Ww - the coming storm

Vent tried to erect a shield, but his magic fell short of Borghen's overwhelming final attack. Falling to his knees as the assault died down, Vent stood up again quickly, bloody and beaten, but still very much alive. The area around him erupted in the dense, heavy magic once more, collapsing into his hand. Opening it, he held another Wrath's Lance.

A face of almost calm, collected emotions held a very violent wrath. But, Vent's temper died down quickly. Borghen had gotten away. Again.

Stepping into the blind realm, and into the hospital to find Alec, Vent immediately felt Borghen and Hope. He warped to their position, and stood beside Steven, his Wrath's Lance up and pointed at Hope.

"Hey bro. Sorry I'm late, Demon-**** over there decided we'd play around in Hell for minute." He explained, grinning.


Hope spotted Vent warp in, a particulairly powerful attack trained on him.

That....... Could be dangerous, Hope thought, almost congratulating Vent on instinct. His enemies were catching up, it seemed.

"Well, if it isn't my old friend, Vent. How are you? Steven and I were just having a chat, after we killed Innos." Hope explained in turn.
Leslie shrugged, before suddenly noticing the speed of the car increasing. "Uh...Marco?" She asked nervously. She had only been in a car once before in her life, and when that started getting over 50, things had gone bad...Watching the thing get well near 70, she bit her lip. "Can we uh.....I don't know, pull off to the side of the road and walk?"
:: marco shrugged a bit ::

Marco: "whats wrong? we're still 10 under the speed limit"

:: he pointed to a speed sign, it said "80" ::

Marco: "just relax..."
Nodding her head a bit, she stared into her lap, ignoring the world flashing by the windows the best she could. Trusting Marco, Leslie still was uneasy and just went silent, putting elevator music into her head and trying to calm down the best she could.

In her zoning out, she realized she was still in that hospital gown. Looking at it, she frowned before crossing her legs. Absently, a bit of magic seeped out, morphing it faster than one could even think, it became a white undershirt and leather pants. Though...she was still shoeless for some reason.

"So...what did you do to Hope's sister?"
Marco: "in short, i broke her legs and 4 of her ribs while cracking her skull"

:: he said this in a eerily calm manner, like it was normal ::

Marco: "but that nothing i'm gonna do to both hope and nightrise when i get the chance..."

:: he sighed, realizing he was being macho again ::

Marco: "honestly... i just want this to be over, im sick of killing and fighting... i prefer to just lay around with mates playing video games, but no, i can't"
Leslie nodded her head, "So you killed her?" She asked, looking at him for a second, "And you plan on doing worse to them...." She ran a hand through her hair, before suddenly telling him to take a left.
"Interesting..." Leslie muttered, before telling him to exit at ramp 20, and head into that town's center main street. "You know...I never knew you could drive.."
Aenor receded back into Steven's mind,and allowed Steven back in control. "Hey,Vent. Mind helping a buddy out?"

Meanwhile,Borghen shoved his arm up to the elbow into his abdomen,spurting blood on the floor before him,and quickly cauterized the wound. He sensed conflict quivering over the horizon.


Joseph chuckled. "Yes,ma'am."

He walked to the door,and checked to see if anyone was in the hall.
A light prism encompassed Valentina after the flimsy magi she tried to use against the sword that had a godly proportion to it. Although she couldn’t move, she could watch from her weird positioning; Aenor took over Steven’s form before two others appeared. One, she recognized as Vent, the other, had his guts pouring out of his stomach or something, he was bleeding a lot.

It was only now that she wondered how she got stuck in the middle of this kind of chaos, and she sighed to the best of her ability.
Vent sighed. Pointing his Wrath's Lance at Steven, he grinned, and fired. The effect was instantaneous. Hope's field shattered, and Vent himself was forced back a bit. Hope's hair whipped about as his eyes widened. Vent kept forward, and caught Steven, helping him to his feet as Hope licked his lips.

"...... That attack..... It'll harm flesh..... And destroy magic." He said in a low voice, surprised.

Vent smirked.

"I'm catching up, Hope." He said in return, letting go of the released and stood up Steven, before taking a knee. "..... I'm just not there yet." He said, exhaustion in his voice.

Hope nodded slowly.

"If your fight had continued, without you running away, would you have won, Borghen?" Hope asked, a smile of his own growing as he eyed Vent and Steven.
Alec shook her head and a put a hand on Joseph's shoulder, "Invisibility spell. It's been on the whole time and it follows us. I don't think you need to worry about that. " Leaning agaisnt the wall, she folded her arms over her chest and made sure to keep him on her right side.
Borghen shrugged. "No clue. We were perfectly even. It was like the irresistable force colliding with the immovable object."

