Ww - the coming storm

He laughed bitterly. "I'm anything but. In life,I was a Dark Brother. I killed people,in cold blood,for money. In death,I'm a guide."
"doesn't sound to bad." Alec slurred out. "But then again, killing is a fascination of human nature. And so, if your not a angel, I'm assuming your going to say yoru a ghost. So prove it. Do something only ghosts can do."
Aenor smirked. Suddenly,he jumped into the motor control section of her mind,and forced her to smack herself upside the head. "I believe that this is one of the stereotypical powers of ghosts or poltergiests..."
As she hit herself, Alec rolled off her bed and hit the floor with a thump, laughing a bit, her system not really responding to pain the right way due to her blood content levels. "That's pretty cute." She said, laughing a bit, "But I'm still not convienced. Show me something else."
Vent rolled onto his back, pouting as he stuck his hands down his pants, and 're-adjusted'.

".... Can you get some ice, Joseph?" He asked, glaring at where he felt the strongest presense from Yumi.

"Thanks." He spat, his head flopping on the ground and making a dull thud.
"Move things, throw things, go through walls, dissapear and re-appear in thin air, become smoke. " Alec shrugged, " You can do things no other creature can, even magic comes a cheap imitation. You can create a mis perception, pull mind tricks, and create magnetically induced hallucinations." She shrugged again, before rubbing her bandager eye.


A small chuckle whispered through the air around Vent.
Aenor laughed again. "Better idea. Hit me. Everything you can spare. I can guarantee you it won't work."


Joseph nodded,and conjured a canister full dry ice,and handed it to Vent,remarking, "It's colder than Iqaluit. Watch yourself."
Vent sighed as he took the ice from Joseph, slidding it down his pants and shivering, making a couple squeal-like noises as he did.

"...... I hate everything." He spat, looking pissed off, hurt, cold, and ready to throw up.
Alec shrugged before figuring she had nothing to loose here. In one hand, she focused almost all of her magic and a dark orb formed, or rather, the dark orb formed. As it crackled with the power she was feeding it, the temp. in the room dropped to below zero.

As the orb looked like it was about to crack, she shot the thing at Aenor as dark magic exploded from it, deep freezing and shattering everythign that was in it's path.
The orb of dark energy simply passed through Aenor,with absolutely nothing happening. "Do you need anymore proof?"


Steven and Joseph laughed uproariously. "You asked for it,man."
Alec frowned. "Nope." With a groan, she climbed back on her bed, "Doesn't mean I'm going to believe that was my mother though." A few moments later, a knock came on her flat's door and Mrs. Barkleys voice came though, "Ms. Deathlind? Are you okay, I heard a lot of commotion, are you alright? Do you need me to call the cops?"

"F......" Alec started before snapping her fingers, the room started replacing itself and re painting everything as she called back, "No, I just hit the dresser and knocked a few things off. Nothing to worry about." As the woman was appeased, she looked at Aenor. "Why does it even matter to you anyway?"
Aenor sighed,and said, "I can't stand by and watch someone tear themselves apart for the sake of comfortable ignorance."
"Look, what I do to get that sick kick of his out of my head has nothing to do with you. I'll deal with it in the morning when I'm not angry at him." Alec shook her head, chucking a pillow at Aenor. "Besides, he's probably mad at me too, so it doesn't matter. And even if that was my mom, I could never face her. Ever." Case closed, no argueing.
Aenor sighed,and said, "Fine. But come tomorrow,Hell or high water,you WILL come to terms with her. This,I promise to you."


The grey robe was once again on Steven,and he felt Aenor's presence once more. "Chasing after Alec,Aenor?" "Am I that transparent?"
Alec frowned. Of course he wouldn't know about her vow. So of course he thought it would be that easy to just own up and talk to hte woman. Shaking her head, she watched sparks go flying about the room as her mind absently willed them too. She had the absent notion that her eye hurt, and looking up into the mirror on the dresser, through the bandages crimsion was leaking out and it was making the shape of a broken heart.
:: Marco blushed a bit, understanding that leslie was surprised ::

Marco: "well, what did you expect was going to happen?"


