Ww - the coming storm

With the newly formed water-bomb heading towards Gabriel on one side and a stream of flames on the other, he was at a loss of what to do. The panic only lasted for a moment though, as this was his plan all along…

He formed another trampoline like shield towards Katie’s attack, simply turning and defending himself against the likes of flames. With his back towards the small water typhoon, he had no idea if the shield he placed was in a correct position or not. Maybe it would at least delay the strong attack from breaking a bone or two…
the water ball exploded just after bouncing off Gabs spell causing most of the water to shoot directly up just reaching the clouds. part of the roof was destroyed from the water pressure coming from the explosion. having so much water in the ball 30 % of it shot out from the bottom straight towards Gab causing him to be washed and swirled away hurting his back and putting tension on his muscles.

the phoenix being in one of the safer angles away from the ball simple flapped its powerful wings moving backwards away from the water. unfortunatly for the bird all the water that shot into the sky fell upon the land and was put out to the point of the original 2 foot bird. Katie spending enough energy on it and realizing its use was almost at an end undid the summon and smiled at the damage the explosion had done.
:: after a few minutes of sleep, Marco was up to 100%, thanks to a certain battlemage skill "supersleep" it gives the feelign of 11 hours sleep in a matter of minutes, developed so soldiers don't have to pause for long between battles, and they can strike while the enemy recoveres, enhanced by the Lazarus MK2 advances sleep system. ::

:: he got up, seeing Leslie still asleep on top of the bed, he flicked the blanket over her, and he walked to his cupboard, he took out a white button-up shirt, some blue jeans and some Converse sneakers, he then got a watch on and walked into the bathroom, he looked at himself, he had a heavy stubble, almost a beard, it was amazing that leslie haden't run away screaming, by the way he looked, he picked jup a razor, and a bottle of shaving cream, filled the basin up in boiling-hot water and began shaving. ::

:: in 10 minutes, he looked his actual age, instead of a 30-something pervert, and now came his hair, it was still in a scruffy ponytail, reaching down almost to his waist, but he liked his long hair, it made him feel unique... he decided to keep it, but he changed how it was tied, he tied it back in a single long line, tied every 7-10 inches, ad at the end he tied small pea-sized balls to the end, although they looked tacky, they had a very practical purpose, Marco chuckled ::

Marco: "i gotta hand it to them... making a bio-robotic cyborg body which can grow a beard and hair naturally.... makes me wonder how my origional body is..."

:: he shook his head, remembering what made his body so bad... was the curse on it, it made him go crazy, into a wild killing machine at the slightest provocation ::

Marco: "no no no... i can't go back to that body, i just can't!"
Alec laughed lightly, as she leaned against the edge of the door just watching him. She was glad she could make him happy and just watching him be like this was a good feeling.


As the blanket was put over her, Leslie's eye twitched and her hand reached out on instinct and as it hit nothing, Leslie's eyes snapped open. Patting the spot where Marco had been, she frowned before sitting up, looking at the room before seeing the bathroom light on. Taking a deep breath, she leaned back down and sighed before turning so she could see through the crack in the door he had left. Watching him as he did his hair, she propped her head up.

"You should try braiding it sometime..."
Vent got lost in the sky, clouds floating by and the light blue healing him in ways the most advanced healing magic could never imagine.

He yawned.

"Can we explore tomorrow? I kinda wanna eat and sleep now." He explained, shrugging sheepishly.
"Of course..." Alec said offering him a smile. Standing up straight, she motioned towards the door for him, so he could go eat.
Vent grinned, and his stomach rumbled.

"This should be interesting." He commented as he followed Alec wherever she led.
Down the stairs to the first floor, Alec took a left and passed by three small doors and one large set of doors before stopping in front of the plainest door of them all. Gently opening the door, she smiled at Conner as it filed into a small room. Stepping into it, she tapped the wall three times before it melted away into a split room. Pointing to the right side for Vent, she went to the left and passed through the barrier spell.

