Ww - the coming storm

:: the statue smiled ::

Statue: "fear not, child... all i can do is move slowly, and stay alive... nothing more... i am no threat to you... in fact, i can help... i see you have feelings for young Marckus... i can help you win his heart... if you will listen"

:: leslie finally notices that even though the statue speaks, only she can hear it, and it's mouth dosen't move ::


:: Marco smiles ::

Marco:"but there is a price... the Eternal flame requires a price to be paid... in short... one litre of blood, smeared by your own hands into the symbol of the immortal you wish to learn from... i paid that price, and you will have to as well"
Leslies heart beat a little faster for a second, her eyes liting up a bit, before she frowned. "How do I know I can trust you?" She said quietly.
Statue: "because i have watched over this family for generations, i know all there is to know and... and i love them all very much, Marckus is rough around the edges, he has done terrible things and these eat him up inside, why do you think he mutters about Cobras eating him alive in his sleep?"

:: the statue got back into the possition it was in before, the crumbled wings re-formed on her back ::

Statue: "he is a monster in every sense of the word, he kills without blinking... but he is trying to change, but he will fail and descend into a sea of blood, just like his father... you must prevent that from happening.. or you will become one of his victims"


:: Marco summoned a dagger ::

Marco: "i'm gonna have to slit your wrists, the trial here is to make the symbol before you die of blood loss, and you have to ignore the pain..."

:: he showed her a symbol in the book ::

Marco"its a simple symbol, but you still have to hurry... are you sure you wanna go through with this? a lot of people have died trying, i mainly got lucky"
her hair turned grey and she showed her wrists to marco "lets get on with it!" she prepared for the pain and was ready to draw the symbol.
Leslie blinked a few times, before shaking her head backing up. Turning on her heel, she started walking down an isle of books. hands trailing across the edges of the shelves, mind and stomach reeling. She could never picture Marco doing something like that, which is why the place in new york now scared her.

She stopped moving after a little while, fully lost in the middle of the library by now, and she leaned agaisnt the wall before shaking her head. Marco wasn't a monster....was he? All of a sudden, she felt a great fear for Katie, who was alone with him.
:: Marco used some chalk from a nearby blackboard used for putting down notes, to draw the symbol on the ground ::

Marco:"the preparations are ready"

:: he handed her the dagger ::

Marco: "i've already helped you as much as is allowed, YOU have to cut your own wrists.. both of them, and then you need to draw the symbol"

:: he showed Katie his wrists there was a large scar on each of them ::

Marco "listen, after you slice the veins, you cut the tendons as well, finger movement is out the window, let the blood flow down your hand and use your fingers like a brush, after the symbol is done you're wounds will heal but it will be about a week or so before you can even feel your hands... let alone use them... remember, this... pain is an illusion of the senses, you NEED to ignore it and be quick"

:: he took a step back, and raised his hands, he began a quiet chant, everything was ready ::
Katies took the dagger and put the handle in her mouth then without thinking or hesitating she moved her wrists along the blade cutting them open. letting the blood flow down her hands she became pale and moved her hands along the chalk lines at a quick pase finishing as quick as she could as her vision started to blur.
:: the runic circle began to glow, there was a flash ::

:: in the immortal world ::

Teacher: "ahh, so another mortal comes to learn the eternal flame?... very well, come hither, child"

:: the teacher beckoned her up, this immortal looked like a big gorrilla, but it had glowing blue tips on it's hair ::
:: in the mortal world, Katie's wrists healed, a little bit of colour returned to her as they healed ::

Marco: well well then, you did it... only just"


:: as Katie got closer, the immortal smiled a bit, clearly not minding about waiting ::

Immortal :"don't be afraid girl, im not even capable of violence... come closer"
Borghen's Earth Ward flickered silver,which caused Borghen to smile. "How fortuitous...That the world's largest silver deposit lies beneath our feet." Borghen drew on power from his Earth and Fire Wards,bringing the silver ore to the surface,and refining it along the way. By the time it broke the surface,the silver was refined to it's purest state. Sure,it was a soft metal,but that doesn't mean it won't be helpful. Even if the myth is false,it will add some much needed mass to his sword.

Borghen quickly transfused some of the silver to his weapon,plating the handguard in it,as well as one side of the blade. Borghen now held the sword in two hands,and he held the sword horizontaly.


Aenor groaned. "Two-bit heroics...Whatever. Val,if you need me,I'll be in Steven's head." With that,Aenor receded back into the depths of Steven's mind,and the grey robe that was superimposed onto Steven faded back to a ghostly tone.
katie smiled alittle and mumbled "im.. not.. scared" she moved right infront of the immortal awaiting what he was going to do.

katie felt alittle better as she healed taking in a deep breath.
:: the immortal touched her head, there was a big flash of light and she awoke with Marco kneeling over her ::

Marco: "easy now, easy... give it a minute before getting up, you need to let the knowlege get a foothold before you exert yourself"

:: there was a bandage around her wrists and the symbol on the ground was burned and.. pink ::

Marco: "the colour of the burn marks where the symbol was is the colour of your own flame... mine was deep purple... yours is pink"

:: he stood back up ::

Marco: "you stay there, i'll get you a drink"

:: he walked out, Katie could hear a fridge open, he came back with a jug of cold water with ice in it ::

Marco: "open up..."


