Ww - the coming storm

Zaria went back a bit, before growling loudly, his passive form shredding away to a dark red demon, horns, nasty fangs,and a lot more pressure of power. As this happened, anger and hatred exploded into the emotions of all around for about half a mile.


"I couldn't say...just said that was one of you three worst faults."
Vent fought with the emotions put into him by the release of Zaria's power. It was difficult, but he found his own demonic energy fighting's Zaria's on a passive level. He wouldn't be able to use too much of his demonic powers, but he was safe from succumbing to Zaria's pressure for now.

He took a stance, and with a smirk, motioned for Zaria to come at him for once, as lightning built around his hands and feet.


Hope's eyebrow raised.

"I have more than one fault?" He asked.
Zaria snarled before a mix of fire and water erupting from around him, and launched full force at Vent. Behind the spells, Zaria followed, a powerful burning fist aimed at Vents face.


Wisdom set down his empty tea glass. As his eyes slid over to Vent, he adjusted his tie. "You have several."
Vent waved his right hand, a gust of wind blowing the fire and water off course, as he shot at Zaria as well, blocking the flaming fist with his forearm, electricity connecting with fire and making a dazzling display, as Vent aimed at punch at Zaria's chest, crackling with energy.


Hope nodded.

"..... What are they?" He asked, interested.
:: Marco held leslie close for a few second, prolonging the kiss, when she let go he turned around ::

Marco: "you be careful..."

:: he went through the portal, emerging into the board room, full of old men, all wanting the big paycheck that the "top dog" would get.. i won't bore you with details but lets just say that... in the end Marco kept the top position ::
Zaria brought up his foot,meeting Vent's hand with the base of his foot. As his anger increased, he twisted his arm, grabbing hold of Vent's wrist and throwing him up into the air, following behind him.


"Let's see....arrogance, god complex, morals, cockyness, power hungry, and careless...." Wisdom snapped his fingers, his tea was refilled by the floating pot.


Nodding her head, Leslie sighed. Looking at Katie, she pointed to an off side thing. "So, you want to go training with me?" She asked, "You can't tell Marco where we're going through, okay?"
Vent flipped through the air, but suddenly a large orb of wind seperatated him and Zaria. Catching the orb with his hand, Vent's Umbralus marks glowed bright.

"Ventus Tempestra, Umbralus!" He yelled, the lightning energy stopping, a swirling ball of winds suddenly replacing him in the sky.


Hope smiled.

"But for all these negative qualities, I have a good one as well." He replied.
Zaria snarled, before shooting off the side. Near a spectator who was watching with a mix of fear, hatred, and concern written over them. This made him smirk as he got an idea. He slowly started edging closer to Alec, making it look like he was shuffling back looking for Vent.


Wisdom shrugged, "If you say so."
Vent, watching from inside the sphere of winds, grinned. Zaria's little fake out plan back-fired. He'd expected foul-play, but even Phalt seemed to do it better than Zaria.

As Vent's hair went wavy, and his body synchronized with he wind, he burst out the sphere, straight at Zaria, his right fist swirling with razor sharp wind, and the sphere following behind him.


"I do." He said, sipping his own tea.
At that instant, he barked out a command. "Alec. Defend." And not even a split second later, she was in front of him involuntarily, a human shield. Part of the many things he had done, was leave a seal. A seal that opened on his voice command for this very reason. Though it only worked within a certain distance, the exact distance he had made sure he was in as Vent attacked, and ended up hitting her.


"Good for you."
Vent snarled, and cut his wind element, his Umbralus marks burning him as their power was cut short and leaked out of Vent. He flew at Alec unarmed, and defenseless, sticking his arms out and basically tackling Alec, and turning in the air so to land on his shoulder, protecting Alec from harm.


Hope scowled.

"Do you not believe me?" He asked.
As Alec hit the ground with Vent, Zaria grinned. Kicking Vent off Alec he put his foot on top of his chest. "Your a fool boy."