Stepping out in formal wear on the other side, they would find themselves at the start of a large room, full of empty red tables with candles and flowers all over. "It's a bit over the top, but it's great food." Alec said, "And they have a thing for couples here, I don't know why..."
:: marco didn't even twitch at Leslie's sudden remark ::

Marco: "nah, i dont know how to braid, and it looks like too much of a hastle"

:: he chuckled a bit ::

Marco: "combat, i'm good at, but when it comes to things like hair and other, more "calming" things... i'm pretty useless"

:: he turned the tap on in the shower and took his shirt off ::

Marco: "just a warning, if you watch me washing, i'll burn your eyes out"

:: he closed the door fully, and got undressed and into the shower ::
Gabriel hadn’t stopped the whole attack, as some of it bounced at an obscure angle; heading straight towards him and giving him a strong shove. The pressure made him barrel over and instead of hitting the cement, he splashed into more water. There was enough that he managed to kick around and even try swimming, but it soon leveled with the ground.

Opening his eyes from the stupor, he coughed and struggled to get up; only to realize he must have sprained his back. With some clever movement, he was able to get to his feet, making sure he held his back in place. With one look at Katie, he took off towards her and swung a kick at her side… the same side he had kicked earlier. Meanwhile, he muttered another name to himself, preparing something in his fist
Katie had enough time and guarded with her left knee and moved her left hand into a palm strike with a small fireball in it, she then thrusted it at his chest without hesitation she only heard what he said as she thrusted her attack.
The kick was blocked as he expected and the word still lingered on Gabriel’s tongue; ‘Tawl’ or the defensive ‘wall’ barrier. He opened his palm the same time she did, although a flame didn’t dance on his and he didn’t move it. A small circle formed in the air as Katie thrust her palm towards his chest, and it spread over him as she landed the hit.

The fire was put out, and to her it would feel like she had just rammed her hand against a steel door, instead of his steel abs.
Leslie's eyes widened for a second in fear before she dove back under the sheets and curled up. Thinking better of it though, she slid off the bed, made it up neatly, before going off into the hall. Her sleeping habits would be bad, and given that Marco didn't know about the arrangement it wouldn't be good for him to find out. Not when she could explain. Rubbing her shoulder, she stepped into the room he had given her and flopped down in the chair.
Katie's fist is hit with the shield and she flinches at the pain of hitting it. she quickly recoils her hand nice and far back and at the right time she burst a strong amount of flames from the back of her elbow as to make her punch 20 times faster and stronger. she breaks through the barrier just barely wile at the same time breaking her middle finger as her fist lands in Gabs hand with barely any force left in it after breaking the shield.
Catching her fist, Gabriel clenches it in his hand before swinging with his other hand for her stomach. Already used to the way she blocked every hit that came her way, he prepared a displacement spell in his head. He wasn’t used to what he was about to do, but it would have to do if he planned on at least leaving her with a scar.
Katie with her leg still raised from his previous attack simply moved it to protect from the one aimed at her stomach.

as his hand hit her knee she moved her foot onto his knee then started to burn his hand with fire as he held onto it making him let go. once her hand was free she jumped off his knee and did a back flip landing on her hands and feet near the edge of the building.

"seems liked your finally starting to understand. shall we finish our dance?" her wings started to reseed back into her body and her body started to heat up. she stared at Gab waiting for him to prepare himself for what she was about to do.
Gabriel let go at her hand heating to a burning level, he didn’t want to put up with trying to hold onto her; especially when his plan involved her moving. When her wings went in, he was surprised though…

“What, Kitty Katie thinking of giving up the battle and submitting to ‘master’?” he teased, although in no condition to.

