Ww - the coming storm

:: Marco leaned against the wall, listening to Leslie and Katie taling and putting on the dress, he saw a light through the old keyhole ::

Marco: *to himself* "resist, Marco, resist"

:: through the keyhole, he would be able to clearly see Leslis getting changed, the gentleman in him found the idea of spying revolting, but the pervert in him.... well ::

:: luckily for Leslie, Marco was resisting the urge to look ::
Leslie blinked as she was pushed into the room. Looking around a bit, she frowned before finding a tissue box and stuffing the keyhole. Old habits die hard sometimes, don't they? Looking at the dress, she frowned. Looking it over, she attempted figuring out which side was which before failing about two times.

Getting it right on the third, she shrugged before bending backwards making the dress go into place properly before leaving it zipped as she stepped back out. "well?"
:: marco smiled widely, letting out a loud wolf-whistle ::

Marco: "goddamn you look fantastic!"

:: he walked up to her, and did up the top button on her dress ::

Marco: "the tailor had to point out this button to me as well when i was picking it out"

:: at this moment, another girl came around the corner, her brown hair was in 2 braids on each side of her face and the rest of her hair went down well past her waist, she wore old clothes, like an old Victorian dress, her face was somewhat round and her eyes were focused... and purple with cross-shaped pupils ::

Girl: "what about me?"

:: Marco straightened up ::

Marco: "ohh... sorry drusilla, but i was afraid that the dress would rip when you went back to weapon form"

:: he just noticed that the others hadn't met drusilla in her human-form ::

Marco: "uhh, guys this is Drusilla, you remember that scythe i swing around?... well she's a weapon-spirit"

Drusilla: *nod* "yep, i used to belong to the death-god's right hand man, the head reaper, and now i serve Marco, as his faithful servant, weapon and shield, ready to protect from harm and strike down his enemies"

Marco: "was that long intro really nessecary?"

Drusilla: "shut it!"

:: she *bonked him on the head, now a chibi-version of marco was on the floor with a large throbbing bump poking up ::
katie was to fasinated and exited about her dress to notice dracilla and marco talking. after marco was bonked on the head she looked over at the woman and said to her "hello nice to meet you im katie"
Leslie looked off to the side as Marco fixed her dress, before Drussila came into being. Almost instantly, she remembered that moment at the hospital, when he had put that....thing, towards her to kill her. Without meaning too, she withdrew farther away from the thing, narrowing her eyes and silently preparing one heck of a spell if it came near her. Of course, none of this showed in her features, though her eyes held a look of intense distrust and dislike.
:: \marco felt the Aura of stress and the magic building up in her ::

Marco: "Calm down Leslie... that was then, this is now, if there is anyone you wanna blame for that, blame me"

:: Drusilla darted over to Leslie ::

Druslla: "don't be like that, im just a scythe after all"
Leslie took a sharp step away from Drusilla. Though, given Marco's word choice, she had to calm down, his orders. Looking at Drusilla, she frowned.
:: Drusilla backed away, after Marco tugged her back a little bit ::

Marco: "Leslie, remember, at the time we were effectively enemies, but we're not anymore"

:: he offered his hand ::

Marco: "come on, don't be like that"


:: the werewolf lay there, covered in blood, it's abilities for regeneration put to it's limit, Dono flickered around, and put it's corpse into a portal, to be revived later ::

Dono: not bad, all of you.. Boghren, you managed to beat the purest breed of werewolf, but how will you fare against a pack? especially with that one revived with knowlege on your powers"

:: he turned to hope ::

Dono: "Hope, your powe and skills rivaled mine, a simple servant to a much greater creature"

:: he pointed to Sincerity ::

Dono: "little girl, not bad... but you'll never beat him by simply playing hide and seek"

:: a black portal opened behind them ::

Dono: "next time, we'll come back in force..."

:: they entered the portal, it closed, leaving Boghren and hope and sincerity in the rubble of their hope scattered for miles ::
Leslie looked at the han, and again, she had to agree to do his choice of wording. Suddenly, she was doubting if she actually should have picked him to be her new master, and since she wasn't going to tell him about it, it might get a tiny bit annoying, but if he knew....she mentally shuddered at what he could possibly think of doing.

Gripping the hand, she shivered a tiny bit. "Doesn't mean i want anything to do with it..." She nodded her head towards the scythe.
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "fair enough, Dru..."

:: Drusila went into scythe-form, her blade disapeared into a staff, Marco leant her against the wall ::

Marco: "there... better?"
"You didn't have to do that..." Leslie said, her eye twitching. Looking off to the side, she shrugged. She felt kind of bad for having to have the blade do that....

