Ww - the coming storm

The woman jumped with surprise as a crate fell to the ground, near to where she stood. A shocked gasp erupted from her as goo splashed onto her, but before she could react to that... Mikhail lunged his sword at her. The figure jerked back, trying to avoid the sharp edges as the Russian man swung wildly.

She was doing pretty good, until her foot slipped on some of the blood on the floor. The woman fell back, crying out with pain as her head cracked hard against the concrete flooring. Before she could gain her senses, Mikhail took advantage of her daze. He rushed forward and pulled the sword back in preparation of thrusting it downward into her chest.

"Sorry, Aide..."
Scream scrambled up,and held the Zweihander straight up,by his chest. He slowly approached Alec,and growled savagely. This meal is not beng co-operative.

Steven simply blinked at the doctors. "That's all? Where's the lung? And be quick...I'd rather not live for the rest of my life with a shortness of breath." Steven continued to breath heavily.
For ever step Scream took, Meido took one step back, grinning the whole time. "what's the matter, can't get to a little girl?"


Ricardo snapped his head up hearing a noise from his past all to familiar. Launcing out of hte operation booth he caught sight of two new people fighting, one about to get stabbed. Jumping over the railing he tackled the man with the sword letting out a battle cry.


"Prepped and ready for operation you just need to sign the waver." A form was held out to him as the bed he was laying on started to get wheeled away towards a private operation room, the doctors still surrounding him.
The woman blinked with surprise as someone tackled Mikhail. She raised herself into a sitting position and reached for her wand, she needed to restrain the Russian!

Mikhail grunted as he was tackled by another man, shoving Ricardo away. The Russian lurched the sword forward with a stabbing motion towards the other man. "This doesn't concern you!" He growled, kicking at the woman's arm to keep her from getting at her wand.

She hissed with pain as his heavy foot connected with her fore-arm, jarring the limb and causing her to retract it; cradling it against her chest.
A chilling gust of wind blew down, sweeping over Meido and the man named Scream. A laugh just as chilling started up.

"..... Making sure Steve-o was okay at the hospital took longer than I though. But really, Alec? I leave for like, ten minutes, and some ass-tard attempts to rape you?" Vent called down from a rooftop jeeringly.

He caught wind of some fighting going on over at the side, but decided Alec was much more important than people he didn't know.

Vent leaped down from the rooftop, landing softly between Alec/Meido and Scream.

".... Get the Hell outta here, buddy. Before I lose my temper." Vent said firmly, a scowl gracing his face.
Alec stopped moving as Vent appeared. Was he really going to do this to her? Of course he was. She took on a look of distaste, "This has nothing to do with you. This is my job. I suggest you back off."


Ricardo cast a quick spell, and a metal shield appeared for a second deflecting the sword. Grabbing hold of the man's arm he twisted it around till something was sure to pop. "Leave now, and i'll let you live."
Scream stopped momentarily as the unnatural wind blew. He sought its source,and found it. When the man threatened him,Scream simply cackled.

"Why would I leave my meal...Unfinished?" And he began to cackle madly,resuming his walking approach to Alec and the newcomer.

Steven rolled his eyes. "Legal issues...Great." He taken the offered pen and waiver,and bent his legs to use them as an easel. He signed on the dotted line,and handed the waiver and pen back. "Now...Get me into surgery."
Mikhail screamed with pain as his arm broke beneath the pressure. He gritted his teeth but kept a hold of his sword. "Fine..." He hissed, his true colors of a coward more or less revealed as he struggled to get away from Ricardo.

The woman's deep purple eyes glanced between Ricardo and Mikhail slowly, watching the two of them cautiously as she waited to see what would happen.
Vent turned to Alec, seeming to show his back to the enemy.

With a grin on his face, he sighed.

"...... I know." He said sheepishly. "But really, how long has it been since I played the hero?"

Vent looked around, seeming uncaring.

"Do you actually wanna fight him?" He asked Alec, ready to step out of the way.
The doctors nodded, taking back the waver and shipping him off to surgery to fix his problem.


Ricardo narrowed his eyes for a second before using his free hand to grip the blade of the sword, cutting his hand in the process and wrenched it from the man before kicking him towards the door of the factory. Turning back towards the other he raised an eyebrow. "Now, what do we have here?"