Steven was hauled up by Vent,and said, "Thanks. Aenor,give him a jolt." "Gladly."

Aenor's ghostly arm touched Vent's forehead,and injected him with a magical sense of resolve. Due to the nature of this,it's entirely possible to either keep it as an emotional motivator,or to break it down into raw magic and consume it.


Joseph nodded,then gestured for Alec to walk through the door first. Chivalry first he thought to himself.
Shrugging, she pushed off the wall and passed by him, before stopping in the hall shaking her head again, and started walking down the hall, dragging a hand across the wall. "You know, I'm not sure if they left already or not... Or where Steven's room would have been. Do you?"
Vent nodded, and broke it down into magic to keep his limbs working for now.

He grinned at Borghen's last comment.

"Heh, we'll see about that!" He spat, the super-dense and heavy field of magic erupting around him, and collapsing in on his hand. Forming the last Wrath's Lance he'd be able to form that day, Vent pointed it at Hope and Borghen's general direction.

"You guys got whatever you wanted, right? I'd suggest you leave." Vent said with an authority he knew he wouldn't really be able to back up.

Hope shook his head.

"It'll take more than one new trick to beat us." He said, his smile warming up. "But I'll comply, seeing as I've broken my word once already this night. Borghen, let's go."

With that, Hope grasped Borghen's shoulder and warped to their mansion.

Vent's arm lowered, his Wrath's Lance disappearing. He got up to his feet slowly, and chuckled.

"Man, everything hurts." He said, before falling into Steven.


Back at the mansion, Hope and Borghen appeared in Hope's study.

"Borghen, can you wait here for a minute while I fetch Leslie?" He asked without waiting for a reply, teleporting out again almost immediately.
Although free from the barrier for a long time now, Valentina waited until ‘Hope’ left with ‘Borghen’ to speak up. Vent and Steven seemed to be a mess on the floor, as they had both fought against the other two. Stepping forward, she kneeled down next to them

“I didn’t realize these were the types of friends you made” she noted, examining Vent’s wounds.
Vent looked up, and saw Val.

"Hey, it's you." He said with a smile.

"....... Help?" He asked, exhausted and unable to use magic at the moment.
“I haven’t done any healing in the past” Val noted, embarrassed

“I can cauterize your wounds though” she finished.

Removing some of the fabric that covered his wounds, she set to work without waiting for an answer; then realizing that there was another one, she looked up after burning a nasty gash closed.

“Unless you just wanted some of my magic?” she suggested
Vent's eyes widened in surprise.

"You can do magic? Geez, I'm usually really good at sensing magical pressures..... You're really stealthy with it." Vent said in an almost excited tone, as he rolled onto his back and sat up.

"I could take some, I can do a bit of healing myself." Vent added, holding out his hand.
Valentina could only laugh at his statement, although there was a lot of things she could do with magic, being stealthy wasn’t one of them. Grabbing onto his hand she felt her magical potency drain slowly from her, letting go after about a minute or two.

“What about your girlfriend?” She asked, looking around for the girl

“Where is she?”
Marco:"Leslie... i'm the son of a multi-billionaire... i learned when i was little by crashing new holdens into massive trees..."

:: he took the exit ::

Marco: "yeah, i admit that i'm a total "rich kid""

:: He slammed on the brakes, after a truck in front of them suddenly stopped ::

Marco: " SON OF A *****!"
Vent went a deep red.

"I don't really know...... I hope she's fine." He said in a concerned voice. "And she's technically, not actually my girlfriend." He added with a sheepish smile.

Taking Val's magic, he stood up, and breathed deeply.

"Aquas." He said, water coming from the palms of his hands, and covering his body, healing the minor wounds and helping to start healing the major ones. The water diappeared, Vent perfectly dry, and looking better.

"Thanks." He said with a grin.
A little bit surprise that the two actually weren’t together, she tried to remember their actions in the lobby. Shaking off the misconception, she looked up the hole she created in the ceiling and said

“No problem”, brushing off his thanks.

Then she leaned over Steven and poked at him slightly, wondering if he was able to move or if he hurt himself in the battle.
Leslie nodded her head, "You don't seem it..." Because she wasn't going to admit, she had no idea what those things where he crashed, or that she could understand how money spoiled people. Shooting her hand out to catch the dashboard, she screamed, her mind playing back through the other time...
:: Marco swore, and swerved into a passing lane, luckily it was closed so no-one else was using it ::

Marco: "jeezus! what!? what is it?"

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