Frowning, she folded her arms behind her back, her left arm pinching into her right arm, trying to remind herself to be nice.
:: marco smiled ::

Marco: "its okay, she prefers weapon-form anyway"

:: he took her by the hand ::

Marco: "you know what, how about we go out for dinner tonight?"
Borghen snorted at Dono's comment. "Doesn't that churl know that demons evolve quickly?" Borghen glanced around,seeing the destruction around him. Then he noticed that a fair portion of the rubble was scorched...

"The manor was weakened before the scuffle. Someone set the lower levels aflame." He looked to Hope "I assume you have a backup base?"


Joseph nodded,and asked, "So,how'd you get all tangled up with us?"


Steven walked through the Moscow streets. He liked Moscow;it was orderly,for a city of it's size,and it had a refreshing culture within. He was walking along the west wall of Kremlin Yard when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.
Leslie blinked a few times, "I'm sorry....?"


Nikolai Ghorgachev stood up from his seat, seeing an old friend of his go by. Having yelled out his name, he dismissed his table at the cafe place and trotted down the road after him, covering the ground in no time. "Steven?"
Marco: "you heard me, i'm asking you out to dinner"

:: there was no humor in his tone, he was dead serious ::
Steven turned around,and smiled warmly to his old friend. "Nikolai! How are you! It's been...how long? Three years? It's been too long! How's life for you? Come,walk with me,talk with me."

All of this was spoken in flawless Russian,as taught by Nikolai.
Leslie frowned, pulling her hand away. "That was rude..." She said.


In answer, Nikolai listed off every question, in order. "I'm good. Four years actually. It has. Good, wife had a baby last year. Alittle girl like the spitting image of her. " He said back, before asking the same questions of him.
Steven chuckled. Nikolai was always like this. "I could be better;lost my blind eye. But,I have some great friends,and we travel a lot together. Never a dull moment with them. Still penniless though,so you can guess how we get around."
"Glass eye?" Nikolai joked, "Ah, must have fun with them..." Chuckling slightly, he pictured Steven riding a broom through the sky with bugs in his hair and a frost bite worse than hell itself if it froze.


Leslie folded her arms over her chest, "You way of asking. "
:: Marco shrugged ::

Marco: "well, if simply asking you out is rude, then you'd hate to see what i'm like when i try and insult"

:: he crossed his arms as well, glaring at her, wanting some sort of explaination as to why she considers it rude to ask her out to dinner ::
Vent almost scowled as the puppy smelled residual Meido energy off Alec, and started nuzzling her leg.

He shook his head.

"I like Kraken better...... But they both need new names, if they're mine." Vent said, thinking of some names.


Hope sighed, unable to break the hold whatever God or gods had on Dono before he retreated.

Glancing down at Sincerity and Borghen, he floated down gently to the ground.

"..... Actually, I don't." Hope said, a grin on his face as he spoke to Borghen. "What say you we go house hunting?" He asked jovially.

Sincerity leaped up onto Borghen's shoulders, squealing with joy.

"House hunting!" She repeated almost stupidly.

She was covered in blood, despite not having actually injured the Lich, or being injured herself.....
Katie felt a very uncomfortable aura coming from both Leslie and Marco and she felt very like she should do something but hesitated. she simply slunk away into the living room and took a cat nap on the couch still feeling happy about the kimono.

"i hope i don't wake to guns again." she thought to herself as she drifted off into her nap
“I was wandering around and saw this ki- Oh crap, the kid…” Val started, cursing herself after wards for forgetting about the little boy.

Before Joseph could question, she continued on, walking slowly towards the door

“I found this little boy outside, he was out cold on the street. Townspeople wouldn’t do anything, so I brought him here. I only saw Vent in the waiting room, but the receptionist directed me to the wrong room.” She explained all the while heading towards the room next door,

“Steven was inside the room, talking to himself in bed and while I was reading his chart, Aenor appeared and told me Steven was looking for something. After little contemplation, I jumped in to help him look” she finished.

Entering the room, she looked around at the made and empty bed, the clean linens, full tray, drawn back curtains and frowned. Looking up at the number she shook her head, unsure what to make of the situation.
:: Marco sighed heavily ::

Marco: "fine, if you're gonna be like that then i'll just order out some noodles, i'll get you Teryaki noodles, i'm getting sweet-chilli"

:: he walked into the living room, and fell onto the couch, sending Katie bouncing up, landing with her head on his lap, marco used his left hand to dial the noodle place while using his right hand to scratch Katie behind the ear ::

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