Ww - the coming storm

The beast looked at Marco for a second, too stupid to get the danger it was in and squeezed it's toy once again, before trying to squish her between his hands.
:: before it could finish squeezing, the creature's hand was sliced clean off ::

Marco: "one..."

:: he caught Leslie before she hit the ground, and flickered her to safety ::

Marco: "just hang on there, kiddo.. i'll be right back..."

:: he re-appears on the creature's head ::

Marco: "two..."

:: he cast the "eternal flame" on the creature's flesh, igniting it into a massive ball of fire ::
Covered in bruises, coughing up blood, and holding her midsection with her only good arm, the other having been broken, Leslie held on for Marco commanded it. Forcing her body to stay conscious she nearly started crying, sometimes passing out helped when pain hurt this bad.
:: marco came back, the creature's screams could be heard in the distance ::

Marco: "oh crap... hold on..."

:: he tore her top off, looking at the dammage, her entire torso was done to hell, internal bleeding gave her skin a sickly red-black look to it, and her rips were all mis-shapen ::

Marco: "i dont know many healing spells but... this is all i got..."

:: he clapped his hands together, his palms begsn to glow ::

Marco: "Wound-transferal!"

:: instantly, Leslie's ribs healed, all her blood was once again inside her veins, arteries and muscles, but marco got all of her wounds "transfered" to him, his ribs cracked, his veins burst and his muscles were torn, he coughed up blood, and fell foreward onto leslie, but luckily her body was completely healed, but now the shoe was on the other foot ::

Marco: "damn... this is... bad..."
Not even notincing what he did, Leslie gasped in pain a little before it faded away to nothing, only to have a beaten up marco fall into her lap. Tapping her forhead she thought quickly, the demon givign a suggestion all to perfect. The one he calls Alec....

Seconds later, she was looking through his pockets carefully, before finding his cell phone. Flicking it open, she was suuprised to see it on there and dailed. A few seconds later, a female voice cracked on. "Yes...?"

"Marco's hurt. Bad." She wasn't sure if it was the plea in her voice, or the girls relation with her 'lord' but two seconds later, Alec was there, looking at Marco and her with a raised eyebrow. "I swear to god demon if you did this to him." Her eyes locked on her, despite the blind side on the right. Not having time for explanations, she moved to marco, going full blown medic after kicking the demon away from him.
: : Marco's eyes opened his eyes a bit ::

Marco: "no... it was myself... "

:: as she worked on him, he worked through the pain to keep going ::

Marco: "i can't heal... but i have a spell... the wound transfer... Leslie got healed and i got her wounds"

:: he lifted his arm and pointed at Leslie ::

marco: "and dont you dare feel responsible for this, you hear me? this was my own doing... my own choice..."
Alec growled. "Shut up." She muttered, knowing that when a patient speaks, they waste energy. leslie just crawled away a bit, another command, another thing she couldn't disobey, if he kept going like this, stuff was going to get bad.
:: Marco lay his head back, letting alec do her thing ::

:: every time Ale would even touch his ribs or any other part of the wounded body, he would twitch, he opened a telepathic link to alec ::

Marco: {so.. on a scale of one to ten.. how bad is is... and.. was this a stupid move on my part...?.. i think it was... but it was either her... or me"
"No, honestly it wasn't. It was stupid transferring of course, because transfered wounds are harder to heal since they happen less naturally and are surrounded by magic that causes them to do it. " As alec increase the amount of healing magic she was outputting, she sighed. "Demon. Go get warm water, a wash cloth, and bandages." No request, pure command. Leslie scurried off to go do so.
:: Marco's telepathic voice was full of anger ::

Marco: {dont call her a demon... she may have one inside her, but they are not one in the same... and that demon... is'nt so bad anyway... kinda like a good samaritan..."

:: his body was healing nicely, the wound-transferal was a blood-magic technique, a forbidden one, mainly because it is only used when you are losing and your enemy dosent have a scratch on them... but it can also transfer sickness, even cancers... that makes this spell incredibly dangerous ::
"You want to know why I call her that. She's not as innocent as you think. She was the one who got you hurt, despite your arguements. She was the one who tried to hurt Vent. She was the one who killed my eye." Alec said roughly, "She's still a pawn of Hope, or did your feelings for her make you forget that?" She growled, finishing t he spell and leaning back, as Leslie came back with what she was asked to get.
:: Marco's eyes were wide with shock ::

Marco: "... what?..."

