Ww - the coming storm

Vent moved the Wrath's Lance in the path of the sword, it bouncing off harmlessly. He then grabbed Zaria's hand, pulling him back as he shoved the Lance right at his face.


Hope sighed.

"I'll play your stupid game for now." He spat, wondering what this all meant.
Zaria twisted his torso, barely avoiding the lance as he stared at it an inch from his nose on the right.


Wisdom nodded his head as he sat down. "2B move forward 2 spaces." (Looking at a normal chess board, that's a pawn from the left side I believe, second on in, going forward.) The grinding sound of the piece moving shook through the board.
:: Marco sat back in the CEO chair, writing a letter, saying that instead of 10% of the progits, he will now recieve 2%, in exchange for letting the board have power over teh company ::

:: he got up and walked to the window, down below he could see a group of religious protestors, they were protesting the fact that Datadyne, soon to be re-named "Seraf Industries" is the world leader in the contriversial science of human augmentation ::

Board member: "they haven't left in over a week, they harass our employees and send hate-mail, death threats and even letter bombs at us, over 500 have been arrested worldwide but they just keep coming... thoughts?"

Marco: "minor nusiances.. these people are the same ones who are trying to re-instate rules of the old testament of today's laws... they are simply remnants, echoes of a time past... they cannot stop us, they cannot stop the future"

Board member: "alright, we'll keep arresting those who cross the line"

Marco: "yes... we need to let the world know, WE are leading the way and we have no problem with leaving them in the dustg where they belong... double security, its only a matter of time before one of them starts preaching with a gun at the front desk"

Board member: "of course... what about getting rid of them?"

Marco: "tell them that they are living in the past, tell them that their biblical age is long past, and tell them that we have no problem with leaving them behind"

:: the board member nodded and left, Marco took out a cigar, lit it and looked over the city ::

Marco: "nothing can stop the future, not even hope or nightrise... or even the "old ones" that dad told me about...."
Vent snarled, bringing his knee up into Zaria's gut, and smashing him across the face with his elbow in a spin. With that, he pointed Wrath's Lance at Zaria, the black lightning by-product now very concentrated around Vent's hands.

"THIS one's, for me." He spat, shooting the dense black orb at Zaria at unbelievable speeds. But this was a special Wrath's Lance.


Hope raised his eyebrow.

"......... This seems pointless." He protested, as one of his pawns moved forward to match Wisdom's in a mirror move.
Zaria snarled as it hit him.


As the pawns moved into new squares, things around Hope and Wisdom moved and eyes started appearing around them

"It's not pointless once you see exactly what your in for. Now, Pawn 3F move forward 1."
Vent smirked.

"And this, is for Alec." He spat, the second phase of this particular Wrath's Lance triggering as it shot into Zaria's chest. Wrath's Lance would usually puncture straight through just about anything, but this one stopped once inside Zaria. And suddenly, it expanded, into a Wrath's Door! Consuming Zaria's body was Vent's strongest, most versatile spell, named for his own greatest fault. Being too wrathful was dangerous. But his wrath would be feared. The pitch black, super dense wrath of Vent's determination.

As the black orb ate away at Zaria, Vent could only smile.


Hope's face returned to a pensive look, as his chess pieces continued to mirror Wisdom's.
Zaria screamed in pain as blood started going everywhere, the last thing he did before he was gone for good, was realese a huge wave of energy, aimed at two people in particular. As he blasted them with all he left, he died laughing. The feeling he had created hanging in the air and wasn't leaving.

The emotion was that of suicide.


Wisdom sighed, moving out an odd piece, a bishop, since it had been reveled ( ihave no idea if it has or not....and i'm not checking xD ) As it attacked the pawn that Hope had first pulled out, the two things fought before the pawn shattered, raining down on hope with broken glass pieces as big as a human. And suddenly, the eyes around hope attacked.

"I would be careful about loosing pieces..."
Vent felt the wave, and cursed under his breath. That bastard!

He could feel his magic being pushed to the limits fighting back Zaria's emotional attack, and would have to completely rely on his demonic energy at this point. The energy started to take it's effect as well, as Vent's Umbralus marks integrated together and his skin went black, his eyes staying yellow and teeth and fangs growing.

"Shit...." He spat, quickly glancing at Alec, and once spotting her, sprinting towards her.

Thank the gods for the physical enhancements his demonic energy gave him.

"Alec! Don't!" He screamed, sprinting at her.


Hope grit his teeth as one particular piece slashed down his back. He fell to his knees, blood running down his back and legs.

He slowly stood back up, and grinned, still grinding his teeth.

"Same could be said to you." He spat back in reply, one of his knights leaping over his row of pawns, in accordance with their abilities in the game of chess, and destroying the bishop that occupied the space of his previous pawn.
Overwhelming emotion flooded over Alec, as her eyes fogged over, she moved without really thinking, hearing Vent, but not really connecting it to what was going on. As her hand summoned up one of her daggers, she ran a hand over it, and the feeling she had told her that this would make it stop.


Wisdom stepped slightly to his left, and avoided the glass raining down with much ease. As if he had played this game countless times before. Moving another pawn, he rested his turn.
Vent snarled as Alec made the motion he dreaded.

