Ww - the coming storm

Giggling Alec ate her salad, eyes watching vent's face as she smiled at him. It suddenly occurred to her, that puppy was him incarnated, or vice versa.
Vent stuffed down the last of his burger, and belched, then fully realized Alec was right there.

"Shi- Sorry- Excuse me!" He spluttered, wiping his face, going very red.
Alec laughed lightly. "No, it's fine." She looked down in her lap, hiding the fact she was laughing at him for that. When she looked up, her face was tight as she tried not to laugh any more.
Vent looked sheepish, and sighed. He was still pretty messy, but didn't realize it.


Walking on the street the next morning, Conner held a solid form.

He scowled as he spotted a McDonalds, and felt a massive pressure. Two magical beings fighting. And..... Fire!

Conner grinned. Someone else using his specialty? He felt like jumping in.

Honing in on the pressure, Conner shot up into the air, and saw a cat-girl thing smash a fancy-looking dude. He flickered behind the guy, and caught him while he flew back, steadying him in the air.

"Too fancy to fight a chick?" He smugly asked the guy, letting him go. Turning to the cat-girl, Conner let his aura loose, creating a malicious pressure in the air.

"I'll gladly go a round with you though!" He spat, grinning like a madman.
seeing the new person come to Gabs aid Katie retreated with the last of her energy. she force her legs with a huge amount of power to flee from the area till she was far out of range for them to sense her. she found a tree in the middle of nowhere and rested in it for she wasted to much energy and needed to rest.
Conner glanced at Gab, and grinned.

"I'll be right back." He said with a wink, his fire-spirit form awakening, disappearing in a flash of black fire.

Appearing at Katie's side, Conner crouched on the side of the branch.

"Why're you picking on fancy guys, huh?" He asked, grinning.
Katie jumped at him, and Gabriel took a step back, but the move seemed futile as she still hit him with a super-charged punch. He was flung back into the arms of a stranger, and his magic immediately locked onto him, but he kept the spell reigned in.

“Too fancy to fight a chick” the weirdo asked,

He continued his spiel to challenge Katie to a fight and Gabriel was slightly offended. If anyone could take care of themselves, it was Gabriel Stark…..

The guy also made his prey run away, so while they were stuck for a moment, he snapped his back into place. Not paying any mind to the words he was saying, Gab was surprised when he disappeared from his view. Still locked onto his signature, he stopped the spell and teleported himself next to the stranger…who was also next to Katie.

Looking in between the two, he pushed his left palm out, his right one ghosting around it as he froze them in place. Pushing his hair out of the way, he reeled back and punched them both in the face,

“That’s for leaving me standing there…Bunch of Idiots….” He complained.
Alec smiled before nudging his milkshake towards him as she folded a green over and popped it into her mouth. "You don't have to be shy here. Honestly, just go ahead and be yourself. They won't judge, and I personally don't care..." She shook her head.
:: Marco sat at the head of the werehouse, white supremisists laid all around him, al were groaning in pain, except those who were unconcious, there were no deaths, but all were in pain ::

Marco: "pathetic..."

:: he stood up, Drusilla spoke up ::

Drusilla "feel better?"

Marco: "much...."

:: he stood up, as he looked up over the multitude of fallen haters, a stereo began to play, this would become Marco's theme song ::

Finishing the spell, the room was a total mess, Leslie was bleeding, and the sand was going hay wire. Shutting the book, she stood up slowly breathing hard. "The hell....is that thing...." She asked out loud, staring at the small blob like thing that was just there. Like it was looking at her.

Vent shrugged, and patted his stomach, sipping at his milkshake.

"Not bad at all....." He said content, licking his lips.
Alec smiled, "I'm glad you like it." She said, setting down her fork and leaning back, watching the statues move around the edges of the room.
Katie simply laid there unconscious when she took the punch, her breathing was slow but long and her skin was still alittle red from her power but it slowly faded as time slipped away. unaware of what was happening around her
:: Marco got to his feet, and pened a telepathic channel to Vent and Alec ::

@vent and Alec: "guys, meet me at Datadyne HQ in Sydney, its about time we stopped screwing around and delt with hope and his managerie once and for all"

:: he teleported to the top of the building ::
Alec's eye twitched before she stood up, holding up a cellphone and looking at Vent. "Ignore him, I'll deal with it.I have things I need to speak to him about regardless."

Moving to the woman's powder room, she flipped open the phone and called Marco, directing the call directly to his voice mail, not wanting to deal with him arguing at that moment.

"Marco. We will deal with it when it comes up. For now we still have things to discuss with them, you make a move on this and attack him, you're breaking the truce we have up and I'll personally wring your neck for it. Please, don't contact us till I message you at a later time, I'm trying to do something nice for a change, and Vent really needs the break. We're not screwing around, we've both been very busy so don't throw that in our face. I thank you for listening, and if your mad right now, I apologize, but you have to understand, we're not all machine tough like you."

Ending the call and leaving that plead of a message, she sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose. Despite the nice tone she had used, she had the feeling it still sounded rude. Regardless, Vent could get his sleep and moment of peacefulness. And since no one could track them to this spot, it wasn't like Marco was just going to pop up and drag them off.
:: Marco got the message, and replied ::

Marco: "understood, but we have a new issue that needs to be delt with, contact me when you're ready"

:: he went inside, and got into an elevator, coming to a large office, the full board of direcors waited for him ::

Director: "Marco highland?"


