Ww - the coming storm

Leslie's face went a shade darker and she couldn't even get out a coherenent statement, shutting herself up, she bowed to him apologizing for intruding on him and as she took a step backwards, something her in head yelled at her for walking away. Awkwardly, she moved back towards Marco, setting down the candle holder on his nightstand. Looking at the bed, she frowned and blushed more before just settling down on top of it next to him.
:: wihtout thinking, Marco began stroking and playing with her long hair, he smiled a bit ::

Marco: {keep it cool, marco... keep it cool, keep it subtle...}

: he soon let go if her hair, and he pulled her a little closer ::


Marco: "good to see you reconsidered"
Leslie bowed her head a little, hiding her blush with her hands as he pulled her closer, "...yessir..." She murmered, trying not to make a fool out of herself with words.
Marco: ""yessir?".. i didn't know you were into that sorta thing"

:: he pulled her closer, untill her head was just under his chin ::

Marco: "well then.. my little slave"

:: he tilted his head down and kissed her ::

Marco: "will you do what you're "master" commands?"

::remember, that marco dosen't know anything about the contract with the grim reaper, he thinks this is all her own will ::
Leslie's blush came back full force as Marco took it the worst way possible. "Please don't..." She said silently knowing he wouldn't be able to see it before nodding her head like she was required too.
:: Marco backed off, after hearing the objection, he was about to faint from exciement anyway, he let go of her, and let his head sink into the pillow, he soon fell completely asleep ::
Gabriel was left watching Katie cut her own palm open, letting the blood pool in her hand, but he was unsure of her motives. He made sure to keep his thoughts running in the back of his though, as she seemed to be a fast shot.

It didn’t seem to be an attack though, as she drew a circle on the ground and a phoenix burst from the runic. He had seen a lot of things in his life, but this was a first for him…and he was left gaping as it took flight around them and landed on Katie’s shoulder.

“…Maybe Kitty doesn’t have to die” was all he managed,

His eyes turned back to her, but they had another look in them; as if he wanted to eat her up.
Katie raised a brow and gave a big smirk as she pointed at Gab. the phoenix took flight at an alarming speed toward him and it even seemed to multiply as it swerved about. "Since you got my blood pumping you better put on a good show for me." as the phoenix neared Gab she sat down and crossed her legs assuming a meditation stance. her fingers intertwined so that her hands formed a cup and closed her eyes as a small ball of burning fire formed between them glowing with heat and power.
The objective here was pretty clear to Gab, get past the bird and attack Katie before she finished her fireball. He wasn’t really sure what to do about the phoenix though, as attacking it would probably be a bad idea…

He settled instead on forming a close-to-skin glove that would allow him to touch the creature for a short period of time. He swung his arm through it, trying to see if it would hit any physical matter at all…or just fire.
the phoenix burst and multiplied into 4 birds each one the same size as the original (about 2 feet body) the birds then formed a circle around Gab just out of arms reach and began to breath a stream of fire from their mouths engulfing Gab in it.

the fire being from smaller sized birds would not burn as much as a real phoenix but if left in it to long the birds fire would worsen and air would become scarce for Gab. the birds kept a tight circle making sure they kept the fire aimed directly at him at all times.
It was as he feared; the phoenix had no physical body to touch and even split into four with his experiment. The smaller birds then began to circle Gabriel, and to his surprise breathed a stream of fire onto him. Despite the burn, he had to question just how much fire the girl had in her before the glove stretched into a full layer of outer skin.

