Ww - the coming storm

Shaking her head, Alec pointed down again, "Shock and adrenaline help a lot in getting it to work. Since the two are what come first before fear itself." Stepping up onto the edge of the balacony, she winked at him before jumping. Regardless of the fact that they were in the top floor of the tallest apartment building in this city.
Vent scowled, straightening up, and jumping off, sailing down at a faster speed than Alec.

"..... My specialty is wind, Alec. Heights aren't a problem for me." He said, catching up, and falling in unison with her.
"It's not hte height, you should be worried about. It's the fall. I'm having you warp a split second before you hit the ground. You dont do it right, or fast enough, you die. You do it too soon, your doing it again, from a higher spot, chained to a cinder block." Alec smiled at him.
Vent's eyebrow raised.

"..... Is this how Yumi taught you?" He asked, the marks coming to the surface of his skin, he magic built up around him.
"The very same." Alec said. Watching the ground come closer but feeling nothing. She'd done this before and it no longer blother her. Keeping her arms at her side, she watched Vent, seeing how he handled it.
Vent sighed.

Timing seemed to be everything. He could feel his blood pumping, and felt a tint bit dizzy.

This was.... Interesting. This was the way he felt in a fight.

The ground right before him, he opened a portal!

OOC - Esme decides what happens.
Alec grinned, before dropping into the blind realm, he had the idea. Hoping he would make it out alright, she laughed as he crashed through to this side as well.

"Nice. Very Nice." She said before lights lit up the blind realm, and the place was deserted, a blank canvas in this place. "Now, we're going to let you learn while fighting..." Her foot tapped on the ground, " And so you don't, like, crap your pants at what could appear, you can choose what you fight."
Vent picked himself up, and glanced around.

He could see now?

This Meido crap was weird.

And he shook his head.

"You decide. I'm training by your plan." He said calmly, still glancing around.
"Fine then." Alkec shook her head before taking a step back, opening her arms wide. Sure, she probably shhouldn't be doing this, and given how sore her body felt, it wasn't a smart idea. But hey, it was for Vent....it was worth it. "Go for it."
Vent's eyes widened.

"Oh no. I can't fight you." He said quickly, shaking his head.

"I mean, if it was an illusion or something, maybe, but I couldn't....... Crap." He realized, taking a defensive stance. Everything he just said would only fuel Alec's decision.
"Your not too on the ball today, are you?" Alec asked, "Besides, perfect way to get back at me for not believing you..." She muttered. Closing her hand, she twisted the air, pulling darkness into her hand as it coated over it, an old spell coming forth in the form of a dragon claw covering up to her elbow.

Flashing next to him, she smiled. "This might be an illusion, it might not be. This might be heaven, for all you know..."
Vent's body pulsated with wind, and he lept back from Alec and that dangerous dragon claw of hers. He'd avoid that at all costs.

"Don't play with my head." He spat, landing a good twenty feet back, facing her. "This isn't heaven..... Not yet." He added, not really even knowing what he meant.
Alec laughed lightly before closing her eyes, moving towards Vent. "Come on, hit me with your best shot." She held her arms open, just waiting to see if he would actuallky be able to hit her with Meido. "Or are you not man enough..."
Vent looked around, and sighed.

"Nope." He said with a smile, hoping he wouldn't have to hurt Alec.
"Pity...." Alec said, before going for a very sore spot, at least she hoped it would. Though it made her cringe on the inside to say it, she did. "At least Zaria had the balls to hit me."
Vent's eye twitched.

"That's like, the opposite of having balls!" He yelled, getting angry. His Umbralus marks came to the surface instead of the Meido marks he was trying to master, and that made him angrier.

"You still haven't explained what these powers are in their basic form anyways! How am I supposed to work something I know nothing about?" He continued, almost panting from yelling.
"I thought you would have guessed by now." Alec said, honestly before explaining. "Meido, in it's most basic form, is fear of yourself. Everything in your mind that could possibly drive you into fear, it will feed off those, and in turn, give you power of strength and speed."
Vent nodded, still scowling however.

"..... That's why it meshed so well with Umbralus ealier." He said in revelation.

Glancing down, he looked at his hands, and the Meido marks intertwined with Umbralus again, and then the Umbralus disappeared.

He sighed.

"..... I just have to be afraid of myself?" He asked.
Alec nodded her head. Before jumping slightly, and hovering in the air as she sat down without anything under neath her. "Dig up something that you fear the most about yourself, the thing that you wish you could keep in check and think only of that. It works for the most part."
:: Marco chuckled, the gravel from the statue dissapeared into the ground before Marco even got there ::

Marco: "come on, i've got a present for you"

:: he offered his hand ::
Leslie blinked a few more times before nervously shuffling her feet, "Can I do something real quick?" She asked,going a bit red. "Some uh, girl stuff?"
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco "okay, but when your done come down to the main lounge room, i got a present for both Katie and you"

:: he walked down the stairs, re-packing both of the presents, he then took them into the lounge, where Katie was ::

Marco: "okay, we just need to wait for Leslie..."
"kay." Leslie said, ducking back into her room and pulling the soul back out into the open. Taking a deep breath, she looked around for something that could shed blood. Settling for a pen, she stabbed her leg with it and as teh blood welled up, she put her thumb into it.

Sliding it across her forhead in a weird symbol, a summon started, and death started getting called forth.
Steven laughed bitterly. "Because,we have a nasty habit of getting between him and his plans. So,he tries to get rid of us. But,it seems they just play with us. And who are we? We're whom gods are annoyed with. And I'm specificaly a godslayer. Like that means a helluva lot."
:: the grim reaper comes up in a cloud of smoke in front of Leslie ::

Grim: "what ails you, Agent?"

:: the grim reaper noticed the violent, eratic spell, black and red, seemingly rotting away :

Grim: "ahh, Gretta the pedophile... she raped, tortured and killed over 40 children all over the world, before being killed by a mob of the parents of those children... her soul is... pure..."

:: even though the grim reaper didnt have a brain, he was still intelligent ::

Frim: "you want to be released from your contract?... well that is impossible even for me, however for a soul this valuable, i could re-write your contract, naming someone of your chosing to be your new "Master".. what say you?"

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