:: Dono laughed ::

Dono: "a god! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

:: he stopped, panting a bit while still chuckling ::

Dono: "i serve the two children... the King of the old ones and the Creeper, his sister... they are gods, too powerful to even truly exist in this universe... yet alone their power still dwarfs my own and Dono's together!"

:: he waved his hand, sending Boghren flying away, right out the roof and high into the sky ::

Dono: "my demand is simple... submit"
"Not that..." Leslie whispered honestly, as her blush deepened. Stepping away from him, she put down her drink, shaking her head, and started to back out of the room, before tripping, hitting the edge of the couch, and flipping over the edge of it, landing with her feet still sticking up over the edge of it and the rest of her bunched up behind it on the other side.
A grey spark absorbed the power from Dono's throwing spell. "Your magic won't work on me,mage. Don't even bother."
:: Dono raised a barrier ::

Dono: "does this guy ever just shut up?"

Werewolf :"why dont i just kill 'im!"

DOno: "fool, we arent here to kill them..."
Vent glared down Steven and Joseph.

".... It's not even like I was wrong, either. I'm right!" He whined, shaking his head.


Hope snapped his fingers, time stopping altogether. Sneaking his arm out of Sincerity's grip, Hope strolled over to his desk non-chalantly. Opening the desk, he drew a gilded dagger from the depths of a hidden compartment sealed with his own magic. He took the knife, and cut his right palm. Suddenly, the limiters holding Hope back were dismissed. He looked somber, not wanting to have to do this yet. He and Borghen would need every advantage they could have.

Strolling back over to where he had been standing, even sliding his arm back into Sincerity's death grip. Nothing looked different at all, when Hope restarted the flow of time, except for the little bits of blood dripping down from his palm onto the floor.

"Dono, Borghen and I will not 'submit' to you. And by killing you for a final time, I'll be doing the world a favour." Hope spat.
:: Dono sighed ::

Dono: "you should get the little one out of here... oh, and dont try and stop time around me... it dosen't work..."

:: the Lich activated it's ability, and slipped through the floor, while the werewolf howled with such volume that it chattered the windows ::

Dono: "all restrictions are gone... its time for you to kneel, hope"

:: he summoned a longblade, it's edge was rough, so it could tear rather than slice and the tip was ridiculously sharp ::

Dono: "well, good luck trying to kill me... considering that i'm just a puppet who's strings cannot be cut!"
Borghen was tired,but not physicaly. He was sick and tired of people wanting to pick fights with people who are obviously stronger than them. Borghen raised his sword up near his ear in one hand,with the massive blade pointing forward. His empty hand had the fingers splayed,ready to grasp onto something,with the palm facing down.

"Lycan. You're mine."
So, it seemed that there really was a spirit in the room, Val hadn’t believed it at first but she saw the kick that Alec didn’t. Laughing lightly, she looked around the room a little bit freaked out as she had no idea who this ‘Yumi’ was. She knew that the ghost was friend not foe though, as Vent, Steven, and Joseph all seemed to not care about the presence. At Vent’s comment about being right she looked at him,

“I hope you come up with something better to say to Alec” she noted.

If Alec was like any woman, or like any human being for that matter, she probably hated that she was wrong; rubbing it in her face was not a good idea.


The thing that Gabriel was looking for was standing right in front of him, a tall manor that by the looks of it just got broken into. Guards were either knocked out or dead, he thought the latter, at the double door entrance of the gate. As he continued past the gate, he walked into the courtyard, eying the building suspiciously, he could tell there were people inside.

Flicking the cigarette butt away from him then stepping on the habit, he approached the door but did not go inside. He had a better plan, grabbing his lighter out from his pocket, he circled the building suspiciously, hand flat in front of him. Turning his back to the manor, he didn’t have to look to see the support beams catch fire and blaze up, he was already walking away. As far as he knew, there was nothing that interested him in the place and he hated seeing a good opportunity go to waste.

He’d burn the building while they were too busy fighting inside…whoever they were…

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