:: the werewolf stood back, although Boghren was now covered in armour, there were countless exposed bits, it he was completely covered he would'nt be able to move ::

:: the werewolf saw a weak spot at his ankles, darted in and sliced at the ankle, then darted back ::
katie saw marco try to give her some water. she raised her head and took big gulps of water then she returned her head to the ground and closed her eyes resting for a few minutes
Vent grimaced as Zaria spoke.

"I don't need to hear your voice any longer than I have to. Show yourself." He spat, standing despite the crushing pressure.

Vent swore lightly under his breath, he was sure Zaria had gotten stronger.

Now was a bad time to be unable to use his newest and strongest attacks.....


Hope's clothes and hair flapped in the vacuum, being drawn in, and Hope took one step forward, but remained generally where he was. Gravity seemed heavier on him, almost.

He shook his head.

"You won't get anywhere with in-direct attack methods like that, Dono." Hope said, bright blue runes appearing on his hand, as he lept forward, into the vacuum. His hand meeting Dono's, the runes flashed, and the vacuum stopped, Hope gripping Dono's hand by the wrist.

"We are monsters. In terms of power, in terms of mis-deeds. But there is a very large difference between the two of us." Hope explained, shooting up into the sky, dragging Dono with him, and tossing him into the air while he hung there.

Both suspended by Hope's power, thousands of feet above the Earth's surface, Hope's aura of light faced Dono's feel of darkness.

"..... I'm not ready to die yet." Hope said with finality, sealing the conversation, ready to fight.


The Lich would find Sincerity in the bathroom, but when she turned to face it, there was a flash of light. A little girl of not more than ten years old lay in the bathroom, dead, her blood everywhere. The bees from the Lich attacking her for a moment, before dropping dead. An aura of death unmistakeable surrounding the body.

Sincerity tapped the Lich's back.

"I win this round! What game next, Mister?" She asked joyfully.
:: a beam came from the slit in dono's mask, superheated and sharp as a demon's spike ::

Dono: "restrictions1 to 15 released"

:: the sky turned a dark red, Dono's body began to shake ::

Dono: "i welcome death"

:: Dono came flying back down, a cone of blackness surrounded him, behind him was another cone of air, he had broken the sound barrier ::

:: he crashed into the spot that hope was, blasting away the mansion, sending rubble for kilometres in every direction ::

:: the bricks and rubble flew right through the lich, using the same ability that it used to pass through walls and floors, could also be used to avoid damage ::

Lich: "die... you..."


:: Marco sat next to Katie ::

Marco: "how was it?"

:: in the back of his mind, all he could wonder was where Leslie was ::
:: Marco shook his head ::

Marco: "not until you heal propperly, if you learn another spell this early, you'll probably end up tearing yourself to ribbons... and i dont like blood all over my librairy"
katie giggled at marco's comment. "i heal fast" her hair turned a light pink and her body warmed. her body healed twice as fast as her hair was light pink so she felt slightly better enough to open both of her eyes normaly
"I'm not here to deal with you, boy." Zaria said sharply.He flashed into sight on the side of Vent, looking down at him, before he moved in a sort of blur of fast movements and was near the black orb, then by the windows. Purely taunting Vent, sensing his strain, he wasn't the type to attack someone he had nothing with, but if they attacked him, he had no problem with killing them.

Flashing back to Vent's side, he put a hand on the boy's shoulder and leaned in close to his ear, whispering something so only he could hear. Leaning back up, "Also, if you try fixing her, I'll break her worse." Not a threat, a promise.


Leslie suppressed the feeling something bad was going to happen to Katie, before something grabbed the back of her hair and pulled. Moving forward, what ever it was let go. Looking behind her, nothing was there. Something from her left bite her ankle, and as she kicked out her leg on reflex, something scratched her right lower back.
:: Marco smiled to Katie, before standing back up and walking out ::

:: he soon came to Leslie, doing some sort of weird dance ::

Marco: "... okay, im gonna ask you whats happening here and you're gonna answer so... what are you doing?"
Leslie frowned. "I don't know..." Something pulled back on her hair once again jerking her backwards before another sliced her leg and arm. "What the hell is possessing this library?" She said before getting pushed forward into him, knocking him over.
:: marco rubbed his head ::

Marco "easy, calm down..."

:: Marco cast a spell of a purple mist, it landed on what was tormenting her, it was the spirit of a Husky and a great Dame ::

Marco: "these were my family's dogs when i was little, they don't much like new people..."

:: he waved them away, and looked back at her ::

Marco: "its okay, there's a lot of weird things in this house, but nothing here really wants to hurt you"

:: he gave her a kiss ::

Marco: "now, are you gonna get off me or will i have to give you another with some tongue?"
Leslie's face went dark red as she froze at what he had done. Blinking a few times, she couldn't move, and stayed put in a bit of shock.

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