Ww - the coming storm

:: Marco shrugged ::

Marco: "i dunno, i just wanted to come and see an old friend, see how she's going, whats so wrong with that?"

:: he pointed at the closed door where Law was ::

Marco: *whispering* "did i interupt an intimate moment?"
"No." Alec said, "I was giving him a change of clothes, bloke just came out of hell." Shaking her head, she sighed, "Look, I'm sorry okay? It's just...today has been hectic, and stressful, and my nerves are shot....so people popping out of no where is grating what's left.."
Marco: "jeez, you think you had a heard day!? my dad got possessed by a soulstone of a monster and i had to kill him!"

:: he showed her a large gash on his lower-torso ::

Marco: "this was a near-fatal wound he gave me before i managed to pierce him in the heart!"

:: he pointed at her, his face was already red ::

Marco: "you have no right to ***** to me about having a tough day!"
"Excuse me, I just watched my boyfriend go ape shit on my worst nightmare because i'm too weak to stand up for myself, almost got myself killed twice, and discovered that because of the person who caused all of it, and I don't even know if what he did to me made me pregnant..." She hissed at him, standing up in her right of saying that, having been through the whole parent dead thing herself, though she hadn't caused it, and since Yumi's ghost had still be kicking around just long enough to throw mental acid in her face.
Marco: "we- wait, killed twice and pregnant?... how... wha...?"

:: he instantly forgot what he was talking about ::

Marco: "... wait... go over that again"
Alec, having proved her point, narrowed her eyes, "Zaria came back, Marco. Vent killed him in New York City. But that was after a lot of things happened, that i'm not going into detail on. Kay?" Her voice was an instant shut off to that topic, though she knew Marco would likely push it.
:: Marco threw up his hands ::

Marco: "okay enough! i know this was a crappy time to come around, i'm gonna be in the russian mountains taking care of some business, contact me when you're finished"

:: he went in a flash, appearing outside an old bunker, he smell inside was un-godly, and inside he could hear muffles screams, he walked inside, going downt he elevator, at the bottom he saw dozens of dead "human centerpedes" as well as other experiments, most were dead, the ones that were alive were living a horror worse than hell itself ::

Marco: "hey! Lamia, you here!?"

:: the man, Lamia came out ::

lamia: "aah! Marco! good to see you!"

Marco: "hey, look are you keeping up with our agreement?"

Lamia: "i only lure extreme pedophiles and sadists to be used, don't worry about that"

Marco: "good"

:: Marco sat on a filthy chair made from skin, the people it was made from was still alive, their skin was stretched and torn and thei bones moved into possition, so now they were parts of the chair, with their living heads at he armrest ::

Marco: "these people slaughter nd kill children and innocents... truly, this IS hell"

Lamia: "you do me too much honor"

Marco: "indeed, look i want you to oin my battlemage team, i can tear up your bounty"

Lamia: "what do you need me for?"

Marco: "simple, i'm going hate-group hunting, i need a "specialist"

:: Lamia shook his hand and agreed ::
Sighing, Alec pushed her fingers onto the side of her nose before she yelled at the sky rudely in Chinese, that had something to do with doing things right. From the water the dragon popped it's head out.

"You seems mad child..." It cooed, before Alec simply disappeared into smoke, gone into the one place she could reek havoc and not get in trouble for it.

As she stepped out onto the coldest part of Hell, she screeched, drawing a lot of attention to her location. Monsters from all over the frozen torment stirred in excitment at having a new play thing, and as they drew close to Alec, they realized it would be a wild one.

As she jumped onto the first monster, something like that of a gaint snake, Alec nailed a fist through the roof of it's head and started an over driving of an old spell into it's brain that quite literally drove it made till where it ate itself alive. Looking at the others, she had a lot worse planned for them.

Five minutes later, a lot of them where dead, the bodies massacurred, and Alec stood, not even breaking a sweat, covered in their blood as she yelled again, waking the reigning demon of the ice realm himself.
katie finally finished her meal and wondered where Marco went off to. without wanted to bother him she decided to leave the place and take a cat nap on the roof. "im sure that when he needs me he will be able to find me." she thought to herself as she drifted off into her sleep curled up with her tail around her.
:: Marco clapped his hands, looking at the massacare of the monsters ::

marco: "not too shabby! she's at the level of a battlemage grunt at least!"

:: he got up, summoning drusilla ::

Drusilla: "oh god, this place is HORRIBLE!"

Marco: "yeah..."

