Ww - the coming storm

Vent started panting. He'd used a ton of magic in that 'show of force' hoping Zaria would retreat. It left him feeling kinda empty, because he knew Zaria knew it too.....

Shaking his head, he scowled at Alec.

"I know." He said, un-impressed.
Valentina could only laugh at the situation at hand, with Vent throwing sarcastic quips at her while Steven and Aenor made fun of him. The series of events that followed got her thoroughly confused though, as Alec seemed to be in danger. Vent left after a multitude of people tried teleporting to her destination, and the red head was left with Joseph, Aenor and Steven.

“Okay” she noted to Aenor as his ghost-like frame disappeared, unsure as to why she was singled out

“You think its okay to follow them now?” she asks the other two.
Hanging her head at his look, Alec shut her eye, stopping the effects of crying before they could even start to form. "I'm sorry...." She muttered. "You shouldn't have come here...."
katie awoke on the ground of the library. "wait why am i still on the ground."

she thought to herself "jeez i can't believe marco would just forget about me." her hair a red she got up took the book and started looking for leslie and marco. she moved out of the library to the living room then taking a peek into the rooms surrounding till she saw one of them.
Steven sighed heavily,and said, "I would hazard a guess and say 'No.'. As far as I know,only Hope and Borghen would pull that kind of response from him. I'd rather not get into another tussle with them. Not just yet. Joseph,mind getting me an eyepatch? The air is starting to feel like a swarm of angry hornets!"

Joseph laughed,and conjured up an eyepatch with a skull and crossbones on it. "Ha-ha. Now how about one that doesn't look like a costume store reject?" Joseph laughed even harder,and produced an eyepatch that was identical in colour to Steven's skin tone. "How 'bout this?" "It'll do." Steven magicked the eyepatch to himself,and quickly put it on. "Finally,my eyesocket will know peace..."
Vent shook his head.

"It's fine." He said, grinning, and sitting beside Alec on the floor. "I hate that bastard more than Hope and Borghen put together."

"And just for the record, I was right you know. Yumi, I know you followed me here, so show Alec I was right this time." He said, looking around, crossing his arms.
Alec held up a hand. "Don't go there." She said, before feeling a deep chill settle over the room. Hiding her face into the side of Vent's pants, she shook a little before hissing in pain as something poked her stitches. "Please tell me that was you...." She muttered, really not wanting to deal with this right now.

Aenor, your an asshat for being right
Vent's grin widened, as he placed a hand on Alec's head, sighing.

"I almost wish it was me. I know you don't really want to deal with this, and I'm not exactly a fan either. Who wants their girlfriend's mom floating around as a ghost, able to watch them at all times?" He said without thinking, before he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, expecting two punches.
“Hope and Borghen…” Val trailed,

“Who exactly are they…?” she asked

Now that they had some peace and quiet it seemed like some of her curiosity would be settled. After, of course, Steven got an eye patch for where his eye used to be and she could look at him without being grossed out.

“And…well…”she started,

She had a lot on her mind, but could not form any type of question, not that they would answer at least.
"Hope was the smug bastard in the white suit that immobilized us. Borghen was that freak in the suit made of muscle tissue holding the sword,trying to keep his intestines from spilling out. Hope's a demigod,and Borghen's his god damned general and right hand. Apparently Borghen's also a Demon Sovereign of Hell. Not a friendly bunch." Steven sighed. "At least they have the manners to let us recover before they kick the balls out of us again."

Steven spoke in monotone during this entire explanation. He was kicking himself in the balls over letting Hope fool him so easily.


Borghen saw the lycan take a lunge,and sidestepped,swinging his sword,driving the silver edge into the damned thing's face. "Be a good puppy and stay down."
Alec laughed lightly, before sighing as another poke hit bruise on the middle of her back. Though Vent had something a bit offensive, the most that happened was a little shove and then nothing. From behind them, in the reflection of the lemon juice still on the floor, Yumi's form could be seen there.
Vent's eyes opened slowly. He hadn't been hit, just shoved.

........ Was that some sort of approval?

Then he spotted Yumi's form, and his eyes widened.
Val listened to Steven explain both of the new characters and was left with another question,

“But why would they want to attack you again?" She asked.

