Ww - the coming storm

Steven,noticing the movement,telekeneticaly seized every joint in the woman's body,causing her to stop squirming. "Joseph...She's trying something...Do a cursory search NOW,before I pass out..." A bead of sweat was already rolling down his temple.

Joseph nodded,anf pulled the knife from her hand. "Thank you for the donation."

Steven released the telekenetic hold,and kept walking to the hut.


Pierre expertly blended in with the crowd,looking just like any normal person trying to get from point a to point b,all the while keeping on Ricardo's trail.
As she was released, Lucinda tilted her head towards Steven and let out a large breath which was coated in magic so it froze him in place. "Do you really want to do this?" She looked at Joseph. "It would be much simpler to just talk to them."
Joseph crouched down and grabbed Lucinda by the chin,and said, "I don't like walking into traps. Now..." He let go,and stepped back. "Release my friend."
Lucinda grinned and breathed out the ice breath again, angling it downward so it hit the arm holding her chin and started to freeze him going up his arm. Pulling back away from him she sighed, laying there on the ground before frowning. "It's over half an hour." With that, both freezing spells died and she just closed her eyes. It was a skip from that step to step 93 of basic. If you fail in a time limit, stay where you are till they can come back for you, if at all...


Ricardo's frown deepened but he otherwise just kept walking at a brisk pace very uneased.


Alec frowned at loud noises, "God, Would you shut the hell up!" she yelled back, after covering Vent's ears before rolling back over and returning to sleep, fully knowing they could handle themselves if something happened.
Joseph was now well and truly pissed.

He hauled the woman up and hurled her into the hut,and walked in himself. He took up position on the other side of the room,pointing his rifle at her. "I want every piece of information you can give me."

Steven,shaken from the freezing,stayed outside,and decided it would be safer to keep watch.


Pierre matched his pace with Ricardo's and continued following him down the street.
"About what?" Lucinda asked not even phased by his actions or even surprised in the slightest. "Why?"


Stopping in the middle of the street, Ricardo raised an eyebrow before crossing the busy street and heading in the opposite direction.
"This is an interrogation. I want to know everything you know. Why are you here? Who were those kids with you? What did that emblem on that boy's pendant mean? What do you want with me?"


Pierre followed closely,expertly weaving his way through the street,with the nearby cars slowing slightly,as if time itself were being distorted.
"To get you. Henry And Edith, my lord and lady. I don't know, he wouldn't tell me. Said it'd drudge up bad memories in me. Assimilation."


Ricardo set off his ringer, pretending to answer his phone said something about the hospital and took off running, barking into his phone as people looked at him and just realized something bad had happened in his family and he was going to said location. The easiest way to run through a crowded street was make it seem normal and important to be able to get through.
Vent noticed Alec covering his ears, and woke up slightly. He groggily sensed multiple presenses in the area, some of which wern't Alec, Joseph or Steven. He was about to get up, when he realized he didn't care. If shit hit the fan, like it always did, he'd be able to do better well rested, he figured, as he drifted back off to sleep, Alec's warm embrace helping that.


Hope sighed, and got up.

"I'm assuming you're done, Leslie?" He asked, shelling out a hundred dollar bill and placing it on the table.


Faith was surprised. The battlemages Hope had mentioned briefly had showed up.

"Well then....." He said non-chalantly, as the shield he created deflected the boulders falling from his path.
Joseph's eye twiched. She's talking in circles,biding for time. "Why me? And also,what's this 'assimilation' you keep going on about?"


Pierre silently projected a magic tracer and it attached to Ricardo. He continued walking down the street,then turned and walked into another bistro. He enjoyed his fine foods.

But now,he always knew Ricardo's position.
"I don't know. Henry just said you. Having you join us, of course." Lucinda smiled forecfully, attempting to show she meant no harm, it failed horribly.


Ricardo ducked into an ally and sighed, chest heaving. He hated running, messed up his look. Dailing a number on his phone he started ordering a pickup on 4th ave from Smith, his secretary.
Joseph groaned in frustration. "Who's this 'us' and 'we'? What organization do you work for!?"

Steven stuck his head in. "Organization? Any emblems on her?" "None. But the boy that was with her had a pendant with an emblem on it." "Describe it."

And so Joseph described the emblem,and Steven's face went from curiosity to pure,unrestrained fury.

He used telekenisis to violently haul the woman into the air by the throat,and pulled her in close. "NIGHTRISE SCUM! PATHETIC MONSTERS! MURDERERS OF DEFENSELESS CHILDREN! I WILL ENJOY PAYING EVIL UPON YOUR FOUL,LOATHESOME SELF! ANY LAST WORDS!?"
Nearly choking from the force, Lucinda gasped out a "What's nightrise?" there was no hint of a lie in her voice, just from the way she said it, one could tell she had absolutely no idea.


Alec frowned at the yelling before sitting up straight, swearing. "I'm gonna beat the bloody shit out of them, I swear." Standing up, after placing a barrier around the whole campsite so no one could leave, she marched off towards where steven and Joseph where, "You better have a damn good reason for why your yelling or i'm going to shove a scapel through your nostril and pull you stomach out from it."
Joseph was left reeling. She's associated with Nightrise!? He was stunned by this revelation. Her response didn't even register in his mind,on any level.

