Ww - the coming storm

Letting out a sound of pain as the thing went through her, she fell from the sky and hit the roof. She loudly swore as she some how found the energy to crawl over and reach for the pole stucking up and ripped it out. Turning with the last of her strenght, she threw it at him. Not expecting it to do much of anythingother than maybe hit his armor and bounce off. Collasping and just laying there, Alec stared up with her one good eye, breathing hard.
Borghen was exhausted. He couldn't even get up to block the pole. But,his job was done;delay Alec and Vent long enough for Hope to enact his plan. The pole struck Borghen in the side of the helmet,which caused him to simply flop over,too exhausted to even tense up his muscles.

He raised his voice so Alec could hear him,and asked, "Draw?"
Taking a deep breath, or the best she could, Alec laughed a bit only to end up coughing. "-Sure" She coughed again. "Till....next time..."
Vent shook his head, slightly miffed, leaving Leslie to Marco as he went to Alec's side.

"..... Stealing my enemies....." He muttered under his breath, getting an arm under Alec and helping her up while supporting her. He winced as pain shot through his arm, but gritted his teeth. Alec was in way worse.

"Why are you here, Borghen?!?" Vent asked with a shout, not even looking at Borghen, too busy making sure Alec was okay.


Hope smiled, and nodded.

"A done deal. Now, my plan....." Hope explained, telling Steven all about his plot to kill Innos.

(OOC - I've told Rid all about the plan through PM, so he knows what Hope's telling Steven, but nobody else does.)
Borghen scoffed. "Connect the dots,kid. My lips are sealed."


Steven nodded,and began to question Hope on what information was needed. As the conversation went on,Steven began to try and make contingency plans in his mind,but he kept on scrapping them. They were doomed to failiure. Eventually,he produced a copy of the contract,and handed it to Hope.

"See anything useful there?"
Alec frowned as Vent went towards her. "Don't touch me." She barked, forcing herself to stand up, moving away from him. Despite her worn out state, she was still very mad. As she left Vent's grip though, she hit the ground again, her blind side hitting the roof and causing her to hiss in pain before she punched a hole through the roof in frustration.
Vent sighed, focusing, as a blind realm portal opened underneath Alec. He grinned.

"Maybe I'll get the hang of this after all?" He asked, as Alec fell into his portal, and it closed.

With that, Vent turned to Borghen again, shaking his head.

"...... I'm sorry. Honor or not, I won't risk letting you hurt Alec or anyone else ever again. I'm going to kill you here, Borghen." Vent said somberly, almost sad.

He started walking over to Borghen as he lay on the roof.


Hope nodded.

"I've seen exactly what we needed." He stated, mentally communicating his now fully formed plan to Steven through telepathy.

He also sensed Borghen in immediate danger. Vent? Having a backbone?

This was new, Hope thought, snapping his fingers, transferring an amount of magic equal to about what Vent himself had left to Borghen. He wanted those two to fight for as long as possible, and maximize his opportunity.
Steven's eyes widened,and his body instantly perked up. "That could work."


Borghen felt the surge of magic enter him. He smiled under his helmet. He said,mockingly, "You're welcome to try."

Borghen sprung up onto his right hand,handspringing backwards. However,he weaponized the move. In the arc of the motion,he planted a foot in the crook of Vent's jaw,lifting him. Borghen launched Vent across the roof,and came to his feet,adopting the stance he taken at the beginning of the initial struggle. "Check."
Vent scowled as he flew back, effortlessly catching himself with wind and landing with some grace.

"Do you ever just die?" Vent yelled across the roof, his right hand going demonic, as he grabbed his left arm where Leslie cut him deep and sealed the wound with demonic energy. He winced. It hurt.

His right hand returning to normal, Vent shook his head and took a basic stance, beckoning Borghen to come at him.
Steven composed himself,and said, "Do it."


Borghen replied,quite simply, "To kill me you'll have to trike me down while I sit upon my throne in Hell. Good luck." Borghen was tired of being smacked around. He beckoned Vent to approach. If he fought reactively,he wouldn't leave an opening.
:: Marco got drusilla ready ::

Marco: "well then leslie... i think we should end this... here and now"

:: he waited for her response ::
The silent conversation that was taking place annoyed Valentina to no end, Steven and Hope talked via a mind-link. All she knew was that they had agreed to work together and the tiny-tidbits that Steven sometimes spoke aloud.

“Do it”

At this, she looked between the two, had they finally reached an ultimatum? She decided to speak, since the conversation seemed to be ending...

