Ww - the coming storm

Alec's frown deepened before she sighed nodding at Ricardo who spuin the rose between his fingers, sparks falling from it like petals would before they were suddenly right in the middle of the emergeny room.

Instantly, the gaurd and ward started mind wiping everyone that had caught sight of them as well as bent the mind of a doctor to take him right then and there into the ER to get fixed. Sitting down in the waiting room, Ricardo folded his legs and hands looking at Alec who was pacing back and forth. "You really shouldn't worry, the ER's in Russia are amazing." Alec stopped for a second before looking at him. "Were in Russia!?" SHe shout whispered at him. "Well du, clearly the hospitals in that city of filth arn't going to be any good and just risks a ahigher chance on infection. This place is much better now stop doing that and calm down your friend is going to be fine."

Alec frowned, she hated knowing she had to listen to commands so she stoped pacing, sat down next to him and tried as hard as she could to keep from flipping out at him. "He better be."
:: Marco snapped his fingers, causing the dead body of the "god" to burst into flames ::

Marco: "power is nothing without control...."

:: a crowd of witnesses crowded around, many taking pictures ::

Marco: "elimatos"

:: all the people went blank, as their memories were deleted, and all the memory in digital cameras was deleted and all film in other cameras went blank ::

Marco: "done..."

:: he went over to a hot-dog stand, where the vendor was scratching his head and getting back to work ::

Marco: "i'll take a hotdog, extra mustard and a can of Fanta thanks"

:: a couple of girls gigled behind him, both were fat as whales and twice as ugly ::

:: Marco shuddered ::
After a few minutes, one of ricardo's various cell phones rang. Answering it almost instantly, he listened before hanging up and tapping Alec. "Miss A. As it seems we have something important to go tend to." Alec nodded her head, she couldn't tell him to wait, not at all, it wasn't her place. The two stood up together and walked out into the freezing air of Russia. "Now, we have a loose criminal running a muck in one of the factories . He's already killed 20 people and is hell bent on killing more. He is completely deranged and lacks a sense of pain, others have tried to stop him but well, that added to the death toll. This is were you'll learn why I need a guard, not for myself, but because this has been happening more and more frequently lately and it is extremely difficult to get the situation under control alone, or with inexperienced wizards."

Alec nodded her head and a wind, white from the snow it had picked up, washed over them. When it passed, the two were gone. Each one standing on a different side of the factory, an ear piece and mike keeping them in constant contact. Over the mike, Ricardo's static voice came through, "Get the workers to safety and then we'll go for the big guy." Sighing, Alec jumped down from the ledge she had been standing on and started to coax scared workers to follow her to the second floor where no signs of life had been seen, the screams around her and the sense of danger blocking out completely from her mind how Steven was doing.
The thing about Russian doctors is...They like to cut people up. In this respect,the cutting was nessesary,due to Steven's injuries. The surgery taken three hours,and went off with one minor hitch:The surgeons could not find a donor lung that Steven's body won't reject.

Steven stirred to wakefulness in a bed. He looked around,as was his custom when waking up,and saw the Russian symbols on the door. He felt breathless. Empty. He felt like he was breathing twice as hard,with half the effect. Then,a member of the staff walked into view,with a smile on his face.

"Good! You're awake! We didn't know how long it would be until you woke up." The man was speaking Russian.

"How long was I out? Why can't I breathe properly?" Steven replied breathlessly,in fluent Russian

"The better part of five hours,sir. The surgery alone taken three. Just what were you doing to get yourself torn up like that?"

"I...I was hit by a car...The driver was drunk,I think." Steven's vision was dimming I better not be dying...

"Hmm...You're lucky to be alive then. Now,your recovery time will be..."

And with that,Steven blacked out. Just a microsecond before he went out,he realized that he was instinctively holding his breath during that conversation...
Clearing out her half of the factory in thirty minutes, and having a suit stained with blood by a worker with their throat sliced stumbled directly onto her, she sihged leaning against the railing looking for Ricardo. "Boss, I got mine, how are you handling." A few seconds later, "Just got the last one and listen to the noise that man is making. Simply horrid." Alec nodded her head before flicking a switch. On of the cranes carrying a large crate started moving towards the other side of the factory. Climbing onto the rail, she caught ahold of one of the chains holding it as it went ,watching below as a man in a halloween mask was casting spells everywhere, breaking everything in sight. He was bleeding but it wasn't slowing him down in the slightest. And the mutliated bodies surrounding him....Alec probably would have started crying had she not been forced in a room full of that for 48 hours are part of training.

