Ww - the coming storm

Leslie smiled, "Speaking of Hope. He let me go." She grinned at him, before shaking her head to the other thing. "That would be rude to the old couple....I mean...it's their basement after all." Though she really didn't know what Marco wanted from her, she figured what ever it was, could wait till they weren't in a persons basement. And when she wasn't bleeding on their floor either.
:: Marco sighed, and wiped her forehead ::

Marco: "so... why did he let you go? he seemed kinda man when he came and snatched you away"

:: he finished wiping up her head-wound ::

Marco: "that'll heal up nicely, its not very deep... but it might leave a slight scar"

:: he gave her a kiss on the forehead ::

Marco: 'all better"
"I don't really know. Said I did my job right in distractions...he was happy you weren't around I guess. And I think he was just...I don't know, depressed at something when he took me." Leslie shrugged as a blush coloured over her cheeks at what he did. Stuttering a little bit, she took a step away from him.
:: Marco smiled a bit, it was understandable, he was moving too fast, he needed to slow down ::

Marco: "Leslie..; i don't know what sort of distraction Hope wanted you to do... but if he wanted you to keep me out of his business then... i'm sorry but you failed"

:: he took a deep breath ::

Marco: "Leslie, my allies are raising an army... at the moment we havethe Necromancers, earth-style mages and various creatures of the Abyss on our side... but.. i have a feeling that hope is about to encounter something far far... worse..."

:: Dono, with his mask and robes on, accompanied by the lich and werewolf from before marched up to Hope's manor ::

GUard: "sorry sir, but the-"

:: the guard stopped, and walked to the console and opened the gate, after which he was mauled by another werewolf ::

Dono: "come on... we've turned his forces... now we just need to turn him"
Leslie shook her head, "It was for whatever he was doing at the hospital. He just didn't want any interefering. It had something to do with Innos though..." Shaking her head, she tilted her head listening to him. "What are you talking about? And what's a necro-whozit....?"
:: Marco shook his head ::

Marco: "necromancers specialise in raising and controlling the dead, i know that sounds bad but trust me, its good to have them on our side"

:: he activated the runic circle ::

Marco: "come on, i got a penthouse in new york... you look like you could use a bath and some new clothes"
"Um..." Leslie said before shaking her head, what choice did she have, clearly the couple up stairs thought she was bad so walking back out of here like nothing happened would be a bad idea. She stepped towards Marco, her face going more red than before. "So....their like the grim reaper?" She asked a bit naively.
:: marco shook his head ::

Marco: "the grim reaper is an idiot... trust me i met him once... anyway, Necromancers arent all that bad, they bring people back from the dead if they only died from disease or something and their body hasn't decomposed an..."

:: he facepalmed at himself, realizing he was rambling ::

Marco: "in short, they aren't"

:: as she got closer, he activated the runic circle, and they appeared in a giant flash of light in the penthouse. everything looked ultra-modern, it was 2 level and there was even a spa in the main room::

:: Marco pointed to a door ::

Marco: "there you can take a shower, i'll order in some clothes and cook up an omelet... you seem a little skinny, you need some meat on your bones"
Leslie blinked a few times, before literally falling over laughing. "I can't believe you..." She managed to get out as she laughed harder.
:: marco shrugged ::

Marco: "what?... i'm just trying to help"

:: he shook his head and went into the kitchen ::

Marco: {honestly, women... if i didn't love her i'd go crazy already...}
"I'm pretty sure I'm good as is.You told me that after all." She replied as she caught her breath before moving towards teh door he pointed to and locking it. Sure, she trusted marco but, who was she kidding, she really didn't trust anyway. She just liked him more so not to go to the efforts she normally would have. Like having the sand keep guard.

As the let the water start running, she hoped up onto the sink counter and frowned at her reflection. Shaking her head, she did what she was told by Marco to do.
:: Marco was busy cracking eggs into a hotplate, after that he began chopping up peppers and herbs ::

Marco: "ow!.. damnit, i suck at this..."

