Ww - the coming storm

Sincerity opened her hands, and a heart shaped shield was created in front of her, stopping the vacuum from reaching her.

"You've gotta do better then that to catch me, Mr. Scary-Pants!" She squealed, activating a spell. A mark appeared on the floor beneath the Lich, an ancient rune of binding. The Lich was totally unaffected physically.

"Now, you have to play with me, or you'll die!" Sincerity said with a smile, a cute look on her face, but a gleam in her eye. "And we're playing tag!" She squealed, flashing away in a puff of pink smoke.


Hope shook his head.

"I wouldn't worry about Sincerity. She's quite adept for her age." He said. "..... But, about my question." He continued, crossing his arms.
katie was still surprised at what happened and a little shaken from the experience she moved over beside leslie and clung to her afraid.
:: as sincerity poffed away, she would soon find a hand on her shoulder, the lich caught her during teleportation ::

Lich: "me... play?"

:: Dono shrugged ::

Dono: "i just told you, if you want to know ask the Creeper, if you can survive long enough to finish asking"

:: he flickered behindhope, his sword was suddenly covered in Hope's blood, and there was a large tear and wound in hope near his collarbone ::


:: marco clenched his fists, and began groaning to the point of almost screaming, soon the bullet popped out, and it began to heal before their eyes ::

Marco: "its okay, a little piece of hot metal won't kill a Highland battlemage..."

:: he noticed that his clothes were now drenched in blood, so he took off his shirt, revealing scars all over his torso ::

Marco: "christ would you look at this, i havent seen a rat that big since i was in that temple in India...."
Borghen gestured for the werewolf to come,as his many wards winked into visibility. He'll need them,soon.


Steven ans Aenor laughed in unison. "Why don't you try to heal your numb nuts,numbnuts? I'm sure Aenor would be willing to lend a hand,too."
Sincerity's eyes widened.

"Wow mister, you're fast! Okay, you win this round of tag, but now it's time for the next game!" She said with excitement, ducking out of the Lich's grip, skipping five feet away from him, and turning to face him.

Putting her hands behind her back, she stood on her toes, just brimming with excitement.

"Hide and seek. Ready?" She asked. "You gotta count to ten!"


Hope sighed.

"I suppose." He said, his wounds knitting back up, blood drying up and flaking off. The only evidence that remained of his wound was his cut suit.

"I'd appreciate you not ruining my clothes please." He said with a grin, Turning to face Dono, taking a stance.

"So, you're a puppet, my good Dono? And your master is a god? What would you say if I could free you of your strings?" He asked, light energy building around him, ready to fight toe to toe with Dono if needed.


Vent glared at Steven, actually not having thought of that idea.

"...... Shut up." He said in a low voice. Focusing some energy, some of his healing waters flowed from around him and onto his groin area, helping to soothe the incredible pain.
Seeing Marco do that, Leslie's eyes rolled in the back of her head and she blacked, hitting the concrete of the basement floor fast.
:: instead of going straight in, the werewolf began running circles around boghren, looking for the right time to strike ::

Lich: "coun.... t?"

:: the lich had insane magical power, but the inteligence of a 4 month baby with basic speech abilities ::

Lich: "..one.... eight... three... ten..."

:: Dono raised his blade again ::

Dono: "i appreciate the offer but i refuse"


:: Marco managed to leap foreward, and he managed to catch her just before she hit her head ::

Marco: "hey, come on pull it together! this is no time to black out!"

:: upstairs, we can hear footsteps coming, the residents have strong cokney accents but we can't hear their words through the floor ::

Marco: "okay, Katie come here, i'll teleport us to where i was gonna take us before"
Alec lay in the darkness of her room, before hearing something out on her balcony. Turning her head, her eyes widened in fear as she stared at the last person she would ever want to see. Scrambling up, her energy almost gone from the attack she had attempted on Aenor, she hit the ground as the screen door slid open. As she went to scream, a clawed hand went around her mouth, silencing her.

As she was forced to look back up, as the other hand found it's way into a patch of hair and was pulling it tight. Alec saw the eyes of a killer on a face she had grown very afraid of in her life. "Hello Love." A growly voice scratched out, more demonic now than ever in it's entire time on earth.

Aenor stopped his laughter when he suddenly felt the partition he left in Alec's mind vanish. Using Steven,Aenor said, "Alec's in immediate danger!"


Borghen simply pivoted on his feet,always keeping the lycan in front.
:: the Werewolf darted in quicker, running in between boghren's legs at lightning speeds cutting the tendons in his legs and then going back to his circling ::


:: Marco opened a portal, taking Katie, Leslie and himself to a victorian style mansion on an Australian farm ::

Marco: "we'll be safe here"
katie still exausted from her sleep interupted twice her hair still a light grey. "umm can we rest now" looking around for the nearest bed
:: Marco nodded ::

Marco: "up the stairs, third door on the left, its a sinle bed but its comfortable"

:: he picked up leslie who was still passed out ::

Marco: "i'll get her to a bedroom as well, at least until she wakes up"
As the back of her head hit the glass of the mirror on her dresser, Alec bit down on Zaria's hand. As the demon threw her across the room like a rag doll, he grinned darkly, "I'm very dissapointed with you, Love. You tried to get away from me. But I told you, I'd always find you."

As she stood up slowly, eye locked on him, she watched him frown. "I'd so love to see your whole face after all this time." As his hand beckoned her towards him, strings flew through the air and hooks attatched into her skin and dragged her to him. One of his claws cut through the bandages before they fell to the ground. "Oh, someone got to play with you while I was gone? Guess I'll just have to make it even then." His nails started digging into the other side of her face, and moving down slowly.

