Ww - the coming storm

Tentacles breaking the surface, water pouring over the island as if it was downpouring in quick bouts, the Kraken fized it's eye on Vent before growling out. "Master..."
Vent's eyebrow raised.

".... I don't have to fight you or anything to gain your allegiance, or something cliched?" Vent asked, honestly surprised.
Vent almost burst out laughing.

"You've waited.... For me?" He asked, barely keeping himself standing. "And whaddaya mean 'we'...."
"Every creature....waits for it's master.....to come and collect them...." The kraken said, before sucking in another breath of air and shrieking, calling forth the other smaller things Vent could summon to strike fear.

-Choise wisely, you can have up to 4 more and it's up to you now DX
THe kraken nodded its head as it started sinking back under the water. "Call for us....when you need us...."
Vent growled as the Kraken, his main and strongest summon by the looks of it, sunk away, leaving him to deal with the puppy.

"Dammit!" Vent yelled, finally getting the puppy off his hand. He held it carefully with both hands out in front of him, and sighed. It tilted it's head in interest, some of Vent's blood on it's fangs.

Vent scowled and shook his head.

"The sad part is, Alec's gonna love you......" He said with disgust.

The puppy barked, sounding content.
The kraken's laughter bubbled up to the surface for a moment.

Alec leaned back in the blind realm, looking around at all the whiteness. Before kicking off the ground and rocketing up really high into the air and sat up there, looking down adn just floating.
Val wasn't sure if that was a yes or no, and just quirked her brow

"Selfish purposes..." she trailed.

Giving the idea a little thought caused Gabriel to pop up first and foremost in her mind, she shook her head trying to clear her mind of the idiot, they'd see each other soon.
Vent sighed, and sent himself back to the blind realm.

The puppy appeared beside him, and glanced around, sniffing and stretching.

"....... It's a not a dragon. But I did get a Kraken too." Vent said, sounding a but disappointed, but then smiling at Alec.
Turning herself upside down so she could look at Vent, she smiled. "That's cool." She said, before 'falling' back down to his level. Seeing the puppy for the first time as she landed, she looked at it as best as she could before shrugging.
"Ah, Not really" Val noted

“Just some idiot guy” she continued, than realized she was clearly saying that in the wrong room and frowned

“No offense” she hushed.
Steven laughed. "None taken. I knew I was an idiot since I got my hand blown off by my own fireball." To emphasize this,he flexed his prosthetic arm. He stood up,and said, "I'll be wandering around downtown Moscow. I planted a beacon on my arm,so if you need me,track that." Steven left the room,leaving Val with Joseph.

After an awkward silence,Joseph piped up, "So,who's the guy?"
Steven having a prosthetic arm came as a surprise to Val; she usually noticed that kind of stuff on somebody. He had decided to leave her alone with the semi-stranger ‘Joseph’ though, as he made his way out to Moscow.

“His name’s Gabriel” she explained to him

Sighing she crossed her arms, and looked at Joseph

“You’re not some high and mighty asshole are you?” she asks, rhetorically.
Joseph chuckled,and replied, "Only if you start to rail on the armed forces. I already chewed Alec out over that. But that's beside the point. Who's this Gabriel? Brother? Boyfriend? Fiancee? Tell me if I'm getting close."
Frustrated at the memory being brought up, she pushed her hair back

"None, Not even close..." she answers

"He's a stranger, just some guy me and Aime met on our travels" she noted.

"And I won't rail on the military if you shut up about him" she explains, half-jokingly.
katie glowed with joy and her hair was a bright hot pink as she saw the beautiful kimono she took it out and held it close to her body. "Can i go try it on!!?" she said to marco with great joy in her eyes.

"I've never had a kimono i have always wanted to wear one!!" heat radiated from her body as she hugged marco tightly then awaited to hear his answer to try it on
Vent looked at Alec, then the puppy, then Alec.

".... No fawning over my stupidly-cute summon?" He asked, chuckling a bit. "He bit me earlier, drew blood. I figured you two would get along great."
"No, I mean, it's cute an' all, but I would have expected something different." She laughed lightly, "I must say congratulations to it though...." She crouched down, holding out her hand for the puppy to sniff to see if it would let her pet it or not.
: Marco was taken aback by Katie lunging foreward to hug him ::

Marco: "sure, oh and get this, these ones are stain-resistant, waterproof and are almost un-breakable, so you can wear it a much as you want"

:: he pointed at the zippers all over certain parts of the dresses ::

Marco: "and you can change them so you can have it as formal, as casual or as sexy as you want"

:: he walked to the door ::

Marco: "go ahead and try them on, i wont peek, i promise"
katie went and changed into her kimono without hesitation "ill only be a sec." she poped off her clothes and put on the kimono with ease unzipping the bottom part to more suit her movement.

she came out of the room with a beautiful shade of pink hair and the kimono, she had a very big smile. "so what do you think." she said happily.
:: Marco whistled ::

Marco: "Almost perfect but..."

:: he got down on one knee, and tightened the ribon around her waist, he then got up and lifted her hair so it sat on the outside of the kimino ::

marco: "there, perfect"

:: although he was enjoying how Katie looked, what he was really looking foreward to was seeing Leslie ::
katie glowed with joy at marco's comment "thank you very much!!" she looked over to leslie and said to her "time for you to try on your dress!" -she moved over to leslie and pushed her into the room to change

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