Ww - the coming storm


:: the girl was placed in the security cell, under watch, soon marco came in carrying a groaning man with his knees kicked in and one of his ribs sticking out ::

Marco: "leave 'em here!"

:: more security guys came in, all carrying wounded ex-rioters, all had legs, arms and/or other broken bones ::

Security1: "jesus, did you see that guy?"

Sec2: "why?"

Sec1: "the boss, that one guy who begged for mercy and pulled the gun on him when he turned his ba-"

Sec2: "oh you mean the one with the broken spine?"

Sec1: "yeah him, i've never seen a man scream like that... seeing as how f-ked up his back still it i bet he'll be bedridden forever"

Sec2: "yeah well, he killed 3 staff, whaddya expect?"

:: their voices drifted off, and soon marco returned, a groaning ex-rioter was being carried out on a stretcher with his face swolen and disfigured, and Marco's fists had blood on them ::

Marco: "okay... you've seen what i'm capeable of... now you're gonna tell me why you broke in and instigated this?... over 20 of my staff are now dead because you shut off the power and i want answers! who put you up to it!?"
She looked at him and kept her mouth shut. She was already going to get killed from him, and whatever t his guy did, he would make worse, so she'd go for the lesser of two evils. Turning her head away from him, she looked at the floor and didn't move any more.
:: Marco rolled his eyes ::

Marco: "okay, i dont have time for this s-t"

:: he stood up and placed a hand on her head, reading her thoughts ::

Marco: "remarkable... you trained your mind to resist meddling... too bad training to stop me is impossible"

:: he sat back down ::

Marco"tell me... who is ... "he"?"

:: all he needed to do was make her think about "him" and he could pull the thoughts directly from her brain... or she could just tell him, either way was good ::
"No one..." She said simply, knowing exactly what he was doing. Her mind flooded with thoughts of the word no one.
:: All marco needed was the thought of the one she was protecting, he reached out, and touched her head, drilling into her mind, and soon he stopped ::

Marco: "i se.. you are a member of the "Richeous path" group.. a rather untasteful group, but well known for throwing rocks at grieving families of non-christians"

:: he leaned back ::

Marco "your leader, a Mister or "Father" Robert Julius Deronimus, an outspoken fanatic... quite a background you have there"
"Like it matters." She said roughly, never having once done anything the group was accused of. n fact, no one in the group had done anything, other groups blamed them for their problems, the most her group did? Attempt causing small problems to delay companies like Datadyne, the didn't hurt people or kill, and their father....she mentally flinched thinking about what he was going to do. Failure wasn't something he liked.
:: Marco saw her flinch ::

Marco: "you're afraid aren't you... not of me.... but of you're beloved "father"... aren't you?"

:: his stare went straight into her eyes, seeing every slight flinch ::

Marco: "tell me... you dont seem so bothered that i'm reading you thoughts with a touch... or the fact that... i know your group dosen't throw rocks at grieving families... thats the westboro cult... i know all about the bombing run that your group did on one of my company's tankers a year and a half ago... and i know that over 300 people died in that act of terrorism..."

:: he looked even deeper into her eyes ::

Marco "you strike fromt he shadows... you're just terrorists... sand your leader is a sham!"
"We don't kill anyone." She said, never once having learned of him sending out anyone to go kill. In fact, no one was meant to die on this mission, it was a simple thing to delay a surgery for a healthy solider who wanted to become a super weapon. "We are not terrorists.And don't say that...."
:: Marco interjected ::

Marco: "say what!? tell me, do you know why the seniors in your group never tell you details? do you know why your leader always answered your questions with punishment and patronising remarks to dismiss them?... has that never srossed your mind!?"

:: he got closer to her ::

Marco "this mission was a rite of passage, was'nt it... if you did this you would become a senior... but the problem is... to escape and "prove" yourself, you would end up having to kill someone..."

: one of the rioters, Named Kidd spoke up ::

Kidd: "Lies! don't listen to him, Astrid, listen to me! don't betray us or you will be damned to hell! remember what the father told you!"

Marco: "think about it..."

Kidd: "no, don't question it, its blasphemy! this man is a demon!"

Marco: "you have a brain, now USE IT!"
The girls mind spun in circles, true, father was mean and harsh, but he always said that was because as the world changed he needed to be stricter so they wouldn't fail. But....if what this man said was true....her eyes widened as tears poured over in them. It was her worst fault, how much she felt for human life, father had said so countless times. If they had killed so many people....and this was...then she had....

"Kill me...." She said softly, in a whisper.

(OOC:Don't actually kill her....O_O)
:: Marco nodded ::

MArco: "okay..."

:: he stood up, Kidd was glaring at her ::


:: he had been kicked in the head ::

Marco "get her a room"

Guard: "but sir..."

Marco "shes harmless... give her my old room"

:: the guard nodded, came in and un-tied the girl from the chair ::

Guard: "miss, come with me"
The girl looked at the man, question in her eyes as to why he would do this. Looking at Kidd, she bowed her head, a faint apology coming from her mouth before she stood up shakily, nearly falling back as the tranq's effects were still there. As the guard helped steady her, she was led off.
Some time after their meal, Vent had found his way to a room, where he had begun to sleep.

