Ww - the coming storm

"....No." Alec said very happy. "It never was outside of the first..." She made a face. "If I learned one thing, it's that I my power was based solely in illusions, so naturally, despite how bad he was, his was as well....you know? I remember someone saying something about that..."
Nuzzling into Vent's arms, Alec nodded her head, "Yeah.." Yawning, she started nodding off, not having accomplished anything that she wanted to do on this trip other than make a mess of things.
Vent scowled as Alec started dozing off, still being totally awake.

He rolled his eyes, and flopped back onto the floor, letting Alec rest on his chest, and put his hands behind his head to sleep.

He simply stared at the ceiling for a while. Thinking about stuff.
"If you don't want me too, I won't..." Alec said, not fully asleep, but awake enough to have one eye open and looking up at him. "honestly....."
Vent smiled sheepishly.

"Well, what else is there to do this late at night?" He more asked than stated, attempting a half shrug.
"I don't know...." Alec said curling into his side. "What do you think people normally do this late? You could look around, I could take you broom stick riding in the course room in the basement..." She yawned "Game room, dancing, movies...Take your pick...
:: Marco got up to the top of the massive spire, looking over the city ::

Marco: "... man... what the hell am i even doing!?"

:: he picked up a loose bit of pipe and threw it far off the top, then vaporised it with an energy blast from his artificial hand ::

Marco: "honestly...."

:: a helicopter came around the corner, it was heavily armoured, and had the datadyne symbol on the side, it was a "product transferal" craft, made for high-risk drops, when it landed a man in a suit, with black combed hair came out ::

Man:"Marco J Highland?"

Marco: "none other"

Man: "please come with us... now"

Marco: "or you can suck my d**k"

Marco: "sir..."

: the men behind him pulled out SMGs and pointed them at Marco ::

Marco: "you threatening me?"

Marco: "warning, sir.. now... co-"

:: next thing that man would have know was that he was flying up into the blades of his oen helicopter, the other men fired their SMGs, but were all dispatched by drusilla in half-human form, where her arms are blades and she can make any part of her body into a weapon ::

Marco "clear out the building, and assume controll after the chaos... these cultists are clever..."
Vent sighed.

"I think I just wanna sleep." He said, closing his eyes and slowing his breathing a bit, hoping Alec would just fall asleep. He didn't wanna keep her up.
"Your terrible at trying to doing that....but I'll go for it." Alec said, shutting her eyes and drifting off fully.


Leslie looked at the thing more closely before it barked and tackled her. As it attacked, nah, licked? She was thoroughly confused. The thingg was a summon for a beast, yet this little freak of a thing was acting like a pup. Sitting up, and shifting it to her lap, she looked at it. It didn't look anything like what the book said it would have.

It was as that throught crossed her mind, the thing started shifting it's shape, growing larger and more terrifing as it did so. Till it reached the ceiling, and bent double from the small ness of the room, and was glaring down at her. Eyes going wide, she scrambled backwards, under the bed, as the thing howled.


Astrid sat in the room the guard had put her in. Staring at the ceiling utterly confused. She had failed father, but, she felt odd some how, like it wasn't that she was happy, no, she was upset actually. But, why had he lied? And why did he have so many of his members kill without knowing? What was he really doing...?

A few seconds later, the door was opening and someone was coming in. "Jaco-!" She was pushed to the floor, arms pinned above her as a cloth was put over her mouth. "Traitor." The elder boy hissed out at her pressing down harder as he kept her pinned.
:: Marcos phone rang ::

Marco: "speak to me"

Guard: "sir, we have an intruder in the new guest's quarters"

Marco"sit tight, i'll handle it"

:: he teleported just outside the doorway, and walked casually in, he then tapped on the intruder's shoulder ::

Marco:"come on now, there's no need to get violent"

:: his voice was almost smeared with sarcasm ::
Vent grinned. He let his own conciousness wander with his magic, leaving his body in a state of sleep back with Alec. He flew on the winds, literally being one with them. He loved this ability. It was a step up from his sensory winds.

Fling through the night sky, he loved having no villains or enemies to defeat. He loved not having to protect anyone, even though he openly admitted to having a bit of saviour complex. He simply enjoyed being alone.

But, he missed the feeling of Alec near him.

He'd have to teach her this trick, he thought.

Flying back into his own body, Vent's magic snapped back a moment later.

Hmm..... He thought. That's a tad dangerous. Gotta keep that in mind, he mulled over.

About then is when he drifted off to sleep for real.

OOC - Alec would definitely wake up first. And Vent's had a rest. Feel free to get hectic.


Hope sat in his penthouse suite, mulling things over.

He sighed, and caught himself, not finishing, but halting in breath. He even stopped his eye movement, any possible function of his body. Something occured to him.

Hope was stronger than Vent by far. Hope knew this. Vent was getting stronger in leaps and bounds, but Hope always seemed a little bit out of reach. Why was this? Hope hardly ever trained anymore. Vent should have surpassed him by now.

Something wasn't right. With Hope. He struggled to think, but couldn't come up with an answer. This stumped him.

Sincerity came into the room, and smiled at him, distracting Hope.