Pushing away from Zaria as hard as she could, the hooks ripped free and sent her stumbling into the other room. Hitting the coffee stand, she fell back over it. The demon just laughed, intensifying her fear, and feeding off it. As Alec tried drawing a pentagram, he flashed in front of her, picking her up by the throat and roaring at her.

As the sound nearly deffended her, she didn't even realize him placing a hand over her stomach until he squeezed hard enough to probably break three of her ribs. Coughing hard, he threw her onto the joining kitchen's floor before standing over her. Picking up a bottle of lemon juice from the counter, and looking at all her wounds, he kicked her to her front. Breaking the thing, he made sure it hit her wounds and laughed as she cried in pain.

"Your a little to cocky for my taste. Your too independent. You really should learn to be more submissive." As he kicked her again, the lights in the apartment blacked and when they turned on again, Zaria was gone, leaving Alec curled up on the floor, holding her stomach.
:: Marco lay Leslie on a large double bed, and he walked out of the room, leaving the door open ::

:: he went into another room, and put on one of his dad's old suits, it was a bit loose but it still looked ok ::

:: he went up to Katie ::

Marco: "hey Katie, can you look after Leslie for a second? i'm just gonna nick out and check on someone"

:: as he walked out the front door, he opened a telepathic channel to alec ::

Marco: {"Alec, you there?"}
The wolf's strike done nothing,for all he struck was a phantom image,standing perfectly still,then it vanished as Borghen rocketed across the room at just shy of the speed of light,slashing at the lycan,however he only hit the ear.

Before Borghen hit the wall he used his Wind Ward to propell himself in the opposite direction fast enough to leave a phantom image. On the roof,he harnessed power from his Water Ward,and flooded the room below. "Let's see if this mongrel can swim."


Aenor felt helpless. He,for some reason,couldn't make it to Alec. "Come on. You can worry about your precious testicles later,boy. We're going to Toronto." Aenor was in full control again. He used Steven's telekenises to pull Vent up to his feet by the throat,then looked to Joseph. "I heard you pulled a teleport before. Do it now. Toronto."

Joseph tried to teleport them,but the blue light simply exploded,and they were still in Russia. "Something's blocking me!" "Vent! Blind Portal!"
katie saw marco leave the house and quickly moved to where leslie was resting. she layed down beside her and clung to her arm "get better soon" she slowly went to sleep.
:: the Werewolf came out of the water at an insane speed, crashing into boghren, slicing his eyes and then darting back ::

:: this wolf had speed to match boghren, was weaker but had better control ::

Hearing a faint voice in her head she thought for a second to respond before something made her head feel like an axe just drove through it. "He would..." She bit out, know exactly what he did. A full lock down.
:: Marco felt his connection suddenly cut off with alec ::

Marco: {"Alec, are you there!?"}

:: he tried to teleported to where she was but ended up just outside of the lockdown area ::

Marco: "Oh crap... this ain't good"
Borghen used the force of the impact to his advantage;He sprung onto his hands,then flipped onto his feet at a speed impossible to achieve naturaly on Earth. The mutt was wet,so Borghen capitolized on this fact,and launched a stream of electricity from the Lightning Ward,quickly followed up by a bubble of hurricane force winds around around himself while he knelt down to catch his breath.
:: in mid-air, the Werewolf flickered back twice, dodging the lightning.. mostly, he is now twitchy. when he got back he cast a basic fire spell, evaporating all the water off immediately ::

:: the werewolf darted to the side, around the hurricane winds, coming up behind behind boghren's legs, biting into the soft tissue behind his knees ::
Screaming in pain,Borghen manipulated the bubble around him and rammed the wind into the werewolf's chest,sending it flying. Using the reprieve,Borghen absorbed some energy from the Light Ward,healing the wound on a structural level so he could use the limb.

Now,Borghen siezed the initiative. He was suddenly in front of the flying lycan,and he delivered a crushing blow to the thing's head with the handguard. The blade was made from Obstanite,three times sharper than obsidian,entirely indestructible,but light as a feather. This lack of mass was a problem,however. Less mass,less power behind the strike.

So,Borghen followed the pommel strike up with a knee strike to the back of the beast's head,then punched it in the face,fist laced with his own demonic magicks. Borghen landed twenty feet away from the wolf,and resumed his stance,but this time keeping very wary.
:: the werewolf landed ina pile of broken objects, blood was everywhere and bones were sticking out ::

DOno:"i must admit hope, you're pet is tougher than he looks... but..."

:: the Werewolf began to heal at an insane pace ::

Dono: "over 4000 years of selective breeding, spells and other enhancements have created this pet dog of mine... i killed an entire order of monks to get to him and his siblings... every one is as tough as him, and there are dozens of them...."

:: the werewolf stood back up ::

Dono: "you, demon! if you can somehow manage to kill my pet here, THEN you can boast about being powerful!"

:: he pointed to the lich ::

Dono: "my undead friend there was drowned for practicing magic in the crusade days, his brain has rotted away but he was revived and is now maintained by a small sun inside of him... this sun is shielded, and cannot be touched, if it is released, this world will end and i..."

:: he showed Hope his hand, it was grey, burned and covered in scars ::

Dono: "i am something else entirely"
Leslie's eyes started to flutter open and closed as her mind debated on what it wanted to do. After settling on waking up,No longer feeling the floor where she had had been before, she frowned before curling up to her side or at least tried to. Something holding her arm made her stop.

Opening her eyes, she saw Katie there, and smiled faintly. Girl was cute, and a lot like a pet, or what she'd imagine was like one. Instead of going in the opposite direction, Leslie turned towards her, and with her free arm, slung it over the side of her, and tapped foreheads together before shutting her eyes again.

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