Ww - the coming storm

From up above, Phalt frowned at the new man stepping in. It wasn't his territory, and he wasn't crossing his brother to tempt him. Though, he did have one thing left to say before he left them for now. Reforming near Vent's shoulder, he grinned and spoke quietly, almost singing it into his ear, "You only have so long before you know who realizes she's alone."
Unresponsive, Vent turned his head.



Hope spun on his heels, leaping forward, snatching Phalt up by the neck, lifting him from the ground and away from Vent.

"What in the name of the Gods are you?" He asked, fury written all over his face. This creature's dirty tactics had angered him.
Phalt held up his hands. "I am nothing more than a demon brother,personally pertaining to what you call shadows." She grinned again, showing his dark red teeth, before sticking his tongue out, a symbol carved into the the black thing that glowed red, though it told all he was. Turning his head fully around to look at Vent, it he grinned again, " You've met him before."
Vent's eyes stayed on Phalt, as he vaguely noticed Hope was here.

But that mark.....


It couldn't be.

".... Is your brother..... Zar-....." Vent started to say, before stopping himself, and glancing around, his eyes now returning to normal. He'd been had, but Alec was definitely hurt.

He let the winds flow around him for a moment, before darting off to find Alec.


Hope sighed, lowering Phalt to the ground, and backing away.

"..... Answer my question. I don't care if you're a demon, that does nothing for me. WHAT are you. And why are you so concerned with tormenting Vent?" Hope asked, all serious buisness right now.
"tch." Phalt said, before pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth, a flicker of light coming through the trees towards them, "I didn't want to deal with you..." He said simply, watching as his Brother came closer before the suited man took place in front of them, arms folded, a sneer on his face.

"I told you, Stay away from what's mine." It growled at Phalt before looking at Hope and holding a hand out in greeting, becoming very professional, though the mark of the back of the head could tell anyone it was on the same page as Phalt.
Hope smirked.

"I see. The rough and tumble Vent gets a foe of equal intellectual fortitude, but surprisingly less honor. I'm assuming you'll be civil, and answer my questions?" Hope asked of the new man, who claimed Hope as 'his', as Hope shook the man's hand.

Hope had some suspicions as to the intentions of theses beings, having known about Alec's plight with Zaria from surveillance. These creatures, or at least Phalt, seemed to thrive on the mental and emotional anguish of the one they attacked. It was too similar. But why? And what greater purpose did these beings serve?


Vent ran through the woods, tears streaming from his eyes, as he cried for Alec.

"Alec! Alec! Where are you?" He yelled, picking up faint signals of her magical presense.
"Naturally..." The new one said, before bowing his head, "Introductions first. We both know who you are, and you clearly know who this one is. But you don't know me, Well, my good man, I am Wisdom." He nodded his head, as his hands clasped behind his back, in the old way lawyers would have.

"So, your questions?"
Hope grinned at the man's name.

"I have a few. Apart from from being demons, exactly what are you creatures? And why are you so focused on singular people? Phalt here seems to have a grudge for Vent, and I know of a being terribly similar to you two who has it out for someone else I know. And why? Why us? I'm incredibly powerful, yes, and it's understandable I'd have enemies I wasn't even aware of simply by existing. But, why Vent and Alec?" Hope asked numerous questions, hungry for knowledge he wasn't already in possession of.


Vent leaned against a tree, out of breath. Panting he glanced around.

"W-Why..... Why won't you answer me!" He yelled out, still frantically looking for Alec.
"We are...." Wisdom started the stopped. "It's a bit hard to explain. We are demon, once again, and we all have a certain type we affiliate too. Phalt, as you can see....shadows....myself, well...." He chuckled lightly, holding up a hand that glowed faintly with light. "Light..."

"As for why you, why I'm afraid your not quite up to par with a double. You see, for every person on earth, there are lessers, for every magical being, there are demons. A perfect match to each. Normally, we stay down below as we don't have permission to cross over, though some slip through the cracks, like the the brother you speak of for the female. Take up root and wait for their double to come to them.

"Unfortunately, someone has been getting very very angry with all of yours actions up here, and gave us range through a crack to go and hunt you all down. Since we are only one persons double, we only deal with that one person. Phalt crossed the line letting you near him. And yes, you are powerful, but that has nothing to do with why were here. You see, our....father, if you will...has been watching this world, and he's disappointed in all of you for what your doing. I don't know the reasons, I don't have too know. If that hinges your curiosity."
Hope took in all this information.

"..... This isn't quite what I'd expected. And, to respond to your last statement, everything hinges my curiosity." Hope said with a grin.

"So, essentially, we've manages to anger some lord of the Underworld, and he's sent our perfect matches to destroy us?" Hope summarized. "That's interesting. We both specialize in light magic while Phalt and Vent both seem to be of wind and dark, what with the flying and shadows and all...... This is truly incredible." Hope couldn't hold back his excitement.