“..I know I don’t really have a part in this” she started, looking down at her feet

“But, if it’s okay....I’d like to ‘join the party’ ” she finished, doing some lame air quotes.
As Alec was dropped into the blind realm, she swore loudly. That thing she had woken up with her scream was still looking for the source of blood it had smelled, and look who just crashed landed there?


Leslie opened both eyes again, looking at Marco. She frowned looking at him. "I won't fight you..." She looked away, but the look of pain in her eyes at the fact he had even thought about doing that could still have been seen. But, why should it matter to her? Her mind mentally slapped her across the face while saying, That's why.
Vent shook his head, smirking.

"You hold no authority in Hell, Borghen. I know King Vassago. He's more powerful than you and me and Hope put together." He spat, not losing his defensive stance.

Then he noticed Marco about to kill the demon-girl!

Vent suddenly froze.

He knew she wasn't on their side, but he couldn't stand by, and let her be killed. He facepalmed, thinking he had to be single dumbest person alive.

He snapped his fingers, and focused again, blasting a wave of air at Borghen. This was meant to be a distraction, as he sunk into the blind realm.

Reappearing beside Leslie, in front of Marco, Vent nodded, and smiled. Then with Leslie, he sunk into the blind realm again.

Now, for the final time, the blind realm opened a portal beneath Borghen, and as he tumbled in, Vent's arm went black and demonic, and he delivered a titanic uppercut to Borghen as he tossed Leslie aside.

"Alec! Handle the demon-girl!" He yelled into the darkness, the darkness in which he could see!


Hope nodded.

"You can play a significant role, Miss Valentia." He stated with a smirk, transferring Steven and Valentia back to the hospital room.

Speaking directly to Steven's mind, Hope explained this phase of the plan.

'you're going to summon Innos here' he said to Steven.
Alec swore again, before growling at Vent, " I swear to God Vent, if you don't get all of them out of her right now, I'm going to kill you."

The thing shifted again, it could smell new blood...Fire lit up the blind realm for another moment, and Alec grabbed a hold of someone, as it turned out, it was Leslie, who was....crying? Shaking her head, she roughly pulled the girl along with her, searching for Vent without sight, she didn't have the energy.
Borghen laughed as he was struck by the blast of wind. It done nothing. Then he was pulled into the Blind Realm again. "No! I will not fight in this place!"

Seeing Vent's magic signature,he held him by the throat,after flash-stepping in behind Vent from the uppercut. "You're coming with me." Borghen did indeed have authority in Hell;he was the Demon Soverign of Rage. He commanded minions,and in Hell,he was powerful. Borghen opened a dimensional rift beneath his feet,and he and Vent were instantly sucked into Hell,with the rift shutting behind them.

They appeared in an arena,soaked in ancient,never drying blood,and lit with enormous fires which rested atop pillars. The stands were packed with the souls of the damned,and demons alike. Borghen threw Vent to one end of the arena,and then jumped back to the opposite end,and adopted his combat stance.


Steven waited to summon Innos. He was waiting for something. Seven minutes latter,he got what he wanted. A violent coughing fit. The blood from the cough spattered all over the bedsheets and his hand. He looked,and felt like,shit. He summoned his contract,his only link to Innos. "Innos,my time has come."

Innos appeared in the hall,and walked in. He looked just like an Italian mobster,which made sense. The Mob was one of his most zealous cults. "I see. How long,do you think you have left?"

Steven coughed again. "About ten minutes,maybe. Hard to tell."
Vent, landing in the arena in Hell, started to chuckle.

".... Heh. Heheheh, Hahahahahah, HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" He bellowed as his chuckle grew into a callous laugh. The MeidoUmbralus marks started to resonate.

"Did you forget, Borghen, Meido is of demonic nature? And Umbralus channels power in a demonic fashion? Combine the two with my Wrath's blood, and I'll take your place as the Demon Sovern of Rage! My Wrath will triumph!" He yelled, his green eye going completely yellow, as his demonic state formed around his body. Vent's hair went pitch white, as his skin went black. His nails turned to claws, his teeth into fangs. His demonic katana appeared in his hands, as his demonic aura grew exponentially.

"I'll take your place! Your Rage will cower before my Wrath!" Vent bellowed, his voice layered with a second, more demonic voice.

(OOC - Time for a retardedly crazy and over the top fight, Rid?)


