Ww - the coming storm

:: marco smiled, and gave her another, longer kiss ::

Marco: "same deal as before, but the longer you stay on me, the further i go"

:: he began counting down from ten ::
Leslie's eyes started going unfocused, her face darkening even more before she literally fell off him. Not that she wanted to, it just happened as a bit of shock focusing into her system as a way to stop it from happening again.
:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco: "out for the count... yet again"

:: he got out from under her, and picked her up, holding her by the thighs with her head on his shoulders, he carried her into the living room, laying her down on the couch ::

Marco: *phew!* "maybe i should just strap an airbag on your back so i dont have to lug you to the nearest soft spot"

:: he chuckled a bit as he went into the kitchen, and got himself a can of Vodka ::

Marco: "bloody hell, i needed this..."
As Leslie started uncoiling herself from the shock, she realized she was on something that wasn't warm and hard. Frowning, she punched the thing to see if it made noise, when it didn't she relxaed a bit and layed there, before turning her head and watching Marco move about through the doorway into another room, which she could guess was a kitchen or a pantry or something....
:: Marco came back, with a can of vodka in one hand ::

Marco: "awake are we?"

:: he leaned on the couch ::

Marco:"you know, you should really stop fainting, its not healthy and... its kind of a turn-off"
"I didn't faint..." She said defaintly, with a humph as she sat up, arms folding over her chest, a bit hurt. "And you should really warn a girl before you do that."

Frowning, she stood up and went to the kitchen herself, before frowning deeper, trying to figure out where he kept getting alcohol from, it was getting kind of weird.
:: Marco tustled her hair ::

Marco: "aw come on, if a little smoochie-smooch makes you... lets say you "go to sleep" then in a serious situation it could be disasterous"

::: he hugged her from behind ::

Marco: "that was the last can of vodka from the fridge, its still half full, go for it"

:: he handed her the open can that he just drank out of ::
"No, I don't want it. I wanted to know where you keep getting it." She Said, before shaking her head. "And like I said, warn a girl, it's just my nerves get fried from someone actually being nice..." She didn't need to point out why before she stopped for a second, "A serious situation?"
:: Marco held her closer ::

Marco: "yeah, there are heaps of creatures like shape-shifters out there, one could easily take my shape or something, and take you out after you pass out"

:: he brushed a bit of her blonde hair back ::

Marco: "anyway, you didn't try and resist, even after i gave you time before the "second round".. yet you stayed there, you can say you "froze up" but i know that you're reaction would have been to hit me... but you didn't"

:: he began to nibble lightly on her ear ::

Marco: "and i think i know why..."
Leslie's face went red once again, before she shook her head and as she was about to pull away the feeling of something going wrong and what that gargoyle said flooded back into her head. Sighing, she leaned forward a bit as her hand tightened into a fist.

If her just being there would make him not freak out, she'd deal.
:: Marco raised an eyebrow ::

Marco: "looks like i hit a nerve with that last one..."

:: he stood in front of Leslie ::

Marco: "Leslie, do you wanna know why i kissed you without hesitation? its because i can see it in your face... i know you..."

:: he put his head to hers ::

Marco: "Leslie... why do you keep running from it?"
Leslie shrugged, she really couldn't give him an answer, now could she? She couldn't very well say it was so he didn't get hurt if he ever found out she was going to stab him in the back when the time came,or that she was a liar and nothing that he thought he knew, now could she? No. No she couldn't.
:: Marco hugged her again ::

Marco: "well, no matter what, you know how i feel about you..."

:: he let go, and gave her another kiss on the forehead, after that he went for the door ::

Marco: "sorry, but i have some things to take care of"

:: in a flash he disapeared ::

:: the statue's voice came into her head again ::

Statue: "well then, it seems you are just a bundle of secrets, now aren't you?"
Leslie nodded her head, before the voice came back. "Leave me alone..." She groaned hitting her head agaisnt a counter.
:: her blows were softened by an invisible force ::

Statue: "now now... i want to hear... what's eating you up, dear?"

:: the statue back in the librairy managed to take a step off the pedestal ::
"Nothing..." Leslie said stubbornly, before walking back towards the stairs to go up to the bedroom once again. "It realy doesn't matter anyway, I mean, it holds no relevance to you at all."
:: the statue's tone became angry ::

Statue: "it concerns me because you're little pact with the so called "god" hope will end up killing Marco and all he loves, and if that happens he will die cursing your name!"

:: the statue detatched the other leg from the pedestal and began walking ::

Statue: "yes i know... a poor little street rat, beaten and abused, you seek shelter at a building in America, only to then be met by Marco and his father, Artemis... from there you jump to a conclusion that they are evil and join Hope! now, knowing the truth you still serve him only for your own personal gain!"

:: the statue begins ascending the stairs ::

Statue: "and ten, you retreat to a bedroom, the one he gave to you..."
Leslie frowned, before shaking a bit. "You don't know anything." She hissed through clenched teeth. Turning, she faced the statue, all the pain she felt from this showing on her face, her eyes, her whole way of holding herself. "You want me to tell you exactly why I'm doing this? Exactly who I am?" She growled. The closest she had ever been to being really angry and upset was right then and there.
:: the statue nodded ::

Statue: "yes... tell me, inform me, educate me"

:: the statue could move more freely now, the granite seemed to extend and shrink to acomodate movement ::

Statue: "come on... spill it"
"I'm a traitor. The reason my parents hated me so much was because I wasn't theirs. I was brought to them as a babe by death. They thought they could beat the darkness out of me, and they got it to subside. The reason I cant stay in one place for long? I end up destroying someone's life and I can't stand that but death commands i do it. And yeah, I know, sounds like a crock of bull, but..." She pulled up the edge of her shirt, showing the middle of her upper back to the statue, the sign up the dead one walking was carved, in a writing that everyone could read, but only one could right. "You don't just get that inked at a shop in some half bit city. And sure, I may be naive and stupid, but I know exactly why I do what I do."

