Ww - the coming storm

Vent sighed. She had him...... He couldn't say no, but playing base wasn't his style.

"..... Fine." He consented, crossing his arms. "What am I tracking?" He asked.
katie got up and used the spell marco had shown her . a ghost like figuer in the shape of katie apeared and went over to marco
"Me." Alec said grinning. "I have to test something out...I forgot about it, and I realized, it could really help later." Rolling up her sleeves, before her over jacket phased through her skin. In just the tank top she wore underneath, she showed her back to Vent. "See those marks?"

She pointed out something that one would pass off as tattoos, but since she knew Vent had studied runes as well, he would know it was a magic symbol carved out into her skin. As the things spread out down her back, she sighed relaxing slightly as they faintly glowed green. "I need you to track me in case I fall. I've never tested it out before and I have a feeling its going to go bad."
Vent's mouth opened slightly.

"....... Fall?" He said stupidly, wondering what Alec was planning.
"Yeah Fall." Alec said, smiling at him faintly before the glowing on her marks brightened before extending off the skin into two different sets on each side. As the glow faded away, a double set of wings, one set a dark red, the other a dark orange, spread back before wrapping around her slightly. "I, uh....have some stuff I study when I'm on my own."
Vent sighed, and wind flared up around him.

"I can do better than track you, I can fly with you." He said, floating a bit with Ventus, a small smile on his face.
"I know..." Alec said. "I consider that tracking because your following me." She rolled her eyes before sighing and rubbing her head, visibly a bit scarred at what she was going to do, even if it was with the person she trusted most.
Vent sighed.

"You can do wind-based magic. I know, I've seen you even use Umbralus with it." Vent stated. "Flying is no big deal. You even have those wings to help, doing from pure elemental magic isn't easy!"

With that, he shot forward, and grabbed her hand, flying up with her into a portal that led to skies over New York City.

Vent grinned his grin, and flew with Alec, not letting go of her hand just yet.
Alec nearly screamed as Vent forced them up into the air, shutting her eyes tightly, not even realizing that the wings were beating rapidly, pulling them higher as it did so. "Wind magic isn't the same as flying." She said. "Just the water magic isn't the same as swimming."
Vent scoffed in response.

"It's whatever the Hell you want it to be! It's MAGIC." He said, the winds swirling around him and Alec one final time before he let go of Alec's hand while tossing her up higher. He watched as she went up, and up.......
Alec covered her eyes with her hands, before flinching, dropping down quite fast. Stuff was scary, real scary. Especially when you had an attachment to your body you didn't know how to work yet.
Vent sighed, shooting down quickly and catching Alec. Stopping his decent, he floated back up into the sky.

"Wanna try again?" He asked, surveying the city's night sky.
Alec, shivering slightly, nodded her head. "Just...don't do that again, please?" She looked at him for a second worry over her face before forcing the wings to beat a bit. Just enough for her to get away from Vent and to stay there hovering.
Borghen nodded,and vanished from sight in a puff of smoke. In China,Borghen walked,searching for a suitable base of operations. Being in the heart of Bejing would be a very bad idea;too many people. He needed to find an isolated area...

Then it hit him. He was now in Tibet. The country was mostly wild,untamed mountains. If he could find an especially untamed place in the mountains,he'd be able to notify Hope,and then they'd be able to remain undiscovered for the longest time...As long as they could fool sattelites. He telepathicaly contacted Hope.

"Hope,please forgive my impudence,but I think I've found a better alternative to a mansion in a city. Tibet is a mostly untamed mountain range. If I find a valley that's far off the beaten track,would it be possible to set up shop there,and fool the human sattelites?"
:: the ghost-form of katie went into arco, instantly Katie's wounds healed and in the smae places where Katie was hurt, wounds opened up on marco ::

Marco: "AAGH!... damn that stings... not bad, i must admit i'm impressed with your progress"

:: he healed his wounds with some ointment, but soon his phone rang ::

Marco: "just a minute, it's the battlemage high command, i gotta take this.. hello?... uh-huh... right.... oh damn... oh... okay, i'm on it"

:: he hung up the phone ::

Marco: "look, i gotta go, this guy, hope's mansion has been destroyed, hope is an enemy and an unknown enemy assaulted his manor, a contingent of battlemages has taken the ruins and is digging through the rubble but they were attacked by an unknown enemy, i'm being sent to back them up... if you don't mind putting yourself at risk, you can join me"
Leslie took a deep breath, before folding up the book, and putting it back. Before putting the room back exactly how she had found it. Creeping out of it, locking the door again, she moved down the hallway, back to hers. Running a hand through her hair, she idly started braiding it as she walked.