:: Marco turned himself into an exact coppy of drusilla, and had drusilla turn herself into a massive gold and diamond sword, he slung her onto his back ::

Marco-disguise: "well, i'll be back later"

:: he teleported onto the top of the shack,l he disguised his aura and everything else about him, swapping it out with Drusilla's aura ::

Marco-disguise: "well well well, not too shabby!"
Growling at the fact Marco had followed her even here, Alec went over the edge. As the master of Ice and Torture himself stepped up, she traced a pentagram into the earth with the blood. Setting into the middle of it, she looked at the thing as it roared back, bringing up it's beastly hammer and smashing it down on top of her. Thinking he had won in one shot, he didn't realize the head of the giant hammer cracking till the whole thing shattered around Alec's fist.

The glint in her eyes was pure deadly, and as the beast suddenly stepped up to meet it's fate it glared down at Alec, who was in comparison, a measly spec of sand in the entire beach. (meaning the 'ruler' is super huge')
:: the disguised Marco waved tot he giant hell-ruler ::

Marco-disguised: "hey big guy! nice place you have here, do you know what way to the city of dis? i got someone to see"

:: the city of dis is made of the burning tombs of heretics, as mentioned in "Dante's Inferno" ::
The ruler looked once at the disguised Marco, before it's attention returned to Alec, not even bothering to give a response. The next moment moved to fast for even the fastest computer scanner to pick up. When everything returned to normal, Alec was inside her pentagram once again, the ruler was cut open, gutted, drained of blood, and headless. Among other, brutal, things that no one would have suspected Alec capable of doing, even on her worst days.

Looking at the one who had attempted inturrupting their fight, Alec's eyes shoned deadly purpose before power exploded, pushing everything(I mean everything, even the disguised Marco) out of the ice section of hell, leaving only the non moving landscape.Sitting down on the ice, fingers blue from frost bite, she took in a deep breath, before slowly exhaling a darkness inside of her that destroyed and ate up everything in the ice outside of the pentagram. The colours dissappeared, then textures, then shapes, then it just became a dark pit of nothing, no up, no down, no way out.

Taking in another breath, Alec stayed still, looking at everything she had done, and knowing how bad it would have been if she had done this on earth. In the darkness around her little bloody ice stand, she summoned a simple old dagger and just looked at it. Suddenly, Alec realized something, the person driving her mind wonkers was gone, and everything he had ever done, despite the bruises and broken bones, had been a ruse...she had nothing to be afraid of anymore, and because of one very special person, she was still alive....and she'd been cruel to him, hadn't she? She'd been cruel to a lot of people, and thinking about it, she was never like that...she used to be a tiny thing, not a fighter, caring. And now look at her, she was a murderer, a liar, a theif, hating....

"I have a lot to do..."
Vent's eyes widened.

".... C-Conner?" He asked in a low voice, stunned.

This was impossible.

Conner chuckled. "I was honeslty expecting you to punch me, Vent." He spat, venom coming from his lips, his brown eyes boring a hole in Vent.

"Wha...." Vent spluttered, surprised with the tone of Conner's voice.

Conner stood off the wall, and squared up with Vent, nearly in his face.

"It's been a while, but I'm gonna get right to the point. I want my body back." He said with more verbal acid.

Vent's mouth opened a bit. He was lost. Conner was dead. Not alive. But now he was here. Saying he wanted his body back.

Vent swallowed, and shook his head. He wouldn't.

Conner's eyes narrowed into a glare of malice.

His right hand, and arm up to his elbow turned into extremely dark green flames.

"I need my body back, Vent. I'm nothing but a flame-spirit right now. And I can't get a new body. Only mine will work with the Eternal Flame." He explained.

Vent, again, shook his head. "You shouldn't exist anymore, and after you managed to cling to life, I beat you in the ritual." Vent countered, his own adrenaline pumping now. Winds swirled around his own right hand.

Their standoff continued for a moment, before Conner chuckled more.

"I really wouldn't wanna hurt anyone. We'll finish this another time, Vent. I want my body back." He spat, finality and confidence oozing from his aura.

Vent glared as Conner disappeared in a flash of green.

Vent breathed deeply. Sliding back against the wall, he breathed in and out a couple times, and sat down. He watched as people passed by on the busy New York street, and put his head in his hands.

What would he do about this?
Standing up, Alec dropped the knife into the black abyss she had created and looked up.

