Ww - the coming storm

Katie grabbed his arm tightly and manifested fire on her hand to burn the man then she manifested more fire to her back as she fell making the two of them fly upward meters into the air after a few moments the manifested pink fire will turn into the shape of wings and spread from her back.

her eyes seemed to glow with excitement for she hasn't had a real fight in years, her red hair seemed to burn as it spread in the air and she had a large gin on her face.
The girl liked using fire that was for sure, as the moment her hand lit up Gab said the first spell that came to mind. Roplet, which was a simple spell that made the fire simply dance across his skin, like how she was using it.

He was forced up into the air anyways, surprised that the fire was the cause of their upheaval; the flames formed wings on her back and he finally met eyes with her.

“The name’s Gabriel” he noted,

Before finally he reversed the flame her palms and fists held, forcing her back with the same power she used on him.

“And you are?” he asked.
"My name is Katie, pleased to meet you." noting that he was using a fire spell she simply engulfed the flames he made like they were a candle light. She quikly raised her leg and jabbed her knee into his gut trying to get him off of her body.

"Kitty does not like to be cuddled by strangers" her claws came out of her hands as she hissed and clawed him in the face with her right hand.
:: Marco kneeled in the middle of stonehenge, the cultists left ::

Marco: "oh god... no... dad... i'm sorry"

:: he got to his feet, in the distance he could see the massive flying centerede int he distance, heading north ::

Marco: "shit... one of the four lords... it's here"

:: after the 4 lords of the old ones come through, then the King and his armies can come into this world ::

Marco: "ugh... i cannot believe it..."

:: the three other sites were, the Nazca lines, Ayres Rock and mount Everest ::
Gabriel was knocked into a different position when ‘Katie’ had kneed him in the stomach, but he remained on top of her. Laughing at the comment of how she did not like to be cuddled by the likes of him or any other stranger. She would try to get her way as her claws came and scraped across his ‘perfect’ features.

“Cuddled it is, then?” he spoke through the blood,

Making sure to smirk before he fully leaned down and rubbed his face on her front.
Katie eyes filled with pure hatred for this man as he smirked. her eyes burned black and her hair turned as black as coal, she was furious at what the man did to her. her wings burst ever bigger almost doubling in size and her body heat doubled in the same fashion.

"..." she said nothing as she delivered a devastatingly powerful punch to the side of his head then as she finished her punch her left hand grabbed the mans throat and dug her scorching hot claws into his neck twisting their position in the air so that he was on the bottom she burst her wings out and fired them toward the ground. it wouldn't take more then 3 seconds for them to hit the pavement.
“And Now it’s black” Gabriel noted, clearly amused

The feeling stopped as he saw the hard blow coming for his head and started an inkling of a spell much more powerful. Despite actually getting hit by the punch and nearly getting his brains knocked out, he continued on. Not by speech, as it was clearly stopped when the insolent female had laid a hand on him and dug her nails through his throat.

The revert was in place when they switched position in the air, and he swung his arm around beneath them. A moment before they had hit the ground, the force of the fall was flipped; the thin layer of air acted like a trampoline instead. They were sent flying back into the air, where Gab launched his first firm kick at her side pulling her hand away with his.
Katie flinched at the kick to her side and was now disoriented by the trampoline effect when they hit the ground. being in the air again she quickly twisted her body up right and expanded her flame wings to stay hovering in the air.

"..." still not a word from her she stared at gab with her pitch black eyes, all he would be able to feel would be a burning sensation on his stomach before he burst into flames a few moments after he felt it. he would surely perish if he didn't find cover or defend himself from such an intense heat on his body.
There was probably more thought required on Gabriel’s part, as he had no idea how far they would fly exactly. So the moment the flying stopped, gravity kicked in and he was forced down at an alarming speed. Katie could still fly, and he was wondering if she’d really let him fall to his death…

The burning in his abdomen gave the resounding answer of no, as it felt like his stomach was on fire. Usually, when someone tried such a finishing move on him he would mirror it onto their body, but it seemed like the girl couldn’t feel fire…

He had an idea.

Instead of mirroring the magic, he simply ‘moved’ it; a displacement technique he had learned a long time ago. Instead of her ‘burning eyes’ looking at him, it was like she was looking at herself, instead…

But then again, he was still falling.
Vent, groaning a bit in pain, called out while in the white of the blind realm.

