Ww - the coming storm

"Please. Sir." Leslie said, keeping her head bowed, intense fear inside her at that moment.
Vent sighed.

"Then I've got a couple things already. It helps when you're a total screw-up." He said in a low voice, the Meido marks twisting a bit, and an aura of energy blasting from Vent. His eyes widened.

This was ridiculously similar to Umbralus.
:: the grim reaper called up her contract, the soul hung between them ::

Grim:"who shall be your new master?"

:: the reaper wiped away the previous name ::

Grim: "be quick, i have other souls to collect, including one of a dictator who died of testicular cancer!"

:: Meanwhile, Marco looked at his watch, and was tapping his foot ::

Marco: "girl stuff...why the hell does it take so f**king long?"
Alec smirked. "Good. Now, The next level. Inflicting that fear upon others. Call forth the power that it is giving you into one hand and touch our oppenet, seeking to transfer your fear."


Leslie's mind whirled as she thought about who she could choose. There was only one logical choice for her, of course, though that might end badly. "Marco Highland."
:: the Reaper nodded, and signed Marco's name in there ::

Reaper: "it is done..."

:: he took the soul, and just as quickly as he came, he was gone ::

:: Marco called out ::

Marco: "hey Leslie, come on we're waiting!"
It seemed like this was the typical good guy bad guy type of situation to Val, but knew there was more matter to it. Whatever good fight they were fighting, it seemed like they’d been together for a while…if their teamwork was any clue.

“God slayer?” she questioned, actually impressed

Then something tapped against the window, or at least she heard something and opened up the glass. A exoskeleton of a bird flew past her and she was left wide-eyed as it made its way towards Steven and Joseph.
Vent glanced around, and went slightly red.

"..... Fine." He said, walking over to Alec, and touching the side of her face gently, trying to put the fear that she'd leave his side eventually because he did something wrong into her.
Leslie nodded her head, and hurried down the stairs to meet Marco and Katie before smiling widely. "Sorry..."


Alec's eyes went wide for a second, before she looked down to the ground, tears welling into her eyes as Vent had Meido work. Stepping away from him, the effect wore off quickly. Smiling faintly at him, she laughed. "Good, very good...'

Vent bit his lip.

"...... I-It was the first thing that came to mind. It worked." He said almost defensively, as his eyes widened as Alec actually spilled tears.

He looked panicked.

"I-I'm sorry!" He said quickly, before she smiled, and then he just looked confused.
OOC: sorry, i reached my internet limit so i can't see the chat, but luckily i can still post

:: when she got down Marco pulled out the two boxes ::

Marco: "for both of you"

:: the one marked "Katie" had a red and purple Kimino in it, the one marked "Lesie" had a sleeveless, red chinese dress ::


:: Dono continued his barrage against Hope, tendrils of darkness struck at his aura of light, tearing bits of his aura away, in an absorbing action ::

Dono: "you can give up any time, there is no need for you to die here!"

:: the Lich was surrounded by massive mosquitos, all hunting after Sincerity ::

Lich "come... ou.... t"

:: the werewolf emerged from the rubble of the Mansion, already healed, it possitioned itself, and launched itself in a zig-zag motion toward boghren ::
Raising a hand, Alec shook her head. "Don't apologize, or look like that." She muttered. "It takes a lot of practice to get yours to stay in place for longer than you can touch. But, that comes with just practicing." She shrugged. "And I'm good at supressing things..." Rolling her shoulder, she shook her head for a moment. "To find someone else's fear, and use it against them, is a bit more tricky. It requires you to absorb, and then re displace that fear back into them. After that, we'll get you your summons. Unless you'd rather do that first"


Leslie took her box and looked at it for a moment, before looking at Katie and blinking a few times. "Go ahead, you go first."
Vent grinned.

"Umbralus Corripio already does the idea of taking something of the enemies', so I can probably do that already..... Let's do summons!" He said with a bit of excitement, glad he seemed to have a natural talent for this magic.


"I'd rather die than submit to your false gods, Dono! And I don't plan on dying either!" Hope roared back, his aura developing blades of light to slash at the tendrils, driving them back as Hope shot forward as the auras did battle and punched Dono across the jaw in the maelstrom of their powers.


Sincerity scampered around the Lich, in the rubble, giggling. She jumped behind a rather large pile.
Steven looked around and saw a skeletal bird flying towards him...And it appeared to have a note. The note was dropped in his lap,and he unfurled it,and read it.

"Hmm. Looks like they're fine. But I still wouldn't disturb them...May walk in on an 'intimate' moment." He chuckled at Val's question. "You know the guy that I lopped the head off of?"


