Ww - the coming storm

"You would too, when it's all you grew up with.." Leslie shook her head. "I would never kill myself, no matter how suicidal I got, I wouldn't be able to do it. Not because i'm strong, but because it means they won, and it's such a disgrace to do as it stands, and i've done enough of disgracing to last me three lives from now. " Leslie laughed a small bit.

"Do you get that I'm not strong, their are people who have lived through worse than I did, probably handled it better too. You can tell me that if you wish, but you don't know much about my past..." She frowned. "And your a lot more than you think, you have actual personality, substance to your being. me? I only copy what I see others do and try to be a person but fail every single time...Now before you say it, i'm not depressed or anything, in fact, i dont really feel anything. I just am."
Steven suddenly began to cough violently. He was splattering blood everywhere before him. I hope the plan kicks in now...Or else I'll die for real...


Borghen suddenly launched a fireball from his mace,and shouted "Go!"

The ball of flame crawled forward slowly,then suddenly it exploded,and split into five fireballs which sped in an arc towards Vent. Using this as a distraction,Borghen changed his weapon.

He held onto a piece of metal that appeared to be two fistguards on a sword fused together,face to face. Their respective hilts were in their place relative to the fistguards,then another fistguard was behind the hilts. These sword grips also had blades,which crossed eachother further up the weapon. In the gap between the blades and the hilt was an ornate lattice,which was stylized to look like two halves of a pentagram.

Coming from the point these two blades crossed was a third blade. It was broad,and long,and ended in a broadened diamond tip. The weapon's hilt was silver,and sported sapphires above and below where Borghen gripped the blade. The ornate lattive was a deep red,and the blades were back as obsidian. Upon closer inspection,one would discover that they were not obsidian,but something altogether different. Obstanite. It was sharper than even obsidian,yet it was reputed to be indestructible,and light as a feather. The weapon was as long as Borghen was tall,and was emnating an unmistakable aura of pure power,which rivaled even Vent's.

Borghen then assumed his combat pose; legs apart,crouched slightly with his right hand outstreched,palm down,and his left arm held to ear level,holding his weapon forward,pointed down ever so slightly,swaying to produce and conserve momentum.
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco: "copying people is human nature, its one of the things that make us what we are"

:: he shrugged ::

Marco: "tell me, why do you keep pulling yourself down?"
Looking Marco directly in the eyes, Leslie stated something any proper psychiatric would have when diagnosing someone like her. "I'm a product of my raising." She left it at that, before looking at the demon and moving towards it. As the demon shook her head, Leslie sighed before the water raised even higher in a surge and went up to their knees. Looking back at Marco, she sighed. "Why does it even matter?"
Marco: "it matters because if you keep denying it, that... thing there will spread all through you and... and...."

:: Marco groaned ::

Marco: "honestly.... i know you're a great girl and... i like you, i really do... i just dont want you to end up being a snack for some demon!"
Leslie's eye twitched as her face went red. "The demon is not the problem Marco." She snapped at him. "and it's nothing for you to worry about, so stop going back to that." Shaking her head as her face went redder, her hands balled up into fists. "Besides, your not suppose to like the enemy...even if it is mutual."
Marco: "you thought we were nightrise, it was a misunderstanding that got out of control, i dont consider you to be an enemy"

:: Marco sighed ::

Marco: "hey, why did you bring up my dad before? did something happen?"
Leslie bit down hard on her lip, nodding her head. "Something bad..." She admitted, taking a large step away from Marco. Large enough to be out of arm's length. Shaking her head, she sighed. "Marco, you will consider me an enemy if I tell you..." She started shaking a bit, her mind flashing with Artemis's threat, the remains of what she did, those kids...

The demon;s eyes widdened as the emotional level she shared with leslie became very, very unstable.
:: marco took a step foreward ::

Marco: "leslie... what... happened?"

:: emotion dissapeared from his face, and he was all business ::
Leslie took another step back, and the demon stepped between them. Attempting to make at least a tiny improvement for her to feel safe. "Marco...I...." Leslie's voice cracked and suddenly she curled up into a ball, the water started replaying everything in her mind. "I did a bad thing...I hurt so many people..."
:: marco closed his eyes, and touched the massive tree, his mind was filled with images, feelings, death, maimed and dead children, and his father, torturing her, after a couple of seconds he collapsed to his knees, tears runing down his face ::

Marco: "l...l...leslie?"

:: he tilted his head, eyes wide in shock, not anger but shock ::

Marco: "what... happened?"
Leslie shook her head, covering her head with her hands, expecting to get hit or something. "I did something bad..." She just kept repeating that phrase over and over.
:: bit my bit, marco stood up, and slowly went over to leslie, walking right through the demon ::

:: instead of hitting her, he hugged her again, still crying ::

Marco: "leslie.. why?... did hope tell you to?... did you still think we were nightrise?... please... tell me"
"I did this on my own..." She said, tensing up tightly as he touched her. "I thought...I thought..." Her voice kept cracking, making it hard for her to talk." I didn't know." She whispered. "I didn't know what those people really were...It wasn't until...until Artemis said what he did...."
:: Marco held her closer ::

Marco: "calm down... i won't hit you..."

