Ww - the coming storm

Listening to him speak, Astrid took in a shakey breath, "Don't hurt the little ones....please..." Her voice was barely over a whisper, on the urge of cracking. Shaking her head, she sighed.
:: Marco continued looking foreward ::

Marco: "dont worry, i may be a psychopath and a killer, but a child-killer... not me"

:: he tilted the helicopter to a hard-left ::

Marco: "the little ones will be fine... but i want you to get them out of the crossfire... i'm only targeting the ones who fire on me first and the leader"

:: he decreased altitude, as the compound came into view over the horizon ::
"That's fine. " Astrid said, ignoring the fact that he was going to kill father and elders. Her hands tightened looking at the place she was raised and suddenly, a hatred for it filled her. This place was utter lies, no matter what it had been to her, it was all lies and it made her sick. But a sadness still took place, she could have still believed in the lie, she could have not listened and stayed true to their teachings, she might not have placed her brothers and sisters into this mess.
:: an allarm went off in the cokpit ::

Marco: "oh damnit... "

:: he reached to Astrid, and grabbed her clothes, and he pulled her out the window, but he jumped out with her. ::

:: the helicopter exploded a second after they went out. just as the RPG hit :

:: as they hit the ground, Astrid was in Marco's arms, he used magic to cussion the fall ::

Marco: "looks like we're on the ground from here on"

:: meanwhile at the compound ::

Father: "the unholy have come to kill us, and to kill god, we must kill them, and the bible will continue to lead us to salvation!"

Seniors "send them to hell!"

:: the seniors charged into the forrests around the compount, all armed with various weapons, from kitchen knives to AK-47s ::
Astrid nearly screamed, not understanding what was going on till she saw a piece of burning metal go flying past them.Cringing a bit, she started shaking. Looking at the man, she sighed, before her hand tightened again, nails digging into her palm to make it bleed. Waking through the woods, she moved with the skill of someone who'd done it a hundred times, it was the least she could do for the man, providing one of the safer routes to the buildings, that is.
:: as they walked, they could soon hear a quiet voice ::

Voice: "whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still..."

: Marco turned, to find a machete swung at his head, it hit, but without an effect, the Machete shattered, the handle was still in the senior's hand, and the blade was on the ground, cracked... the only wound on marco was a small cut on his face ::

Marco: "hardened skin... i always keep it activated..."

:: he grabbed the Senior by the neck, and slammed him against a tree, knocking him out in one hit ::

Marco: "these guys know all the paths i'll bet... we'll need to be careful.."

:: Marco grinned ::

Marco: "in a forest, outnumbered by enemies lying in wait, armed to the teeth and we now have no veichle..."

:: Marco began chuckling, growing louder and louder untill his laughter was almost at a screaming level ::

Marco: "oh yes! this is fun!"

:: Seniors from all over were coming, they could be heard int he bushes, but marco kept smiling ::
Astrids eyes went wide as she put her hand over his mouth. "What are you doing?" She hissed. A gun shot rang out and she felt it brush by the side of her ear as a judgement to how close it came. Grabbing his hand, she moved quickly, towards an old tree. Pressing into the side of it, the bark gave way quickly, before she pushed him into it and followed behind, moving the bark back into place. The hollowed out tree was a good place to hide, despite there not being a lot of room to move. In fact, Astrid was highly uncomfortable, being able to feel the man there behind her the whole time.

Keeping an eye out on the tiny crack, she watched as elders moved about with their weapons trying to find them. She only hoped he would stay quiet long enough for them to extend the search out a little farther.


Alec shrugged. "But I'm not."
Vent shook his head.

"That's one of the reasons I stopped drinking. Because I'd get really bad hangovers...." He replied, pouting a bit at Alec.
:: Marco , turned to Astrid ::

Marco: "i'll lead them away, i'll meet you in the middle of the compound"

:: Marco jumped out form the hollow stump ::

: another senior came up, he had a lead pipe, Marco crabbed his arm and broke it, and followed through with a punch tot he face, knocking him out ::

Marco: "wolf-spirit summon!"

:: a ghostly fom of a white wolf came from marco's body, it jumped and bit another senior, going into his body, he fell down, unconcious ::

Marco: "alright... now its on..."

:: que the Johny cash song "when the man comes around" ::

:: he went through the forrest, trapping the seniors with basic traps, or ambushing them near trees, they were quicly led away from Astrid, only one senior remained to look for her ::

Senior: "i should have snuffed you out while you were still in your mothers womb.. you little harlot!"
"I don't know....I don't think I've ever drank anything other than Jack, and he doesn't disagree with me so...." She shrugged, not feeling guilty in the slightest.


