Ww - the coming storm

:: Marco caught the fire in his palm, he quickly consumed it ::

Marco: "compress you're magic into a tight ball, then throw it again, that one hat it's magic spread too thin"
"well of course it did!! that was my first time using the eternal flame so i wanted to get a feel for it" her hair was changing from a light pink to a light red as she hated being told how to form her magic

she tightened her fist and concentrated a compressed fireball at the end of her knuckles then at the peek of the compression she punched the fireball at him sending it flying toward Marco
:: instead of catching it, Marco swiped it aside, sending it flying into the distance ::

Marco: "not bad... look, this is how you're fireball was like"

:: a small orb of magic appeared, about the size of a basketball, it was then compressed to the size of a tennis ball ::

Marco: "now, you know the concept of magic compression, lets expand on that"

:: he had a massive orb of magic, at least the size of a jumbo jet, and it was compressed tot he size of a pea ::

Marco: "when i'm finished with you here, you'll be able to beat even that"

:: he cast the orb into the distance, when it exploded it lit up almost the entire room for a full minute ::

Marco: "its the same concept"
Katie grinned and her hair turned a dark red, her eyes burned with enthusiasm for the training and her hands lit up with flames. "let us continue with this lesson then."
Steven nodded. "It is,Nikolai,it is. But that's enough about me,I'm boring. But you,you're married,and what's more,you have a daughter now! What's it like?"

Nikolai shrugged, "It's good. Scary though, thinking about the fact I have not only Arina to worry about, but now this little one as well. But it's nice at the same time...something to come home to every day, something to be proud of, and two beautiful girls to call my own is pretty impressive, eh?" He laughed his normal deep laugh, before looking at Steven.

"You found anyone yet? And don't tell me your boring, we both know thats a lie."


Leslie sighed, looking at the sand before shaking her head. Peering over the edge of the balcony, she looked at the grounds around them, it was pretty, and if she wasn't mistaken, that was a green house in the background, and it was full of colour. Looking at the sand, she pointed at it and nodded her head. "Come with me, please?" The sand swirled itself into the shape of a person, offered it's 'arm' and stepped up on the edge of the balcony.

Accepting it, the sand lead the two of them down to the ground, before they started walking across it. Leslie smiled faintly, leaned against the sand like she would if she had any really close friends. "Thanks..."


Through the darkness, Alec kept guiding them, before stopping as they reached a place that was neither blinding, nor pitch white, in fact, it was full of normal lighting, and the place was an alter. Stopping at the steps, she let go of Vent's hand, and bowed down to the thing. "Go up the steps, at the top there is a stone box, answer the riddle correctly, without help, it will give you the scroll of this magic, showing you everything you could ever do with this spell."
Vent took a deep breath, and breathed out slowly.

"...... Is this a spell I want?" He asked kinda nervously, already deep in 'evil' magics, not wanting to lose himself further.


Hope chuckled.

"I'm assuming you have some sort of human form, eh Borghen?" He asked, fairly sure the demon had a trick or two up it's sleeve.

Sincerity smiled, and glowed, the blood disappearing from her. Still on Borghen's shoulders, she clung to his head.

"I wanna nice mansion, but bigger than the last one!" She squealed.

Hope shook his head. "I think a less conspicuous base of operations would be best." He suggested, shrugging.
"Spells." Alec corrected him, "And it's varying, some are good, some are bad, some are neutral. It just teaches you everything you can do with the power. You don't have to learn everything, you can choose what you want."

She smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him.


Reaching the greenhouse, the sand man pushed open the door, and they stepped inside to something of a tropic flower paradise. Leslie's jaw dropped looking around her, the smell was intoxicating as it was, and mixed with the vibrant colours, it was stunning.
Steven smiled,and nodded. "Your life is much better than mine,my friend. You have someone waiting for you,you have someone who is willing to spend eternity with you. I don't. My friends,we're close,and we'd die to save the others. I guess that's close,but it's still nothing compared to what you and your wife have."

He sighed pensively. "Maybe I'll find someone to share my days with,maybe I won't. But for now,Vent,Alec and Joseph are perfect.


Borghen nodded. "Should I pose as a relative,or a friend?"
Vent sighed, losing all the bravado he displayed.

"... We'll do it together, another time?" He asked sheepishly, turning away.


Hope shrugged.

"Whatever you want." He said without concern.
"I can't go." Alec laughed lightly. "But sure, we'll try again later."


"I would disagree, you have a good life. Carefree." Nikolai said, nodding his head. "And you will find someone. Trust this old fool on that one."
Borghen nodded,then carefuly examined Hope. He set Sincerity on the ground,then was consumed by a bright golden light. When the light subsided,a second Hope stood there,but his hair and clothing was a negative to Hope's. "How about a photo negative?"


Steven chuckled. "Carefree? Sure,as soon as you factor out the nutjobs. But,hey,they make things fun."
Nikolai laughed, "Yes, of course."


Leslie sighed happily, letting go of the sand man's arm and stepping over to a bright patch of multicoloured roses. Red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, any colour you could image, there was a rose for it. Tilting her head to the side, she smiled, who knew a guy would like flowers this much.

Continueing her walk, she went past various other flowers, irises, chrysanthemums, even daffodils, ass odd as that was before stopping and looking in at a patch of green. There, in between the leaves of the other plants, was a small one, small and unimpressive compared to the others. Though, it was a lovely colour, Leslie thought stroking a petal that faded from a deep orange to a pale pink.

