Ww - the coming storm

:: Meanwhile, in a helicopter over New York ::

Marco: "-and thats what i need"

Artermis: "you want me to arrange a hit-squad to back you up while you face down Dono?"

Marco: "in a nut-shell, yes"

:: Artemis facepalmed ::

Artemis: "look, resources are streched thin, i'm sorry but-"

Marco: "its alright, i was just wondering"

:: Marco shut down the radio ::

Marco: "get me to this location, i'm uploading it to you're map now"

Pilot: "yes-sir, this trip'll take several hours"

Marco: "perfect, i'll have time to prepare"
"It seems Vent isn't recieving my beacon. Either have him opn his mind,or relay what I'm saying. We need to discuss matters such as how and why the fates decided to put us in New York. There must be something we're missing. Also...My eye. It may attract...Unwanted attention,by its nature. We will discuss these matters in person,and in absolute privacy. We cannot risk any unwanted parties to know these things. I'm in Central Park,and Marco's signal left my detection range. Either summon me,or we will meet somewhere else. I'll be waiting."

With that,Steven returned to his book,awaiting Alec's response.

"Right...Blunt got replacement teeth...Forgot about that..."
Alec sighed, "Central park isn't very private. It's a nightmare actually, honestly, look at the trees around you, that little bird chirping is probably a dude with a camera...but regardless, can't catch what they can't see right? With that she sat up, drawing a pentagram in the air and putting her personal symbol for Steven in the middle, strangely enough, it was a straight line with a small curve coming off it like a leave (It's His Stick =D).

"We'll be there in a few minutes dear. Just hold tight for now. " Ending the message, she blew away the pentagram which was basically hovering smoke, on the map in her pocket, an arrow pointed directly at where he was sitting in central park. Looking over at Vent she grinned. "I would hope it wasn't getting boring. I'll have to work on doing more flashy things to show off for next time. Anyway...you and I have a a person to meet up with. Steven to be exact. He wishes to speak to us about why we happen to all be in New York and how he may unintentionally be attracting attention that 'we' don't need." Turning her head towards Ricardo she sighed, " I suppose you'll have to sit with us for this, or would you rather I drop you off at your destination first and pas you off the next branch of why your here."

Ricardo shrugged, "I feel like I want to spend a little more time with you....fellows!" he saved himself, "I mean, i barely know you but i went to school with you. I haven't seen you in gosh knows how long and the possibility something interesting might happen other than a dragon snout snorting up all the fairy's magic dust in the sorting room and spitting out curse toads makes it much much more inviting."
Vent sighed.

"..... I know why I'm here. It's a big coincidence Steven and Marco are here, but they do their own thing." Vent explained how he saw it, putting his hands behind his head and relaxing, giving Ricardo an interested look.

"And you really wanna come?" He asked, semi-skeptical.
Alec nodded her head, "Why exactly are you here honestly? Or shall we wait for that one when we're all together.."

Ricardo nodded his head, "Of course I do. I've been dieing to get away from work anyway." He cracked his knuckles and pumped his fist in the air, acting a lot more like the older teen he still was.
Vent grinned.

"Leave any ass-kicking to me 'n Alec, okay?" He said, patting Ricardo on the back.

Shaking his head, Vent chuckled a bit.

"I was serious earlier," He said, "Shoulda been paying attention?"
Ricardo looked a bit confused and insulted at that, "I'll have you know I can fight very well thank you." Alec shot him a look before looking at Vent, 'Yeah...attention might help a bit." She smiled sheepishly.
Steven,although he was reading his favourite book,"Artemis Fowl:The Eternity Code",he was still mindful of his surroundings.

When he looked up from his book for the umpteenth time,he noticed something. It was a shadow. But it wasn't ordinary. It was detached from any nearby entity,and it appeared to be slithering across the ground.

Steven immideately dispelled the illusionary book,and flung himself over the back of the bench. He began to boot it out of the park,towards Wall Street. He then sent a Psychic beacon to Alec and Vent.


