Ww - the coming storm

Ricardo didn't know how to answer as he stood there leaning his forehead against her own. " Do i feel it?"
Tears filled Aidelaide's eyes as she stared up at him, her hand shifted and rested fully against his cheek; feeling the warmth of his skin. "I... I've missed you so much..." She whispered.
"And i you, angelo." Ricarod whispered before remembering that he was still covering in patches of blood. Taking a step back, he apologized and took his shirt off, using hte already stained top to wipe away more of hte blood from where he was missing flesh. (From dah fight >D)
Aidelaide flushed slightly as Ricardo pulled his shirt off, averting her eyes for a moment...A little embarrassed to be seeing him without a shirt. But she couldn't resist looking back towards him, only for her eyes to widen as she saw the chunks of flesh missing from him. "Y.. You're injured..." She whispered, staring at him with wide eyes.
:: under the Australian desert, Metal halls were lines with the bloodied corpses of countless werewolves, and at the end of the hall, just outside the infirmary, stood Marco ::

marco: "Dono... come out..."

Dono: "w-who the hell is this!?"

Marco: "its someone who is going to end you once and for all"

Dono: "Marco, eh...."

:: the door exploded and sent Marco flying, he crashed against the far wall ::

Dono: "from this bed, i still have enough power to kill you, stupid child"

:: Marco leapt at dono, drawing his blade, adn sticking it into Dono's heart ::

Dono: "physical wounds? what do you take me for?"

:: Marco growled, this was'nt gonna be easy ::
Vent rolled his eyes.

"After you've laid the hurt on this guy, come find me. There was more fighting over there, I'm gonna check 'er out." He explained, a bit hesitant. He didn't thunk Alec couldn't deal with it, he just didn't like leaving her in danger.

With a wink, Vent leap back up onto the roof, and took off towards the previous conflict.


Arriving on the scene, Vent noticed, with a huge grin, that Ricardo was cradling a woman in his arms, someone he obviously cared about.

"Hey, Scrooge McDuck!" He yelled out his previous nickname for Ricardo.

"Beat the baddie and got the girl, eh?" Vent said a bit jeeringly, still smiling.

The woman looked kinda famliar, but, everyone today seemed to.

"....... Can I get some pointers? At least on the 'getting the girl' part." He added, chuckling a bit.

"You okay?" He finally asked, checking Ricardo for injuries almost subconciously.
Alec rolled her eyes muttering something under her breath about his intelligence before looking at Scream again. "So, what's your answer, you want to eat something that will kill you or not?"


Ricardo smiled warmly at Ade. "Not badly, but, I didn't want to get blood on you. Not very gentleman like you see." He winked at her before turning his head slightly to look at the newly appearing Vent. "Pointers are not what you need, it's that mix of charm and the ability to care about someone your missing."
Ade threw a scathing look towards Vent, mostly because he ruined the private moment between Ricardo and herself. She set on hand on her hip while the other gently laid across the flat of the sword in her belt; just to assure herself it was still there. Shoot... It's already starting to get to me. She thought to herself, forcing her hand away from the sword; trying to concentrate on the people in front of her instead.

"With those kinds of remarks, the only girl you'll be getting is a plastic one." Ade spoke, glancing at Vent. Obviously her sense of retorts had sharpened over the years.
Vent chuckled.

"Sharp toungue. Richy Rich likes 'em fiesty?"

Vent sighed, realizing he'd ruined a momentous reunion, sorta how Ricardo had managed to screw up his, but Ricardo hadn't meant to.

"..... I guess we're even, huh?" Vent said sheepishly to Ricardo.

"Seeing as how I've ruined the mood anyhow, let's get back to Alec. I didn't like leaving her to check on you." Vent explained, motioning for them to come with him.
Scream's cackling intensified. "I like it when my food bites back! It presents...A challenge."

By now,Scream was nearly within swinging distance,and started to deftly spin the massive sword around his had,creating a field of cutting death before him. He cackled madly. "Checmkate!"
Alec took a deep breath and waited a few seconds before teleporting up to the top of the crate she had dropped down form. Where she had been standing, an arm, bone and all, fell to the ground leaking blood. Pressing her hand to the half arm she know had, Alec bit back the tears from the pain and the scream that wanted to go along with them.


Ricardo looked at Vent, "Maybe you should go by yourself, as it wasn't needed that you 'check on us'." His tone of voice was nothing but a condescending scoff.
Ade crossed her arms and looked away from Vent, she didn't want to go anywhere with this person... She absolutely refused to do so. A frown slipped onto her face as she adjusted the sword at her belt.
Vent chuckled, a rude kind of smirk on his face.

".... Fine, 'Ricardo'." Vent spat, actually saying Ricardo's name for the first time.

"For all you know, Alec could be in trouble, and in the slightest, tiny possiblity I couldn't deal with the problem alone, how would you feel? I get this girl obviously means the world to you, but you can get intimate later. The fighting isn't over yet." Vent said, his smirk changing to a serious look as he talked.

"..... No way I'm letting Alec die. Not again." Vent said in a low voice, turning his back to Ricardo dissmissively, and taking off. A chilling breeze lingered in the air as he leaped onto and across rooftops.
Ricardo had to laugh. Why should he care if his body guard died doing there job? Isn't that what they were meant to be, expendable soldiers to protect and follow orders? Rolling his eyes he looked back at Ade "Excuse him, apparently he has a thing for my body guard."
Vent's nose wrinkled, and a scowl spread across his face as he left.