Wisdom shrugged, "I wouldn't know, actually."
Vent coughed, and smirked.

"Not half as dumb as you'd think." He spat, the sphere of wind that was following him still following his change in position, and now coming right at him and Zaria.

"And I have no more control over that thing." He added, with a wild grin.

Hope snorted.

"I thought you were supposed to be everything negative about me?" He asked
"Good, then you can die with it." Zaria moved to the side, after giving Vent one good sharp kick to the ribs.


"Exactly why I wouldn't know your good things..."
Vent coughed, blood coming up, as he rolled over to the side just out of the way. The sphere burst upon impact, into many razor sharp blasts of wind. Vent caught one on his left arm, yelling as he coughed more blood up.

He needed to get back into this fight, and dominate it like he had at the beginning!


Hope rolled his eyes.

"...... You want to take the negatives I have, even though you're already the embodiment of them?" He asked, stunned.
Grinning, Zaria summoned up another, bigger mixture of fire and water and formed it into a ball. As it floated in front of him, he turned on his left heel and drop kicked it towards Vent with his right leg. Alec, still sitting on the ground snarled before shotting something at it, knocking it off course where it landed a foot from vent's head, leaving a deep crater in the ground.


Wisdom shook his head, "I only know your bad sides. I know nothing of your goodness."
Vent grinned. Alec had given him enough of a chance. He focused, and swapped the functions of his demonic energy and his magic. With his magic now holding off the effect of Zaria's pressure, Vent stood up, his eyes going demonic yellow, a nasty grin on his face. He spat out some blood, and an aura of demonic force erupted around him.


Hope smirked.

"Then you don't know me at all." He spat.
"Oh, playing with the big boy powers now are we?" Zaria asked as fire errupted up one arm, water on the other. As he motioned for Vent to make his move, he settled down into an old style of fighting, much like that of a samurai.


"O so you say..." Wisdom said, his expression mirroring everything Hope was to others. Barely any of it was good.
Vent chuckled, an aura of super-dense demonic energy erupting around him, as the by-product black lightning crackled around his hands.


Hope nodded.

"I'm going to defeat you." He said calmly.
"Cute trick." Zaria said, before moving his hand over something like a shealth on both sides, a sword of pure ice came out of one, a sword of lava on the other. "Don't think it will help you though."


"If you wish." Wisdom said, standing up. Moving towards the window, he nodded towards a chess set. "I settle my bouts in chess. Now if you will..." He motioned for the chair across from the one he was sitting down at.


Wisdom grinned, knowing full well Hope had no idea what would happen in this match. No one did...
Vent's aura of super-dense energy collapsed into his hands, as he formed it into a 'Wrath's Lance'. Holding the marble sized insanely dense creation of demonic energy, he grinned.

"It's my best 'trick'." He said mockingly, un-impressed with the swords.


Hope's eyebrow raised.

He sat down in the chair opposite, and looked at Wisdom expectantly.
Nodding his head, he looked at the thing. "Then I best not touch it then..." Zaria grinned before twisting the swords into one, creating his signature weapon, 'Emotions Alter.' A mix of the two most extreme emotions but into elements and twisted into a blade of freezing fire and burning ice. He waited.


Wisdom tapped the boards side lightly and the two were sucked into it on the opposite sides. Hope landing into a large square of white on his side, full of peace and flowers, Wisdom going to a large black square on his full of dead woods and torment.
Vent ran at Zaria, Wrath's Lance floating delicately in his palm as black lightning lept from Vent's other hand at Zaria.


Hope's eyes widened.

"What is this?" He asked, glancing around.
Almost dancing around the lightening, Zaria struck out the sword to his right and ran, the blade aimed for Vent's midsection though his path was just to the left of him.


A game of chess inside a game of cat and mouse. Pick your moves wisely for we're not alone.... Wisdom's voice said in Hope's head.

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