Ww - the coming storm

Alec took a step back, anticipating where he would aim that at putting one arm down towards her lower torso to take the blow from the more vital area. Lossening her jaw, she waited for the impact.
Vent swung forward, connecting with Alec's block, with the full force of his fall and the added power of the Magica Sattica.
Alec slid back a couple feet, not really feeling what had just hit her, but more or less just shaking from the whole thing. Her blocking arm went limp at her side, hanging a bit of a weird angle and a bit swollen. Blinking a few times, she fell back into the dirt and phased through it before raising up to level ground. Narrowing her eyes at the ground she raised up her good arm before launching a few tendrils towards the crack and towards Vent.
Vent reeled from his own blow, his right arm cut up around the wrist.

Okay, he thought, that was dumb. He rotated his wrist, ascertaining nothing was broken.

Just was he started to focus on finding Alec, the tendrils shot from the crack. In split second reaction timing, he deflected two of them, blocked a third, and a fourth made it past his guard, hitting him on the left shoulder.

Blood spurting forth, his eyes widened, grabbing the tendril and yanking on it, hoping to pull Alec or something outta the ground.
Alec grinned for a split second before feeling a pull on her hand that sent her stumbling towards the crack again. Cutting the tendril short she peered in over the edge at Vent before laucnhing up into the air, inches from the spectotors box then started spinning till she was just a blur, a slight pain setting into her arm, before launching a spinning kick at him.
Vent sighed.

"..... I try not to use my 'signature' spell very often, but I guess you deserve it?" He more asked than stated, raising his right hand.

The Umbralus markings all over his body started to glow, a smile on his face.

"Voltus, Umbralus Unus!" He shouted, his body being consumed in an electrical aura.

His hair lengthened, turning bright shining yellow. Both his eyes became a brilliant gold colour, glowing with power. His very skin started to crackle with the energy.

With a streak of yellow, Vent disappeared, like he had never been standing in the crack.
Alec crash landed into the crack, snapping her head up as she recovered from her attack that had failed, trying to find out where he had gone. Use your head...what do you think he would have done? Oh... Hitting her forehead with her good hand she flipped out of the hole exposing herself to any attack that he would give. Needless to say, she only did thi because she had something up her sleeve.
With another streak of yellow, Vent shot forward, taking Alec head on. A considerable amount of electricity gathered around his right hand, but his left remained electricity free. He had to have a backup plan, right?
Seeing the streak of colour, she smiled, opening her arms wide giving him a perfect hit.
Vent realized Alec had something up her sleeve, and decided he'd go in anyways.

She could heal him up after wards, right?

Or, he could react.

Either way, he struck her full on in the face with an electrified punch.
Letting out a cackle, her head snapped to the side from the punch and her eyes closed. Small burns started appearing from the electricty. Opening up on eye, the thing was pitch black, despite the one contact that was still in. Cracking her knuckles she grinned up at him. "Remember me?" It was a dark bit of a voice, and the slight scent of cigarette smoke came forth. "Make this fun for me, kay?" She winked at him before bringing back a fist, the meido marks glowing bright under the makeup hiding them.
Vent sighed, getting nailed in the chin with Meido's uppercut. Reeling back, blood coming from his mouth, his left hand opened, revealing an orb of darkness resting in it.

"Metus, Umbralus Unus!" Vent shouted, his skin becoming black, and both eyes becoming the demonic yellow his left eye was permantly now. His nails grew into claws, and his canine teeth lengthened.

Cocking his head to the side, he spat some blood.

".... Look what you made me do. C'mon, Meido. I haven't used this dark form since I killed Conner. Seems fitting to sink into darkness to defeat darkness, huh?" He asked, seeming in full control.

"If it was good enough for him, it's good enough for you!" Vent shouted, rushing Meido, a look of anger in his eyes. Despite his emotions, he retained control.
Miedo grinned moving with every move vent made and holding out an arm which was transformed into that of a dragon with dark green scales. "Darkness and fear are too completely different things child." She seemed to think of something. " No, your not a child any more are you?" Sighing, she contined, "As for making you, no no no, you did taht yourself. I have made you do nothing. If i was going to make you do something it would be this," She moved foreward suddenly matching Ven'ts rushing with her own turning into a full sized dragon of horror.
Vent sighed.

"Really? I've seen bigger in my master's toilet." He spat sarcastically, leaping up and throwing a large disc of darkenergy at the center of the dragon's mass, the base of it's neck between the two front legs.

He assumed that's where Meido would be, in the dead center of the illusion.

Vent didn't really know if it was an illusion, but he decided he'd find out like this.
The miedo dragon spit out flame at the ball of energy and at Vent not wanting to get it's throat cut from that thing...that would have been very very bad. Dragging a claw through the ground, nails tearing up the dirt in mini waves leaving large gaps in it she aimed the swipe at Vent as well.
Vent smirked.

If there was one thing this dark form had going for it, it was durability.

Vent, in the air, went limp, allowing the claw swipe to nail him. Coughing on impact, more blood coming from his mouth, he latched onto the dragon's talons, going up with the after-swing.

Leaping from the talons, Vent released another two discs of dark energy, buzz-sawing their way towards the throat and face of the giant dragon.
Miedo dragon howled letting out more flame to counter them. Fling her clawed hand up and down, trying to throw him off the talon before inhaling deeply and launching a massive fireball at him and the hand.
Vent's right hand became a fist, then was engulphed in a dark aura.

