Ww - the coming storm

:: Marco was now standing directly behind them ::

Marco:"huh, if the demon door didn't want you in here, that hand would have taken you head clean off"

:: he had gotten up a minute ago by the ruckus ::
As the nails dug into her side, coupled with Marco being right there, Leslie screamed and clinged to Katie, while the sand made a little dome around them.
:: marco put his hands through the sand, seemingly ignoring the heat from Katie, and ha cast a light charm on her hand, making her nails retract out of leslie, after that he made the sand part for him ::

Marco: "calm the hell down, you'll spook the other guy who lives here, the one who's hand came out of that door"
Wincing in pain, Leslie's eye twitched before she looked back at Marco as the sand died down into the gourd again. "The hell was that?" She said to him, "Where did you come from?"
Marco: "are you kidding? with the noise you two were making how could i bloody sleep?"

:: he walks into he librairy ::

Marco: "come on, i wanna show you something"
Frowning, Leslie grolwed at him a bit, as her demon went back into her soul and stayed put. Following marco, she rubbed Katie's arm gently.
:: Marco pulled out a large book ::

Marco: "here, its where my dad learned a lot of his magic... it's yours now"

:: he gave her the book ::

Marco: "healing, combat, shields, teleportation, you name it, this book has it"
Vent stood up slowly, stil pissed.

"She better be dying if I'm coming to her rescue after that whole thing." He spat, an un-impressed tone of voice cloaking his concern.

Opening a blind realm portal, the Meido marks flashing to the surface, Vent locked onto Alec's signature, and immediately scowled. That familiar scent about the air. A demon, for sure. Disgusting to him, Vent knew the scent. The one person that he truly hated......


Even Hope and Borghen took a backseat to Vent's hatred for this demon.

He glanced back at Steven and Joseph, a dangerous grin on his face.

"..... Sorry guys, this one's mine. I'll bring Alec back to our hut in the jungle." He said quickly, slipping into a portal before Steven and Joseph could do anything.

Slipping through the blind realm, Vent landed beside Alec, and glanced down, his eyes widening. She was hurr pretty bad.

He'd murder Zaria.

Glancing around, his gaze narrowed, barely controlling the rage boiling up inside of him. Stretching, he smirked.

"Where are you, scum?" He barked, leaving Alec on the floor, but creating a shield of darkness to cover her. Tendrils inside the covering latched onto Alec, and started to feed her concentrated doses of Vent's own basic healing magic, the healing water.

Upholding Umbrus and Aquas to keep Alec safe will make me unable to use them as well fighting Zaria..... Vent thought. He'd have to use Ventus and Voltus, his old style. His demonic energy was spent from his fight with Borghen.

Vent liked that. He'e have to use the spells that defined him and his will to defeat the monster that plagued Alec. It was almost poetic.


Hope smiled.

"That makes two of us, Dono." He said in reply, but his eyebrow raising. "But there's one key differnce between us. I'm a free man." He added, waiting for Dono again.


Sincerity squealed, poofing away in a puff of pink.

"You're bad at counting Mister!" He voice hung in the air while her body was nowhere to be seen or felt.
Leslie looked at the book before shaking her head, she gently pushed Katie forward.


Alec's eyes fluttered a bit as another person stepped up into being near here before darkness covered her. And only one person she knew could do that, Vent. The only person she wouldn't want to find her here. And he was wasting magic on her? How cute....but how stupid, given what he wanted to do.

Zaria;s presence lit up the map like a level five hurricane. Loud, big, and very deadly. As it locked eyes with Vent, it grinned, it's power unleashing to an almost crushing force. "Hello Vent." The demon said from across the room. "I could have sworn I'd had a present laying about for you some where." He mocked nodding towards the kitchen with a laugh.
Katie looked at the book for a few seconds before being pushed forward a little. she took the book from Marco and started to read before anything else
:: Marco was offended by how Leslie turned down his gift, instead he went over to Katie ::

Marco: "something caught your eye?"


:: the Lich hovered through the hallway, following Sincerity's magical aura, he soon found her in a bathroom, he held up his hand, releasing a swarm of africanised killer bees at her ::

:: dono raised his blade again ::

Dono: "we are both monsters, hope... neither of us deserve to live... its fitting that we destroy each-other"

:: he opened a portal, similar to the lich's from before, sucking in everything ::
Leslie left the two alone, and looked through the bookshelves, looking for something in particular.
:: marco flipped through the pages, until he got to page 83, he pointed to the spell there ::

Marco: "the Eternal flame, i fire that burns even other fires... it cannot be extinguished except by the caster's will...it can even consume water!... i think it will suit you perfectly"

:: Leslie heard a slight whisper, calling her name, coming from the statue of a female gargoyle ::
Blinking a few times, she looked up at the statue, before moving towards it, while making herself look like she was just skimming through titles on the bookshelves.
"really!!" being a fast reader she quickly read through most of the page "how long do you think it will take me to learn this." her hair a light green
:: the head of the statue tilted ::

Statue: "come closer, fear not, young Marckus won't notice..."

:: the fingers on the hand twitched ::

Statue: "please... i long for human contact..."


:: Marco opened his hand, casting his eternal flame, it was a deep purple, like every other time ::

Marco:"this was the first offensive spell i ever learned... even i haven't mastered it yet..."

:: he cast the flame on the book, but it didn't burn ::

Marco:"hell, even the temperature of the flame can be manipulated by your own will... but the problem is, this spell cannot be taught by a mortal, you have to make a runic circle, and let an immortal teach you"
Leslie shook her head for a second, hair falling into her face as she got closer to the gargoyle. In front of it, she slowly reached up and touched the side of it's face.
:: Marco poked her in the head ::

Marco: "just like that... it only takes a second, they inject the knowledge straight into your brain"


:: the statue's head tilted a but, even though she was stone, she was warm ::

Statue: "my name is... was Sylvia Highland... young Markus's five-times great grandmother... i tried to find the formula for immortality... in a way i succeeded... but not in the way i planned"

:: the statue stood up slowly, the wings crumbled and revealed a statue of a beautiful woman ::

Statue: "eternal youth... what a lie, i am but a stone-atronach now... simple rocks animated by whatever magic i have left..."
Leslie was speachless, looking at the woman, she blinked a few times. Drawing her hand back, she took a step back a bit nervously.

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