Ww - the coming storm

:: Marco nodded::

Marco: "hang on, i;ll fold out the couch for you"

:: he folded out the couch and got some blankets and pillows from a closet ::

Marco: "there ya go, hey leslie, lets go to the entertainment room, so Katie can have a quiet rest without us intruding"
"O-okay." Leslie said, sliding off the chair. Pading across the floor barefoot, she paused for a second before reaching into the bathroom and grabbing the gourd still sitting on the counter where she had put it and hooking it on it's belt to her waist. Following behind Marco, she smiled faintly.
katie looks at the blankets and quickly grabs them and runs to the corner patting them down "right here should be fine" she curled up on the blankets and nuzzled into them before fading off to her nap. her hair turned a light shade of pink
:: Marco got into the entertainment room, their was air-hockey, a large plasma-screen T.V, a massive computer, pool table, sofas and the such. ::

:: Marco got a drink of Coke from the mini-bar, he poured one for himself, while mixing in bourbon and he served leslie's one without alcohol ::

Marco: "cheers"

:: after tapping glasses, he gulped his down ::

Marco: "hey Les... would you mind if we continued where we left off last time?..."
Vent shook his head, giving Alec and Val dirty looks.

"I'm not stupid, I can feel whatever it is.... And Aenor probably knows exactly what it is, but prefers to speak in frigging riddles." He griped, stretching the arm Borghen slashed earlier.

"You know my sensory magic's really good, Alec." He added, looking kind of insulted for a second, but then smiled. "At least whatever it is hasn't attacked us....."


Hope nodded.

"As Vent would probably say, 'it's time to take out the trash.'" He said, cracking his knuckles.
:: dono walked further into the mansion, security fell to their knees in his very presance ::

:: he soon went up the stairs, blowing open the doors to where Dono and Boghren were ::

Dono: "excuse me for not knocking... Hope... correct?"
Hope raised an eyebrow.

"..... Good help is hard to find, and you're killing all of mine. I'd appreciate you leaving now, before I have to do something." Hope said, standing up, glaring down the dark mage.

Sincerity came rushing in past the two and Dono, and clung to Hope's arm, at which he got a slightly annoyed look as he tried to pull away, to no avail.

"Sincerity, why aren't you at school?" Hope asked, sighing.

"Because I felt people in the house and I wanted to help Bro and Borghy!" She said, letting go of Hope's arm and turning towards the intruders.

Hope stepped in front of her, and sat her down beside Borghen on the couch.

"That's nice, but not required." He said, turning back to Dono. "They were just leaving."
Alec shook her head, "That may be, but really, sensing ghosts?" SHe rolled her eyes, "A crock of bull that they exist...I've died enough to know that one." A big resounding thwack went up the side of her face that wasn't bandaged making her fall over. Swearing loudly, she looked back at Vent, "What was that about not hurting us?"

The force gave off a smug look for a second, quite happy she had at least convinced a few people it was there.


Leslie blushed a little bit, looking down at her glass, "Uh...sure..." She nervously shut her eyes, what Hope had said ringing truer to her logic section every time he brought this up.
Vent chuckled.

"You bad-mouthed it. Don't bad-mouth ghosts. It's probably some crusty old lady that died here anyways." He said with a grin, an idea in his head forming around the identity of the spirit.
The next person to get twacked was, naturally Vent, before the force pressed onto his arms and forced the meido marks to go come forward without him doing it.
Vent swore with a smile as it hit him, knowing it was provoked, but when the Meido marks came up, Vent's eyes widened.

"Alec, I know who it is." He said quickly, glancing around out of habit.
Alec frowned, folding her arms over her chest. "Oh really?" She asked, as she stood up, her blind side to Vent on accident. "And who would that be?"
Vent stepped around Alec's blind side, getting into her field of vision, his arms held up for her to see.

"It's Yumi." He said blantanly, a grin on his face.
Alec went from a normal expression, to that of something very angry. "Don't even attempt making that joke." She growled at him. "Just don't."
Vent raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not joking." He said, rubbing his chin for a second.

Then his eyes lot up with an idea.

"Hey, Yumi, kick me somewhere really painful if it's you." He said out loud, almost praying it wasn't Yumi.
"Your sick." Alec said before turning away from him at the same moment as the force sent one helluva strike to Vent's groin region. Not seeing it, Alec dissapeared into smoke that soon faded away to nothingness.
Vent, caught off guard from Alec's display of temper, took a step after her, and was then lifted into the air from the strike to his groin. Crying out in pain, he crumpled.

