Ww - the coming storm

Leslie's smile grew as she felt the girl warm up. Opening one eye, she had to wonder how the girl changed colour, but didn't give off a feed of power as being very high, in fact, she though, besides right now and when they had direct contact, she couldn't read her at all. Odd. "Special kat..." She murmered.
:: Marco was unable to get any closer ::

Marco: "damnit... sorry alec, you're on your own"

:: he teleported back to the house, just outside of the room, seeing Katie and leslie cuddling ::

Marco: "well, i didn't think you swung that way, leslie"
Raising her head, she looked at Marco before shaking her head, "I just found her like this...and she's too cute to plike...yell at." She said quietly. "You should join us though....it's pretty warm here." She lowered her head back down again.
:: Marco chuckled, an offer to lie on a bed with 2 cute girls, how could he refuse? ::

:: he got on the bed and lied down next to leslie, he soon fell asleep as well ::
Katie opened an eye to the feeling of someone moving onto the bed. she saw Marco on the other side of Leslie, she curled closer into Leslie her hair turning deeper pink and her body getting warmer.
:: Marco rolled back a bit, one of his hands landing on leslie's belly, he began snoring a bit ::

Marco: (mumbling) "mmmhmmm... cobras... every... oh fu... cobras...."

:: even though he kept saying these things, it seemed like he was sleeping peacefully ::
As a hand went onto her stomach, Leslie blinked a few times. The sand at her hip seemed to laugh in it's container before settling down again. Not really tired, but rather comfortable, she stayed there. Pretty soon after though, she was getting bored, and very in the mood for exploring, but she had no way of moving without waking one, or both up. She really was stuck in the middle here.
katie felt an uneasyness feeling in Leslie and opened an eye again. "did you wanna get up?" she nuzzled Leslie and let go of her arm moving so she could get out of the bed.
"Your awake?" Leslie said a bit suprised, as she carefully moved Marco's arm off of her without waking him and slid off the bed. "I wanted to explore this place, do you want to come along?"
Leslie smiled broadly, before looking at Marco and sticking her tongue out. Stepping out into the hall, she looked around, "Okay so top down, or bottom up? Because either way, we're climbing stairs before we start." Noting they were basically on the middle of this 'mansion'.
Leslie laughed a bit, before walking down the stairs to hte basement, and blinking a few times as it struck her a lot like Hope's, where she would hear the sounds of Borghen training, or talking, or whatever he was doing at that time, before shaking her head. No, she wasn't there anymore...and she could visit him when something came up. She kinda missed him though.

Blocking that out, and focusing on the here and now, and the girl attatched to her arm, she started walking towards the first door smiling a bit. It was pretty dark down here, and she kind of wanted to know if Katie as the type of girl to be a scardy cat.
katie saw that it was getting alittle dark so she flicked her fingers for a small flame to come to her finger. she held it up so they could see with some light. "is this better for you?" she said wile looking curiously at the door
"it's fine either way." Leslie said, before gently nundging the door open with her foor. A wine cellar. Stepping inside, she blinked a few times looking at the years. "You know, he said he was a rich kid, but like....who needs something from the first year wine was made?"
looking at the wine she took one into her hand and opened it drinking some straight from the bottle. her hair turned a light gray after a few big gulps
Blinking a few times, Leslie watched the girl do it before laughing a bit."So, what does this colour mean?" She picked up a strand of hair from the girl, showing her.
"Interesting..." Leslie mused for a second before jumping a bit and turning. "To the hallway!" She mimicked carrying a scabbard and swinging at vines. All for entertainment purposes really.
katie tilted her head and followed leslie after taking a few more big gulps of vine. her hair still a light grey but with a few different tints of colors showing through
"Not working for you?" She asked, expecting at least a giggle or something. Shrugging, she went back to normal before yawning. Skipping a few doors, she looked at one that was large and doubled doored and had a huge brass knocker on it. "Cool..." She murmered before attempting to move it, only to get smacked in the face by a hand coming out of the door.
katie followed leslie to the big door and watched her try to open it to get hit in the face by a hand. "wtf!" she jumped with pure white hair and stuck her claws into the ceiling
"I don't think it wants us in here....." Leslie said, rubbing the side of her face before frowning at the door, all the more determined to get in there. As the demon in her started coming out, she carefully, without touching the wood, jimmied the lock and the thing swung open to a large library....

"Anti-climatic." She muttered, before looking up at Katie and holding out her arms, "Jump.."

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