And then another thought came crashing down upon him.

For a split second, just a fraction of a second, he wondered why Sincerity was here. Wasn't she de-


That's silly, he thought. She's very much here, in good health. Why would I ever think anything else?

Suddenly, his head hurt. Hope shook his head, and Sincerity frowned.

"What's wrong, bro?" She asked, clinging to his arm.

"Nothing, Sincerity. Nothing." He replied, blinking.

Pressing her face into Hope's arm in an embrace, Sincerity's face suddenly grew into a twisted grin, as Hope looked out a window into the starry night sky.

Sincerity continued to grin.
:: Marco hit the intruder in the knee with a staff, followed by a smack in the side of the head, knocking him out ::

Marco: "it seems your friends really want my company dead... 20 down trying to take the building, 3 down on the roof, where they just tried to kill me, and now this one..."

:: he turned to the girl ::

Marco: "enough games, your own people want you dead..."

:: he opend up the cupboard ::

Marco: "here, get some normal clothes on and meet me out in the hallway, i've had enough of you're little cult!"
They'd been asleep a while, and Alec, who never really slept long to begin with, was already awake, staring at the floor and wall thinking. The last few hours were fuzzy, but that didn't bother her. Nothing hurt, so logically nothing happened. Sighing faintly, she used a small bit of magic to work on a spell she'd never been good at as a child. The time spell. It gave the user the innate ability to know what time it was without having to look at a clock or calendar, a permanent spell when you got it right but for some reason, she'd never been able to get it to stick. It's probably like sensory....


The thing reached towards the bed and within a few seconds, Leslie was in it's hand staring up at it's nasty face with the sand going insane. The thing was putting off enough energy to keep a sand spirit from the devil himself at bay. The dawning in the spell book being restricted came to mind, but the thing roaring in her face took that away along with any other thought.


Astrid looked at the man, then looked at the person she had once looked up to and asked for help. Shaking her head she looked back at him. He sounded angry, and that scared her greatly. But then, as she looked down she frowned. She was wearing normal clothes. Sure, she looked a bit hippish, but they were normal. Folding her arms over her chest, the most she did was pull on a longer pair of jeans over her shorts before going out into the hall head bowed worriedly.
Vent grinned as Alec awoke, but remained under the guise of sleep. He was kinda tired.


Conner sighed.

"I HATE to play peacemaker, but why were you two fighting, anyways?" He asked, crossing his arms and standing firmly between Katie and Gab, ready to hurt either one if they made a violent move.
:: as soon as the girl joined him, marco went into the elevator with her, emerging to find a small helicopter waiting on the roof, only big enough for 2 ::

Marco: "you're in the passenger seat"

:: Marco got intot he pilot seat, and began the systems check ::
The two of them both seemed unaffected by his methods, and that leaved Gabriel more than a little bit peeved. His anger was taken out on the girl that stayed asleep, as he gave her another swift kick in the side.

“She seemed idiotic, So I kicked her” He noted, figuring it to be enough explanation for all.
"I'm sorry?" Astrid sad, not about to tell him she had an extreme fear of flight.


Alec frowned, the time came across her mind once, but that was it. Biting down on her lip, she made no motion to move, as she didn't want to wake Vent. As she tried once again on the spell, she shut her eyes before giving up and doing a simple trick. 1,2,3,4,5.....1,2.....1,2,3,4,5,6,7 And so on, restarting every time another thought crossed into her head till all she had was counting.


Looking up at the beast, Leslie realized her fatal flaw here, she never game the 'pup' a small amount of her blood. That last note of the spell came back as a slap in the face. Frowning, the demon started registering the danger and took over. Nails extending, hair darkening, she scowled at the thing.

"Put. Me. Down." Her voice said in a voice that made one listen and give respect, while remaining quiet and feminine. The Beast complied.
"2.48" Alec responded automatically as the spell flashed through once more before dieing.


Looking up the beast, Leslie narrowed her eyes, "Sit." It did so. "Speak of what you want."

"It's two forty eight..." Alec said again, moving her left hand up to rub the bridge of her nose. "Not exactly morning, not exactly night."
Sitting up with Vent, and switching from his chest to the edge of the bed she raised an eyebrow. "No." Alec muttered, "Never have been." Dropping both the spell and her counting trick, she looked at him and smiled.
Maco: "strap yourself in..."

:: the engine started, the blades began to spin ::

:: soon, the "father" came on the radio ::

Father: "my sons! have you silenced the unholy?"

Marco: "quite nice of you to leave your co-ordinates in this chopper's computer"

Father: "WHAT!? who is this?"

Marco"Marco Highland"

Father: "YOU! you spread semen and feces all over god's name and the bible for you're unh-"

:: Marco turned off the radio ::

Marco: "ETA... 3 minutes..."

:: this helicopter was as fast as a jet, it had boosters at the back, a special model made by DataDyne, all the cultists did was steal it. ::

Marco: "i understand this is hard for you.. if you wanna stand with your "group" i won't stop you... i know they are like family to you..."

:: he turned his head to face her ::

Marco: "but, there is no way i;m gonna stop now.. i WILL attack the compound... no matter how you feel about it"

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