Ww - the coming storm

Reaching New York City, Alec fell into an ally, the wings furling back into tattoos. Never once seeing Vent in the sky leaving. Walking out of the ally, and down the streets, she looked for him, occasionally asking people if they had seen anyone like him, and getting nothing.
In the sky, suddenly an explosion of green flame visible for miles, even in the dense city of New York blocked his path.

"I was waiting for you to leave the city, moron!" Conner suddenly appeared, screaming, flying at Vent at a break-neck pace.

Vent, caught off guard, was sent spiraling down to the ground in flame.
Seeing flames light up the sky, Alec gasped and running through the people staring at it, she did a full mind whip spell, the whole block wide and the runes lit up and spread out once again, accelerating the speed at which she was going towards the flames, screaming Vent's name.
Vent crashed into trees, feeling something snap in his rib-cage. He groaned as he mustered the magic to create a ball of wind to land in. Hitting the ground softly, he coughed up blood. That wasn't good. He glanced up, and through hazy vision, he saw Conner descending upon him, dark green flames casting shadows in the forest as Conner floated down gently and slowly from the sky.
As she reached the wall of flames, Alec looked around,before seeing one spot a lot more lit up than any where else, diving at it, she drew forth the only dagger she had left and let it fly, hoping to gosh it didn't hit Vent anywhere vital, or at all for that matter.
The dagger landed in the dirt beside Vent's head. It caught his attention and as he glanced at it, he recognized it.

"W-Well, shit." He managed, before the pain in his ribs was too great, and it overcame him.

He passed out in blackness.


Conner's head whipped around as the dagger flew by him, and he recognized Alec's magic.

"Heheh.... Hahhahahaha..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He started laughing, his body now completely composed of green flames.

"Hey Cutie! Long time no see!" He barked, in his usual arrogant manner, with a subtone of something that sounded like fire crackling in his voice.
Recognizing the voice, Alec's teeth set on edge. Hands tightening, she flicked up her wrist, the dagger appearing back in. "Not long enough. " She growled before her arm went back in a throwing position again. "Now, I suggest you get lost."
Conner smirked.

"Is that any way to talk to an old friend?" He asked, flaring up a bit.
"Your not a friend..." Alec said simply, her mind trying to figure out how to get Conner far enough away to get Vent out of there without more problems.
Conner mocked being offended.

"Since when? We used to be the best of friends!" He spat into the night sky, forgetting about Vent for now.
"Yes...till you started hurting people." Alec said, grinding her teeth, tensing even more as she started taking aim.
Conner's body of flame seemed to solidify into his old form, back when he and Alec were close.

"But.... Alec...." He feigned innocence. "I'm all better now. Vent will be the last person I hurt." He explained, his form warping and growing into an older version, to match Vent and Alec's current ages. "He never should have existed anyways. That's my body." He added, sounding malicious.

Suddenly, he was in front of Alec, touching her face gently, his arm around her waist.

"You've gotten hot." He said suddenly, smirking. "Maybe 'Cutie' doesn't work anymore."
:: deep beneath the earth, Marco's body pulsed with a purple light, the colour of his aura ::

Voice: "awaken..."

:: his body went into convultions, before sliding out of the disgusting puss-like substance inside a strange organic pod, he slipped out, landing on a strange vein-like organ, it pulsed rapidly, as iff there were dozens of hearts. he got up slowly, completely naked, and he stumbled down the passageway. ::

:: he soon came to an old door, which opened for him, inside he found an old mining uniform, some goggles a pickaxe and some other things ::

marco: "alright, what the hell happened here!?"

Voice: "wait..."

:: Marco found himself unable to talk, soon the door opened and a feeble old woman came in, covered in robes and her eyes were pale white, her grey hair was slicked down in 2 "tails" down her front ::

Woman: "find everythign you need?"