"OH MY GAWD!" He screamed, clutching at himself, while watching Alec leave...
Reappearing into a place she hadn't stepped foot in for a long time, Alec pulled a set of keys out of her pocket. In the hallway, a person came up the stairs, and seeing her there, debating on entering or not, they laughed a bit. "Ms. Deathlind? Your still living here? " A friendly voice said.

Jumping a little, Alec looked back to see someone she had gotten a bit used to being around with back in the day. Seeing her face, they blinked a few times, "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?" God ol' Mrs. Barkley, a young lady who's husband had left her for some other woman but wouldn't divorce her because he liked having some one to beat the shit out of. And despite her lot, always cared a lot about others.

"I'm fine...got into a little scrap in a cigar bar." Seeing the look on the woman's face, Alec shook her head, "No, I don't personally smoke. I was meeting a few friends back from when I was a kid. It was pretty good."

"Then why do you look so upset? And you don't get bandaged up like that from a simple fight." Hard to pull the wool over this one's eyes.

"Ah, um, one of them reminded me of something. Made it a nasty joke. And ah, I guess it wasn't a simple fight. I got pretty stranded in it, and out numbered so...yeah. Not really my night I guess." Alec said, trying to be as convincing as possible.

"You know what you look like you could use? A drink." Mrs. Barkley said with a firm conviction, "Let me go put my stuff away and I'll be over to get you and we can have a girls night. After all, a lot has happened since we last saw you here. Unless you'd rather stay here, I can always bring over a few bottles of stuff I keep around."

Alec shook her head, "That's alright, I'd rather just go to sleep. Besides, I don't drink." Mrs. Barkley just nodded her head understandingly and said a good bye before shuffling up to the flat across the hallway. Shaking her head, Alec opened the door to her own personal apartment.

Locking the door behind her as she stepped inside, she let her eye adjust to the blackness before moving over to the kitchen nook. Opening up a cupboard, she pulled out a bottle of whiskey. "In company, at least." Uncorking it, she took a swig right out of the bottle while lighting up a cigarette. Sure, the habit had started as a way to curb Meido's self destruction nature, but it had stuck with her. And man, didn't it make her start to have her pain peel away from having the person she cared for most make a joke about her dead mother.


The force hovered over Vent before a bit of relief was sent into the air to ease it as a paper unfolded itself from the air saying "You shouldn't have told me to do that." Scribbled in neat tiny letters that only Yumi wrote in.
:: Marco smiled and leaned foreward, kissing Leslie ::

:: he didn't use tounge, it was a real first kiss anyway, ::

:: after a few seconds he pulled back ::

Marco: "how was that?"


:: Dono chuckled ::

Marco: "get the child out of here, i have no interest in hurting a child.."

:: outside, hope's forces were being finished off by werewolves, the battle was silent, but it was almost over, soon they would finish off his guards and enter the mansion ::
Borghen placed himself between Dono and Hope,and had his sword at his side,a gesture of neutrality. "The Master Hope has asked you to leave peacefuly. I reccomend you do so. He is a god."

Borghen was being frank. He didn't want to fight,either. But he would fight if he needed to.


Steven sighed. "You know,I don't think Joseph would be able to fix you up if one of those burst." Joseph simply nodded in agreement. Suddenly,the ghostly robe vanished from Steven,and he couldn't feel Aenor's presence anymore.

"Where'd he go...?"


Meanwhile,Aenor followed Alec. Someone needed to convince her. He entered her mind,and appeared before her mind's eye. "He wasn't kidding,you know."
Leslie blinked a few times, a bit suprised and very unsure of what had just happened. Her face went a deep red, none the less. Stuttering over her words, she really couldn't say anything to answer his question.


Alec frowned as a figure she had heard once before in the land of the dead came into her mind. "No he wasn't, He's a bloody liar." She took a deep drink from her bottle and moved from her kitchen, to her living room, to her bed room, putting out her smoke on the way.
"I'm not fooling myself of anything. I know what happens when you die, ghosts don't exist. Some witch was probably screwing with us." Alec sneered, finishing off her bottle and dropping it as she fell back onto her bed, head turning to see a picture of her brother, her father, and her mother before she had been born. They were good back then. "Crih of the exile dhoble."
"An Angel." She muttered, "Steven's angel." She moved her hand and shut the picture down.

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