Borghen saw the lycan dash towards him,and executed a perfect counter,a move night unheard of with a two handed sword. Borghen sidestepped the wolfman,tripping it up at the same time,and then drove the silver side of the blade into the damned thing's face. "Now be a good little puppy and stay down!"
:: the Werewolf bent back, the blade cut it's face, and sliced it's right eye in half, it howled in pain ::

:: the lich opened up a sealing barrier, one capeable of stopping sincerity from teleporting or physically exiting by any means, it put it's hand to the side of the barrier, and thousands of flesh-eating beetles appeared, they all began feasting on Sincerity ::

:: Dono continued his assault, forcing Hope to focus on the tendrils, at the exact right moment, when hope was focused on the tendrils, he pierced hope with his blade again, but this time through the heart, a simple physical attack, nowhere near as powerful as any of the tendons, but it was perfectly timed ::


:: Marc grabbed the lids of both of the presents ::

Marco: "you know, i don't care for the whole "no you first" arguement that this is bound to turn into... so..."

:: he pulled both of the lids off, both of the girls saw the beautiful dresses, each one worth a few thousand dollars ::
At the mention of Vent and Alec's relations again, Val just shook her head, it was probably better she was left in the dark about it.

"How could I forget..." she noted, grabbing her staff from the place it slid to on the ground

"He was a god?" she asked, in a joking manner.
Alec nodded her head, before sitting down on the ground, in a mediation position. She assumed he would know to do the same.


Leslie's eyes widdened. Nearly dropping the box in surpsie, she looked at it, and almost as if she was scared of the thing, stroked it gently with a few fingers.
Steven nodded. "He was the god making my life hell for the last...Five years,now? Bastard had it coming. Heard he controlled the Mafia,too."


Borghen quickly followed up with a vertical strike downward,aiming to behead the thing,while it was howling in agony.
:: the werewolf continued to bend back, until it bended back completely, narrowly missing the blade ::

:: the werewolf then straightened up, leaping up and landing on Boghren's back, it began clawing at his back, getting a good grip ::

:: Marco held the box ::

Marco: "its okay, take it out... its all yours"
Vent sighed, and sat down as well, shaking his head.

"Can I summon a dragon yet?" He asked jokingly, sticking his toungue out.


Hope grinned as his heart was pierced.

"..... No mortal blade can destroy the body of an immortal." He said in Dono's ear, grabbing him by the shoulders, and bringing a swift knee into his Dono's ribs, similar to Thai martial arts movements. After that stunning blow, Hope's aura of light collapsed in on his hand, which he brought up above Dono's head.

"..... A 'friend' showed me this technique." Hope spat, a dense ball of light appearing in his hand, as he smirked.

"Pride's Door!" He shouted, shoving the ball into Dono's stomach at a close range, re-inventing Vent's 'Wrath's Door' technique from earlier. Like Vent's, it was incredibly dense and dangerous to flesh, but unlike Vent's, which destroyed magic, Hope's fed off magic. The light collided with Dono's dark core, and left him trapped in a self sustaining orb of light.

Hope backed up, and sighed.

Glancing around, he established a mental connection with Dono's mind, and entered the abyss that would be Dono's subconcious.


As the Lich attacked Sincerity, she continued to laugh, and squeal in delight.

Then she stopped moving.
"Depends on if it's your summon or not. Everyone's is different. I mean, you could have a dragon, you could have a hellhound. It's up to what you have in you." Alec said, telling him to close his eyes and take deep slow breaths. "Picture yourself up in the stars, let your mind move you anywhere it wants. You'll come to a island soon enough. Don't ask for your creature, first off, let yourself find it."


Leslie gingerlly picked it up, letting it unroll itself and gasped. It was....amazing.
“The mafia…” Val trailed

Now, she knew who they were, having a couple runs in with them in an earlier life, but it seemed that life was over now.

“So you just fight the good fight?” she asks, referring to the group

“If so…I’d like to join, I only know offensive magic as a warning, though” she explains.

“Although, it doesn’t seem you have anywhere to go with those two having their alone time” she joked, referring to Vent and Alec again.
Vent grinned.

"I'll get a dragon." He said with confidence, embracing fear that he'd never be as strong as Hope, instead of an Aldc based fear. He let himself be guided out to an astral plane, and found the island Alec spoke of.....

He glanced around, but didn't see anything.

"What the Hell?" He asked, feeling stupid.

Was he on the wrong island or something?

OOC - Esme totally decides what kind of summon Vent gets.
Borghen felt the weight of the beast upon his back,and had the perfect solution.

He fell backwards,and the force of the impact caused the thing to release it's grip. Borghen quickly rolled off the lycan,and then leapt back on in a mount. "Fatal mistake." And with that,he drove the silver edge of the blade into the front of the wolfman's skull.


Steven chuckled. "'The Good Fight'? What are we,heroes? Nah,we just fight to further our own interests. I killed Innos for my own freedom. Vent probably wants to kill Hope to keep his smug face from bothering him again,and probably wants to kill Borghen just to keep that freakshow away. We're all fighting for our own selfish purposes. It just so happens that we're doing good in the world."
The water around the island, all around it in fact, started bubbling as something very very big was surfacing from it. A large shriek got let out and the worlds mightests, most deadly sea creature to live came into being. The Kraken.
Vent glanced at that thing coming from the water, and sighed.

"Aw HELLZ NO!" He yelled, shaking his head.

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