Ww - the coming storm

Borghen closed the door as Leslie entered,and was floored by the question.

"Headstrong,maybe. He's a demigod. But hateful? I've yet to see compelling evidence. Is he grating on your nerves?"
"No, not particularly." Leslie said, "But. I was told of what he wants to do. In itself, it seems harsh and a bit rash, it doesn't seem like the reason he gave me was true either." She frowned. "Does he often insult people?" It was a bit odd for her to speak so openly, as before she had been a bag of nervousness, and now, she was just like a normal person chatting about the weather.
Borghen thought for a moment. "Only when he's irate,or if the person insulted him somehow. But this is only my experience. Believe it or not,I was his newest hire,until you showed up."
Leslie nodded her head. "I see." Her hands folded behind her back, she continued with her questions. "Has Hope ever done anything that would make you question his mental state? Or provided worrisome in orders he gave you to fulfill?"
Borghen sighed.

"Only once. A large creature ventured onto the property,destroying a wall. I attempted to remove it. When I told Hope that I couldn't overpower it,he reccomended I use his little sister against it. I ask you,what sane man would allow their younger sister to fight a giant,ape-like beast?"
" man hell-bent on power?" Leslie said a bit sadly before sighing. Looking at the ground, she moved a hand through the air, as if wipping that conversation from them. "Enough of this subject. I have something else to ask you." SHe frowned for a moment, trying tp phrase it right before sighing. "What now?"
Vent couldn't help but smile a bit as the snow went away, and felt more heat. He sighed, sure he was completely red now.

".... Yeah. S-Should we g-get off the street?" He asked, trying not a maintain eye contact for too long, smiling ear to ear.


Hope fumed. He sat down, literal waves of rage coming off him. He couldn't help it, that Pierre, and that damned Innos...... He'd get back at them for even thinking about harming his sister.

Then a plan came to mind.

He grinned.

He didn't bother sending Borghen or Leslie a message. He started walking downstairs.

Sincerity bounded out of a room along Hope's path, and grabbed her big brother's hand.

"Big Bro!" She squealed with delight. "Did you get the bad man?" She asked.

"Yes, Sincerity." He said warmly. "But I have to go for a little while. I'm taking Borghen and Leslie, so I'd like for you to stay here. Listen to Albert while I'm gone, okay?"

Sincerity poured.

"Why can't I go? I'm strong too!" She whined, letting go of Hope's hand.

"Because you're just a bit too little, Sincerity." Hope replied. "Now, off to bed. You're already past bed-time."

Sincerity pouted more, and went back up to her room. Hope snapped his fingers as she entered, Pierre's body disappearing.

Hope continued downstairs.
Leslie sighed. She motioned down at herself, "What now?" She asked again, "I mean, Hope told me I could leave if I wanted, and I don't really know exactly what it is I'm suppose to do since I'm staying...Your the closest thing I have to a friend here, and I'm under the assumption you've been through the same stuff, so what did you do after?"
Hope continued down the stairs, and down into the cellar, where Borghen lived and trained.

"Borghen, Leslie!" He called out, coming into view. "We're going to kill ourselves a god. Are you two ready?" He asked, his eyes dark and dangerous as compared to the usual bright and calm.
Borghen nodded. "I stayed on as one of his soldiers. I've proven to be fairly effective,so he keeps me around. I do go out from time to time to do personal things,but aside from that,I'm his soldier. You could do the same,acting as one of his soldiers,or one of his specialists."

When Hope entered,he grinned under his helmet.

"Which one? Mirkshal,Goddess of Light? Paladine,God of Virtue?"


Steven's ego began to pace around,and quickly tripped on something in the ground. "What the--?"

Outside,in the room,the ghostly figure's head perked up. "He found it..."
Leslie nodded her head, before turning as Hope came in. She sighed but said nothing, a bit afraid he had over heard what she had said and asked about him. Letting the two boys talk, she listened carefully while a sharp nail tapped on the side of her pant leg.
Hope smirked as Borghen suggested possible targets.

"I have no problem with light and virtue, my demonic friend. We're going to kill someone I truly despise. Innos." Hope spat the name, almost disgusted he's said it.