Astrid sighed as he did so, staying in her spot as she heard someone speak near her location. Going silent, she moved into the darker spot of the hollowed out tree and waited.
:: the senior looked around, soon coming he came to the hollowed out tree stump, he banged on the side, listening to the sound ::

senior: "found you..."

:: he put his pistol to the side of the tree, and fired 4 shots into the stump ::


:: Meanwhile, the other Seniors were enduring a hell o earth, Marco was playing with them, usind illusions to turn them on each-other, using spells to pin them to walls, sending them into panics, amny seniors had already lost their nerve, firing and stabbing wildly, but they never hit Marco ::
Bullets ripped over head in the tree, Astrid having curled down into a ball in the bottom of it. Shaking even more, she didn't know if she could move at that moment or not. All she knew was she was three inches from death.
:: the senior assumed he got her, he was always squeemish so he didn't look, he then turned on his radio, Astrid would be able to hear from how high the volume was ::

Senior: "the traitor is dead.. hows the heathen?"

:: al that he heard was static, and suddenly another senior came bursting in ::

Senior1: "hey! what happened?"

Senior2: "he.. he's a demon!"

Senor1: "where are the rest?"

Senior2: "dead.. ALL DEAD DAMNIT!!"

:: the other senior fell, Marco was standing behind him ::

Senior1: "damnit!"

:: he fired every round into Marco's body, every one hit ::

Marco: "you can't keep yourself together when a scared man babbles at you.. you are shaking even though i haven't even made a move at you... and now that you're out of bullets you can't even defend yourself..."

:: Marco took a step foreward, the senior wet himself, and fell to his knees ::

marco: "you DARE to call yourself a warrior?.. YOU DISGUST ME!"

:: with a single spell, Marco erased the senior's brain, he was now completely brain-dead, and he fell to the ground, Marco turned tot he hollowed-out stump ::

Marco: "its okay... they're all gone"
Astrid looked at the man before taking a shaky breath. Stepping out of the hollow, she looked at him, "I'm sorry...." She mumbled before moving carefully around Seamus's body before taking the gun from his hand. Though it wasn't loaded, it would help some. "Come on..." She muttered, stepping through the trees as they came face to face with the compounds fence.
Vent smiled.

"You were a bit out of it." He said simply, pulling her towards him and holding her, kissing her quite passionately.
:: marco looked up the the fence, there was a bird fused to the wire, still sizling ::

Marco: "electrofied.. i'd say about at least 600 volts, wuite an output..."

:: he reached out to the fence ::

Marco: "i can feel it.. even this far back..."

:: he smiled a bit ::

Marco: "quite a countermeasure... even i wount be able to power-down this one but..."

:: he slammed his hand onto the ground, summoning a massice 3-headed bull ::

Marco: "but this might work..."

:: the bull charged the fence, ripping it out of the ground, the bull wailed in pain, before dissapearing, some of its flesh remained fused to the wires, but now the fence was down ::

Marco: "you head to the generator and turn off the power, i'll deal with the remaining seniors"

:: some of the seniors came around the corner from the main building :

Marco"same as before, i'll hurt them pretty badly... but i wo't kill any..."

:: he grabbed Astrid and threw her over the fallen fence, and he followed with a leap, he was soon crouching over her ::

Marco "okay... on the count of three..."

:: the seniors got closer ::

Marco: "two..."

:: some seniors stopped and took aim ::

Marco: "one..."

:: the seniors with mele weapons got close enough to attack, they raised their weapons ::


:: he did a spinning kick, knocking the Mele seniors off their feet ::

Marco: "blood magic, life-suck!"

:: he ct his hand on a bit of non-electrofied loose wire, and cast a spell at the seniors with ranged weapons, sucking some life out of them, but only enough to knock them out ::

:: the other seniors with mele weapons were taken out by a series of kicks and punches by Marco before they couldd get up ::

Marco: "okay... looks like the only seniors that are left are you're "father's" bodyguards..."

:: he got up off her, and walked toward the main building ::

Marco: "dont worry, they all have wounds, but none of them are fatal"
Astrid, barely following what had happened as a bit stunned. Shaking her head as the man moved off of her, she stood up and moved quickly, going left instead of with him. Nearing a building, she dropped into it through a basement window, know ing it would be empty. After all, who would keep watch in a supply closet?