Hope watched as Steven talked with Innos, from the pocket dimension he'd created. Valentia's presense in the real world would assure Innos that Steven was in his final moments, and since she knew no details of Hope's plan, he snapped his fingers and erased every piece of him from her memory. She'd be better off not knowing he existed.

Hope waited for Steven to wrap things up with Innos before commencing the plan.
Back in the hospital room, while Steven seemed to be up already and talking to someone; Val had just woken up from her stupor. She looked around the room, and her eyes locked on the stranger, who she figured was Innos. Although she’d let the two talk, she got up from the chair to stretch her legs, defending the bed-ridden anyways.
As the two where taken away, the thing in the darkness began to get restless. Alec frowned, wrapping around Leslie, not wanting that girl, despite what she had done, to get killed by the thing. As the two were dropped back onto the hospital roof, Alec fell to the side, and started to get very tired.

Leslie, who was in a bit of shellshock to what happened, just sort of sat there, staring at Alec and bit odd.
:: Marco scowled a bit ::

Marco: {whats she up to....}

:: he twitched a bit when alec appeared and took leslie away ::

Marco: "... i've been away too long... what the hell did i miss?"

Voice: 'a lot..."

:: there was the feeling of cold steel at the back of his neck, there was an aura eminating from the being behind him, there were 3, one was a fully-formed Alpha werewolf, weak in magic but strong and fast, another was clearly undead, either an undead puppet or a self-aware litch and the last...was something else entirely. ::

Voice: "turn around, marco"

:: he turned to find himself looking at this creature ::


:: the creature put it's blade down, even though it had the form of a human, there was no way that this aura was human, or even a demon for that matter. almost as if this thing was stuck between being a man... and a god, like 50% of each, half-ascended ::

Figure: "thats right"

Marco: "what?"

Figure: "what you're thinking, now guess who i am..."

:: Marco had no clue, until he saw a certain symbol at the base of the sword ::

Marco: "no, its impossible, i pierced your heart and burried you under 500 tonnes of rock and rubble!"

Dono: "not good enough...."
Taking a deep breath, Leslie stood up. Looking between the edge of the hospital roof, and Alec, she frowned at herself. Hope was going to kill her for this, but despite how much she hated this woman, it only seemed right. Picking up Alec, she phased them through the roof into the actual hospital. In the emergency sign in room, she set her down on a chair, before rapping a knuckle on the glass.

"I need your help. Now." She pointed towards Alec, and despite how slow hospitals normally worked, the site of all the blood on her rushed them into action.

"What happened?" A nurse barked at her. Leslie shrugged, "Found her like that. I think a wolf attacked her or something..."

"Very well, we'll deal with it. " And they took her out on wheel chair to the operating room to find out what had happened. Shaking her head, Leslie started for the door of the place before sighing. Stepping into the cold, her head kept downwards, she noticed nothing around her.
:: that nothing soon turned into something, Leslie's aura from before was traced by marco, the air became warm and distorted, even time seemed to slow for a second. before Marco came through, a massive werewolf right behind ::

Marco: "hey come on now, think about thi-eep!"

:: the werewolf dove at marco but he ducked it, it was only now that he noticed leslie ::

Marco: "what th-"

:: the werewold descended on marco, only to be met by a staff into the chest, a rib was cracked, and marco got back up ::

:: the werewolf saw leslie and assumed she was a reinforcement, so as suddenly as he came, the werewolf dissapeared, marco had several wounds all over ::

Marco: "ow... jeez"
Leslie's head snapped up, as she looked at Marco and the werewolf before it disappeared. Staring at him, she took a step backwards, towards the building with people inside, witnesses inside.
:: inside the building, no-one even seemed to notice ::

Marco: "don't bother leslie...."

:: he took out a small crystal from around his neck ::

Marco: "this charm, in short it makes no-one care or even notice anything of a magical nature, the people in there saw everything, but to them its as interesting as leaves falling"

:: a woman came out of the hospital, Marco summoned a demon right in front of her, and she didn't even pay it any mind at all, he then released the summon spell ::

Marco: "see what i mean?"
As her heart rate increase, she took another step away from Marco. She knew he could easily kill her right now, and she had no way out...Hope was busy, Borghen was....god, she had no idea. As her back hit a wall, she had to wonder if someone her age could die of heart failure.Staring at Marco, her nails became longer,, sharpening themselves in the need to defend herself in some way.

Suddenly, she bolted. Moving quickly due to the demon fueling her, she ran down the street, ducking into allies trying to make it so he couldn't find her anymore. Stopping when she had gone through several various side streets, she stayed behind a pile of boxes, breathing hard.

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