:: she held up his mobile, he had 1 missed call from Alec ::

Woman: "it seems that she tried to call you"

Marco "what do i care? she's the one who put me here in the first place"

Woman: "yes i saw, you were near where lucifer once reigned in hell, in the pit of the 9th circle, where the betrayers suffered in an ever-freezing torment"

Marco: "hey, what was that thing that i saw? the big one?"

Woman: "after the old one's assault on hell, measures were made to prevent hell form being taken again, what you saw was the "ninth guardian" ane of the nine arms of the current ruler of hell"

Marco: "i don't get it, but okay..."

:: Marco and the woman talked, while meanwhile, on the surface ::

Drusilla: "hey marco! where'd you go!?"

:: she sat down on a rock ::

Arusilla: "oh this is just freaking dandy! my charge is gone and if i can't find him..."

:: her face went into a blue shaddow with an evil picture of her orrigional master whipping her hovered above her head ::

Drusilla: "i'll never live it down!"
Listening to his speech, Alec wasn't fooled in the slightest. When he touched her through, she went blank. Didn't even move, or breath. Too much like someone else...though her mind was ticking, she could just stab him now that he was in close range, but if he felt the need to go back into fire, she was screwed.

Not a good thing to be in right now, so she played along. "Wish the same could be said for you, you've grown quite distastefully there hell boy."
Conner winced.

"I thought I'd grown quite nicely. I'm like my old body in every aspect, except for my true form. Flame spirits are kinda well named." He explained with a grin.

"But...... I could look any way I wanted." He said. This form had subtle differences, but mainly looked like Vent. The hair was a bit shorter, and the eyes were brown, not green and yellow, for example. But, instantly, those differences were gone, and an exact copy of Vent held Alec. He started to play with her hair.

"Don't tell me you fell for my replacement......" He whispered, grinning, but in a different fashion than his usual obnoxious grin.
Alec was starting to get annoyed, as Conner kept pushing it, she started tensing more and more, "You'd still look like shit." She said simply, trying hard not to start cracking. "And what would it matter for you?" She growled at him.
Conner smirked, the subtle changes reappearing.

"It wouldn't." He said, shooting off, straight for Vent's body.
As soon as he did that, Alec turned to smoke, and reformed in front of Vent's body. "I don't think so." She barked, the dagger flying out of her hand, straight as his face.
Conner's eyes widened a bit, as he twisted his body in mid-air, the knife slashing all down his face from his eye to his chin. Blood splattered on the ground, as he landed in front of Alec, eyes alight with fury, fists alight with dark green flame.

"Get outta the way!" He screamed, striking out at Alec with his flaming fist.
Exactly like him. Alec flipped backwards into a bridge, as the fist went by, before swinging all the way, feet going towards his face. "I don't think so."
Conner saw the feet coming, and snarled, them catching his chin and sending him off his feet for a second. Catching himself in the air, he hovered, collecting himself.

"Temper's a dangerous thing...." He said, looking sorta calm now. "But I'm still all fired up!" He added, shooting a wave of fire towards Vent and Alec.
Alec didn't even think about what she did next, she just turned, tucking vent up into her arms and dropped them both into the blind realm. Seconds after they passed into the darkness, the fire burned into her skin before getting shut out.
Conner spotted the blind realm portal, and saw that they were making an escape.

"NO!" He screamed, hands of fire leaping from his own and grabbing the edges of the portal. Gritting his teeth in determination, he pulled the portal open long enough to jump in.

"...... Ha.... Ha...." He panted, standing in the darkness. "I'm stronger than you think, and I won't be denied my body!" He screamed, lighting up the area, searching for Alec.
Hearing Conner in the realm with them, she cursed silently, before pushing Vent's body through the spectrum to the white half, while she stayed in the dark half with Conner.

"And you said you'd changed..." Alec said, faking sadness. As one arm rubbed her shoulder, tears filled up into her eyes, purposely playing on the one big of fragment she had left from her memory of Conner, how it bothered him when she cried.
Conner grimaced.

"I just want my body back, Alec!" He explained, his fires going out. Of course, he was ready to use them if needed, and his aura of power didn't go down. He held firm, and unyielding.

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