Ww - the coming storm

Leslie nodded her head, "That would be lovely." She would breach her real reason for being here later, after all, she just wanted to see how he was first.


Alec tilted her head to the side before whistling. Almost instantly something came running through the woods behind her, and as it leaped over her, the small, fat dragon she called a friend and a pet sat down in front of her, it's tongue lolling out of it's mouth much like a dog.
Vent walked along the streets of New York City. He was always amazed by the sheer multitude of people there always was in cities like these.

"......... And they're always so helpless." He finished his thought, mumbling to himself. A couple passing by gave a strange look, and he turned away. He sighed.

Vent always wondered what it would be like to not know about magic. He knew Conner wasn't always a mage, and that once he didn't even know he had powers. But Vent had always known. He glanced up at the Times Square big-screen, ironically in about the same position Hope had been in not even hours before. He looked at the large television, and took a sharp breath in.

Vent continued his walk, ignoring the other people, isolated in his own world.

But, little did he know his own world was about to attack him.


Hope winced as Sincerity put some sort of slave on his wound. His back was still cut wide open.

In the penthouse suite of a hotel not too far from the one Wisdom had just been in, Hope and Sincerity were trying to relax, but Hope was too busy fuming.

How? Why was Wisdom so much stronger? Vent was able to beat one, Zaria, Hope was willing to bet. Vent would go out of his way to try and save Alec first.

But, Vent's was still at large.

Hope grinned. He would battle Vent's, or watch Vent battle Phalt himself. Then he's have an idea on how to properly fight one of these creatures!
Alec smiled and held out her hand, only to have the dragon nearly bit it off.

"Hey!" She said a yelled a bit suprised, before sighing, "I desrved that, didn't I?After leaving you here by yourself for so long..." She sighed again, before the sound of something a lot larger came crashing from behind her. As night came early, Alec looked up and saw a huge dragon over head, looking down at her.

"Your so small now." The dragon said in a powerful female voice, which made Alec blink. Looking back at the pup of a dragon, she realized that was a male...but, when she had left....

"I was little?" The larger dragon asked, before laying it's head down on the sand next to Alec, showing her the star and moon on it's forehead. The signature mark of the dragon she had known her first time here. "You've been gone a long time, little Witch." It cooed, sounding a bit miffed.
Vent suddenly felt an overwhelming aura of malice. It widened his eyes, feeling that much negative energy. And, it seemed to be aimed at him!

Somewhere in the crowd!

Vent looked around frantically, searching for that same feeling he'd just gotten. The crushing feeling of malice......

He couldn't find it. Nobody looked back at him. Nobody even seemed to notice that he was looking like he'd just seen a ghost.

His breathing accelerating, Vent glanced around anxiously, backing up against a wall. Was it Phalt? Playing games with him again? Vent didn't like Phalt.......

He sighed. Maybe he was just imagining things. Who knew?

Suddenly, a lady caught his attention. She had a magical presense. Walking by, she glanced at him, and smiled quite sweetly, almost enticeingly. Vent kept his eyes on her for a second, a moment of a pure confusion. Who was THAT?

Then, the malice again.

Vent whipped his head to right, from following the woman's path. Leaning up against the wall beside him, was none other than.......

Running from hordes of hellspawns and diabolic creatures, Law panted heavily, his helmet sliding back and forth over his eyes while he helds his kittycat under one arm like a football and his rapier in the other.

" Mewwww, you fool, what were you thinking, pissing off that demonlord. "

" He insulted my mother, OKAI?! "

The cat responded: " Tssss, I hope they make cangoods out of you. Insolent monkey. "

" Tsssss, you have a big mouth for a cat too lazy to run on his own! "

While talking he was waving his hand with the rapier in circular motions.

" Miauw, you aren't going to open a random dimensional portal while running like this...are you ? "

" No choice, must, hurry. "

" Hissss, you need to train more. "

A little ahead an Orange/Black portal opened and as he leaped through it he gave the hellspawns the finger before closing the portal behind him.

Not knowing where he would end up he found himself in a Dhali-like dimension with multiple doors. And he knew that if you open one door, you're unable to close it untill a person goes through it. Leave it open for too long and it'll suck the entire dimension in it, destroying the gateway for all eternity.

He threw the kitty in the air who landed with a shriek and looked furiously at Law. Law hated this dimension, it always made him lose his thoughts and felt like he was losing it, so he quickly opened the closest door and kicked the cat through it before entering himself.

Landing on a beach he fell facefirst in the wet sand, hearing the scoffing laugh of his cat he spat out the sand and looked around.

What he saw made his jaw fall open. He saw a girl talking to a dragon, like they were buddies.

" Oi oi, you gotta be kidding me? From Hell to Dragonica ? That's like falling from ... a latrine, to the sewer. Not good! "
Alec went to say something before the sound of someone speaking startled hear. Standing up she looked at the kid, putting a hand on the dragon to keep it from roaring and waking up what ever else was out here. The smaller dragon like pup ran towards the...boy and cat it seemed and started barking.
In a fierce stand-off dragon-pup & lazy-cat eyed eachother, circled around eachother, looking ready to fight.

Law gave a chop on the kittycat's head and told'm to behave as he approached the girl and the large dragon cautiously.