Director: "now... we have just had a vote, we have decided that you are... un-needed, and you are now just a drain on profits... you have been cut off"

Marco "what!? my dad made this company! this company is legally my inheritence! you can't do that!"

Director: "well we have, now... get out... boy"

:: a vein poppped up on Marco's forehead ::

Marco: "what!?... you think you can take my inheritence away from me, my dad's legacy just so you can get an extra buck at the end of the day!?"

Director: "actually, its 22 thousand a day bu-"

:: the director was pinned against the wall ::

Director: "you can't... do... this...."

Marco: "who voted to get rid of me!?"

:: some of the old, greedy men raised their hands slowly, marco responded by using enhanced strength to throw the director across the room, crashing him into the wall, killing him ::

Marco: "have his sallary paid to his family... or am i still just an out of place boy?"

:: the old men put their heads down, and they all got back to work, marco was offered the director's chair ::

Marco "no... this company is mine but if i am given directorship, i'll end up leading it to ruin.. the board will continue to handle the company... but if ANYONE tries to force me out..."

:: he went to the door ::

Marco: "i can be leniant... a pay-rise, a higher possition... i would have granted them... but no-one bullies me... understood?"

:: the old men nodded, and Marco left, son the body of the now dead director was being collected ::
A young woman no more than 16, eyes blood shot and the edges of the iris jagged, carrying a sign fighting against DataDyne, crept slowly into the building. Heart beating fast, though they remained calm, the thought of the police spotting her giving her a bit of fear.

Moving carefully, she set the sign down, a dread lock falling into her face before she readjusted the beanie on her head before walking through, by passing the cameras without difficulty and not running into anyone so far. She had one mission here, and well, if she failed, he would be really angry.
:: the cameras caught the corner of the girl's clothes, but the guard sneezed at that moment, and missed it ::

:: Marco came to the 4rd floor, and he looked down on the hundreds of protestors, religious nutjobs throwing stones, hippies wanting a peaceful resolution, and people who just wanted a fight striking against the riot shields ::

Marco "hows things going down there?"

Guard: "third day straight... the police are getting tired but they just keep going"

:: Marco thought for a minute ::

Marco "fire on the crowd"

Guard: "WHAT!?"

Marco"with beanbags, you moron! do you think i want live ammunition to be used on civilians"

Guard: "but sir..."

Marco "tell them to select only the extra-violent ones to fire on... like that one with the molotov"

:: a molotov coktail smashed on a riot shield, exploding into flame ::

Marco "ignore the hippies... they're harmless... only go for the ones using weapons"

Guard: "yessir"

:: the guard gave the order, and numerous shots were fired, all were beanbags, so appart from some seriously bad brusing, no-one was seriously wounded ::

:: a reporter was in the crowd ::

Reporter: "it seems that police have opened fire with beanbags and are moving in with electrofied batons, the riot has finally exploded into violence on both sides!"
Finding the elevators, the girl crept into one, and looked down the list of floors. Which one would the power source be on? The basement, most likely. She flicked the lowest level they could go and the doors shut and the descent started.
:: the religious rioters and the anarcists were being driven off, the hippies weren't touched ::


Police: "don't try and kill uss like the rest of these guys and you have nothing to worry about, carry on!"

: the tear gas was fired into the crowd, and the water cannons were fired ::


:: at the basement was a single technitician, he was asleep as his desk near the elevator door, the rest of the techs were i the break room or evacuated the day before, when the rioters opened fire on the police ::
Creeping out of the elevator, she looked at the tech for a moment freezing in her tracts. Moving a hand when nothing happened, she realized he was fast asleep. Creeping past him towards the machines and started looking at them, trying to find the switch for the main power and generators.

Scanning them over, she found the one that read main power. Reachign out towards it, she pressed the button and everything went black. Not even a generator kicked on.
:: the lights shut off all through the building, the only things going were laptops on battery power ::

Marco"damnit... get a squad together and have check out the generator room! we do NOT need this now!"

:: with the power down, the cameras were off, other rioters who had snuck around the back were scaling the walls, and began almost pouring over, many ofn them got into the vents, some went into corridors, many had guns ::

:: marco soon met up with the security team ::

Marco: "okay, you guys on my 6!"

:: Marco went down the stairs ::


:: some technitians came bursting in, their torches quickly illuminated the room, revealing the girl ::

Tech "you!"

:: the tech pulled out a wrench ::

Tech: "now... just step back from the console, and we won't have to hurt you..."

:: he got closer ::

Tech"dont make us hurt you... please"
The girl looked up at him quickly, eyes going so much more fearful than before, he was not going to be happy. Taking a step away from the machine, she shook slightly looking at them before gulping. Raising up her hands, she moved another step away form the machines, but not towards the man with the weapon.
:: the tech slowly went to the console, aflickered the switch and power quickly came back ::

:: the girl was hit in the back with a tranquilizer dart ::

Marco: "nice shot"

Security: "thank you, sir"

:: Marco came up to the girl, lying on the ground ::

Marco "take her to the holding cell and call the police"

Security: "yessir"

Radio: "urgent! hostiles, numbering 15+ are firing on staff from floors 1-4!"

Marco "damnit..."

:: Marco turned away, issuing orders for security to gather staff into the toilets and cafeteria, and "dig in" untill he arrived ::

:: the girl had her hands tied and her legs bound :: Tech: "we'll carry her to the cell, you security guys have more important things now..."
Breathing evenly, the tranq dart strong enough to immobilize, but not knock out, the girl's mind was reeling. He was going to kill her for this. As she was tied, her conviction became stronger of what was going to happen.

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