Ww - the coming storm

Scream was at wit's end. He was through playing with them. They killed his brother,and now they want him dead. The girl was doomed,but the boy...He was different. All he suffered was a cut on the head,and was now whipping up a hurricane.

"You bastard. Do you really want to mess with me...? Fine. You will now feel my full fury."

With this,Scream's voice grew much deeper,much more demoniac. Suddenly,he was wreathed in flames,and his clothing was incinerated. Alec's arm fell,and baked from the sudden heat. The mask melted away. Where Scream once stood,now stood a demon,made purely of Demonflame,with a swirling cyclone of flame in place of legs. Its arms were muscular,and each finger ended in vicious claws,nearly nine inches long. It had tusks growing out from its mouth,and wicked teeth could be seen within its mouth. Its eyes were fiery red,with inky black,vertical slits for pupils.

Suddenly,the ground of the werehouse began to crack,and then rise or fall,in a chaotic fashion. One such piece of ground,ruse up and scooped up Alec and her crate. The creature then streaked towards Vent,and charged into him,grabbing hold,and kept on going,high into the sky above Moscow,leaving a streak of Demonflame.
Vent, before being grabbed the strange man's new demonic form, managed to place a protective aura of winds around Alec, like a bubble. This distracted him as the beast charged.

Caught off guard, he was winded and surprised by their sudden ascent into the sky. But Vent couldn't help but grin as he was brought into the wild blue yonder by the demon.

"... Stronger than I thought, huh?" He yelled against the wind whipping by as they rocketed into the thinner air of the clouds.

Bringing both his hands up, gale force winds swirled around them. With a nasty smirk, Vent slashed down at the wrist of the arm that held him, in hopes of servering it, or loosening the grip. Vent also whispered a delayed 'Magica Sattica' spell, as a back-up plan.
The spell simply bounced off of the demon's hide,which ws still under the effects of the Reflection Skin. It laughed derrisively,and drew one hand back,claws bared,ready to tear Vent's throat out.
Ade shrugged her shoulder and looked down at the ground, shifting her arms and crossing them. "I see..." She answered softly, running a hand across the top of her hair.
Vent's eyes widened.

"Wha-" He let out, extremely surprised that one of his favorite tactics hadn't worked.

Narrowing his gaze, Vent's Umbralus state advanced, his body becoming more in tune with the wind.

Slipping from the demon's grip as his body flowed with the wind.

Solidifying back into a human state outside of the demon's grip, a narrowed gaze of calm fury graced his face. The wind around him started to stop, and Vent's eyes took on a dark quality.

He exited his wind-Umbralus state, his staff appearing beneath his feet as he stood on it like a skateboard in the sky.

His eyes darkened further as Vent's Umbralus markings did the same. He held up his right hand and made a 'come at me' motion as he started to smirk in a sinister fashion.
The demon simply lauged. "Do you take me for a fool? No...I am no fool. I shall stay here,and you,child,shall spiral to the Earth below,shattered,and charred. Now...RETURN TO THE EARTH FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!"

Suddenly,the demon unleashed a massive firestorm from its hands,aimed to completely engulf Vent,and his surrounding area.
Vent sighed as the fire closed in. The darkness growing in his eyes suddenly engulped his body just as the firestorm took him.

The firestorm's demonic power exploded in the sky, and some it it rained down on the city of Moscow.


Just as the feeling of victory would have been setting into Scream, another semi-demonic voice spoke from behind him.

"..... You're not the only one who's got a demonic form. *****." Vent said with an evil smirk, placing a hand on Scream's horrific shoulder.

Vent appeared in his Dark-Umbralus form, yellow demonic eyes, black skin, and lengthened fingernails and teeth.

His shirt and most of pants had been lost in the blast, giving him a ragged dark look. His aura of darkness was crushing.

Vent gripped Scream's shoulder tighter, while his fingers spilt into the skin and gripped the bone.
:: behind the enemy where alec and Vent was, Marco flickered into view, his hand on the back of the enemy's head ::

Marco: "alright buddy, surrender and you won't have to go up against a full-fleged battlemage..."
(OOC for Betts:Sorry,man,Coro an I are having a private fight. Remain out of the conflict between the demon and Vent,until someone wins.)

The demon was one of rage. It wasn't filled with rage;that's a quality of mortals. This demon WAS rage. It expressed itself appropriately.

