Ww - the coming storm

"it's a secret" Ricardo said before laughing lightly. "god, I apologize, I must sound like a complete fool."


Uncurling herself, Alec layed out on the ground taking slow breaths before she collapsed back into her mind,letting Meido taking over. Sighing, the fear magic looked about without moving its head before it sunk into the concrete, a small black portal closing just a split second after she had fully dissapeared. It was a stupid move you know, you could have easily avoided removing your arm. It took about a minute for Alec to resond to that, Yes but, I was hoping for...... Miedo laughed aloud. Hoping that your little 'problem' would take care of him had he taken a bite. Your stupid girl. It would have done nothing but infect another, and you know how bad that would be.... Yes, I do....I'm not proud about it at all. But, still.... You wanted to do something about it right? Alec went silent. Miedo knew she was right and proceed to move about the blind realm she called home. No one really knew about that place but her, and it helped with healing and private talks. And the funny thing was, it was so small that everyone overlooked it, or well, got afraid. Most don't like to go without sight in something that could potentially be deadly.

You should go back to casting the blue spell...you know you'll need it to get the arm working right again. Though she couldn't see it, Meido felt a pulse go down the arm that had been missing most of it's sense of feeling.
Ade smiled softly at Ricardo, slowly pulling her arms apart she reached up and patted his head. "I never even noticed~" She teased lightly, her smile turning into a small smirk.
The demon unleashed its payload of black flames,but it was a microsecond too late. The flames shot over Vent's head,and struck three blocks away from the factory,creating a massive explosion.

The demon was about to lash out at Vent with its tendrils,when a portal opened behind it,and egan to suck it in.


The demon used its tendrils to grab the edges of the portal,before it was pulled in entirely,and began to pull itself out. Black flames could be seen coming from its mouth again,but this time,its eyes turned pitch black,with crimson lining.
Vent sighed.

Using Umbralus too much could get dangerous for him, pushing his body past it's limits and such.

But it looked as if one final push was neccesary.

Hearing Marco's pleas, Vent ignored them. This was a tad personal at this point.

The wind around Vent started to whip up again, and concentrated around him as lightning started to crackles as well. Wind swirled around his right hand as lightning sprung from his left. A huge grin on his face, he used another Umbralus varient, for the final push.

"Ventus Voltus, Duo Umbralus!" Vent yelled, his hair lengthening, and his eyes going a screaming yellow. His Umbralus marking were actually giving off light, they glowed so brightly. His body crackled and flowed, looking like wavy lightning. The field of energy around him was literally electrified air. His pressure matched the demon's as he shot back up into the air, straight at the demon and the portal.

"Have a taste of THIS! Umbralus Storm-Fist!" Vent yelled the name of his technique. The electrified air crackled an swirled around his right hand as he cocked it back, the air pressuring around it as he flew up like a bolt of lightning.

Vent swung, an uppercut connecting with the demon's jaw as it fought it's way of of the portal. Gale force winds and a blast of lightning were released on contact.
"Of course you haven't." Ricardo said, a bit skeptical about it, his cheeks going a dark red from embarrassment. Something it seemed she could still make him feel.


In the blind realm, Meido and Alec had contuined their talk. When do you plan on telling them, or rather him? She could hear Alec sigh. Never I hope... Meido laughed, It isn't something you can hide for a long time you know. Pretty soon those bandages you wear wont be able to hide it....Why did you let it happen anyway? Meido rested a hand on her stomach as she leaned back in the darkness, floating in the air. Because I....I don't know, alright. I never knew that was the price that was being asked okay? If i had known that's what it meant, I wouldn't have done it. Meido had to smirk. Then why did you not use it agaisnt that demon?Saved yourself some trouble.... She could ahve sworn, Alec growl/squeaked at that. Because I want to give it back, and if i don't use it I want it to seem unneeded so he won't refuse the request.
Ade felt her eyes drift down to the ground as she stood there, suddenly overcome with feelings of awkwardness and anxiety. So she kept quiet now, just staring at her feet.
The demon new only rage. Now,for the first time it its immortal,undying existance,it knew a whole slew of new sensations.