"But, something you said peaks my curiosity even further. You said, I'm no match for a double? I'm going to assume that you are 'Doubles', and what you're speaking of. So...... I wouldn't be able to defeat you?" He asked finally.
"Because I am you..." Wisdom grinned. "I know everything You could ever think of doing, and things you can't even breach in your wildest dreams." Shaking his head, he continued, "And were not here to destroy you. We're here to take something, and bring it back with us as a punishment to you."
"You are me......" Hope echoed, grinning.

"Sorry, this is where I lose interest. You've given me much to think about, and some interesting information regarding the inner workings of our world. But, I can't believe that 'you are me'. I'm my own man, and I will not be compared to a demon. And, whatever you plan on taking from me, Vent, Alec, and whoever else has a Double, I personally will stand in your way." Hope explained, as he basically declared war.

As interesting as these people were, they pissed him off to no end. Underhanded tactic displayed by one, and a sense of arrogance that irked him from the other? This would not continue.

"Vent and I are by no means friends, but I think even his tiny brain will come to see the threat you beings represent to not just us, but our world. I don't care what orders you're under, or what your purpose is. You're unatural." Hope finished with a stinging statement left in the air.

"Thank you for answering my questions." He added afterwards, putting his hands in his pockets, ready to leave.
"I don't think you understand. By saying, I am you...I am the dark half of your heart. The very presence that has been in you since you were born from the womb. That is what a double is, the dark of ones heart, their worst qualities personified. And if you stand in our way, I'm sure we will get around..." The two looked at each other before the signs glowed for a second on them and they disappeared.
Hope snorted.

"..... The dark in my heart.... I vanquished it once, and I'll do it again." He spat, starting to search for Vent.


Vent got an idea.

Summoning the puppy, he knelt down beside it.

"Can you find Alec?" He asked, sounding exhausted.

The puppy nodded, and darted off into the dark, Vent close behind it. Eventually, Vent could feel Alec's pressure getting stronger! He was getting close.
Wisdom shrugged, and Phalt laughed. The two dissolved into the air.

In the dark of the place, a portal stood, to the blind realm...

Inside the pitch blackness of it, things moving about but not touching, there was a person curled up, feathers around them but no more wings, they had reverted back to bleeding rune marks.

Behind them, a figure was forming, tall, and foreboding, a clawed hand started reaching out.
Suddenly, a bark signified the entrance of Vent.

Shooting into the blind realm at the speed of lightning, Vent in his Voltus Umbralus state met the clawed hand with a fist surrounded in lightning. Glaring at the enemy, his skin crackling with power and his hair long and bright yellow with electrical energy, Vent's aura of pure determination contrasted his despair from not even five minutes ago.

"Get away from Alec, Zaria." Vent spat, as blast of lightning ripping away at the shadowed assailant from Vent's other hand.
Zaria removed his hand, grinning as he looked at Vent. "If you wish, although, Alec? " She didn't respond, as she looked at Vent, she concentrated only on him. "8 months..." Taking a step back, he grinned as she curled up tighter into herself, he could feel her distress and laughed viciously. "Till next time...." He dissapeared.
Vent could only watch as Zaria slipped away once more.

He sighed, his Umbralus state deactivating.

"..... Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down beside her, putting his arm around her. Exhaustion and a hint of despair in his voice, he pressed his forehead against hers.
Alec shrugged, "Depends on what you mean..." She frowned, arms going from her sides, to his waist. "No more flying lessons okay?"
Vent held back a chuckled, and nodded vigorously.

"No more flying lessons." He echoed, picking Alec up, and setting her on his own lap, sitting up against some sort of rock.

"..... Why us?" Vent asked Alec, a single tear running down the right side of his face.
"I don't know..." She said quietly, resting her head against his shoulder, still not realizing her hold on him. "I'm sorry I made you worry..." She muttered before looking up at him, seeing the tear..."Your crying...?" She hugged him tighter.
"I'm just sick of there always being someone out there gunning for us." Vent said, quickly wiping away the tear.


Hope found the still open portal the the blind realm, and glanced down at the puppy, seemingly guarding the entrance.

Hope smirked.

"Are they having a private moment in there?" He asked the puppy in superior tone, shaking his head.

The puppy barked, and retreated back to Vent with it's tail between it's legs.

Vent noticed as the puppy pressed itself against his leg, and he sighed, recognizing the presense even as it tried to hide itself.

"When we're this close, hiding yourself is useless, Hope!" Vent called out, holding Alec a bit tighter, but not moving.
Alec sighed, frowning, "I don't know what to tell you..." She muttered, before he spoke out for Hope to come forward. A growl came from her throat involuntarily.
Vent sighed.

"Alec, right now, it's okay. He's not here to fight us. When did he ever search US out?" Vent explained, glaring at Hope nonetheless as be stepped into view.

"..... Good observation, my dim-witted rival." Hope acknowledged, thinking maybe Vent wasn't quite as stupid as he'd written him off to be. "There's something afoot here bigger than even our scuffles."

Vent nodded.

"Do tell." He said rather calmly, seeing as he was in Hope's presense.

Hope nodded.

"It's rather unbelievable......" He stated, shrugging sheepishly.
"Those words coming from your mouth are quite different. So, do, go on." There was an edge in Alec's voice but otherwise, she spoke like talking to an old friend.

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