Ww - the coming storm

Leslie sighed, rubbing the side of her head before shaking her head. "this is why i dealt better with death..." She said under her breath as she walked up the stairs, locking herself in her room and stepping out onto the balcony. Sitting down into the chair on it, she leaned forward, head in her arms shoulders slouching in, rather annoyed really.

"I mean, seriously. "You heard me?" In that tone, and he doesn't find that the least bit rude." Leslie rolled her eyes, "I've meet gangs with better manners." SHe sighed, leaning back in the chair. Looking up at the sky, Leslie frowned, before the faint sound of sand met her ears. As the sand poured through the double french doors, out to her side, she smiled faintly, it had taken the shape of a puppy. Or rather, a large wolf, but still.....


Alec looked down at the dog moving up to her. Raising an eyebrow, she picked the thing up, looking it in the eyes she frowned. "Listen here pup-pup. Your not mine. Your his." She moved the puppy's line of sight to Vent. " He is your master, you have to be nice to him, okay?"
Vent sighed.

"Come here." He said simply, the puppy nodding and coming to his side.

Glancing down at the thing, Vent chuckled.

"That she is." He said in response to the puppy itself, it seemed. Then he waved it off, and the puppy disapeared.

"Back to the island place with him." Vent said sighing. "What now?"
Alec shrugged, before moving her hand in a circle, a faint glow was left in the air. "Power tapping, is basically pulling life energy out of things around you. Now, the blind realm, this is easy to do it in, believe it or not, there are living things all around us. You just can't seem them in our form, nor can they see us. Now, if it was dark here like normal, you could see them, if your lucky, and they can see us. So, what you do is you focus on the things around you, and try not to get your allies, this is a 'bad' spell one could say, and think of something that pulls or takes away. Could be anything, and just make your symbol."

She redid her circle, in a different direction, this one glowed stronger. "The more energy you tap from around you, the stronger the symbol gets. Use it in coordination with how you normally cast spells. For example, I use pentagrams, hence my circle....Figure out something that works for you, and try it."
Vent already had an idea in his head for a symbol.

"Heh, easy."

He spun his hand in a spiral, very similar to the spiral markings that were on the backs of his hands from Umbralus when they were active.

The symbol worked perfectly for him, and he found an influx of energy that was not his own coming into him.

"H-Hey, I think this one works too well!" He exclaimed, trying to stop it.
Alec blinked a few times, before suddenly grabbing the edge of her 'ring' and throwing it through the one vent had created, displacing both spells at once. "What did you picture for the motion? That can have an effect too....." Probably should have mentioned that "If you picture something big pulling away large amounts, your going to get a lot in one shot, picture something small, same idea."
Vent chuckled.

"I got that one down. Anything else, 'sensei'?" He asked mockingly, grinning.
Alec's eye twitched at him calling her sensei. "Sarcasm not needed." She muttered, before running her hand through her hair, looking at the ends of the white hair as she did so, "Not that I can teach you." She stated. "I cna't teach you stuff I couldn't do, so...." She shrugged, leaning back before suddenly remembering something, though it would have to wait till later.
Vent's grin suddenly took on a dangerous quality.

"Tell me this stuff you can't do. I wanna try my hand." He said with gusto, cracking his knuckles.
Looking at him, Alec blinked a few times. Like a blast from the past, for an instant, in that smile, she saw Coner. And wasn't that scary? Rubbing the back of her neck, she shook her head. Forcing herself to focus on Vent, she shrugged. "I can't really tell you personally, but I can show you something that can..." She looked around before dropping them down in the whiteness.

Slowly, the blind realm went grey scale, before plunging into darkness. Seconds before they lost sight, she held a finger up to her mouth telling him to be quiet. Grabbing his hand, she started walking, occasionally drawing circles with her hands to light up the place and keep the things moving around them at bay.
Steven nodded. "It is,Nikolai,it is. But that's enough about me,I'm boring. But you,you're married,and what's more,you have a daughter now! What's it like?"


Borghen nodded,then said to Hope, "I assume I need to disguise myself?"
:: Meanwhile, in Siberia ::

Artemis:"hows the drilling?"

Kruskov (miner boss): "we think we've almost reached the Creeper's soulstone"

Artemis: "okay, reduce mining speed by 75% we can't afford to damage the stone"

Kruskov: "alright, Mr Highland... uhh, look about my pay, i want my cut increased by 60%"

Artemis: "i see..."

:: Artemis pulled out a magnum from a holster under his coat and blew Kruskov's head off ::

Artemis: "you are all getting over a year's salary for this three day dig, anyone who wants more than that can't be trusted, is that understood!?"

Miners: "right"

:: Artemis nodded, before going into his trailer ::

Artemis:"dispose of that asshole's corpse"

Bodyguard: "yes sir"


:: Marco leaned his head back, breathing out ::

Marco: "hey Katie.. what did i do that was so rude?"
Katie rolled over and looked up at Marco. "im not sure. maybe she is just going through some girl things" she giggles for a second and rolled back over.
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco:"reckon it's her time of the month or something?"

:: he went back to scratching behind her ear, while picking up the controller and turning on the T.V ::
:: Marco sighed, not really in the mood to watch TV ::

Marco: "hey, how about we test out that new spell of yours?"
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "yep, your wounds are all healed up already, and i told you you couldnt learn another spell... did i say anything about getting better with the one you already have?"

:: Marco got up ::

Marco: "come on, the ground around here is 20 metres thick, but underneath is a huge training hall"
katie jumped to her feet and stretched out her body "sounds good to me" her hair seemed to be staying in a nice shade of pink
:: Marco got up and walked to the door to the basement ::

Marco: "well actually, saying its just a training field dosen't do it any justice"

:: Marco walked in, as he got further down the stairs, his body began to shrink, until by the end he was as small as one of Katie's fingernails ::

Marco: *telepathically* "with this shrinking spell, it gives us much more area to cast"
katie saw the tiny marco and her eyes shimmered as she said "how adorable!! a tiny Marco!" she continued to move down the stairs to where marco was
:: ny the end, she was as small as he was ::

Marco: "Katie... dont call me adorable... ever"

:: he opened the small door, the area beyond was MASSIVE, like a world unto itself ::

Marco: "okay..."

:: he flickered to a bit firther down the hall ::

Marco:"cast "eternal flame" at me"
katie didnt hesitate and followed marco's order to cast at him. she moved her arm and threw a small eternal flame fireball at him

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