His beacon was cut short when the shadow came up from the ground before him. It was massive;eight feet tall. It had a hulking build,and had glowing purple eyes,wearing bands around its "Wrists". It spoke in a raspy voice,as if it came from the very pits of Hell.

Alec's eyes widdened before a large growl came from her. Setting off a healing spell for the wounds from the fight, each was gone within seconds, even the broken arm before she grabbed onto Ricardo. "Central Park. Right there." She handed Vent the map pointing at the arrow before turning them both into smoke that faded away, reforming about 2 yards behind Steven. Pushing Ricardo behind a tree she narrowed her eyes. "I got your back mate."
Steven noticing two mystic signatures appeared nearby,and quickly glanced over his shoulder.

"You're just in time! THIS is what I was talking about! Now,HELP ME BANISH THIS DAMN THING!"

With that,Steven performed something that anyone who knew him would NEVER expect: He hurled a bolt of forked lightning at the shadow. The bolt struck the shadow,and stopped. Then it spoke,in its hellish voice.


With this,it taken a swiping blow at Steven,and it connected with his chest. He was sent tumbling across the park,and into his statue,which shattered,and its piecestumbled down onto Steven,as he sank into the pond.
Alec blinked a bit shocked before snapping back to reality for a second. "Ricardo. Get him now." She barked, Ricardo nodded his head, running at the pond and diving into it without hesition, swimming towards where Steven had gone under, wrapping an arm around his waist he pulled him back to the surface.

Alec smirked looking at the thing. Ai Snapping her fingers, two select bursts of wind appeared across two trees which proceeded to fall onto the shadow.
As the trees fell onto the shadow,its chilling laughter could be heard.


It re-formed behind the trees,and shot forward with incredible speed,with its fists held before it,"fingers" interlaced.

Steven's eyes fluttered open as he coughed up muddy water. He shook his head vigorously,to get the water off his face,and sat up,clutching his chest.

"Damn...That's at least one rib gone..."

He looked at the shadow,seeing it charge at Alec.


Steven closed his eyes,and raised his hands,then started to weave them through the air.
"And you shall learn that a dead man doesn't believe in gods." Alec said in monotone, not moving in the slightest, she wasn't worried, there was no fear, just a simply layed back stance before her form started to flicker in an out of focus before she completely was gone from that spot, and reappeared standing upside down in the air right above Steven's head, looking back towards the Shadow. "so what is it?"
Balls of lightning suddenly appeared in Steven's hands,and his blind eye glowed a brilliant magenta. He raised his arms over his head,and shouted, "ELECTRO DEIUS LOK PII!" As he shouted this,Steven brought his arms down quickly,and a massive bolt of lightning tore down from the sky and struck the shadow.

After the spell subsided,there was a huge cloud of acrid smoke,and Steven's eye returned to normal. He then clutced his chest tighter,and looked at Alec,hovering over his head.

"That,Alec..." He said breathlessly,as he gestured to the cloud "Is a hound of Arkhal,God of Bargaining. And--GET DOWN!"

With that,Steven grabbed whatever part of Alec he could reach,and threw her into the pond,and quickly done the same with Ricardo. He was about to crawl into the pond himself,when the shadow rocketed towards Steven,and grabbed him by the throat. It laughed,and said,


It raised one inky black hand,and it began to glow purple,in a flowing pattern,originating from its fingertips.
Alec coughed out water, lungs burning from the sudden attack on them from the liquid before she flipped wet bangs out of her face. Narrowing her eyes she rocketed forward, Putting all her speed and weight into knocking over the shadow to get it away from Steven. Meanwhile, Ricardo pulled out his colour changing rose and started an incantation.
Vent stood a little ways off, his Umbralus markings glowing briliantly.

"...... I don't know what you are, but nobody lays a finger on my friends!" He shouted, a destructive, angry aura spilling from him.