Taking a deep breath, her eyes never leaving the statue. "I do it because I was told too. That boy, Vent, was right. I do only know how to serve people, and the one person I serve and was serving before I was born to the land was death. And because of that, I have a nasty streak for hurting and destroying everything that could mean something. I don't want to hurt Marco, I really don't. But it's part of my job here. And Hope seems to be one of the few people on this wretched land that know how tocause destruction without me being a physical part of it so I can feel a little less guilty. And did you think that if I told Hope anything, that I would fight with him? "

Taking a deep breath, she shook a bit harder, as tears welled up in her eyes. "I would much rather fight my Marco's side till I die, but god damnit if my fate will allow me too. And if you want to know exactly what that is, you can probably read it better than I." Holding out her hand, the gourd unravled itself and for once, the sand wasn't what came out, instead, a scroll, written in dried blood and tears of thousands of souls, was the warning death had given to carry with her, to contantly remind her of why she was here and exactly what position she held, even if she didn't want too.
Statue: "... an agent of death... of course"

:: she walked up and snatched the scroll from her ::

Statue: "you say that all you can do is serve... then why not serve Marco?"

:: marco re-appeared just inside the door, he had a box with a ribon on it, and he wore a devilish grin ::

Marco: {can't wait to see the look on her face}
"Because my soul was sold before I was born. Death wouldn't let me back out even if I wanted too." Leslie said a bit roughly.
:: the statue lifted a hand, a small green orb floated out of it's palm ::

Statue: "this is the soul of a serial killer form my time, use it, souls can be used to bargain with the reaper, if he accepts, he could destroy your ocntract, at the minimum for a soul this.... evil, he will at least re-write the contract"

:: Marco snuck into a downstairs bedroom, and opened the box, inside was a red chinese dress, a perfect fit for leslie, with a slit up the sides that can be zipped up, and the bottom bits could be un-zipped so the length could be adjusted as well, it could be as formal, or even as sexy as the wearer wished ::

Marco: "now... to get this into her room..."

:: the soul in the statue's hand seemed to be acting eratically, a clear sign of it being pure evil, something insanely valuable to the grim reaper ::
Vent's eyes widened.

Chills rode down his spine at the touch of the psychotic demon. His hand shaking, pure fear coursing through his veins, Vent gently removed the demon's hand from his shoulder, and stepped back, almost falling. It was like fighting Hope for the very first time. The difference in power was overwhelming.

Gulping, Vent's gaze narrowed, focusing on the demon. His hands clenched into fists.

Zaria's words had effected him more than they might have even intended to effect him. A sense of ultimate doom, crashing destruction of all he knew hung over Vent. And he could do nothing.

Hope? Whatever he had planned?

Those were the farthest things from Vent's mind.

Glaring into Zaria's cold eyes, Vent smirked. A complete cover, but it helped him think of what to say next.

"You can try, jackass. And when you do, I'll be there to stop you. For Alec, and for anyone you try and hurt." He said, his fists shaking at his sides. "That's why I'm the way I am. I have the power to stop people and things like you. My power isn't meant to protect anything but my own body...... But with my body, I'll protect anything and everything."

His fists started shaking less.

"You scare the shit outta me. You and the rest of those with the power to make their psychotic dreams reality, whatever they may be. I feel so scared I can hardly move." He continued, his fists almost still at his side now. "..... But for Alec, I'll ignore that fear, and protect her." He spat with finality, his emotions flaring up, and his demonic aura returning in full bloom. The shield around Alec disappeared, and the healing water stopped, with her body almost completely healed. Vent's aura at full power, it took on it's true form, just for a second.

Just for a split second, Vent became something different.

That went away almost immediately, however, and his aura returned to it's swirling mixture of pure elemental power, and demonic energy.

Glaring at Zaria still, Vent's smirk returned to a serious face, the aura itself dying down as well.

"Go away." He said simply.


With Dono's cone of darkness flying at Hope, he stood his ground in the air. A veil of light covering him, he caught Dono's aura and held it still, the two opposing forces of light and darkness colliding in mid-air, a gigantic explosion resulting. In the middle of the fiery inferno thousands of feet above the ground, Hope flew through the flames, punching Dono across the jaw as his mansion below was destroyed.


As the Lich seemed to making some move, Sincerity grabbed it by the hand with incredible speed. As the mansion was decimated, Sincerity teleported the two of them to a park.

Sincerity grinned.

"Big bro taught me how to create different worlds in time and space, or something like that!" She stated with joy, a gigantic grin on her face.

"Let's play here, and not worry about other stuff!" She asked of the Lich, cute as could be.
Leslie looked at the thing before frowning. Why would this lady try to help her? After she just said she was going to end up destroying her great grandson. Taking the soul into her hands, she looked at the thing as it danced. "Thank you..." She said nearly crying before almost tackling the gargoyle down the stairs in a large hug.


Zaria laughed cruelly. "I'll leave her dead for you next time." He muttered, before holding up 9 long clawed fingers. "See you then...if she lasts that long..."

He disappeared into thin air, and his presence was gone.

Looking at him from the floor, Alec just stared at Vent through her opened eye. Before putting her head back onto the tile and looking at where it had just moments before, "Your stupid..." She muttered.

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