Ww - the coming storm

"You don't need to know." She said, before walking back towards the portal to New York.
Vent pouted now.

"But I wanna know!" He said, sounding a little bit childish. "What's he done......" Vent started to think while following Alec.

"...... 8 months......" He said to himself, a few ideas coming to mind.
"Look, mind your own business alright, it's not something you need to deal with, and I'm not going to let you get into it." Alec said, turning towards him, looking rather pissed.
Vent grinned.

He leaned forward, and gave Alec just lightest touch of a kiss, and walked past her.

"I'll ask Zaria myself. Then I'll fix whatever problem it's caused, and everything will be great." He said as walked through the portal. Instantly, upon reaching Earth's surface, an aura of gale force winds tore up around Vent, causing havoc.

"ZARIA!" He thundered, shattering windows in the city. "ALEC AND I WANNA HAVE A CHAT WITH YOU!!!"


Elsewhere in New York, atop the Empire State Building, Hope fixed his cuffs. He was nervous. What Alec reaffirmed might be right. He could die here, if he wasn't careful.

But he would not fold.

He released his power once again, hoping his Double would notice, and come find him.

He chuckled as Vent also tried to draw out Doubles.

Things were speeding up.
Alec growled, hands tightening into fists. She knew Zaria would tell him, and that was bad.

Following Vent, she closed her eyes rubbing the bridge of her nose at what he had done.

Seconds later, a swirl appeared in front of them at about 10 feet. Zaria formed from it. "You rang.....?"


Wisdom, grinned as Hope's power lit up New York again like a giant beacon saying 'here i am, come and get me'

"Fat chance, pretty boy. You come to me this time." He let his own energy flare up, as he laughed, settling down in a chair in a penthouse half a mile away from Hope.
Vent scowled as Zaria appeared.

"Yeah, I did." His winds slowing down and halting. A perfect level field had been created. "I wanna ask you a question." He spat.


Hope grinned.

He didn't budge, just watching Wisdom's own power rival his own.
"Ask away..." Zaria said, keeping eyes locked with Vent, while a smile split across his face.


Wisdom picked up his mug of tea, drinking it slowly as his power increased ten fold.
Vent smirked.

"What have you done to Alec?" He asked straight-forward, a glint of malice in his eyes.


Hope's eyes widened for a second.


He warped to the approximate source of the power, outside the penthouse's door.

He knocked.
"What do you mean by that? I've done lots of things to Alec..." Zaria said, the smile never fading.


Wisdom grinned, the door came open, and from his chair, he motioned to the one next to him as a tea tray floated into the room. "Please, do sit, help yourself to refreshments."
Vent scowled.

"The one thing you never let her forget. The thing you remind her of all the time. What. Did. You. Do?" He asked again, his right eye going yellow to match his left one.


Hope sat down, and poured himself some tea.

"...... I hope we can skip the pleasantries." He said, sipping his tea.
Zaria bared his teeth before laughing. He disappeared for a second, before appearing behind Alec and placing a hand over her stomach. "I think you can guess what I did..." Reappearing in the same spot as before, he grinned, " And I didn't use magic..." Rubbing it in.


Wisdom shrugged, "As you wish."
Vent's eyes appeared hollow for a second.

Biting his lip, he nodded.

"..... I figured." He said, his Umbralus marks surfacing and glowing with power.

"You know, right now, I thought I'd be burning up with rage, and just lose myself to the demon blood and go apeshit. But I can't. Something's stopping me...... It's stopping me so I can enjoy tearing your beating heart out, Zaria!" Vent yelled, literally glowing with power.

"Voltus Complexio, Umbralus Perfectra!" He yelled, a large orb of lightning appearing in his hand, and being absorbed into his marks, his eyes going a perfect shining yellow, his hair growing long and turning a glowing gold. His skin crackling with energy, Vent launched himself at Zaria at the speed of lightning, grabbing him by the nostrils and yanking him away from Alec, tossing him into the air, and shooting up after him.


Hope nodded.

"What do you Doubles seek from us?" He asked.
Zaria laughed, dissapearing from the air and appearing on the ground. "What do you think your doing Vent?"


"Payment for your sins."
Vent turned, and shot back at Zaria, aiming a fist wrapped in lightning at his jaw

"Like I said, I'm gonna tear your beating heart out!" He yelled, swinging.


Hope nodded.

"And this payment would be.......?"
"I don't have a heart." Zaria said, catching the fist as his own power exploded, water wrapping up around his own hand. A bad combination for whoever stopped first.


"In your case. Pride."
Vent's other hand started to swirl with wind, and he punched out at Zaria's gut, hoping to blast him back and cancel out the stalemate they were in.


Hope's eyes narrowed.

"..... Pride? I've shown so much pride the Lord of Underworld wants me to pay?" He asked, disbelieve echoing in his words.
Zaria blinked a few times as he found himself sliding back in the dirt, the ground cracking under the force. "You've gotten stronger."


"Not necessarly, I don't know what you did to make him mad. He just wants you to loose your pride..."
Vent shook his head, leaping at Zaria again, a lance of lightning coming his hand and shooting at Zaria as Vent closed the gap.


Hope tilted his head.

"So I'm to lose my pride..... What about Vent and Alec?" Hope asked.
Zaria moved to the side, avoiding it, before shooting a turrent of water at Vent.


"You'd have to ask their double."
:: having fought tooth and nail, arco, leading Cassidy and Francis who were spearheading the attack with battlemages following, made it to the black goo in the middle, while Marco set about killing more of the shaddow-creatures, Cassidy cast a sealing spell on the pile of goo ::

Cass: "there! that should do it...."

:: the other shaddows began to wither away, and soon there were none, the battlemages lost few, but even with a million shaddow casualties, their numbers were infinite ::
Looking around, Leslie sighed. Running a hand through her hair, as Cassidy did what he did, she withdrew her sand and it returned back to it's gourd as what she was fighting died. Frowning, she tightened a hand into a fist, before sighing and stepped back, out of the way of battle mages as they moved about to start the 'clean up job'.
Vent growled, darting around the water with erratic movements and lightning fast speed. Coming in fast at Zaria, he faked an electrified punch to the face, but spun mid-attack, and delivered a vicious spin kick to the outside of Zaria's right knee.


Hope nodded again. This was very informative.

"Why does your master want MY pride?" He continued with his never-ending stream of questions.
:: Marco went back to Leslie and Katie, he was still angry as hell, but now it was under control ::

Marco: "Leslie... Katie... i should tell you... if you plan on staying with me, you will be part of this"

:: he gestured to the battlemages ::

Marco: "this is all-out war now, the enemy will be tracking us, and you will all have to learn to fight, because i can't defend you 24/7"

:: he took a deep breath ::

Marco: "the executives will be clawing for the ownership of datadyne now that my dad is dead... i better go assert my authority to the board before some mony-grubbing basterd gets it"

:: he slammed his palm down, opening up a portal to the datadyne HQ in chicago ::

Marco: "first thing im gonna do is change the name... "Seraf Industries" sounds good"
Leslie nodded her head, suddenly a bit glad of Borghen's teaching, and the need to go see him one last time. She would do that at a later time though.

"Marco..." She started, watching him. "Be careful. Please..." For a second, the demon made her lean out, grab a hold of his face and kiss him, while activating a spell to make him more happy and alert, than angry and foggy headed.

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