:: he cut hi finger... anyway, he put on the timer, and he slumped down on the couch, and turned it on, Futurama was on ::

Marco: "awesome..."
katie was sleeping in a tight metal space as she woke to some noise by a tv she smashed her head on the top of the space.

"OUCH" echoed throughout the space
Under the water, Leslie looked at all the cuts she had gained from that fight and realized a bit glumly, without the help of either sand or demon, she was a horrid fighter and had just gotten lucky. She also had the sneaky suspicsion that the demon had helped out anyway.

Poking a cut that had blood running from it on the back of her thigh, she sighed before picking up a thing of soap, oddly an old spice one, and started scrubbing at the wounds.
:: Marco's ears twitched at the loud "ouch"

he didn't hesitate, he jumped up and released a bolt of energy at the roof exactly where Katie was, causing the entire section of roof to colapse ::

when Marco saw the girl in the rubble, luckily unhurt, he stood over her ::

Marco: "you better have a damn good reason for being here or you'll have to deal with either me or security"
katie quikly fell from the space she had slept in to the floor below where a man stood over her.

her hair blue and her eyes in tears she cried to him "why would you do that to me i was only taking a nap?!"
Hearing noise outside of the bathroom, she stuck her head out of the shower and blinked a few times. Two where in there....and one was.....scared?

Shaking her head, and stepping out onto the tiles, and moving towards teh door, she peaked out of it after opening it a crack watching carefully, but not making it known she was even there.
Marco: "why?... you're tresspassing, if you wanted to take a nap then get a room!... or at least a park bench..."

:: she looked extremely odd, he was trying to decide if he should let security handle her or if he should put her up for the night... ::

Marco: "whats your name?"
Marco: "my name is the guy who could send you jail for as long as a damn-well want to!"

:: he had another look over her, she seemed odd... even for him ::

Marco: "what were you doing in there?"

:: security was coming in over the intercom ::

intercom: "Mr Highland? are you there? we're sending a squad up, if Mr Highland is there, please sign-in at the front desk upon arrival"
Hearing Marco yell at the person, she frowned, looking at the person who had appearently intruded. As the sand crept over her and fell away to a simple dress, she stepped out, padding across the floor towards them. "You shouldn't be so harsh..." She muttered. Looking at the other person once more, up close, she grinned. "Hi there. Your pretty." Always more comfortable around girls then guys might just apply here...
"i dont know the last thing i remember was being really tired and finding a small place to crawl into" she said with a little bit of a smile.

she noticed a girl walk out from around a corner. hearing her call her pretty her hair turned yellow blonde

with a big smile on her face "well thank you!"
:: the security squad of 5 men armed with battons and taser-guns came from the elevator, followed by a security-bot ::

Leader: "Mr Highland, you should sign in upon arrival, and who are these two...?"

:: they all had weapons pointed at Katie and Leslie... there was a pause before Marco gave out a loud groan ::

Marco:"YOU IDIOTS! i want the number of this building's contractor, and get their asses over here or you'll have a lawsuit on your hands! look, my friend here was almost killed! get out and contact them, MOVE!"

:: the security backed off at Marco's barking, they soon got into the elevator ::

Marco: "okay now... tell me why i just did that?"
"Because you love me?" Leslie responded in a joking maner, before holding her hand to the other girl then noticing she had ear....or....yeah, those were ears. Reaching forward, she touched one of them before blinking a few times and pulling gently. When they didn't come off, she gapped a little bit before looking at Marco, "Can I keep her?"
:: Maco simply shook his head, as in "no" ::

Marco: "you... you're scared... something tells me that, if you were angry... something beyond your own control would kill us, am i right? how amny times has it happened, when was the first time?"

:: as he asked these questions, he picked up a rock, in truth he was'nt angry at her, he was just testing her ::

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