:: as leslie came back, he looked at her, still with horror in his eyes ::

marco: "Leslie... you are gonna tell me f***ing everything... right the f**k now..."
Alec folded her arms over her chest, glaring at the demon. Leslie blinked a few times, "About what, Marco...?" Her shoulder started burning the second she asked that question. It was her job, after all, to know what her 'lord' meant at all times when commanded.
marco: "Alec.. elaborate..."

:: se sat up, stil;l glaring at her, the innocent look on her face was driving him mad, was she the sweet girl he has fallen in love with?... or was this a manipulative demon in disguise... he needed to know, and he needed to know now"
"Hope. Eye. Vent. Marco." Alec said. Almost instantly, Leslie spoke and told everything on those subjects, feelings included. It was clear on her face how much it hurt her to tell him everything that she would rather he not understand. And unfortunately, by telling him about hope, she had to tell about death dealings.
:: at the end, Marco's eyes were wide with shock ::

Marco: ".. Leslie... one more thing... is anything... anything we did.... did it mean anything to you?..."

:: his fists were clenched, in rage in saddness, a tear came from his eye ::

Marco: "please.. tell me..."
:: marco was on all fours, he still didn't believe her, his mind was going "a mile a minute" to use the american term ::

Marco: "h.. how can i believe that... after everything...."

:: he got to his feet slowly ::

Marco: "i..i...i... i gotta be alone for a while..."

:: he walked off, needing some fresh air, he went outside, to reveal he was on a large mountain, soon he began walking sown the slopes, trying to clear his head ::
Watching him leave, Leslie's heart broke. Looking at Alec, she wanted to say something, but had nothing. Shaking her head, she turned, dissapearing into his mansion, she grabbed her sand, and her old clothing. Leaving the china dress and odd flower on the bed folded neatly.

Dissapearing from there, she went out into the streets of a town that was in the middle of winter. Not that she cared, hands tightening, she had gotten far enough for the tears to pour.
:: Marco sat on a rock on the mountain, looking at a deer, skitish and ready to flee, yet not even noticing the wolf sneaking up on it, soon the wolves pounced, tackling the deer to the ground ::

Marco: "and... gone.."

:: he cast a spell, killing the deer, and letting the wolves eat ::

Marco: "damnit..."

:: he put his head in his hands ::

:: all he could think about was Leslie... both the fact that she was an enemy... and the fact that she would'nt tell him, that she would'nt come clean, and it had to be learned like this ::

:: he got back off the rock, and kept doing down the mountain, going past the wolves and into the woods at the bottom ::
Vent appeared beside Alec, still pulling pants on.

"Way to leave right before things........" He stopped mid-sentence, noticing the face Alec was making. He had no clue really where they were, but he decided it would be best not to ask too many questions.

"What..... What happened?" He asked gingerly, zipping up his pants.


A flash of green lit up beside Marco. Green fire billowed from the woods off to his right.

A voice beckoned for him in the forest, seeming to get farther away.

It would be a voice that sought out his memories.

Memories of his best friend.
Marco stood up, and befan walking into the burning woods, he recognised the green flames, and as he got closer, the green flames were replaced by purple ones ::

Marco: "who is it?/... Vent or Connor?..."

:: his eyes remained sharm, his ears locked on to the slightest sound, his sence of smell was filled with the smells of the burning forrest, and a bit of burning flesh from a nearby snow-fox that caught alight ::

Marco: "summisto"

:: he summoned an eagle, and sent it high into the air ::
The voice calling Marco led him to a break in the woods. With branches overhead, but no trees in the middle, this part was a dome of fire, where the green flames would not be replaced by purple ones. Standing in the middle of the dome, was Conner.

"Hey man. What's new?" He asked non-chalantly, like nothing had ever happened to him. He was the same, except for a very faint glint of something in his eyes.
:: Marco shrugged cassually ::

Marco: "uhh, not much, my dad is dead, one of the old one's generals is here on earth, i'm no longer in control of "Datadyna" and the woman i really love... NOT alec, this one is for real... i just learned she's an enemy agent and i'm kinda at a loss"

:: while he said this, he was looking over the dome of flame ::

Marco:"My dad taught you this spell... you should come to his funeral... it's gonna be held at the family mosuleum in Scotland a week form now"
Conner grinned.

"I'd be glad to come, Marco." He said warmly.

"...... Not glad, per-say, but you know what I mean. Now, Marco, there's something you can do for me." He explained, looking into Marco's eyes.

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