Ww - the coming storm

Alec held up one hand, the thumb and for finger close together. "I would say more terrifying that anything..."
Alec shrugged, then sighed, and shrugged again. "You can be..." Shaking her head, "I'm not explaining..."
Vent pouted, and attempted to give Alec the puppy-eyes.

He wanted to know why he was terrifying. That didn't sit so well with him.
:: Marco closed his financial folder, and looked at the board ::

Marco: "although i do not relinquish ownership of the company, this agreement simply lowers my gain from the weekly profits from 10% to 2% in exchange for me keeping an eye on the company and so i can do my own thing... agreed?"

: anthough the board members wanted Marco out of the way, this was all they could get, becauseeven in his position of lowering his opwer, he still had the ifinal say, and he could fire them wththe snap of his fingers if they tried to push him down ::

:: Marco walked out, opening a small poeral to the house where he was before ::

Marco: "hey Leslie, Katie! you here!?"
:: Marco walked into the room where Katie was ::

Marco: "man... what a day... first i killed my own father, took control of the company, and now im bloody hungry!"
katie blinked and blushed by being pulled along by her collor. getting to the garage infront of the scooter her hair turned light red. " we are going ot ride this thing?" sh asked
marco: "yup"

:: he threw her a helmet, right before strapping on a helmet on himself, he then pressed the open button to the garrage door, after that he got onto the scooter, turned it on and patted the back part of the seat ::

Marco: "well, hop on already!"
:: marco launched off sending them both off into the rain starting to come down, in one direction was the mountain ranges of the "Great dividing range" and the small town of Dunkeld, in the other direction was the fields, crops and livestock, and past that was the town "Hamilton" this was the place they were going to, they took a right turn and went down the country road, in 5 minutes they went past the hamilton airport, a small airfield with only a few planes capeable of carrying only about 30 people ::

Marco: "almost there... i was raised in this town, you know... i haven't been here since i left to got to the accademy... the first one, i mean"

:: they went down a near-vertical hill, coming to the side of a highway, they took another tight and came to the center of town, there marco took another right, went past the bottle shop, the gas station and the KFC, took a left and soon came to McDonalds, he parked on a corner ::

Marco: "wow... i hardly recognise it..."
katies eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked at the mcdonalds "i have not had McDonalds in sooooo long!!!" she turned to marco and said to him with yellow hair "lets hurry!!" she skipped along into the McDaonalds
:: Marco rolled his eyes, and pinched Katie in the back of the neck ::

Marco:"calm the hell down"

:: as they got closer, they saw 2 boys leave ::

Guy: "m-Marco?... is that you?"

Marco: "uhh... do i know you?"

Guy: "primary school, i was a bit more round, long poofy hair, i used to hang around with Kcacey?"

Marco: "holy crap, Bettsy! long time no-see!"

Me: "yeah, man its good to see you again!"

Marco: "you still into trains?"

Me: "ahh, i moved on from that"

:: i notice Katey ::

Me: "ah well, i don't wanna be a third wheel with you're lady-friend here... seeya later, mate!"

Marco: "okay, bye!"
katie looked at marco and bettsy and was waiting for them as if a pet waiting for her master to finish so she could finaly have some food
:: after I left, Marco went in with Katie, and ordered some food, i cant be buggered saying what meal ::

Marco: "okay, i payed for us both, im gonna find a seat and you can keep the change"

:: he went to a small table in the crner, he didn't like sitting in the middle of a room ::

:: after Katie got there, he began drinking his milkshake ::

Marco "you know... it's been years since i had something that tastes good, since my battlemage training... man that was an ordeal... wanna hear about it?"
Alec shook her head, "That doesn't really work with me." She said before looking up at teh sky. "I hate this place." She said suddenly, before offering her hand as a portal to....someplace opened up behind her.


Leslie sighed, as she watched them leave, but that was good in itself. Suddenly concentrated one one particular scent, she teleported to Borghen's side.
Vent shook his head.

"I'm not terrifying. Phalt's terrifying. Hope's terrifying. Hell, even Borghen is pretty scary......." Vent mused, rubbing his chin. Then he grinned, pounding his chest.

"I'M cool." He said, a bit full of himself at the moment.
"Think of it this way, you just ate a demon..." Alec said simply, the only hint she was giving as to why she thought what she did.
Vent rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I didn't eat him, Wrath's Door did." He said, crossing his arms, and looking a bit dejected.

"....... Is terrifying good?" He asked.
"I suppose." Alec said getting more antsy the longer they stayed there. As she looked at Vent, she shook her head. "I'm ghost." She said simply and poofed away.
Vent shook his head.

He just won.

Why wasn't she happy? There was something up.

Vent sighed, putting his hands in his pockets, looking around at the mess he'd made fighting. Had he lost his head in order to defeat Zaria?


No. It was worth it. Vent nodded his own agreement to his thought, and grinned, walking through the rubble and torn up earth, through the woods, and back out into New York City.
Stepping out onto the sands of a place she hadn't been in a long time, Alec sighed as ocean air hit her face. The sun shining was a large contrast to her emotions, and as she padded down the stretch of beach to a tiny 'hut' built there in the shade of trees.

Setting down in the chair in front of it, she folded her knees up to her chest and watched the waves roll up and down the shore. If Zaria was dead....she wasn't going to get an answer as to what happened. The normal human method of knowing didn't really detect things of demonic or magical nature. So if she was, she was screwed.

"I could always cut myself open and deal with it that way..." Alec mused.
Joseph followed Val outside,and kept silent,simply taking in the sights. There were a few locals who stared,but they didn't try anything.


Steven contined walking with Nikolai,and asked, "So,what now?"


Borghen saw Leslie appear,and smirked. "Hello,Leslie. I was about to start the construction of our new base. Care to help?"

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