Bowing before the dragon and girl, once close enough, he introduced himself as Law and apologized for the intrusion.

" Could either of you tell me where exactly I am? In what world I mean. "
Alec blinked a few times, raising an eyebrow before bowing back. As the large dragon moved it's pup back to her side, Alec answered Law.

"No intrusion." She said simply, "And uh, earth?"
" Oh? " He was dumbfounded, he was home yet there was a dragon here.

" That's awesome, I'm home! Yay! "

" Been travelling too much lately! Could use some time back on Earth. "

Laying down on the sand next to the girl and dragon he looked to his side at the dragon.

" Aren't you far away from home? If you want I can take you to Dragonica, the world of dragons, soon ? "
The dragon's eye twitched, "This is my home you worm. You are after all on my isle." The dragon spit out a small pit of fire into the air. Alec put a hand on it's side gently, before shaking her head.

"Anyway, Law, this is Percif." She motioned towards the dragon, who bowed elegantly, "And i'm Alec..."
Angry at himself for being so carefree around a dragon, Law apologized.

" Pleasure to meet you Percif and Alec. "

" You'll have to excuse me for how I look, I just escaped Hell's minions on, yet another, failed mission. "

He said as he patted himself clean and sighed at the burns and slashmarks on his clothing.
"It's fine, we've seen worse." The two said in almost perfect harmony.

"What were you doing in hell?" Alec asked.

"And what are you aiming for in these missions?" The dragon tacked on.
He smiled at the couple's aligned answer.

" Well, I was on a mission there to find out why there are so many renegade demons trespassing into Earth. To my extreme surprise, it was an inhospitable environement and I got chased out. " He said smiling.

" And the goal of most of my missions, unless specified otherwise, is to explore/map and learn about the dimensions, it's inhabitants, and its cultures. "

He said with pride in his voice, he was proud to be a dimensional mage and didn't mind showing it.
Alec laughed a bit, and the dragon raised an eyebrow. "I think I know the cause of that one. And yeah, hell sucks." She said with a bit a sour tone. Holding out her hand, she looked towards the hut she had set up. "You want a drink or something? Clean clothes?"

The dragon gently nudged the sand as a way of dismissing itself as it flapped it's wings and flew out into the ocean, diving into it and causing a rather large wave.
" I could use a drink and more comfortable clothes for sure! Let me go wash up in the ocean real quick, Hell smells. And I'm a poet who knows it! ... Not even sure if that Hell-part rhymed, but who cares right? "

He said with a smile as he took off his clothes, except for his shorts, and jogged towards the ocean. Diving in the water he relaxed a while before resurfacing and returning to the hut.

" Can I help with serving the drink? "
Alec laughed a bit, despite the age look, the guy was like a little kid. Shaking her head, she went into the hut, which on the inside, was more like a little open flat, running water, electricity, ect. As he said something, she peeked her head out the flat, "Sure.."

She went back inside, moving into a different "room", only indicated by the general form of bedroom stuff and floor tiles, towards a dresser, pulling out some things for him.
He stepped inside the hut and walked around to the sink, dripping water everywhere he walked, searching for glasses and something to drink he started rummaging through the cabinets.

After a while he found the glasses and poured some special looking juice in them and waited for Alec to return.
Returning to the room, Alec tossed the clothes towards the bathroom door, "You can change in there." She said simply. As a mop started cleaning the floor of it's own will.
Looking at the mop, sliding all over the floor on its own, he smiled. Seemed like he had met another mage. He quickly went in the bathroom to change in a comfortable outfit and went searching for Alec.

" So, you're a mage too ? That's great, where in lies your specialty ? "
Blinking a few times, she scratched her cheek in a thinking manor. "I don't really know. I suppose....healing and the old fashioned witches brew potions and spellbooks." She laughed nervously. " Have never given it much thought, really. I hope you can forgive my ignorance. Yourself?"
“You aren’t very talkative” Valentina noted, glancing back at Joseph

“At least when it comes to you” she explained, realizing he asked a lot of questions, but didn’t give a lot of answers.

Grabbing his hand, she rushed into the mill of people that took up the street; now that the noise around them was at an all time high, she turned towards him

“So, I know that both Vent and Steven have the magical touch…but what about you and Alec?” she asked.

Freeing his hand from her grasp she eyed him nervously, then the crowd…

“And what exactly is your selfish reason?” she asked, still remembering Steven’s words.

Then upon remembering the rest of the conversation, cursed at herself… he probably wouldn’t be able to find the two of them out on their own
:: Marco had well finished his meal, he got up ::

Marco: "alright, i'll keep tabs on you, just say when you wanna go home and i'll come back and give you a lift home"

:: he went into the bathroom and teleported away ::

:: he re-emerged a few metres away from Alec ::

Marco "hey Alec, long time no see, eh?"
Looking up from her conversation with Law, Alec looked out the 'shack's opening, and saw none other than Marco. Her eye twitched. "What do you want?"
:: Marco frowned a bit ::

Marco: "now whats with that greeting?... what did i do to you?"

:: he glanced at law, but didn't do anything ::
"Nothing..." She said, a bit sharply, walking out of the shack and shutting the door, keeping Law inside as she spoke with Marco. "Now, seriously, can I help you?" Alec folded her arms over her chest, looking up at him.

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