Ww - the coming storm

Alec leaned forward even more, getting close to Vent's face before her hand slipped and she fell off the counter onto the hallway floor. Laying there, eyes wide in stunned shock, she looked up at him before going red and covering her face like it would stop him from seeing her. Which is did.... without meaning to, she had unleashed an invisiblity spell, leaving the only thing visible to be her clothes.
Vent stifled a laugh as Alec went through a hilarious little routine. It was like someone had planned it. He went even redder, but because he was holding his breath to stop from laughing at her.

Getting control of himself, he leaned down, getting off the counter, and helped her up, despite the invisibilty spell.
As she was pulled back up right, she looked at Vent before making a small noise. A mix between surprise and being afraid. Moving back away from him, she looked down and an almost visible red tint flashed across the face area as she went red before she got a better idea....

Moving closer to vent, she grinned darkly. Tapping an invisible hand to his face, she darted around him and went into the bedroom, "Your it." She shut the door quickly, but didn't lock it, and tow seconds later, she was sitting on the cieling, her shirt and bottoms hidden expertly to give the illusion that she was somewhere else all while supressing her magic.
Vent smiled.

He followed into the bedroom, and simply laid down on the bed.

"I'm not looking for you." He said simply, resting his head in his hands, lying on his back.
"You should..." Her voice said coming from inside his head. "Or I'll get bored and wonder off..." Alec had to hid a small laugh from her spot as she looked at him.
Vent shook his head.

"If I really wanted to play a game right now, I'd want to play something more fun than hide and seek." He said, waving his hand around, winds searcing the room for Alec. It was only a matter of time before they found her on the ceiling.
Alec grinned widder. "I don't know, you never asked for the prize for the winner...." She said childishly knowing what he was doing and moving carefully and silently over the bed away from the approaching winds only buying a little more time.
Done sweeping the floor, Vent yawned.

"What, there's a prize now?" He asked, grinning. She was subtle....

He started sweeping the middle area of the room heightwise. The bed, on top of other surfaces, ect.
"There could be, depends on if you name it." She said carefully projecting her voice to the closet where her shirt was.
Vent's winds immediately swept the closet, finding nothing, and returning to their slow ascent.

"So..... Anything I name?" He asked skeptically.
"Anything..." Her voice whispered right next to his ear, taking the chance as the winds went to the closet to silently move to the floor on the opposite side of the bed and just layed there on the floor.
Vent gulped, and went red in the face, which was contrary to his attempt at a cool and collected demeanor.

"Maybe I don't want anything right now." He said, stopping the winds.
"But there must be something you'd want." Alec said, not bothering with the tricks this time. Sitting up, still invisible, she left an indent on the bed. "And it's not hide and seek, it's tag..."
Vent grinned.

Reaching out, he tapped her arm.

"You're it." He said, smiling.
Alec's face went red as Vent tagged her back in a miscalculated spot. "Don't ever go near there again" She said roughly at him, standing up and walking out of the room, have burning a deep enough red for the glow to be seen despite her predicament, in the hall, she morphed back into being visible and moved to the bathroom.
Vent chuckled, shaking his head.

She says anything, but then when I...... It was even an accident, he thought to himself, sighing.

She's out of it, he concluded, going back to sleep, knowing Alec would be fine in the morning.
In the bathroom, Alec sighed and went to the shower. Reaching in to turn it on, she slipped on the rug and crashed down into the tube as boiling water poured out and the curtain came crashing down over her. Whimpering slihglty as pain went through eher head, stomach, and shins, she didn't really know what was going on.
Vent heard the crashing and awoke with a jolt. Now he felt dumb.

Getting out of the bed quickly, he ran to the bathroom, pulling Alec up and out of the tub, ignoring the wet, barely dressed parts of her, bringing her back into the room. He layed her out on the bed, and sighed.

"Aquas." He said, his healing water spell coming from his palms, covering Alec and healing her minor wounds. The water went away, and he rolled his eyes.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He asked.
Alec frowned before going even redder than before, arms moving accordingly. "Not look for one. " She said rolling off the side of hte bed away from him, as green flashed over for a second as old baggy pajamas appeared.
Vent raised an eyebrow at her comment, and sighed. He climbed over the bed, and sat down beside her on the floor, pulling her up into a hug.
Alec sighed and hugged him back. "I have a lot to talk to you about...." She said suddenly. "And I made it bad...." She said something in Chinese calling herself a nasty word or five. "I wanted to apologize...." Alec continued. " I wanted to say I'm sorry for a lot of things. That I've been really bad to you when you've been really kind to me. And I have a lot to make up for...There are other stuff, i just can't remember how i wanted to say it."
:: Marco sat int he Lobby, looking at the police beating up the violent rioters ::

Guard: "sir?..."

Marco "what?"

Guard: "sir, the rioters are growing in number"

:: Marco put his head in his hands ::

Marco "are we still making progress?"

Guard: "yes sir, the first squad are ready"

Marco: "you mean the super soldiers?"

Guard: "yessir"

:: Marco leant back ::

Marco: "arm them with non-lethal weapons and have them help the cops outside"

Guard: "yessir!"

:: soon, a group of 4 men and 2 women came out, they looked almost like bodybuilders, their eyes were focussed and their bulging muscles, while FAR from being un-reasonable, were larger than that of any modern soldier ::

Marco: "charge into the riters, break their ranks, then let the regular cops clean up"

Squad: "YES SIR!"
Vent chuckled.

"Trust me, whiskey never helps when you want to say something. Remember that time with Zaria, when I first found out he'd put that thing inside you, while Marco was playing lawyer? Because I sure don't. Marco told me about it afterwards." He explained, grinning ear to ear.
"Bad memory." Alec said shutting her eyes for a second, everything with that thing was bad....but it made her remember something. "I wanted to thank you for making me safe..that was one thing." She said before looking at him carefully. "And I only hope I get the chance to do that for you as well...."
Vent nodded.

"You'll take Phalt like he's nothing." Vent said, nodding his own re-affirmation of that fact.

".... But, one thing." He added, hoping to take advantage of her less than sober state to get information he might not have otherwise.

"Is that thing still inside you?" He asked suddenly, after a momentary pause, holding Alec a bit tighter.

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