"Lots to do..." She repeated before the runes on her back glowed and the wings spread out. Feathers falling off from the abuse they had been in before, they stretched out, before lifting her up high into the air, and as she passed through the thin barrier of a portal, she was up in the sky above some place in China, the first place she had to make up for.
Vent's stomach groaned as he lamented his promised violent future, and he realized he was friggin' starving!

He sighed, shaking his head. It was getting harder and harder to keep going everyday, it seemed. Danger lurked around every corner..... At least he didn't have very many people to worry about. But..... He worried costa fly about the people he did care for.

Getting to a random burger joint, almost afraid Conner, Phalt, Borghen, or even Hope (despite their temporary truce) would come out to fight him, Vent sat down and ordered some food. The suspense was killing him.

He started chuckling. He's lose it soon. He needed to do something about these problems, and soon, he thought with a grimace, his chuckle dieing down, as his food simmered on the grill.
Without even thinking about it, Alec closed her eyes as she dipped down into the sky, breaching that of an old town and just on the out skirts was a cemetery. As her foot touched ground, the wings folded gently around her, creating a sort of winter coat. Stepping over the snow, leaving no prints what so ever, she moved towards a grave.

Though she knew they were still 'kicking around', if you will, this was the easiest way to get in touch. Especially after last time. And as she stood in front of the well polished stone, equal in size and height to those around in, Alec felt horrid. Kneeling down, she bowed her head to the stone and spoke quiet and soft, puffs of warm air rising with each word.

"I have disappointed you and let you down, I have grown to be everything you told me was bad. Though the damage is done and unfix-able, I wish for you to know, that I have never stopped thinking about you, and that I love you. I do not ask for forgiveness from you, or anything else. I thank you, for every single thing you have done for me, whether I was happy by it or not, you showed me how to be a person, and I'm realizing that now. You understood all along."

A silent force passed over Alec, an invisible hand gliding across the side of her face one last time before the candle setting in front of the grave flickered out of life. The spirit finally at rest. As she stood, she smiled lovingly at the stone before turning away.

As Alec's wings unfolded and carried her towards the sky, a bundle of orchids formed in front of the grave, a tiny ribbon holding it together with a name written across it. Yumi Deathlind.
Vent's burger came, and he ate slowly and neatly, savoring every bite. He was in a morbid mood, and wanted to make sure he really enjoyed this burger, not knowing if it was his last or not.
Flying through the cold winds, Alec went to make her next stop, though she didn't know where she'd find them....but she needed to do it, and fast, because she wasn't sure how much longer things would remain normal, and if something happened before, it would probably crush her.
Vent finished his burger, and walked outside, too tired to care about any possible enemies lurking around a corner.

He wondered where Alec was, and felt a pang of longing in his chest. What did he do to piss her off? Ugh. Everything could go die right now.
:: seconds after Alec left, a badly wounded Marco crashed intot he ground where she was a second ago, his dusguise was gone ::

Marco: "oh jeez... this.. hurts..."

:: he coughed up some blood, but it froze, soon there was a deep dark voice down below ::

Voice "Abandoned to hell, by one you meant no har to.. such a Cliche... truly"

:: dark roots came from the ground, wrapping themselved around marco ::

Voice: "this is not your end... this is but the begining, this is not you're grave.. but you are welcome in it"

:: the roots pulled him down ::

(ps: esme, in the next encounter of Alec and Marco, consider them enemies)
Crossing her legs as she floated in midair, she frowned. She had two choices here, both were things she wasn't looking forward too. So it came down to which she wanted to do last. Marco, or Vent. And seeing as how she'd want to spend a lot more time with Vent, Marco might be the good one to take care of first. Sighing, she pulled out a cell, hitting speed two, Marco's number started dailing.

She didn't know if his business was done or not, but she had to apologize for a lot of things.
Vent's mood went from bad to worse as he spotted numerous couples suddenly cropping up.

Huh? Did he miss the memo or something?

As he glanced around downtown New York, he took in a fact that hadn't sunk in earlier.

The date was February 14th. Valentine's Day.

Vent groaned.
Shutting the phone after no answer, Alec sighed.

"So little time..." She murmured before she kept flying, for the second option first, though she didn't know where she would find him, or if he'd still be in New York.
Vent rolled his eyes, and proceeded to slink into an alleyway, and shoot up into the sky. The sky was nice to him, and never reminded him about stupid days he didn't like, or the people who were mad at him for some reason.

Flying on magical winds, Vent closed his eyes and started going north of New York, at quite a leisurely pace, not hiding his magical trace at all. Whatever followed him followed him.

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