Alec smiled before going red, kissing back.


Staring the thing off, Leslie sighed before making a dive for the book. A couple seconds later, she was back in it's hand holding the book and threatening being crushed.
:: Marco went forward, son finding a smll black snake on the ground, he disposed of it with a swift lightning spell from his right hand... but behind him... there was a series of hissing, he turned, to find hundreds of these snakes rising from the ground ::

Father: "well done, young heathen..."

Marco: "you're one to talk, using demon-magic against me..."

Father: "ah! but i use it to further the cause of almighty g-"

:: he was cut off by a spell, it managed to cut his cheek, but little else ::

Father: "well than, looks like you really won't convert then... shame, we couldf have used someone like yyou"

Marco: "i belong to the cult of Battlemages, sorry but i'm taken!"

:: he launched himself at the "Father" the father countered with a barrier-spell, the shockwave colud be felt even by Astrid ::
Hitting forward a bit, Astrid gasped a bit at the force. Looking back at teh window, she grew worried for the man. Father was terrifying with his god given powers when angry. Shaking her head, she moved out of hte closet into the main frame of the buildings basement, just above where the children, thankfully.

Cutting the power quickly, she moved up the stars blind, having done it enough time to know the way. Into the classrooms where the children where taught, she heard them whimpering. Opening the door, she called out quietly, "Children, come please. We must hurry, there is no time now."

The kids, who didn't know what Astrid had done, crowded around her and followed her in a scared cluster as she lead them to the back door of the building so they could get free.
:: Marco was in a spinnning motion, with lightning-blades in his hands when they emerged, all over the courtyard there were dead summonings from the "Father" ::

Father: "what the hell are you!?"

:: in the split moment, Marco used both blades and cut both of the father's hands off, the father fell to his knees ::

Father: "fine... you beat me, okay?... go ahead and kill me"

Marco "kill you and help you shed your physical form?"

Father: "what!?"

Marco: "i can see, you reached a level of demon magic that can't be held anymore by a simple, frail body like yours.. i only beat you because i'm young and can hold more power... not to mention training"

Father: "so... what now?"

Marco "simple.. i seal away your powers"

Father: "WHAT!? NO!"

:: Marco slammed his palm on the old man's head, sealing away his powers ::

Father: "no... twenty years... for nothing!"

:: Marco turned and saw Astrid, some seniors were a bit further back, but they all surrendered, after seeing how the "Father" was beaten ::

:: Marco walked up to Astrid ::

Marco: "like i said... no deaths..."

:: he tilted his head at the "Father" ::

Marco: "kill him or not... it's your choice"
Looking at the Father, she crouched down near the children, told them something that only they would hear and understand, they were young enough for the damage to be undone after all. After a few minutes of her talking with the kids, she nodded her head and stood up.

Moving towards the father, she looked down at him and sighed before leaning near his side. " You knew it was coming all along didn't you?" She was remembering something he had spoken long ago to her, something about keeping chains on your mind. "I think your final mistake, was sending me there and not having a way to kill me on command."

Standing up, she gave a grim smile before shaking her head moving back towards the kids and the man. "He can stay here...or in jail...either works."


As the beast squeezed tighter, Leslie gasped for breath, and for some reason, this amused the thing. It poked leslie with one of it's gaint fingers that where larger than she was by far causing her to yelp in pain as she was bent back teh wrong way.

"...marco..." She whispered as the book dropped to the floor, and the thing squeezed tighter once again, causing something to crack.
:: Marco grasped his rib, suddenly, it hurt so much, yet it wasn't broken ::

Marco: "what the..."

:: he backed away a bit ::

Marco: "just a minute..."

:: he opened a telepathic line to Leslie ::

Marco: {leslie, whats going on?...}

:: he could still feel her pain as if it were his own ::
"I messed up. I messed up bad.." She said aloud,though her mind transmitted the message to him regardless. The demon squeezed again causing her to scream in pain. Without the book, Leslie could do nothing, and given that this thing was having to much fun making her hurt, she wasn't going to get it back soon and with the sand out of order on the sidelines, she was as good as dead in that room.
Marco glanced at astrid ::

Marco:"i gotta go"

:: he teleported away, appearing in the same room as the demon and Leslie ::

Marco: "alright you f***ing freak... let her go before i get all 300 on your ass!"

:: he had magic pouring at his hands, redy for combat, and his eyes said it all, the second he saw Leslie in her current shape, he was filled with murderous rage ::

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