:: he took a few second to come to terms ::

Marco: "you're gonna keep beating yourself up... that's your punishment"

:: he let go of her ::
Leslie shook her head, as the water rose even higher, and in her crouched for, it was level with her chest. "Something that I already do isn't a punishment." She said quietly before she started slipping deeper into the water. The demon suddenly grabbed a hold of Leslie and wrenched her up above the water, staring at her in disbelief.

"And you shall not leave your sanity of emotions as one either." The demon barked, indicting how bad going under the water actually was.
Vent roared, something primal and instinctive. This was different from the other times he'd gone this deep into his demonic blood's energy. He felt the demon blood pushing at his sanity, his very mind, but it wasn't just the Umbralus that let the power through. Meido was acting like a mental barrier. Meido was literally shielding him from becoming a demon in mind as well as body.

...... Maybe he's been meant to have this power all along?

He shook his head, grinning, revealing a row of demonic fangs, pearly white against his now black skin.

Suddenly, Vent exploded with black lightning, a bolt going in-between the fireballs, straight at Borghen. This bolt changed back into Vent, as his katana literally screamed through the air as he swung it at Borghen's face, empowered by black lightning.

"How you like Umbral-Voltus?" Vent yelled as he swung.

(OOC - This fight will be totally even, so try not to put in parts where the characters do something, and then something else, giving no chance to respond.)


Hope had to time this right.

He clutched at the Soulstone in his chest, and watched as Innos looked over Steven eagerly, and Steven was in his last moments.

At the last possible second of Steven's life, Hope sucked his soul out of his body, and into the Soulstone!
Borghen backflipped away,and remarked, "Interesting. Now,come!"

Borghen resumed his combat stance,ready. He had an Ace up his sleeve.


Steven's body grew limp,and flopped back down onto the pillows. Steven's soul rocketed through space and into the Soulstone. Within,he was a tiny wisp of light,surrounded by a sea of identical wisps,contained in a cavern of crystal. He raged within the Soulstone,while the other souls were simply there,unmoving,at peace. This was so Hope knew which soul to remove.

Meanwhile,Innos smirked. He stood up,and summoned a sword. He held it before him and began to laugh.

"Finally. The Eye is now mine again. Now,I'm free to wield Uriziel against the pantheon,and have absolute power over this world..."

Innos began to reach down for the Eye...
Valentina started to get worried as Steven coughed violently behind her; she heard the blood and phlegm rise every time it happened, though she couldn’t turn around with her eyes locked on Innos, she heard him pass out. The villainous being then summoned a sword while getting up, and she realized he was going to attack him.

Innos said something she didn’t bother listening to, as she was busy pouncing him, pushing him down to mutter the spell she had started before. She straddled him in the weird positioning and felt her bile come up, but knew that wasn’t what it was. The taste burned her tongue despite all defense, and she leaned down to spit out the acid she had the courage to use.
Innos was livid at this girl's impudence. When the acid covered his face,no damage was done. He was a god,after all. He used his empty hand to grasp her by the neck,and then he stood up,with the acid dripping off his face,revealing it to be unscathed. "Count yourself lucky,churl,that you don't deserve to die by this sword. Now,let me reclaim my property in peace!"

Innos dropped the girl,then pulled out the Eye of Innos from Steven's eyesocket with a sickening squelch. "Finally...The Eye has been returned to my possession..."

Innos,now triumphant,began to move the Eye into a recess near the base of the blade.

(OOC: Here's what the sword looks like: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/4/41305/1079537-uriziel_large.jpg That blue gem is where the Eye is going.)
"I am lucky" Val noted as she was finally dropped from his hold,

As he removed Steven's eye from his socket she cringed at the sounds and backed up against the wall as the floor started melting away.

"I wasn't planning on it working" she noted, grabbing his collar and yanking him over the floor...or no floor.
Innos fell to the ground floor,where he landed on his feet. He still held onto Uriziel and the Eye,which was good. He created a bubble of godly force around him so that the girl upstairs wouldn't be able to interrupt this time. Innos once again began to place the Eye of Innos into the recess of the sword.
:: Marco struck the demon in the back, forcing it to drop leslie ::

:: after this, he picked up leslie, and went for the tree, leaving the demon in the water ::

Marco: "gotta get higher..."
As the demon was hit, it's energy flared up, the water flying from around it. "Are you stupid child?" It shook t's head, the cord connecting it to Leslie glowed for a second before the demon rose up behind them, shaking her head, it muttered things under it's breath.

As leslie was picked up a second time, she nearly slapped Marco across the face but missed by mer inches, "What are you doing?" She hissed at him, more afraid than anything else.
:: Marco growled ::

Marco: "so i picked you up, get over it!"

:: he threw her into the giant roots , and the water strangely began almost.... sticky ::

Marco: "oh crap, crap, crap!"

:: the water got even stickier and it got higher, soon it came up to his chest as well, his arms couldnt move, the "water" was already up to the demon's neck ::

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