Instead, it made her ticked. Looking away from that, she saw Ricardo creeping closer to the man. "Alright Boss, you ready? "Yeah." At the same time, Ricardo stepped out from behind his hiding spot and started towards the man, Alec jumped from the crate's chain directly above him. Both casting the same binding spell at the target. Unfortunately, they had thought he was alone.
:: Marco came to the biggest tree in central park, but he knew this was'nt any normal tree ::

:: he placed his hand on it's trunk, and used his other arm to grab a leaf and eat it ::

marco: {now... please... listen to me}

:: gthere was a slight murmor from within the tree, luckily Marco had cast his trademark spell that made no-one notice nor care about anything within a certain radius, so he could talk freely with the tree ::

tree: "who disturbs me?"

marco: "a mage, i ask your aid"

tree: "what is it?"

marco: "i request a portal to a tree on the far side of the world, in the great desert in the middle of the landmass the humans call "Australia" "

Tree: "and why?"

Marco: "i need to kill a certain demon in mage skin"

:: the tree opened a portal, it had no choice in the matter, and Marco entered, Emerging directly on top of Dono's underground base ::

marco: "knock.... knock"
Ricardo was showered with sharp shards of ice, seconds after the spell left his mouth. Alec was blasted into a metal crate by a fire ball. The masked man cackled loudly rolling his shoulders and making sick popping noises as the magic chains fell off him from him dislocating and slipping around them. Popping his bones back into place he turned to look at the only thing he didn't think he would kill.....yet. "Happy Birthday." He said, as close to a thank you or good aim that man could get.
(OOC:esme gave me permission to bunny the second rogue mage)

The second man,also sporting a mask,with the likeness of Scream,walked up to the first one.

"The least you could do is say 'Thank you'. Now...Should we play with our food...Or get straight to eating it,hmm?"

With that,the man let lose a cold,hollow laugh,and waved his left hand. With this motion,a transparent,shimmering magical skin surounded the two rogue mages.

"Now..." A sword,with a blade as long as the man is tall,with the hilt going another two feet,appeared in his hands. "Let's dance."
Ricardo shook the glass from himself blinking a few times, "What the bloody hell." Sliding to the ground, Alec growled looking at the two from her upside down position.

"Play" The man said back.

Curling into herself and standing back up, Alec held out her hand, a black mist englfing it as she charged at them.Ricardo blinked, "A DONT!" He yelled, but it never registered in her head.
The second rogue mage smiled under his mask. He stepped towards Alec,winding up for a vertical strike.

"Time to carve the chick!" He shouted madly.
Alec started to skidd to a stop, but didn't have enough traction to fully stop and started to trip.

Ricardo cracked his knuckles as his hands tightened into fists as he shot a blast of electricity at the Scream.

The other man cackled, rolling his neck around in a sick fashion moving towards Ricardo like one of those zombie things from tenchu:wrath of heaven

(OOC so you know what they walk like.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjJxG99QBNk Third monster you see, not one of the ones with the arrows...)
Scream's strike cam crashing down,inches beside Alec. He looked up just in time to get a face full of lightning...

Only for it to bounce off,and strike the floor,a foot away from Ricardo's feet. He hefted the blade up,and prepared to lunge at Alec.

"Let's see what happens when I make a kebab out of your girlfriend!"

At this,he laughed madly,as he was winding back for the lunge.
Alec blinked a few times, before rolling on her side in the opposite direction of the man as fast as she could, standing back up a bit shakily she narrowed her eyes at him, the mist spreading up her arm to her shoulder.

Ricardo jumped back a bit suprised, 'Thought at much' Rolling his eyes he placed his wand back into his pocket going into a normal fighting stance as he looked at ( finally made up mind) Maggot Buffet Mask man, Maggot jumped at him aiming for his throat. Ricardo stepped to the side and brought his hand down on the back of the things neck. ( I don't know if you wanted it to work on physical attacks or not)
(OOC:Yeah,physical attacks work.)

Scream's lunge missed,and he stumbled a bit,as he pulled his sword into a neutral position. He turned to face Alec,and upon seeing the mist travel up her arm,he cackled coldly.

"Magic won't work,little girl. You saw what happened with your little boyfriend's lightning bolt! Now,since you look so delicious,I'm going to carve you up now!"

With that,he swung his Zweihander horizontaly.
Alec made a meeping noise and turned completely into mist, disappearing into the air and going high above them. "It won't work huh?" Part of her foot and hand solidified and a shoe was chucked at him full force, which honestly, had a pretty high speed.

Ricardo felt a satisfying crack under his hand only to have Maggot roll his head back onto it and get it stuck before the guu twisted his head and through a small mouth part that was ripped open bit down on his arm and ripped away a chunk of flesh. "good." Maggot growled before ricardo kicked him far away from him, puttng a hand over the spot splurring out blood.
As Alec turned to mist,Scream's eyes widened.

This'll suck... He thought.

The mass and momentum of the Zweihander caused him to spin around and fall over. He got up just in time to get a high-heeled shoe in his face...Which promptly embedded itself in his face.

He fell over,motionless. The sword and magic films remained.
Alec blinked a few times, she doubted that killed the man but still....slowly, she turned back into solid flesh and bone and crept over to him, nudging his leg with her bare foot, shaking a bit as she did so.