A strange noise awakened him from a dream, and he shot up, but not where he had fallen asleep. His bed was sitting on a beach. He raised an eyebrow.

Standing in front of him at the foot of the bed, was a man in a robe. Complete with a hood, Vent could feel an aura brimming off of him. It seemed to glow with the brilliance of fire, and ebb with the flow of the wind. Vent was perplexed.

"W-Who are you?" He asked, his eyes widened.

The man, his mouth visible from under his hood, grinned.

"That's not important." He said in a calm voice. "But who you are is."

Vent sighed. "I get enough riddles with my enemies. Just tell me what you're here for. And where exactly 'here' is....."

The man nodded. "Fair enough. You know of Conner, correct? Your 'alter ego' for lack of a better word. He should not exist. He is.... An anamoly, basically, and needs to be eliminated. I tried once, but his will proves too strong for me. You managed to get rid of him once, but with outside forces, he managed to come back again. I need you to destroy him a third time." He explained, never once losing his calm voice.

Vent scowled.

"Look pal, he may be trying to kill me, but I won't go hunting him!" Vent exclaimed.

The man shook his head.

"I didn't say to. Just, when you two do have your showdown, make sure you finish him off, alright?"

Vent glanced around, and then back at the man, still scowling.

"This is important enough to ruin my rest?" He spat, throughly ticked.

"Yup." The man said simply, but grinning again. "And actually, it didn't ruin your rest at all. You're still dreaming." He added.

Vent's eyebrow raised.

"And by the way, you're welcome for the staff." The man added, right before Vent woke up, in the bed he'd fallen asleep in, in the room he'd found it in.

Vent's mind immediately shot back to his earliest memory.

Waking up on the beach, brushing the brown hair out of his eyes, and seeing the familiar staff, picking it up and recognizing how right it felt in his hand.

lifting his right hand, the katana that contained the magical signature and final fragments of his staff returned to his grip, from a portal in the blind realm.

Vent smiled as it still felt just as right in his grip.

He sighed, looking around the room, trying to get some bearing as to where he was again.

OOC - Esme can describe the room, it's her setting. :D
Alec walked down the hallway that connected the living room of the their room to the kitchen and bathroom and further down to the right the bedroom where Vent was, padding quietly back and forth, she sipped slowly at the bottle of whiskey she had in her hand.

Enough to warm, not even to get drunk over. Buzz, maybe, not drunk though. Why? It made her warm, and this place was freezing cold, and it kept her up, given that she didn't want to sleep. She wanted to be up in case anyone attempted getting to Vent, she would stop it so he could relax.

On her next rotation down the hall, she dropped her jacket off, on the thrid, her socks, till eventually, she had a small trail of just stuff she was too hot to wear and was done to her undershirt, and the boxers she just worse for kicks because they were better than normal shorts. Taking another sip, she hiccuped.

(Vent's room...http://www.mostexpensivehotel.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/most-expensive-hotel-rooms-in-the-world-Royal-Suite-Burj-Al-Arab-Dubai.jpg everything else is same general theme, just varing depending on what the room is)
Suddenly, Vent was in the doorway of the bedroom and the hallway, feeling pretty well rested.

"..... Gonna keep going?" He asked slyly, grinning.
Alec paused for a moment, taking another sip as she looked at Vent. "possibly. Want to join?" She asked raising an eyebrow and holding out the bottle and stopping in front of him, her empty hand going onto her hip as she looked up at him, suddenly realizing the size difference that had developed since they were kids.

"I swear I used to be taller than you...."
Vent chuckled, shaking his head.

"I don't drink anymore." He said, taking the bottle and setting it aside, down on the floor. "And, that's kinda what happens. Boys get bigger." He added, standing up straight, a full head and then some towering over Alec, a small, content smile on his face.
Alec sighed, "Not fair..." She said, pouting slightly before moving slightly and hoping up onto the counter that was the kitchen window into the other rooms. "Also...that's what he said...." She cracked a grin at him and giggled a bit. The drink clearly a lot more than a buzz despite how careful she had been. after all, it catches up to you after three hours of doing the same thing.
Vent sighed, and poured Alec a glass of water, handing it to her. He then proceeded to scour the cupboards, finding actual food. He didn't think there would be any....

Making a peanut butter sandwich, he handed it to Alec as well, and hopped up on the counter thing, sitting beside Alec.

"Eat and drink." He said, still grinning she'd made a dirty joke.
Looking at the stuff, she looked at Vent again and frowned. "Why?" Gently swinging her legs in the air, and then hitting it agaisnt the counter edge. Biting on her bottom lip she looked at him worried, "Did I do something wrong again?"
Vent went really red.

Why was Alec so cute drunk?

"N-No, I-I just thought you'd be hungry and thirsty." He said unconvincingly, blinking.
"Not really..." Alec said, making a face like she was thinking really hard about it. Shrugging, she set the stuff down to the side of her before looking back at Vent and smiling with eyes gleaming with a glint that only meant trouble.
Vent gulped.

"What're you doing out here?" He asked sheepishly, still red in the face.
"Making sure you'd be safe and sleep well like you wanted..." Alec said, leaning closer to him on the counter the smile turning into a grin that could beat the Chesire upside the head.
Vent smiled, and relaxed, desite Alec's almost evil grin.

"Thank you." He said, realizing this had all been for him.

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