"So it seems. And you,battlemage." The demon's skin flared;demonfire began to pour from every square inch of its body,and reached behind itself,grabbing Marco by the throat. Suddenly,the rage demon catapulted Marco to the streets below,creating a sonic boom before he left the demon's clutches. The demon continued it's roll,launching Umbralus-Vent off its shoulder.

The wound didn't bleed. It sealed itself,and it was clear that the demon was made of molten stone,forever heated by the fires of demoniac fury. "Thrall of Umbralus! What do you hope to achieve? You are a mortal,chained to the Dark Ones,while I am an immortal being of Rage,with limitless power! Behold,THE POWER OF RAGE!"

The rage demon then launched two tendrils of flame,rage,and molten stone from its palms,and they rocketed towards Umbralus-Vent.
Vent grinned maniacally.

"I'm no Thrall to Umbralus, I'm it's master!" He yelled, dodging to his right. Reaching out and grabbing one of the tendrils, Vent yanked hard, pulling the demon towards himself. While doing so, he also released the delayed Magica Sattica spell he'd started earlier, around thirty bolts of razor sharp wind shooting at the demon at the speed of sound as he was pulled towards Vent, who cocked back a fist surrounded by a dark aura.
The Rage Demon was surprised by this child's sudden gall. Approaching the speed of sound,ir was suddenly struck across the face. It hurt,but not much,and the magic that empowered the punch had no effect,and was simply reflected back upon Umbralus-Vent. It glared at him with a look that would kill normal men,and used its tendrils to bind Umbralus-Vent so tightly,no motion was possible,and began to squeeze even harder. The heads of the tendrils then changed into spear heads,and dangled over his now open mouth.

"Foolish child. To use Umbralus is to succumb to it. IT is YOUR master. Consider this a mercy killing."
Vent coughed up some blood. This was not looking good.

Time to use his newest skill....... Something that had taken him a lot of training to utilize properly.

Vent chuckled raspily, struggling for air.

"... If I'm a se-.... Servant.... Then, I'll b-.... Be a damn good one!" He choked out, his Umbralus markings glowing underneath the tendril bindings.

His own emotions had to resonate with the enemy caster's at this point. This was much simpler, because this was a being of rage. All Vent had to do was think of this thing hurting Alec, and newfound rage surged through him.

His dark-form left him, and the tendrils that wrapped around him started to quiver.

Suddenly, the tendrils snapped away the the demon, and an aura of rage and power eminated from Vent.

The tendrils loosened, and surrounded Vent, starting to be sucked into his palms. His Umbralus markings went from black to red, tendrils of his own coming from palms. His limbs and hair lit up in Demonflame, as he stared down the demon.

"...... Absorption of powers complete. Umbralus Corripio." He stated, reveling in his absorbed abilities.

With a smirk, Vent chuckled more, putting some distance between himself and the demon, floating backwards in the air.

"You're probably confused. Umbralus is a power to absorb one's own magic and enhance one's self, correct?" Vent started to explain. "But it also allows one to absorb someone else's magic while their souls resonate. While I felt pure rage, and you felt pure rage, I was able to activate Umbralus Corripio."

Vent flexed.

"And now, so long as this form is active, my Umbralus will continue to create magic identical to yours. And this is just the first Umbralus varient I've learned!" Vent explained further, chuckling sinisterly.

With a look of contempt, and the grin of an asshole, Vent made a 'come at me' gesture with his flaming tentacles hand.
The Rage Demon was left reeling. This pitiful mortal had skill with Umbralus magicks that hasn't been seen on any plane for eons. And now it faced a mortal,infused with Umbralus,which had doppleganged its powers. With a mighty roar,the demon's body sprouted tendrils from each shoulder blade,ending with vicious,flanged clubbing heads. It grew an extra set of arms,and its body began to resemble that of a flaming serpent. From each finger grew tendrils,each ending with a barbed stabbing head. Finally,the Demon grew massive horns out of the back of its head,which curved forward,and ended with a barbed point,and its tusks grew as well,also ending in barbed points.

The Demon,now resembling a great,flaming serpant with four arms,and many tendrils,charged at Vent with an almighty roar which shook the foundations of every structure in Moscow.
Vent sighed, his smirk widening, as he met the demon's charge at full force. As they collided, a shockwave spread that also shook the very foundation of Moscow itself. Vent's tendril's met the demon's tendrils, as his hands met the demon's. They were locked in mid-air!

Vent's eyes closed, and he started to whisper a spell.
"Oh,no you don't!" Growled the demon,and slashed Vent's throat with one of its tusks,and an intense fire began to race down its arms towards Vent.