He'd hurt the pretty rich boy for that little comment later.

Vent continued toward's Alec's location.
Blood seeping out from between her fingers, she looked down over the edge of the crate, wanting to see if Scream would keep trying to find her, or just start munching down on the arm left below. Kneeling down, she waiting because after this it would flee or die if it didn't work right. Thank the forces for disease...
Scream was cackling like the derranged lunatic he was as he drew nearer to Alec. But,curiously,she vanished. And curiouser still,the Zweihander was bloodied. A quick glance revealed that there was no corpse,but there was a limb nearby,probably thrown by the motion of the blade.

He stopped the blade,and slowly approached the severed arm,glancing around his lateral plane. Seeing nothing,he picked up the arm,and slid it into his coat. "For later..." He muttered. He then looked around the room,in all three dimensions. He then spotted the crate above him swaying a little more than it should. Upon closer inspection,he saw Alec's face poking over the edge.

He slowly lowered the Zweihander in his right hand,and slowly raised his left,with a condensed ball of fire with electricity crackling over its surface in the palm. His cackling could be heard,cold,hollow,and unnaturaly hellish,throughout the entire werehouse.


Steven woke several hours later,hooked up to an I.V.,with three needles jabbked into his arm from it;one was labled "Morphiene",another labled "Anti-Histamine",and the third labled "Anti-Coagulant".

He took a deep breath,and exhaled. He smiled and laughed a bit,because he no longer felt empty,nor did he feel short of breath. These Russian doctors know their stuff. And here I thought all they were good at was Vodka and choirs!

With that,a doctor walked into his room,with a chart in his hands.
Vent flickered into reality on front of Scream, a furious gaze of anger on his visage.

"You bastard!" He shouted, placing both hands on Screams chest, using to concussive blast of pressurized air to hopefully send Scream flying back.

In reality, Vent didn't know if it would work or not. Seeing Scream put Alec's arm in his coat had sent him into a rage.
Scream stumbled backwards,and turned at the same time. The flat of the Zweihander struck the side of Vent's head with great force.

Scream abandoned the sword,and unsummoned it,as he rolled across the floor. Halfway across the room,he created the electrical fireballs again,one in each palm,and pointed them at Alec and Vent.

"How DARE you interrupt my dinner! I'll fry you both,and leave you to rot! You're unworthy of my consumption!"

With that,Scream fired electrified beams of fire from his palms,aimed at Aled and Vent.
:: in the base, Marco and Dono reached a stalemate ::

Dono: "even when i am dying of sickness, and you are more powerful than ever before, we are now even"

Marco: "elimitos maxima"

:: a light shone out of Dono's mouth, causing him to break his guard, in this one second, Marco jumped foreward, and sliced his head in two, the top half went flying, the bottom half remained ::

Marco: "checkmate...."
Alec squeaked and scurried back away from the crate's edge and more towards the center as the thing was fired at her. Seeing the thing go past were she had been seconds before made the breath catch in her throat with her. Which was soon intensified at the sound of straining metal. Looking up, she saw the electric fire had melted the metal of the chain holding the left side of the crate up in the air. The realization of what that meant came a couple seconds later when the crate started tipping.

Alec tried to stop herself from sliding but the solid metal surface had no grip as she neared the edge she started panicking. Sliding off the edge completely, she closed her eyes waiting to either feel a blade go through her or the ground breaking her skull open but neither came. As it turned out, the corner of the crate had snagged onto the back of her shirt and was holding her there. Unfortunatly, every couple of moments a small ripping noise Alec could hear.
:: Marco stood over Dono's still twitching body ::

Marco: "a great mage... more powerful than all the legendary founders combined, slayed in his bed by someone he wanted to recruit... it'll look great in the history books"

:: he adjusted his torn clothes, and looked over his countless wounds, the adrenaline stopped the pain, but they still stung ::

Marco: "time to go...."

:: he picked up a crystal from Dono's corpse, and broke it, absorbing all of Dono's power ::

Marco: "i better seal that power away, at least until i can control it...."

:: he did this, and then he opened a portal, emerging in one of ricardo's factories where the rest of the gang were ::

Marco: "guys, i have big news!! Dono is dead!"
Vent bled from the wound on his temple, his vision going a little blurred.

Shit, I shoulda come up with a defense..... He thought, a little pissed.

Vent immediately scanned the room, seeing Alec in danger.

He glanced back between Alec and Scream a couple times, and then swore loudly.

"****! This situation couldn't get any worse!"

His Umbrlaus markings glowed brightly, the wind whipping up to insane speeds around Vent.

"..... Wanna mess with me, freak? Wanna mess with Alec? You're gonna get it!" Vent exclaimed, his hair going grey, and his body ebbing with the wind. His vengeful expression became one of calm seriousness.

"Ahh..... It's been a while since I was one with the wind." He said with a grin, pointing one hand at Alec and one hand at Scream.
Alec grit her teeth together, the mix of absolute fear and pain a horrid thing to not be able to show. She kept her eyes closed though, not wanting to see when she was going to die as her shirt was ripped a bit more making her come closer to falling.(>D)


Ricardo looked at Ade, "I hired the guard to be expendable, i was given an expendable guard. No, i'm not worried."

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