Ww - the coming storm

Henry grinned for a second before he fell back into Edith from a bit of a shock bounce from the shield. "Cut the call, but keep the alarm going." He whispered into a walkie talkie, "I want them to think their still going after them....Also, send Jasper out to give them a little scare along the way."
Joseph conjured an FN P90 SMG,and headed for the exit. He was constantly checking his vectors,and always swept counter clockwise,so nothing could slip by him. He was a medic again; get the wounded out alive,whatever the cost.
Henry grinned, while telling edith to go check the monitors.


Alec groaned slightly, "What's going on...." she mumbled.
Joseph said to Alec,without looking at her, "We're getting out. How's your aim with a handgun? We're bound to have company."
Alec frowned before holding out on her hands. "Depends on how you high your bar is set..." She stated.
Joseph groaned,and conjured a Desert Eagle .50 cal handgun,and handed it to Alec. "One,be careful with that thing,two don't worry about ammo. Third,that thing's fifty caliber."

By now,they were in a large room with double doors at either end,and elevator doors lining the sides of the room.

"Keep wary...Perfect spot for an ambush."
"yep." Alec said looking at the gun for a second before switching the way she was holding it so it was upside down and grinned, spitting on the floor behind them. Rubbing the side of her head with her forearm, she sighed eyes flickering around but not really focusing on anything.
Joseph noticed how Alec was holding the gun. "You'll break every bone in your hand like that. Hold it tight side up,cradle the grip in both hands,and look down the ridges that are on the top of the gun."

By now they were half way across the room.
Alec looked up at Joseph before sticking her tongue out. "You clearly have never seen a deathlind fire then?" She was amused, despite the situation they were in before the alarm suddenly blared loudly and both doors flung open, a hooded figuring flitting in from both doors and standing there, blocking the exists before raising up their arms and cloning themselves to make a large circle.
Joseph quickly dumped Alec onto the ground and shouted, "Stay down there,and fire at will!"

Joseph began firing in an arc,towards his destination.
Alec nodded her head and the second she fired, a green ribbon like thing wrapped around her hand and the handle of the gun, stopping anything ill from happening to her hand, while keeping her aim steady. Firing in a reverse circle of Joseph she bit her lip.
Joseph saw the clones flicker,and then revert to their normal state. Joseph's eyes widened in horror. He pulled Alec up and started dragging her with him.

"They're not real! They're trying to stall us! Let's MOVE!"

Joseph used TK to keep Alec attached to his side,and then used TK to make them fly through the door,feet first,right through one of the clones.
Alec flinched, keeping herself close to Joseph by grabbing onto the side of his shirt while this happened. When they landed, she felt her knees start to buckle a bit before she caught herself and looked up. They were in a long hallway, covered in windows? No, on closer inspection, it was all glass. And everything was refeclting itself making it near impossible to tell a turn off or a door from the walls.
"Crap...This isn't good..."

Joseph pomdered for a second,and snapped his fingers.

He conjured a minigun in his hands,and opened fire on the room as a whole.
Glass started shattering everywhere, covering the ground in sharp, risky shards of glass as well as raining it down on the two of them. As the mirrors fell away, the same cloaked people from before, with various forms of plague doctor masks on their face stood before raising their arms, the glass coming up, and then shooting at them.

Alec blinked a few seconds before snapping her hand up and moving away from Joseph, before slamming her hand onto the ground, a small shield coming around them as she pulled josehp down and into it.
Joseph crouched down slightly,and saw what he had revealed. There was one other exit in the room,to their left,but standin where the glass walls once stood was a legion of identical robed men.

"Make a break for the door!"

Joseph began to open fire with his minigun on the crowd of men.
Moving the shield with them, Alec started moving towards the door as more glass was shot at them. Slowly the men getting shot fell back into the shadows or errupted into them themselves.
Joseph waited for Alec to move through the door. When she was safe on the other side,he piled through himself.

When he saw what was on the other side,however,he groaned.

Three feet away was a wall,with a single door. "Please tell me this isn't a labarynth...And if it is,please say the minotaur is dead already..."
"a labyrinth?" Alec asked, while leaning agaisnt the wall for a second, her head down. "minotaurs aren't real..." She muttered thinking through all the Sisters Wicked books she had read though as a child, sure, demons zombies, vampires, werewolves, even cerbarius existsed, but nothing had ever mentioned a minataur, nor had anyone spoke of every having seen one except in mundane folk lore...
Joseph replaced his huge minigun with a weapon of his own creation.

It was a rifle,without a magazine,but it fired projectiles twice the size of a .50 cal,with three times the recoil.

"I'm not taking any chances. Let's go...I don't think an atomic bomb would help us here."
Alec nodded her head, "Right..." Pushing off the wall, she followed behind him still having been equiped with the handgun he gave her.
Joseph taken point,and tread through the labyrinth. It was surprisingly simple. Very few intersections,and fewer dead ends. It seemed designed for an idiot to navigate...


Or a caged beast.

"You heard that,right?"
Alec gulped. "uh huh..." She mumbled something in chinese, a prayer of sorts, before placing a hand over her mouth and moving closer to the wall before extending the hand with the gun, motioning for Joseph to grab her wrist. Looking around she shivered slightly.

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