Alec looked past Vent at Scream, "Because your meal is poisoned." It wasn't a lie per say, but it wasn't entirely the through either. Eyes still fixed on Scream, she answered the words spoken to her by her old friend, "Not long enough. And is that you doubting me?" She made a noise and walked past him and headed directly for Scream, arms folded behind her back where the black mist had spread up again.
Mikhail glared at Ricardo angrily, before fleeing out of the building... Though within his thoughts, he began to brood and plot on how to get his precious sword back.

The woman gulped slightly, though it was hidden by the high collar of her cloak that hid the lower part of her face. Slowly standing up, the figure kept her head bowed slightly, keeping her eyes out of view. Reaching a hand forward, the figure gripped her wand in the other hand. "Give it to me... It does not belong to you." The woman stated, her voice deeper than it had been... Trying to keep her identity a secret.
"It may, but how am i to be sure you won't stick it in my back after i give it too you?" Ricardo said, bending slightly as he tried to look at the face. "Or at least, you could thank me for saving your life..."
The woman took a step back as Ricardo tried to get a peek at her face. "Well I'm afraid that's something you'll just have to trust me with." She stated firmly, still using the deeper tone to her voice. "Thank you... Now hand it over."

Her hand remained extended towards Ricardo, obviously wanting him to hand her the sword.
Ricardo shrugged, and turned away from the woman. "Not the kind of thank you I meant, Chibi-chan." He laughed and started back up the stares to get a better view of how Miss A was going in her fight, taking the sword with him.
The woman's eyes narrowed angrily as he refused to return the sword to her. Gripping the wand tightly, she suddenly lurched forward and thrusted her wand at him.

"Cohibeo!" She yelled, watching the blue light fly towards Ricardo's back. She couldn't allow that sword to remain in someone else's hands... It already had an owner and it was her duty to return it...

Cohibeo - Restrain
Ricardo smirked. Called it Rather than do anything to stop it, he let it hit and soon found himself unable to move. Not that it mattered. He grinned a cocky grin, waiting for the predictable woman to take back the weapon. "By the way, what is your name Chibi-chan?"
The woman frowned slightly as she watched him take the blow without even trying to dodge. Calmly walking forward, she reached out and took his in her gloved ones. She was surprisingly gentle as she pried his hand away from the sword. Instead of answering him, she stepped back and pulled a long piece of cloth from her bag that was hidden beneath her cloak.

Quietly, the woman wrapped the sword in the cloth before sliding it into her belt. Looking towards Ricardo, she finally allowed her eyes to be seen. The deep purple depths boring into his. "I'm afraid you won't be learning that, any time soon sir." This time... She didn't mask her voice, it had a much lighter quality to it now; far more feminine.


With that, she turned and began to walk away.
Ricardo stood there a bit stunned watching her leave before quietly speaking. "Angelo?"
Aidelaide froze as Ricardo called to her, she bowed her head slightly; closing her eyes tightly. Before she slowly turned around and pulled her hood down. She had grown much in the five years of her disappearance; her soft green hair was long and pulled into an elegant bun. Her skin was much more tanned than it had been during school, while she seemed to have lost the childish look... In all, it was obvious that she had grown from a teen to a woman; for she was stunning.

"Yes?" Her lips parting slightly to say that one word.
Ricardo, had he been able to move, wouldn't have been able to at all. His eyes widened as his mouth curved up slightly into a smile. He nearly started crying. "I thought you had died mine Angelo."
Ricardo shook his head for a second, before whispering an anti spell making the binding spell fall off. He stepped forward for a second looking at her a mix of disbelief and happiness written over his face. In a sudden rush of movement, he had his arms wrapped around her and was kissing her like he had longed to for so many nights of the year.
Aidelaide gasped as she suddenly found his arms around her and his lips were on her own. For a moment she was to surprised to do much of anything. But she quickly gathered her senses and pressed back against him, returning his kiss. Her arms found their way around his neck and her hands entangled in his hair.
Ricardo had to smile into the kiss, in his mind it was his way of showing he was still hers and the fact she had returned it meant the same for her. IN a whisper of a voice he said something in italian before switching back to english, " you can't be real..."
Aidelaide opened her eyes as she heard him whisper to her. One of her hands slipped from his hair and hesitantly brushed her fingertips along his cheek. "... I know I'm real... But are you?" She asked quietly.

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