But,most importantly...Despair...And desperation.

In hell,this demon was weak,even below Pit Scum. On Earth,it was a demigod. It loved the power it possessed. It didn't want to surrender this power,which it had for so long strived for. Which was now being taken awayby this pathetic mortal boy.

The demon whipped its head around to face Vent,with the bottom half of its jaw missing,and unleashed what appeared to be a flurry of small meteors,made out of jet black magma and flame. But,suddenly,it felt the portal closing around it.


This was it' last utterance on this plane,for now. The Demon of Rage was bisected by the portal's border. It's rear half was banished to Hell,but the rest of it fell to the streets below,apparently lifeless.
Vent's Duo Umbralus state wore off as he saw the demon cut in half by the portal. He couldn't help but grin.

As he returned to normal, he immediately started to bleed from his Umbralus markings, and his eyes closed. With the last bit of strength he had, he whispered the spell he got got his name from.

"Ventus....." He said, the wind itself swirling around around him, as he fell to the streets below. As the Demon's upper body thumped lifelessly on the pavement of the chilly, snow-covered Moscow street, Vent's own decent was slowed by his magical winds. He fell slowly and gracefully, despite being completely unconcious for the moment.

He was set down gently just outside the factory from where he and the Demon had started their fight. He lay motionless on the street, snoring quite contently, a smirk of superiority on his face.
:: Marco looked at Vent fall asleep, and he cast a warmth spell on him, it melted the ice around him and kept his body warm, he went over to the front half of the demon, and filled a vial with it's blood ::

Marco: "it'll be a problem if the non-magi find you..."

:: he placed a hand on the demon shell's head and contacted it's spirit ::

Marco: "infernal demon... hear me... i know you are still alive... it takes more than a papercut like this to kill a demon..."

:: he achieved a link to the demon's soul in hell ::

Marco: "i have an offer for you... if you serve me, you will feel the power you just had once more, and you can unleash yourself against my foes... what say you?"

:: the demon's front-half began to disolve, but marco managed to fill up several more vials of it's blood before it was gone, and the blood in the vials would last forever ::
Ricardo quickly realized he had made a mistake and pulled Ade close to him, "I'm sorry Angelo."


What a stupid idea.... Meido replied before twisting the darkness around herself with her bad hand. "At least that's getting better reaction time." For a second, Meido had to smile, it started out with an obnoxious little girl who only knew how to burn wounds closed to now an almost adult who could reattach a limb with little problem. "Turning into your mother."

What? "Nothing, Child.Just switch places, your fine now." Within a few seconds, Alec was back in control and rather than staying floating in the darkness, she fell to where the ground in the blind world actually was, and sat there.
Ade blinked with surprise as she felt Ricardo pull her close, she felt herself relax against his hold. Closing her eyes with a soft sigh, Ade laid her head against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Sorry for what?" She asked softly, rubbing her head against his shoulder slightly.
The Demon's essence spat at Marco.

"I would rather be tortured in the pits of Hell,than be some mortal child's puppet. I would rather that sleeping boy to defeat me billions of times over. I would rather be exorcised. Now,leave me be,mortal child,we have nothing more to discuss."

With that,the Demon's essence scattered...But not to Hell. The Demon's body remained on Earth,but it disolved to atoms. The blood that Marco had extracted suddenly burst into Demonfame,and vanished entirely,also disolved to atoms and scattered. As the Demon's essence left Moscow,it went by Vent,and planted a single word in his mind.



Steven looked at the chart that was handed to him. He mentaly cast a spell that read the words to him in his mind,which allows him to read. Or rather,the page to orate itself to him. One phrase caught his attention,which was listed under "Lingerng Conditions".

"'Hemmoragic Cough'? What's that supposed to mean?"

The doctor replied,quite bluntly.

"It means you'll cough up blood for the rest of your life. We can't do anything about it,unfortunately. But,it won't be enough blood to kill you."

"Wonderful...Here." Steven handed the doctor the chart back,who quickly taken his leave. Steven then sent a Psychic Beacon to Alec,Ricardo,and Vent.

