Ww - the coming storm

Unwrapping the bandages from her head slowly, Alec stared at her face. The stitched shut eye that indented weirdly where it should have curved out just so. The four large scaring cuts running across her face, from beyond the start of her hair line, to down just a little past her chin. Sickening.

And yet, exactly perfect. She wanted distance, she realized. That's why she came here. No one knew about it, except for Aenor, and if he knew what was good, he'd keep it too himself. And these scars, her non eye, it would keep people away pretty well, wouldn't it?

Sighing, a hand went over the bandages as they cleaned themselves before she wrapped it back over her face. No she didn't, who was she kidding? She couldn't last on her own, so why was she going to try?


Leslie rubbed the back of her head before looking up at Marco. Frowning, she went red as she realized her dress and gotten tangled,m shoving it back into place and holding it, she rolled to her side while her other hand struck out connecting to Marco's face.
:: Marco held up a hand ::

Marco: "yep.. i deserved that..."

:: honestly, he hated himself right now, he acted like a ****, threatened her and kissed her.... ugh...::

:: Marco walked toward the door ::

Marco: "excuse me..."

:: the second he closed the door he pounded his head on the wall ::

Marco: {idiot, idiot, IDIOT!!!}


:: the Werewolf glared at Boghren ::

Werewolf: "finally... after all these years... a worthy fight!"
Leslie blinked a few times, she didn't mean to make him feel bad, it was just a reaction to get him to not look at her. Crawling back up, she moved back onto the couch, before sliding down to the front of it, and sitting on the floor. Pulling her knees up to her chest, and looking a lot like a little kid, she listened to a steady banging sound.

Picking up her glass, she looked at it for a second,before breathing into it and freezing the thing before dropping it, watching it break. The sound was loud, and she was hoping it would bring him back in there.
:: he stopped banging when he heard the smashing glass, but he didn't go back in ::

Marco: "man... all i ever do is make things worse"

:: he slid down, going to his knees, his forehead was bleeding profusely from beating his head ::
Lelie frowned, before standing up, stepping over the glass and frozen soda, she crept to the door. Opening it without a sound, she sat down next to him, seeing him just sitting there. Staying quiet, she reached over and placed a hand over one of his. "I'm sorry, I overreacted."
:: Marco shook his head ::

Marco: "no... you're right... i've been a complete ****... i should never have done that..."

:: his head slumps foreward, landing on the wall ::

Marco: "dont worry, i'll leave you alone soon... you can keep this place if you want"
Leslie blinked a few times, "No, no no no no no, it's not your fault." She hugged him tightly. "And I never said you were....well that." Hugging him tighter, she continued, "And if you say it's your fault again, i'm going to hurt you."
:: for a few seconds he stayes still, before turning and hugging her back ::

Marco: "you're too good for me, you realize that, right?"

:: he held her tightly, but not tight enough to hurt her ::
"I'm not good for you at all." Leslie said, with a strong conviction. "After all, you just came out here and hurt yourself because I slapped you..." Despite the words that left her mouth, that wasn't why. Darn her mind calling her a liar and a theft, a cheat and a crook, all because she had gotten attached.
:: Marco smiled a bit ::

Marco: "the fact that i did is proof thst you're too good for me..."

::he didn't say anything else. ::

::meanwhile, the elevator opened, several people came out, but they soon turned invisible ::

Leader: "1 through 4, take the east side, the rest with me"

all: "sir"

:: they talked silently into radios ::

:: 1 through to 1 want up to Katie, all weapont pointed at her ::

2: "sir, we have a target, orders?"

leader: "wait until we have Highland, once we found him, kill the target"
Leslie shook her head. "That's a bad thing to do, you know..." She frowned. "It's also a sign you'll end up being abusive." She laughed lightly, meaning it as a joke.
:: he chuckled a bit, easing up from the hug, he hears a slight creak, expecting to see Katie giggling at them he saw something else, a slight shimmer in the air ::

Marco: "oh god..."

:: he pushed Leslie back into the entertainment room ::


:: the commandos fired their silenced machine guns, tearing the bed that Katie was in to ribbons in seconds, but there was no blood. and the ones in the hallway fired on marco, who blocked the bullets with a barrier spell, but not before he got shot in the gut ::

Marco: "Leslie, there is a safe in the floor under the pool table, please, get in there until this is over, i'll go get Katie"
Vent rolled his eyes at Val's comment.