He punched the fireball, his dark energy and the fire disappearing in a haze of smoke.

Within the smoke, Vent disappeared as well.
Miedo frowned, the transformation revoerting her back to normal, minus a few more burns on her arm making both arms now, hurt to move. Sighing she sat down closing her eyes, waiting. On the other arm, the umbruls spell started to glow dimly underneath the makeup hiding it.
:: Marco was at "ground Zero" in New york, there were protestors in the background and the such, an older man came up to him ::

Man: "so... you came after all..."

Marco: "four years... you are a patient man"

man: "indeed i am... i have waited longer than you have been alive... now come, my accolyte"

:: the man took his hat off, to reveal Dono, but with a haircut and a new scar across his right eye ::

Marco: "what happened to your eye?"

Dono: "you're father... i tried to assasinate him, but he captured my assasin, and ambushed me in a bathroom, he got me good"

Marco: "i see..."

:: Marco turned away, his ponytail flapping in the wing, he took a deep breath in and breathed out ::

marco: "i have always hated big cities like this... its the air you see, i can't stand it here... it so... polluted"

dono: "indeed... but enough getting off topic, you are coming with me"

Marco: "dono... you know i refused you before either of us came"

Dono: "who said i was giving you a choice?"

:: dono flickered in front of Marco, but Marco flickered away ::

Dono: "come on, fight me!"

Marco: "i don't need to Dono, anyway, i'm not going to kill someone who is dying already?"

Dono: "wha-"

:: the top of dono's shirt was ripped open by a blast from Marco, hidden behind a pillar, it revealed his skin was rotting, Dono was dying ::

marco: "i always wondered why you wanted me so badly"

Dono: "h-how did you find out!?"

Marco: "i felt it... you're power is less than a quarter of what it was four years ago, i can beat you now"

Dono: "then come at me!"

:: Dono charged, but was stopped in his tracks by a single blast from marco, and all he did was snap his fingers, Dono fell back, clearly wounded ::

:: Marco steped on Dono's throut ::

Marco: "you are pathetic"

:: marco walked away, and dono got back up ::

marco: "i'll give you one chance to run, i'll let you're werewolf army rip you appart when they see how weak you are"

:: Dono growled, but he knew that Marco was right, he opened a portal and skulked away to his lair, defeated and humiliated, Marco pulled out his new phone ::

marco: "dad? it's Marco... yeah... i need a chopper ASAP... save the welcome party for later, we have an ideal time to finish Dono off once and for all"
Steven quickly left the teahouse,avoiding eye contact with anyone in the building. When he left the table before,he left a message only magi could pick up on,stating that Marco went off in the direction of the old Trade Center,and that Steven went to Central Park.

Steven stalked off to Centra Park,and found a bench near a pond,and gazed into its depths. He glanced around,and seeing nobody looking in his direction,Steven smirked,and decided to put his powers to work. With subtle finger motions,he telekeneticaly raised a pillar of silt from the bottom of the pond,and then shaped it to that of a female angel,holding in one hand a lyre,and in the other a sword. His blind eye then began to glow a dim orange,as the silt form began to glow with an internal light,as if it were being superheated from the inside. The angel statue began to harden,and then the light dimmed.

When the light completely faded away,Steven grinned at the statue. It was his finest work,yet. And made of silt to boot!

This eye...Steve thought to himself,Is a wonderful thing. Now to wait for the others.

Steven produced an Artemis Fowl novel and began to read,while people gthered around the statue,wondering if it was there before.
:: A Helicopter was deployed from the New York dataDyne tower, and picked Marco up ::

Pilot: "Mr highland, i'm sorry that this is just the common helicopter, the luxury model is being-"

Marco: "i don't care about how it feels, all i care about is that it can fly"

Pilot: "ha! this baby will fly like a bird if you say so, sir"

marco: "good, get me to the New York airport, and have them ready a private jet"

Pilot: "yessir"

:: Marco new the time to take down dono was now ::

Marco: "and get me on a line with my father"
Steven was blazing through "The Eternity Code". He was already half way through it,and was getting annoyed with Alec and Vent's absence.

He did realize the importance of keeping your skills in top shape,but it was quite a while now. Unless they were doing best of a hundred,a sparring match shouldn't take this long.

Steven closed his eyes,and set down the book,and set a psychic beacon to Alec and Vent.

"Sparring to best of a hundred? I'm sure you don't need to practice that much! I'm in Central Park. Marco went in the direction of the Trade Center. We need to discuss a few matters of import."
Meido blinked a few times before laughing once and giving back control to Alec who shook her head. Laying back agaisnt the ground she stared at Ricardo tthrough the waters box before responding back to Steven. "Matters of what exactly?

From above, Ricardo sighed and tucked his colour changing rose into his front suit pocket and teleported down next to his guard. "Yes Boss?" Alec looked at him, "Wouldn't that be the other way around? Or do you want me to call you Sir kiss my ass?"
Vent, starting to emerge from a pile of rubble, now normal in appearance, sighed.

"...... Something tells me the match is over? Good. It was getting bor- too much for me to handle!" He cut himself off in mid sentence, immediately correcting himself. He hadn't managed to receive Steven's signal, his Umbralus state cutting his mind off to telepathic attacks or messages.

Vent stood there, rubbing the back of his head, waiting instructions.

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