I'm out of surgery. The docs said I could have visitors. If you want that talk I offered earlier,I'll be waiting.
Vent's peaceful sleep was interupted by a single word.


It echoed in his mind, bringing him from his sleep.

Dragging himself up to a sitting position, Vent yawned, still pretty much drained. Then Steven's message hit him, and he scowled. Getting up, he looked around for Alec, but only saw Marco.

Vent shrugged, and sighed. That Ricardo had really pissed him off earlier, and that bratty she-witch he had been all over wasn't too high on his 'list-of-awesome-people' either.

Stretching, and yawning again, Vent looked back in the wrecked factory.

"..... Alec? Richy Rich?" He yelled in.
"For being so rude." Ricardo said before hearing that annoying nickname be called as well as a thought in his head from the man with the weird eye. "It seems I am wanted...." He mused aloud. "Would you like to come along, or shall we just ignore them and do our own thing?"


Alec heard the though, and inside her head Meido laughed rather hard. Shaking her head she figured she might as well go back out of the blind world to see Steven. A small portal opened up on a wall outside the factory right beside it's door and Alec stepped out, the thing closing right behind her. Yawning she shielded her eyes from the sudden flood of light and frowned.
Vent sighed, when neither of the people he called answered.

"Alec! Ricardo!" He called in again, sounding a little impatient.

He looked around again, and rolled his eyes. He completely missed Alec, not noticing her at all.
Alec frowned. "What?" She called back, not bothering to see who, what, or where she was being called from.


Ricardo;s eye twitched.
Vent yelped in surprise, seeing Alec beside him all of a sudden.

"What the Hell!" He yelled afterwards, in between laughing and gasping for air.

He caught his breath, and sighed.

"You scared the snot outta me. How's your arm?" Vent asked, looking back in to see if Ricardo was coming.
Alec raised an eyebrow smirking, before reaching into her pocket and holding out a handkerchief, joking on the what he had said. "Fine." She held up the arm with the darker skin wiggling her fingers around and such to help prove her point.
Vent's eyebrow raised a bit, but nothing really surprised him anymore.

He grinned.

"Now your arms match my eyes!" He said jokingly, sticking his toungue out at Alec.

He quickly turned back to the door, and yelled in again.

"Last call for a Ricardo, last call for a Ricardo! Message from bodyguard and friend, we'll meet you at the hospital if you don't wanna leave your lady-friend behind."
Ricardo looked over his shoulder, "Screw you too." He replied back to being called.


Alec rolled her eyes, "More like, you need something else mismatched besides the eyes so we can be twins." Sighing, she leaned against the side of the building, Meido poking suggesting of what to say into her head. Each was responded with a mental no and a punch in the arm,.
Vent sighed.

He stuck up the middle finger into the darkness, hoping Ricardo would see, or at least feel the intent.

He shook his head.

"..... I don't really like your charge. He's a brat. And his lady-friend's quite the rude one. What were you saying about something else mismatched?" He inquired.
"Mmm, can't choose the ward you receive besides, the colour of the tat meant short term so it's only a couple more days to put up with him, unless i'm dismissed first." Alec shrugged. "And his lady friend?" She tilted her head to the side, she only knew of one friend of his and that friend had gone missing a while back.

"Regardless, we need to get going, Steven wants to talk to us and I want to see how he's doing." She turned and started walking down the road, heading for the hospital.
Vent sighed.

He'd see Ricardo later, he thought with a nasty grin.

And when he did, he'd teach him a little lesson about respect.

He quickly follwed suit behind Alec.
Alec looked over her shoulder, "You know, you should cut him some slack, some of the other black suits got wards that were little chilrden who actually threw fits and hit them because they wouldn't let them do something. ANd to be honest, if i ever get a child ward, I'll shoot it."
Vent's grin turned into an innocent smile as they kept walking.

".... I never said anything." He stated, beaming.

On the inside, that bastard's refusal to fight was buggin him. Vent couldn't think of anyone else who would stop fighting and start flirting while a friend was in danger.

He shook his head.

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