"A-Alec?" He asked, unsure as to what was going on. The last he remembered was Conner....
Alec sighed, pushing her hair back and rubbing her back again, fairly sure that when it healed, it was going to be a nasty burn mark that he had given her. Oh well, Vent was safe, she hoped. Kicking off the ground, she speed through the black to the white as she heard him say her name, that hope was daunted.
Katie still flew high up into the air after a few moments of staring at the reflective spell she noticed was in place she stopped her fire and looked around for gab. she saw him still falling she knew a direct attack might not work again so this time she moved her target to the ground he was to land on.

"..." she glared at the ground as it burst into a strong flame and then the ground seemed to melt into a kind of molten substance.
By the looks of it, Katie had thought of a new plan to get rid of Gabriel; instead of attacking him in the air she scorched the ground. The cement he was landing on was no longer there, a pit of magma gurgled in its place. He wasn’t planning on landing on the ground anyways, as breaking his back wasn’t on his agenda of the fight.

His body had stopped in mid air, as he kept murmuring the only non-defensive spell he knew and teetered on the brinks of death. Twisting his body so he was on his feet, he glared up at Katie getting serious
Katies rage subsided and her hair turned to a dark crimson red. her wings still holding her up simply became smaller as she stared at the man who was finally starting to understand that she would not hesitate to kill him.

she sighed as the anger left her eyes. "jeez you didn't have to do such a rude thing!" she screamed at him flying down back to the roof of the building. "i guess ill have to resort to something new. this one i learned wile Marco wasn't looking." she took her right hand and cut her left palm open letting the blood pool in her hand.

"I'm not sure how strong this will be so bare with me if its not up to your expectations from me." she smiled and drew a circle on the ground with her blood then inside the circle a small bird figure. "beast summoning! fire bird!!" she formed a small ball of pink fire in her hand and thrust it onto the seal. as she raised her hand from the seal a bird of pure fire raised from it. the bird took a small fly around and then returned to her shoulder. "be thankful. you are the first to ever see this fine creature."
Hearing the coughing, Alec turned instictively and saw him. Turning to smoke and reforming at his side, she looked at him. "Where does it hurt?" She said quickly hands already glowing green with magic.
Alec nodded her head and instantly placed her hands lightly over that area, the glow spreading over it as she focsed on healing. "Are you okay?" She asked nervously?
:: Marco appeared in his house ::

Marco: "i cannot believe this..."

:: he lay down on his bed ::

Marco: "in the process of protecting everyone, i've created two worlds... mine and the one for the people i promised to protect"

:: he lay his head down on the pilow, he the got up, he took all his clothes off (except his underwear) and got under the covers and fell asleep ::
Hearing the sound of someone moving in Marco's house, her visit with Borghen a bust, Leslie sat up from her chair in the living room. Looking at the ceiling she listened carefully before feeling a magically presence. Slipping up the stairs silently, she grabed a hold of a candle holder from a stand in the hallway. Finding the source of the noise to be coming from a room she had investigated earlier, she blinked.

Marco couldn't be back yet, could he? And why would he sneak in if he was suppose to have Katie with him? Unless...No! She mentally shouted at her mind for even thinking that, slowly and quietly picking the lock, she cracked the door open a bit. Seeing something laying on the bed, her grip on her make shift defense tool tightened as she crept into the room.
:: Marco rolled around a bit, getting comfortable, as Leslie got closer, his ear twitched a bit ::

Marco: "Leslie... what do you think you're doin'?"

:: his eyed sisn't even open, but he said this just as she got close to him ::
Leslie froze in place, heart racing as the voice suddenly spoke in the silence. Staring at the person who was appearently Marco, she looked at him, did he just speak in his sleep or was he actually asking her?
Marco: "well? don't act so suprised... after all the crap i've done, you think i would'nt notice someone trying to sneak into my room"

:: he rolled around, untl he was dacing her, one of his chest-scars could be seen just over the covers and his hair had been un-tied ::

Marco: "well, what now? are you gonna go back out or will you join me?
Leslie's face went dark red, "Uh...I I just heard a noise...and since y-you left with Katie and all, I- uh didn't think it was...you.." She gulped a bit, a little to shy to think about what Marco had just asked, given that she could visable see he didn't even have a shirt on, and if the clothes by the bed were any indication, that wasn't all he was missing....
:: Marco was laughing out load ::

Marco: "oh man, thats exactly the face i wanted to see!"

:: he sat up, and he leant on the back of the bed, with his a pillow up supporting hs back ::

Marco: "well, i realised how f-ing tired i am, so i'm gonna get some sleep"

:: he lay back down, with a sly grin ::

Marco: "feel free to hop in with me if you fell tired, i won't bite... hard"

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