Maybe she should have said yes to Marco, after all, even after her expedition into his room, she didn't know much about him. Sighing, she sat down on the stepps and looked up at the ceiling. This place was his too wasn't it? So shouldn't there be information about him all over it? Hiding in the details of the house itself...

Grinning, she started sliding down the stairs, being carefully not to make any noise and started looking around...
:: Marco emerged fromt he basement with katie behind him ::

marco: "Leslie, we got trouble, i just got called to hope's manor, apparently it's been destroyed, and something has been attacking the battlemages who have taken p position there"

:: meanwhile, 2 people appeared in front of the house, one had messy hair, but he wore a tuxedo and he held a big red rose in his right hand, the other was in a full white robe, covering all his body ::

Marco: "and i think my squad is here to collect us now"

:: the door rang, an rish cokney voice yelled out ::

Voice: "Marco, come on, ya wanker!"
Vent snorted.

"C'mon, you can do it." He said, flying up higher, letting her out of his grip, but still holding her hand, dragging her up with her.

"Ready?" He asked, grinning.


Hope, now standing in the middle of New York City's Time Square, sighed.

'Yeah, that's cool too.' He said very informally, simply tired and wanting to rest.

Sincerity at his side, clinging to his arm, squealed with delight.

"Look at all the people!" She said, glancing around, as Hope's gaze narrowed. He didn't like large crowds.

"...... And they're all weak." She said to Hope, her green eyes gazing into his own. "You could kill them all, right now." She said to him, almost in a whisper, sounding nothing like the ten year old girl she appeared to be.

Hope nodded slowly, then shook his head violently.

"W-Why would I do that? What's gotten into you, Sincerity?" He asked suddenly, his eyes widening.

Sincerity smiled brightly, the cold aura that had sprung up gone.

"Nothing brother! You could, but that'd be bad." She said, Hope sighing in relief.

"...... Yeah. It would." He said skeptically, glancing down at her momentarily, before they continued on their walk.
Alec nodded her head, "I think...." She looked at Vent before sighing, shaking her head.


Leslie frowned deeply as her search was interrupted, but otherwise said nothing. Taking a deep breath, she rubbed the back of her head, the palm facing the stairs as the sand flew to it and formed the gourd again. Before getting the door for Marco, so he could help Katie...
Vent rolled his eyes.

"I believe in you. C'mon, you can do it!" He said, loosening his grip on Alec's hand.
Alec shook her head slightly, "O-okay..." She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down before the wings slowly started beating at a steady pace to keep her stable. Drawing her hand away, she fell down a small bit went back to nromal a few seconds later. Smiling faintly, she looked at Vent. "Were too...?"
Vent grinned, the winds around him flaring up a bit.

"Wherever you wanna go." He replied, glancing around.
Alec nodded her head, "I don't know....I don't know any place here..." She said, looking down, at all the lights of the city. "I mean, I don't even know where we are..."
Vent's eyes widened.

Neither did he.

"I think we're in New York, actually." He realized, glancing down, seeing Time Square.

He felt odd for some reason. Like, he was being watched, almost.

He brushed that feeling aside, and looked back at Alec.

"Tag?" He asked, shrugging.


Hope gazed up at Vent and Alec, in the night skies of NYC.

He grinned. Those two were something else. It seemed like destiny always managed to place them together with him.

He didn't mind. Alec was nearly as smart as him, and Venr was getting to be as strong. They could eventually be a real threat, if his own plans ever took off.

He sighed, sitting down on a bench, his presense hidden, watching them, almost watching OVER them.

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