The air around him was decreasing so he had to find a way out of there that did not result in anymore burns. Muttering a separate spell, as his ‘skin’ was about to break he had decided to lift their spells, making them redirect their targets to each other.
the birds started to aim their fires at each other. this would usually be a bad thing but the birds being phoenix's and made of fire simply grew 3 times larger by absorbing the fire. after that they started to physically attack each other but this had the same effect, the bird merged and formed into a new and bigger phoenix about 15 feet big. being a new phoenix formed by the small it turned to Gab flapping its large wings, it stared into his eyes as the magnificent bird hovered above the ground proudly awaiting his enemy to make the first strike.

mean wile on top of the building Katie had finished her fire ball she opened her eyes and stood up letting the ball seemingly hover in her hands. it was no bigger then 2 inches round but the heat and power could be felt meters away. she stood at the ledge of the building and looked down onto her phoenix and Gab. "are you ready to give up yet. kitty has nine lives and can keep this up all day." she gave a large grin to him as she could be seen behind the bird of fire.
“Shit” Gabriel noted,

He wasn’t expecting the birds to benefit from his assault, but they seemed to triple in size and re-form as one giant-bird. At a loss of what to do he almost ran for it, but he knew he was better than that…

Instead of attacking it, he ran around it, towards where Katie stood on the edge of the building

“I was never that into birds…” he complained.

Then focusing his energy, he fired a defensive spell instead of using it on himself; Right towards Katie’s fireball. If it worked correctly, it would change the nature of the spell…if not…it would fire it preemptively.
the spell flies toward the fireball, Katie not expecting such a reaction didn't have time to react and dodge so it hit her spell right on. as it hit the ball the phoenix feeling dishonored by being ignored by the mere human quickly turned to him and shot a powerful stream of fire toward him far more powerful then the smaller birds.

The ball of fire being hit by the spell Gab threw turned into a water ball. Katie quickly seeing the change in her magic thrust the compressed water ball at Gab for it to explode, it had more water then a water tower in that small ball so the pressure would probably take away half the building. Katie jumped back to the far side of the roof making distance between her and it.
Vent swallowed, coughing less as his wounds healed.

"I'm pretty good for someone who just saw a ghost." He said with a weak grin.
Alec laughed lightly, as she finished up the spell. "That should fix any internal damamge it might still be a little sore but it's better than nothing, right?"
Vent glanced around, and breathed deeply, not feeling as much pain. It WAS still sore, but he could breath and wasn't coughing up blood. That was okay.

He yawned.

"Well, yeah, I'm good. It's better than a lot of things." He said with a small smile, standing up. "What now?" He asked absent mindedly.

"....... Will we ever get some peace?" He added in a low voice.
"If you'd like..." Alec said, standing up as well, "I know a good place no one has even discovered yet.... nestled tightly between the second star to the right and pluto...."
Vent looked downcast.

"But wouldn't that just be running away?" He asked, unsure of the next course of action.
"Running away?" Alec asked, "I don't think so....it's like going home after a cruel day at school. You can't really avoid needing a place to just go and getaway so you have a better chance of facing it tomorrow." She shrugged, "But I suppose it could be taken that way..."
"You decide." Vent said, yawning. "I'm tired of all the choices, and the battles and everything."
Alec laughed lightly before nodding her head and taking hold of his hand, a few seconds later she had teleported them to some place far off the map, out of range of even the best sensory magic. "If you don't want to stay.." She pointed towards the wall of the building in front of them, "that symbol to the right of the door will take you back."
"An old castle in the Bermuda triangle. The only people you'll find here are moving statues that take care of this place nad who ever stop in for a visit, and who ever might actually be here, which is rare. I think the only person I've ever met her was Magnus, and he stays down in the basement..." Alec shrugged.
Vent smiled. His eyes lit up with a sparkle, twinkling green and yellow.

"This is super-cool...... I wanna go explore it, see what stuff there is around here!" He said in quite an excited fashion.

He grabbed Alec's hand, and took off at a sprint, bringing her along for the ride.

"We gotta start at the top, and work our way down!" He exclaimed, bringing her to the stairs he located conveniently.

Going up at full-tilt, Vent pretty much kicked a door open, and found himself on the upper level, comparable to the battlements of a castle. He grinned, letting go of Alec's hand and gazing off into the sky, looking fairly peaceful.

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