"Gods?!?" Vent shouted, his aura and magical pressure intensifying.

"Here's what I think of your 'gods'!" He yelled, his angry aura erupting into one of lighting, entering his Voltus-Umbralus state, before winking out of sight with a flash of yellow.
The shadow stood its ground when Alec tackled it,and she simply bounced off of it. It laughed devilishly,and said,


With that,its attention left Steven,and he seized his chance. He shot his right arm down,and behind it was a white,sword shaped flame,suspended in the air. He then brought his arm up and grasped it,then thrust it forward,impaling the shadow. It screeched in agony,and dropped Steven. He dropped to the ground,but the sword stayed in its chest. It stumbled backwards,standing on the pond's surface,trying desperately to remove the sword made of white flames,still screeching in agony.
Vent, in the Umbralus lightning form, streaked at the creature, fast as lightning itself.

Jumping, and planting both feet on it's chest, he gripped the sword Steven had stuck into it with both hands.

"Like I said," Vent said grinning. "Nobody touches my friends!" He shouted.

Channeling his lightning energy through the sword, the creature lit up like a Christmas tree. Ventlept off the creature's chest, ripping the blade upwards as he leaped.
The creature gave a shriek of pure agony,and exploded into a cloud of darkness,and the sword transformed into six streams of white flame,then rocketed towards Steven's hand,where they reformed into the sword.

Steven rose to his feet slowly,holding the sword to his right side,and using his left hand to clutch his chest. He stood there,gasping for air,and looked obviously shaken.
Vent's Umbralus form wore off, and he sprinted over to Steven's side.

"Hey man! Are you okay?" He asked, getting an arm around his ribs to support him.
:: the helicopter turned around in mid-air ::

Marco: "what the hell are you doing!?"

Pilot: "sorry, sir, but we got word of a disturbance in central park, you're father ordered that you be dispatched to resolve the issue"

:: Marco simply grunted and sat back ::

:: it took extra fuel, but the helicopter was soon hovering over central park inside of 5 minuites ::

Marco: "gimme the Invisibility shield"

pilot: "careful, sir, this shield is incredibly fragile, one drop of water or one broken cell and its useless"

Marco: "understood"

:: marco put on the shield, jumping out of the chopper and soon landing next to the "god", his shield broke and he became visible to all ::

Marco: "so this is you're problem, eh? looks like i can try out my new strength"
Ricardo and Alec moved towards Steven's side as well, Ricardo inquiring about his health while Alec started looking him up and down with an odd sort of look in her eye. Like she could see right through him, which, as far as anyone 's guess was, she could. Folding her arms over her chest she waited for him to speak.
Steven tried talking,but all that came out was pained wheezing. Then,he suddenly coughed violently,and a gob of blood came flying out. He sent a psychic beacon to Vent,Alec and Ricardo.

"I've got a punctured lung. I'm pretty sure none of us know any healing magic,and frankly,I won't trust it for this injury. Get me to a hospital. I can explain there,as soon as I can talk and am allowed visitors."

With that,the sword vanished,and the scar over Steven's eye turned from a pale red,to a brilliant white. Suddenly,it didn't look like a scar anymore. Rather,it looked like a tattoo,similar t the Umbralus markings,but white. Also,the markings appeared to spider across the side of his face,to the back of his head.
Alec rolled her eyes at the healing magic comment, after all, why wouldn't the daughter of one of the most experienced magic healers know healing spells? Really. But it was his wish so she wasn't going to say anything. Ricardo nodded his head, "You want us to teleport you there or would you rather i call for some help?" Saying this, he already had out a phone, "Also, i assume there would be a cover story for what happened so we'll need to think of something there as well."
Steven coughed up another gob of blood. This one bigger.

"We need fast! Teleportation,then mind wipe every witness! If anyone asks,make something up!"

With this,the white markings began to span across his forehead,and up his scalp.

Steven,despite the support of Alec and Vent,dropped to a knee,dragging them down with him.


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