a glance around the room, just in case she missed anything, Valentina shrugged her shoulders

“I don’t see anything” she noted.

“Maybe it’s just your imagination” she joked,

Although right after the jest, she continued eying the room, in case the space would attack her again.

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