The Rage Serpent inhaled,and black fire began to form in its mouth.
:: in the street below, at the bottom of a crater, Marco managed to get to his feet ::

Marco: "woah that was close!... if i haden't hardened my skin at the last second, i'd be a big red stain on the street..."

:: he limped to the door of the werehouse, he opened the door, and looked up at the rage demon and Vent ::

Marco: "rats.. if it was'nt for this busted leg... come on Vent... kick it's ass"
Finally, her shirt ripped fully and Alec fell through the air for a shorter time than she expected. Hitting the ground which was now beneath the crate she let out a groan of pain. Trembling slightly she opened her eyes, and fighting off the fuzzy lights that were dotting her vision she looked down below to see no one there anymore. Using her one arm to stand up, she moved slowly, stumbling towards the edge till she eventually found a way down to the normal solid floor of the factory.

Taking deep breaths she swayed across the floor till she was in front of a burnt piece of flesh that slightly resembled a hand. Picking it up she looked at the limb. "Barely usable." She muttered. "It'll have problems but at least i'm ambidextrous." Putting the burnt limp agaisnt the still bleeding spot where it was cut from tendrils of darkness shot out at it, grabbing onto and sinking into the charred thing, attachting it to the arm. As blood pooled up and fell over the arm, the skin started to become alive again, fixing itself till it was usable but very shaky, not strong, and likely to give out at any second. They best she would be able to do for it.

Blinking a little bit more, everything went fuzzy, not just spots and Alec fell over on the ground, curling up in a ball and silentl screamed as the pain of her failed attempted at doing her job met up full force.


Ricardo flashed Ade a smile. "So, what have you been doing?" He was circling around her, looking her up and down, eyes at some times lingering in certain places before he reached out and grabbed her hand inside his own.
Vent twisted his head down and to the side, catching the tendril that tried to slash his throat with his new demon-teeth.

Grinning with the tendril in his mouth, he sunk the fangs in, and started to suck pure rage-energy from the demon, like a parasite. His own fire ran up his arms, combating the demon's fire, but at best, he could only fight it off while he continued his spell, now muffled by the tendril in his mouth.

By the look of it, his spell would be ready the milisecond the demon's black flame attack was ready.
Ade raised an eyebrow at the man as he circled her and examined her body. "See something you like?" She asked curiously, before smiling slightly as he took her hand. "And... I think I'll keep that bit of information to myself." The green-ette murmured, her smile turning a tad sly as she looked at Ricardo.
Ade raised an eyebrow up even higher as she caught Ricardo's wink. "Oh? And just what have you been looking at?" She asked, slowly shifting to cross her arms.
Ricardo had to hold back a laugh as he leaned closer to her ear, "You. Of course."
Vent suddenly smelled cheese as he fought with the demon.

Instantly in his head, he thought Ricardo must be laying it on a bit thick. Soon, he wouldn't be able to spread it.

And, that's why I like Cheesestrings, Vent thought.

(Sorry, I couldn't help myself.......)

Vent had drained enough rage-energy as he and the demon had their standoff. His Demonfire had lost, and the Greater Rage Demon's flames hit his arms. He howled in pain, releasing the demon's tusk from his mouth.

He quickly let go, and welled up the Demon's energy he had drained, and the demonic energy his Umbralus Corripio had created into his right hand. He held the burning hand straight at the demon as he fell from the clear Moscow sky.

"Terra Umbraquasso!" Vent screamed, betting all his stolen and built up demonic energy on a warp spell, designed to utilize Umbralus energy as the base to power a dimensional tear that would send the target to somewhere of the caster's choice. Vent hadn't perfected the technique yet, but had a general idea of where to send the Rage Demon.


The black portal with the leaping white flames started to open around the Demon.

Vent knew this wouln't kill the Demon, but hoped that someone in Hell would take care of it. Or, if it came to it, he could hunt it down later.

Vent prayed this would work, as he continued to fall towards the ground from the clear Moscow sky.
Ade smiled softly as she saw Ricardo lean closer and she heard his voice against her ear. "Oh really? And just what is it about me that's attracted your attention?" She asked softly.
:: Marco leant his power to Vent's, trippling his power ::

marco: "come on... work..."

:: he pulled out the knife from when he started at the first school, and cut his wrist, un-locking his blood-magic ::

Marco: "come on Vent, let me help!"

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