Frowning, she realized something she had in common with this flower. It wasn't potted, and was growing from the ground, it was small because it lacked the ability to grow bigger than the other things and didn't get enough sunlight, and was ultimately, a pretty weed. Just like her.

As her frown deeped, Leslie looked around a moment, before picking the weed carefully. Looking at the sand she frowned. "Can we go back now?" The sand man nodded it's head and held out it's arm and the two returned to Leslie's room. As the sand man returned to the gourd, she went stuck the weed in a glass of water.

Unlocking the door, she started creeping down the hall, towards Marco's room. She needed to know more about him seeing as he knew so much about her and well, since other obvious reasons, and what better place to learn that in the place that was most private....
From the look-out spot he had chosen himself, Gabriel didn’t see the manor burst into the hungry flames he wished. Instead, it exploded in a fury; under the wits of the too many people, fighting too recklessly, inside. He could only laugh at the predicament, although it didn’t go exactly his way it seemed like he planned it from the start.

The battle still wasn’t over, but he didn’t want to stay in the area any longer, fear creeping into him at the chance of being spotted. Before his trail continued towards the next town, he moved his hands in front of him, as if on a fixed axis, creating his invisi-barrier. If they ever caught up to him, they wouldn’t be able to see him, so he continued on with his care-free attitude.

The next town seemed to be the playing field, for whatever crimes he felt like he could commit....

....and blame on others.
Finding Marco's room, Leslie smiled faintly to herself as she picked the lock. Stepping insdie the dark room, she hit the switch and raised an eyebrow at the thing. It was....clean. A dresser, a bed, a coat rack, and a desk that was neat and in order. Kind of like he never used it.

Frowning, she moved into the room, shutting the door behind her and folding her arms over her chest. Where was all the stuff that would make this his? The posters, the ruffled papers, a cd collection, something. Sitting down in the desk chair, she looked at the room, eyes searching over it looking for something out of place. A bit like she would have when trying to break into a place when she was on the street.
:: as Leslie sat down, a door on a cupboard came open a little bit, within this cupboard were posters of DOA, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Scarface and various pieces from the artist Luis Royo ::

:: deeper down she found a Nintendo 64 console ans a pile of games, most were Mario games with "bomberman 64, 2 Zelda games and "Perfect dark" ::

:: and right at the botom were his books, mainly comics with some romance novels ans right down the bottom, were a couple of porno magazines ::

:: inside a drawer in hi desk was a laptop, on it were mainly text files, and in his cupboard were normal clothes, sneakers, hoodies, black t-shirts, jeans ect... ::

:: all in all, what his room said about him was, he dosen't show it, but he is kind of a softie-nerd under all his tough exterior ::


:: Katie's and Marco's sparing continued, Marco had a slight cut on his hand, Katie was bruised and cut all over ::

Marco: "i must admit, if i were in the shape you're in i'd be slowing down by now... i think you might be ready for the next spell, "wound-transfer""
As the thing fell open, Leslie raised an eyebrow. Peering into it, she blinked a bit. After looking through it, and putting everything back, she laughed to herself.

"He's a dork...." She laughed a little harder before falling falling out of the chair as it tipped back on her. Hitting the ground, she laughed a little harder, a bit amused at the whole thing.
Vent nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. This magic gave him the willies. He looked at Alec and raised an eyebrow.

"What now?" He asked, a bit perplexed.


Hope's sense tingled. He felt someone watching, someone with an intent that was less than pure.

Was someone else after him? He sighed.

He ignored the presense. If it tried something else, Hope would deal with it himself. He furrowed his brow, throughly annoyed there was more to deal with.

"Borghen, look around in China. Find a nice mansion we can aquire through legal means, then take it without those means." He said with a grin, motioning for Sincerity to follow him.

"We'll meet once you have a suitable mansion in China, understood?" Hope concluded.
"Well, I had some things I wanted to test out...." Alec said, eyes glossing over for a second thinking about what she could do if it worked. "You could help me if you wanted...?"
Vent shrugged.

"Why not." He said, stepping back.

"What do I need to do?" He asked, glancing around.
Looking around, Alec sighed before dropping out of the blind realm, down to their makeshift hut in the forest. Which was funny that they had it actually. But hey, it worked.

Settling down agaisnt a tree, she grinned at Vent. "I'd need you to track something, and keep a very good eye, and most likely play base so nothing get's broken."
:: Marco made a ghost-like figure of himself ::

Marco: "simple you are beat up, this spell can turn the tide in an instant, a truly powerful spell, and it carries insane risk"

:: he sat down ::

Marco: "sit, i this'll take awhile for me to explain"
Leslie smiled faintly, before shaking her head. "no way..." She looked deeper into the drawer, at the books, before her face went a deep red seeing what was hidden there. "Oh..." She muttered, picking up a magazine and looking through it, her face went darker.

Putting it back in the drawer quickly, she picked up a novel, Lover Mine and tilted her head. "What's this...." She mused opening it and skimming the page, suddenly become entrapped in the writing, her guard going down.
:: timeskip, 10 minutes ::

Marco: "... and thats the basics, if i went into detail you'd be here for a week"

:: he stood back up ::

Marco:"now, use wound-transfer and give me your wounds"

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