"Gimme a few minutes to think of something good to say, you know, when my balls don't feel like they just popped." He spat sarcastically, closing his eyes.


Hope's gaze narrowed, a look of interest as he eyed up Dono.

"If the strings cannot be cut, then the puppet must be destroyed." He said in a simple, logical tone, a grin on his face.

Sincerity bounced up and down beside Hope.

"I wanna play too!" She said in an excited voice, gazing up at Hope with puppy eyes. Hope's grin melted, and he glanced around, looking panicked.

"...... Are you gonna play anyways when I tell you not to?" Hope asked, sighing.

Sincerity shook her head up and down in response.

Hope grimaced.

"Go play with the scary looking one. Leave the old man to me, and the puppy to Borghen." Hope said in a low tone, hanging his head for a second.

Sincerity smiled wide, and flashed with light, disappearing. Hope returned his gaze to Dono.

"..... Before we start, can I ask you a question, in the name of civility?" He asked, fixing his cuffs.
katie woke up, startled by marco her hair turned white and she pounced from her bed in the corner to the ceiling holing on to it with her nails as she notices machineguns ripping her tiny bed apart. "ahhhh!" she quickly let out a scream and set ablaze anything withing 10 ft
Dono: "i am nothing if not civil, speak..."

:: the Lich appeared behind them, emerging from the floor ::


:: a commando's helmet caught ablaze, but their armour was fireproof ::

Commando: "in the corner!"

:: the turned and fired ::

:: the bulets stopped as the commandos ran out of ammo where Marco was, before the magazines hit the ground, marco pounced foreward, used drusilla to slice up a gu, and used her handle to beat him in the head, as the commando fell down he was impaled through the chest with drusilla's blade ::

Marco: "one.."

:: another one was re-loading, but he got a blade through the head, and slammed into the wall, then Marco cast lightning out of his hands, sending a 3rd one flying, landing on a mounted rhino head, impaling him, there were only 2 commandos left in that group ::

Marco: "nightrise, i'll bet"
Seeing and hearing gun fire as she got thrown back, Leslie hit the glass on the floor in the room, though her mind was else where. She had just seen Marco get shot. She had just seen Katies bed get destroyed but she had no idea what was going on.

Sitting there on the floor, she watched through the open door, a bit mind blown at teh whole thing.
Hope nodded, eyes locked with Dono.

"..... Why do you people pester me so? How do you know my intentions are dishonorable?" He asked thoughtfully.


Sincerity, standing beside the Lich, poked it in the hip.

"You're it!" She exclaimed, eyes full of excitement.
katie looked at her bed and looked at marco injured she became furious at the men and her hair turned a deep black.

she said nothing as all she did was stare strongly at the men and made them explode into flames, the longer she stared the more intense the flames got enough to melt metal if stared at for more then 5 seconds
:: the commandos screamed, although only one died of her stare, 2 more died of their guns exploding with shards of metal going into them, the other 1 hid behind a counter ::

Commando: "command, operation was a failure, detonating charge"

:: the commando pressed a button, suddenly the whole penthouse shook, and it began to fall ::

Marco: "oh christ!"

:: the other 2 commandos were frozen in fear, Marco ran back and grabbed leslie ::

Marco: "come on, we gotta go, NOW!"
katie's hair slowly turning brown her fire died down as she fell off the ceiling.

"oww! whats going on!!" she got to her feet and ran over to marco and leslie
Leslie shook her head before the sand erupted from it's gourd, covering Katie, and Marco, and herself before all of them went poof from the building. Into an old house in London, England.
:: MArco emerged first from the sand, coughing ::

Marco: "you read my mind... but i was gonna teleport us to somewhere in Australia"

:: he looked around him ::

Marco: "and where might this be?...."


:: the lich opened it's hand, creating a vaccum to suck sincerity in, everything within 5 feet was sucked in and crushed ::

Dono: "i told you to get the child out of here... now she's going to die...."
:: Marco turned around ::

Marco:"that was teleportation, Leslie just opened a portal between here and the penthouse, and in the matter of 1 nanaosecond, we were all sucked in and moved at light speed over here"

:: he looked up, grabbing a string, pulling it and turning on the light :

Marco:"leslie, who's basement is this?"
"I don't know..." She muttered, she didn't do it herself, the sand did. She had absolutely no idea where they were. All she knew, was she was staring at Marco, who was bleeding out of his stomach, with metal in it, and he was acting like he's fine. She felt sick to her stomach for a second there, she really did.

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