Wiping his hand on his pant leg, he cringed; still repeating the simple sentence in his head to give the magic more power. He would need a lot of it to do it correctly, more than once…he’d just have to outlast her…
"Hmphh if you beat me i may just call you master" she laughed as the air around her started to turn to steam and she started taking deep breaths. she jumped toward Gab at an alarming rate almost as if a blur stopping right infront of him with her body low and her fist aimed at his stomach "I'm sorry if Kittie is to fast for you now, she is just tired of playing with her food." she stated as her fist bashed Gabs stomach sending him flying a few meters back.
:: Marco emerged, he looked completely different, his stubble-beard was gone, his hair was no longer everywhere and it was now clean, his skin was considerably more pale, now that the dirt and grime was gone, his teeth were now clean and flossed and he looked 100 percent better. the bathroom was a mess, the bottom of the shower was covered in dirt, and the sink was full of shaved hair, and the towel he used was filthy with some remaining dirt ::

:: he came out, finishing adjusting his watch, and he stretched, and he heard a sarcastic clapping ::

Drusilla "well well well, so you AREN'T a 60 tyear-old psychopath... but an 18 year-old psychopath instead"

:: Marco chuckled ::

Marco: "big words froma n inanimate object"

Drusilla: "ahh, Touche'"

:: he knocked on Leslie's door ::

Marco: "Leslie, i gotta go, there's always more to be done so i'll be takinc care of a few things!"

:: he walked to the door front door, and opened a portal ::

marco: "i'm in the mood for somethign different"

Drusilla: "how so?"

Marco "i wanna use a sword"

Drusilla: "claymore, dagger, longsword, shor-"

Marco: "claymore or scimitar"

:: Drusilla dransformed into a massive curved clayore, and marco put her on his back ::

Marco: "copnsidering the blade size... you're lighter than usual"

Drusilla: "i have my ways"

:: marco teleportad away ::


:: he emerged in a werehouse, filled with rednecks, and a big burnign cross at the center ::

:: the guy at the head was crapping on about "white power" and killing the N-words ::

:: Marco bared his teeth and began chuckling, in a tone that chilled every big skinhead there to the bone, and soon he was laughing as loud as he could, but soon he stopped ::

Marco: "you can't solve your problems without violence, you abuse your brides and your offspring... you target those who have a different skin colour to be the target of your hare... you dare call yourselves men!?... YOU DISGUST ME!"

:: he charged the skinheads, swinging drusilla, lets just say, bodypards began flying, and inside the "orgy" of screaming and fighting, was Marco's insane laughter... this was his hobby... "hate-huunting" ::
As Marco knocked, Leslie shooed the door like he could see but it was a message of his leaving, which was....good. Moving a hand towards the window the sand latched it shut before cutting off any light coming from it. Same with the doors. Looking at the room, she pushed everything against the walls and sat on the floor.

Pulling out a book she had taken from the library, Leslie opened to the middle page. The page with a spell she had read up to and wanted to try out. Putting on the sand pillar in front of her, she went deep into concentration.
Vent's eyes widened.

"This place is kinda cool......." He let out, sitting down, and looking around more.

"What's there to eat tonight, then?" He asked, wondering how much magic it took to run this place...... His mind automatically jumped to the conclusion that someone had to be running it.
Sitting across from him, Alec smiled.

"What would like today?" A voice said from a moving statue that had appeared next to them, setting down the menus that were full of delicious gourmet food before folding it's arms in front of it self. "May I start with drinks?"
Vent raised an eybrow.

"I'm actually ready to order now. The greasiest damn burger you can make, with pickles, ketchup, olives, onions, and hot peppers on it, with a big old strawberry milkshake to drink." He ordered, his mouth watering a bit.
The statue laughed lightly, showing approval of his appiete before Alec just just held up one finger and she went away. A few moments later, Vent's burger was there in front of him, possibly larger than his head with a gaint shake to boot along with Alec's garden salad.

"Enjoy." She said, waiting to see his reaction.
Vent grinned.

He started chomping away at his burger, and guzzling his shake, no sign of slowing at all.

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