“Who the hell are you guys?” she continued, after wards picking up her cloak and pulling it on again
Alec frowned, before following Vent's gaze and blinking a few times. "Mum...." She said before shaking her head. "no way..." Yumi's form moved forward, solidifing in the air and waving, as smoke formed letters in the air, reading out I can see I've been needed...
Vent smirked.

"I've got it under control, Miss Yumi." He said with confidence he really didn't have. "...... And look. I have Meido. Remember that time I asked you how to get it?" He reminisced, the Meido marks flashing onto his arms briefly.
Yumi raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I do unfortunately..." She looked at Alec disappointedly for a split second before smiling at Vent. "That's wonderful and all, but you don't really know how to use it. The only medics you have are untrained, and you basically making yourselves become sitting ducks..."
Vent sighed.

"Then you and Alec are just gonna have to teach me, huh?" He started, before furrowing his eyebrows.

"Whaddaya mean our medics are untrained?" He asked, sounding offended. "I can heal great with Aquas, and Alec's fixed us all more times than I can count!"
:: the statue fell back and crumbled, but it's voice could still be heard ::

Statue: "i do that because you are as much a slave as the coloured folks in 1800s America... and that soul was becoming a hastle..."

:: the crumbled pieces of the statue dissapeared, Marco came rushing in ::

Marco: "hey i just got back, what was that crashing sound? are you okay?"


:: 2 minuites previously, Marco saw Katie ::

Marco:"hey Katie, wow you do heal fast, look i'll have to be quick about this, whatever you do, do not go into the study there, okay? i have a present for both you and Leslie in there and don't ruin the suprise"

:: just in case, he had already bolt-locked the door ::
katie heard marcos voice and her hair turned yellow at the word "present" she quietly moved to the living room sofa and layed there letting her hands rest on her legs as she waited.
"But neither are actually trained." Yumi said, making it clear in her tone that to be a medic, you actually had to study for years and had to be perfect in what you did. That was the only way to save a life. "For instance, Joseph's heart, Alec tried healing that, I can promise you if I hadn't help with that, he would have died then and there. And Joseph himself, being a medic in the military, doesn't have much skills to deal with a wound for something like oh say, a banglesnot burn."

"As for teaching you...Risky. And no room for error." She said sharply.


Leslie blinked a few times, arms going behind her back and hiding the soul, "Nothing, those ghostie dogs came through again, scared me a bit. Sorry." She gave a weak smile
Vent scowled at Yumi, not in the mood.

"Alec's an amazing healer. It doesn't matter if you helped or not! And I don't care how risky it is, I'm going to train with the Meido, whether you help me or not!" He exclaimed, almost glaring at Yumi.
Yumi shrugged, "Then you'll die." Switching her focus to Alec, she frowned even more. "You either are or your not. Choose one and stick to it. And then, we'll see about how we end up there." With that final message, she faded out and left, back to wander to check in on someone else, or what ever a moody ghost would do.

Leaning back on the floor, Alec stood up without using her hands before holding her hand to Vent. "I suppose I should train you though..."
Vent made an unpleasant face, and stood up on his own.

"Yeah, let's do that." He said in a low voice, seeming out of it.

Yumi's words rang inside his head.

'Then you'll die.......'

Vent's gaze narrowed, and he looked at Alec expectantly.
Nodding her head, she raised a hand quickly and put it on his forehead. "I'm telling you now. If you go into this with negative feelings, it isn't going to end well. It is very dangerous, but I trust you can do it which was why I let you have it. " Leaning forward and removing her hand, she kissed him quickly before scribbling something on a pen and paper. "So they know we're not like, dead before we drop off this plane of existence."

Opening another door, one that lead to a balacony, with a cage, covered in a black cloth set off to one side. Opening it up, she withdrew a skeleton of a crow and pet the head of it as it shook itself off. Putting the message on it, she sent it off to find Steven and Joseph.

Looking back in at Vent, she motioned for him to come out there, before pointing down in front of her.
Vent sighed, rolled his eyes, and peered over the balcony, looking down, not sure what he was looking at. The feeling of wind and being outside calmed him, and his slightly red face offset the steely determination in his eyes.

"........ What?" He asked, leaning over farther.

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