A few feet away, Ricardo and Maggot kept at it, tearing away chunks of flesh of each other ever chance they got.
Scream didn't stir. Blood was slowly trickling from beneath the shoe,and began to make a small pool beneath his ears.

Steven woke up in his hospital bed,and immediately regretted doing so. His head was aching,and his vision was spotty. When no less than five doctors filled his vision,Steven remembered to breathe...Very deeply,trying to calm his nerves. After a while,he asked,in fluent Russian, "Who are you,and why the hell are you hovering over me like this?"
Alec blinked again, crouching down lower and reaching out slowly with one hand to check his pulse on the neck.

Ricardo hit the ground harshly, as Maggot lept at him, he brought his feet up and kicked the freak into the air before standing up, breathing hard, and waiting. As Maggot hit the ground laughing , Ricardo brought his foot up and brought it down on the head, cracking the skull but the guy still wasn't dead. Close, maybe, but not yet. Maggot laughed again, catching Ricardo's foot and bringing him down to the ground rolling on top of the business man before getting head butted by Ricardo.


Back in Russia, the Doctors replied as one. "We're your doctors, and we were afraid you weren't waking back up"
A few blocks away from where Ricardo and Alec were fighting... A panicked looking man was running fast through the alleyways of Russia. He wore a heavy cloak about his person and he was clutching a precious bundle in his arms; trying to protect it from whatever was chasing him.

"Cohibeo!" A feminine voice cried, there was a flash a flash and a speeding blue light streaked for the man. The man squeaked and spun, hauling up the object from within his arms and deflected the light with the sword that was now in his hands. The blade was was beautiful, made of flawless steel with insignia's etched deep into the metal. The light struck down on the sword and it seemed to shine with a holy and pure light.

"If you do not desist and stop your actions, Mikhail! I will be forced to use violence upon you!" The same voice from before spoke, a figure stepped forward; in this person's hand was a stick made of deep red mahogany.

"It's mine! I found it!" The man known as Mikhail screamed, froth flying from his mouth as he clutched tightly to the sword and pressed it to his chest.

"It does not belong to you... It is far to powerful, Mikhail. I'm warning you, I won't stop until you hand it over." Another step, the figure took towards the deranged Russian man.

"Never!" Mikhail screamed, before turning and darting down a narrow passageway, taking him closer towards where Ricardo fought.

"This just isn't my day..." The figure sighed softly, before taking off after the man.
Suddenly,Scream grabbed onto Alec's wrist with one hnd,and began to heave up his Zweihander with the other.

"Trick or treat,little missy!"

Steven resumed his heavy breathing,and conciously kept it going. He let it soften only to say,in snide Russian, "Wonderful. Do you have a lung for me?"

With that,he continued his heavy breathing.
"Yes." The doctors said, again in perfect harmony.


Alec screamed in a fright and tried pulling away as hard as she could.

Knocking Maggot over, Ricardo stood up, and darted towards the metal stairs that led the operators booth, with maggot following close behind.
The figure kept her breathing deep and calm as she ran, her purple eyes locked tightly on the form of the man running from her. Her body was wrapped in a light cloak, it covered her face and hair from view; masking her identity. She watched as Mikhail ran into a factory building.

Narrowing her eyes, the woman put on a burst of speed and rushed inside. Caution was in her movements, waiting for a flash of light to signify he was swinging the sword at her. There it was! Ducking, the woman slid beneath the blade and drove her fist into Mikhail's stomach.

There was a grunt of pain and she shoved the man back and further into the factory; trying to get some room so she could cast a spell.

"Cohibeo!" She cried again, thrusting her wand at the Russian; only to grit her teeth as he deflected the spell again. For several minutes it went back and forth; she would cast a spell, he would deflect. The woman kept out of reach of his sword range, trying not to get cut by it's extremely sharp edges.
Scream cackled madly as he heaved the Zweihander off the ground,and as Alec tried to tug away. His grip was like a vice,but Alec's hand was slowly slipping out of Scream's hand,unknown to him. It reached swinging height,and he stopped cackling,to say,

"Boo." And he swung,wide and wild.

Steven was dumbstruck. "Just how long was I out for this time?"
Alec squeaked and her eyes sort of blanked for a second before they gained a dark tint to them as Meido took full control. Once again turning into that smoke which had a purple colour to it, she slipped around the blade though she left little drops of blood on the floor. Reforming 5 feet away Meido looked at the man, grinning, "I like your style. Very classy. "


Ricardo turned once, and kicked Maggot over the railing before darting into the control booth. FLicking a switch a large crate was dropped from the third floor cieling directly ontop of Maggot who was, unfortunatly for him, turned into a pile of unrecognizalbe red and pink goo with speckles of white. SIghing, he whiped blood from his forhead and set into a healing mood for the more severe bleeding areas.


"Quite a long time." Was all they said.

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