"STOP! ALEC, PLEASE!" He screamed as he got closer, almost upon her. His demonic blood had almost fully intergrated at this point. His magic busy fighting off Zaria's last spiteful attack, it couldn't keep his demonic blood in check. If Vent didn't get out of this situation quickly, he'd be stuck as a demon permanently!


Hope's gritted teeth bared into a snarl.

One of his own bishops shot out and destroyed the first pawn Wisdom had moved.
Alec paused for a moment, looking up, staring directly at Vent as she stood up, arms going to her side. As she offered him a faint smile, she held up the arm with the dagger, along side her empty arm.


Wisdom sighed, as the pawn next to that one came out, and destroyed the bishop. Watching the glass shards come close to him, he twisted his arm back before it connected with the glass, shattering it into a fine powder.
Vent fought against the demon blood, slowing down as he got closer to Alec. He finally reached her, panting, and coughing up blood.

He grabbed her dagger, and wrenched it from her grip, a nasty snarl coming from his mouth. He crushed the dagger in his grip, his claws grinding it to dust.

"You're better than this...... Don't fall to that bastard's last try. He's gone." He managed to get out, his voice layered with a demonic undertone, before falling to his knees, clutching at his chest.


Hope snarled more.

"This game is poor demonstration of our powers." He spat.
As the dagger was taken away, and Vent came into Focus, Alec went into medic mode, completely overriding the emotional pattern ricocheting around her head. That was one thing about her, others needed to live, regardless of herself. Placing a hand onto Vent, she poured two types of magic into him, raw, and healing.


"For now...wait till they come into play." Wisdom said, referring to those watching around. "And besides, I wouldn't move from your square, king." He said viscously.
Vent felt magic come into him, and it helped fight off the effect of Zaria's last attack.

The pressure on his own magic was lessened at the last possible second, and he felt his demonic energy subside. It went back inside him, as he breathed easier, and returned to a normal form.

The healing magic helped fix the wounds be received from the battle with Zaria, remarkably few. Only Zaria's last attack had been life-threatening, and that was circumstantial at best. As Vent relaxed, he felt himself slide into the bliss of sleep.

Was be really and truly getting stronger?


Hope sneered.

"I'll move any way I choose. And trust me, I'll take more than your pathetic chess pieces to topple me as a king." He replied snarkily.
Alec looked at him, before sighing, falling next to him and laying there, before realizing something. There was no one to stop her now from doign it....but yet, something was. As her arms wrapped around her stomach, her mind registered that as murder as well, and she wouldn't do it.


Wisdom grinned. "Good." He snarled, before suddenly he repelled himself from the board without a sound, and while Hope was still in the board he leaned back in the chair, and quickly nailed his fist down on the glass board, breaking it.
As the board broke around Hope, he stayed suspended in the air as of the board had never broke underneath him.

"Cheating bastard." He spat, returning to normal size, on the other side of the board, facing Wisdom.

"Why bother starting a game you never planned to finish?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he readied himself.
"IT's too easy." Wisdom said, folding his arms over his chest as he stood up, looking out the window to the city before frowning. "He's gone...."
Hope smirked as Wisdom seemed troubled.

"Well, I knew you bastards wern't invincible. I'll bet Vent just killed one. Now, I'll have to even the score." He said, his body glowing with light.
"I don't wish to fight." Wisdom said, as he walked carefully, "As it stands, I'm late." Moving towards a mirror, he adjusted his suit before waving Hope off.
When Joseph didn’t answer, Val glanced at the clock in the room and became a little worried.

“I know you are against going and looking for Vent and Alec, but aren’t you the least bit worried? It’s been a long time since they left…” she explained.

The light from outside was barely notable, as the sun had set in this part of the world,

“The least we could do is get out of here…” she noted.

To be honest, she hated the feeling hospital’s gave and was reminded of the fact when all action stopped. So she headed for the exit and upon making it outside, glanced at the surrounding streets deciding to move on. Uncaring if Joseph was following her or not, as she looked for something to pique her interest.
"Don't worry about it." Wisdom said, as he drew back his hair into a pony tail and opened the door for Hope.
Hope, burning up on the inside, looked composed and ready.

"We'll have to finish another time." He agreed, nodding. He still wondered what was going on for Wisdom to be leaving.....

He sighed, and teleported away, in a flash of light. He wouldn't leave through the door opened by his enemy.


Vent felt sick.

He shot up, awake and alert.

Alec, asleep or whatever beside him, a rough terrain......

It all came back to him. He'd fought Zaria.

And won. He grinned. He didn't even get hurt that bad. It was just that unfortunate event at the end of the battle that had scared him.....

But, what now?
Pinning a dead flower onto his suit, Wisdom flashed out of the apartment, and into something of an office, far underground, and very untraceable. In fact, anyone who tried to trace him would loose his tail about a third of the way here. Stepping up to the double doors, he went into the conference room that held inside all of the other doubles that had been unleashed. All but Zaria that was...


Eyes slidding over seeing Vent up, she sighed, "So much for a nap." She grumbled lightly, before curling herself up into a ball and walking on her hands trying to stretch out her muscles. As Alec looked at Vent again, she sighed while unwinding and standing up. "Come on..." She held out a hand to him.
Vent smirked, standing up by himself with a triumphant look on his face.

"So..... Who's awesome?" He asked, grinning.

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