When Alec barged in,Joseph was standing still,mouth agape,with his weapon dropped beside him,and Steven still had the woman by the throat,and looked almost like a savage animal. He turned his head to face Alec when she walked in,and simply pointed at the woman,and said, "Nightrise."


Pierre checked Ricardo's position. An alleyway. Perfect, he thought.

Suddenly,he sank into the ground at his seat,and silently came up from the ground behing Ricardo,then grabbed him in a full nelson hold. "Cooperate,and you'll live longer."
Lucinda frowned. "What the hell is nightrise?" she repeated.


Alec looked at Steven, then at the woman, then back at Steven. "Proof, give me proof that this person is NightRise." She muttered, snapping her fingers and making a barrier form between steven and the woman, a bit nervous in general. She could see the woman was already bleeding, like she needed a collapsed airway as well.


Ricardo gasped. "The hell..."
Steven shouted, "She's working with a boy! He wears a pendant! Joseph described it;it bears the emblem of Nightrise! That's reason enough to throw her into the bonfire!" He was swinging his arms madly,and gestured to the raging bonfire beside him with his last statement.


Pierre smirked. "You scream,you'll be sporting a Columbian Necktie. Now,you're acquainted with Steven Adams,right?"
Alec raised a hand, a scapel in it. "Do it based on what some one else has, Ill shred you to pieces." In her years, she had made that mistake. Looking at Joseph, "Draw it." In the air before him, a pad of paper and a pencil appeared. Looking at the woman again, she ran a hand through her hair. "Joseph, on a medics level, does something look off with her?"


Ricardo thought for a moment, "I don't know, I deal with a lot of Stevens, what's he look like?"
Joseph came to his sense,and drew what he saw around the boy's neck. It wasn't DaVinci,but it was at least recognicable. Meanwhile,Steven simply huffed,and leaned on the wall.

Once Joseph finished the drawing,he handed it to Alec,then examined the woman. "Well,there's a 5.56mm bullet in her right thighbone,which needs to be yanked. Her trachea seems bruised,and partially caved. Still working,but just. The blood in her mouth indicated either severe internal bleeding,or she bit something in her mouth. I'll pull the bullet. Want me to cauterize the wound,or bandage it?"


Pierred actualy chuckled. "The one with the funny eye."
"Whatever." Alec said, looking at the sketch and frowning. "They don't carry these anymore..." She muttered. "It's smaler now, a pyramid...what the hell." Her hand teightened before she looked at the woman again. "Also, look at her eyes, something seems off..." Crouching down in front of the woman she raised a finger, a light coming from it. "Follow it, or i rip your tongue out." She muttered.

Lucinda followed it but her eyes barely even registered the change in light, and remained completely void of anything, not even irritation.


Ricardo thought for a moment. "Lot of scars, scratchy voice right?"
"I don't know. I haven't spoken to him since he was in the hospital five months back. Russia then."
Pierre chuckled. "It's a start. You've outlived your usefulness. Farewell,may Innos have mercy on your soul." Pierre used his powers to phase his arm through Ricardo's chest,and wrapped his hand around his heart,then quickly,and callously,crushed it,extinguishing his life's flame. He extracted his arm,which was clean,and phased throught the ground,letting Ricardo's now dying body fall to the ground.
Vent stirred. Alec was gone. He yawned, and stood up. He felt a bit better from his wonderful rest, and strolled into the hut, noticing the situation, and becoming lost.

"......... What's going on?" He asked groggily, squinting as he looked between Steven and Alec.


Hope smiled, and motioned for Leslie to follow, strolling towards the door.


Sincerity poured when Borghen prevented her from playing with his helmet.

"I was playing with that." She stated, but then giggled, and squirmed. "Put me down put me down!" She asked, flailing.
Steven piped up. "How about we cauterize the wound...Along with her entire body!" Joseph punched him across the temple at this remark. "I know you hate Nightrise,but can't you recognise a witless pawn when you see one? Now,get out,and let us work." "Pfft,fine."

Steven walked out,and slammed Igni and Rudra into the ground.

Joseph turned to the woman. "I'll be honest with you. This won't hurt a bit. It'll hurt a lot. You're likely to vomit or pass out. In the event of the former,please aim away from myself or Alec."

Joseph conjured a pair of calipers,and some needles. He used the calipers to widen the bullet wound,then used the pins to hold the flesh down. He turned the calipers into tweezers,and began poking around in the wound,searching for the slug. When he found it,he carefuly manouvered the tweezers to grasp the slug,and yanked it out. He quickly removed the pins,and summoned Hydrogen Peroxide and a cotton swab. He cleaned the wound,and summoned a gauze pad,and two bandages. He used one bandage to keep the gauze pad tight against the bullet wound,and then used the other bandage to tie off the leg,just above the wound.

"That should do it. Alec,mind throwing some magic into this?"

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