"That scum tried to use my sister to manipulate me. I'll kill him for it. And I would like you two to help me." Hope explained, his eyes shining now that he was getting past his rage, into the stages where he could act.
Borghen was taken aback. "Is he insane? He's a neutral god. What would he have to gain by messing with you,sir? But,no matter his intent,I'll help you bring him down."
Leslie nodded her head as her sign of agreement to do so as well. She stood there waiting for the next orders to come, not really know how deep of trouble they would be in with Innos.


Alec titled her head to the side, "Why? It's not like we're doing anything wrong. Just a friendly little snow ball fight." She grinned darkly as she picked up a large wad of snow and shoved it down Vent's pants before jogging down the street at a pace that would cause her head to start yelling.
Hope smiled, nodding to his 'partners'.

"For a change, I want my partners to be in on the plan, understood? You two ARE my partners. Not chess pieces to be played. Now. Here's the plan." Hope started.

"Innos wanted me to get him the 'Eye of Innos', an artifact of power he traded to Steven Adams, someone traveling with none other than Vent and Alec." Hope explained, regarding Borghen with a stiff look. "Your personal grudges are NOT to come into play in this plan, understand?" Hope clarified, waiting for an answer.


Vent's eyes widened as snow suddenly found it's way to his crotch. He gasped in surprise, and reached down his pants to pull some of it out. His eyes narrowed while his own dark grin spread, and he chased Alec down the street.
Borghen nodded. "Understood."


Steven's ego saw what it had tripped over;A raised stone. It looked like it was machined into shape.
Leslie nodded her head, though she didn't know who they were even talking about, not that it mattered in the slightest. Nodding her head again she stopped tapping her leg. Folding her arms over her chest, she sighed.


Alec snickered at Vent's reaction. It was so funny. Not changing her pace in the slighest, she held out a hand as a snowball created itself in her palm before turning on her side and firing at him.
Steven didn’t answer Val’s thought train, so she was left to stare off into his bleak mind until he tripped on something. She turned around slowly and asked when she knew he wasn't hurt;

“What’d you trip on?”

She looked for herself, the object was burrowed into the ground at his feet, and it looked almost too perfect. Approaching him, she looked between the object and him,

“Want to dig it up?” Val suggests.
Hope looked over to Leslie.

"...... Will you help me?" He asked, eyes flashing some sort of pure, natural emotion. Hope looked into Leslie's eyes for a moment, then looked away, biting his bottom lip.

"Never mind. It's asking too much." He added, looking back at Borghen. "...... Because we're going to be fighting particulairly strong and cunning foes." He glanced back at Leslie, a wry grin on his face.

"I wouldn't want to get you in over your head." He said, the usual confident, calm, in-charge Hope back, his hand on his chin, formulating his plan.


Vent didn't bother to dogde, taking the snowball to the right side of his face, continuing to gain on Alec. He grin never faltered as he wiped the cold melting snow from his face.
Leslie raised an eyebrow, completely unfazed by Hope's tricks. She knew what he was doing, and she didn't care anymore. She knew what he was really like, and that demon in her was telling her he was not a good thing to play with or get attached too. But someone else on the other hand....Shaking her head for a second, she nodded her head.

"I told you, I'll still work for you." Leslie said as uncaring as possible. And I'm already over my head since the day I met you...


Alec smiled faintly watching it hit before putting a cover on her so mundane eyes couldn't see her. Carefully, snow balls started forming inside the barrier. And a lot at that. About 30 seconds later, 30 snowballs fired themselves at Vent as more where forming where those left.
Steven's ego nodded. "We should... But with what?"

As if to answer his question,his own mind produced a pickaxe and shovel,which appeared behind the woman.
Valentina grabbed both the objects and handed the shovel to Steven, the pick axe was probably the easiest to use. If she didn’t hit the object, at least

“Hopefully, this is what the guy on the outside wanted you to find” she commented.

Then throwing all her weight into it, she swung the pick axe into the ground. Although happy she broke it, she realized it would be a long way to go.
The ego nodded. "Aenor is strange like that..."

He began to clear the loosened earth away from the stone,and as they dug deeper,it was revealed to be a pillar,about the size of the ego,and wide enough to hug. It pivoted slightly whenever he bumped the shovel's shaft against it,but he didn't take notice.
After a few hours of labor Valentina had found that the object they were digging was quite big and while wiping sweat from her brow realized it was also moving.

“Steven” she called, stepping forward

“The thing’s moving” she explained

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